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Karma Is A Bitch For Lindsey Grahm

newtboy says... Trump is a Republican In Name Only, you know, that big red R before his name, but in every meaningful way he's his own party not a republican....but he's no RINO.
Yeah. You should start a youtube channel called "dumber every day"

bobknight33 said:

Lindsey has been a RINO last 20+ years.

Trump is Trump not RINO.

Starlings in a murmuration over San Rafael CA


Walking in the Snow | Run The Jewels

eric3579 says...

RTJ | Walking In The Snow lyrics...

Get a dose a dirty code to go, been cold since Co-Flow
I got wire or two unlodgin', I'll set a fire down below
I'll hang it up when you say, "Sorry, I didn't know"
Prolly got a year or ten to go so let's go
I don't really know how to go slow
Just got done walkin' in the snow
Goddamn, that motherfucker's cold (Ayy)
You in the wrong mode, you open and closin' your hole, it's a no go
This whole world's a shit moat, filled to the brim like GitMo
When you think it don't get mo' low it limbo 'til the sticks on flo'
All oppression's born of lies, I don't make the rules, I'm just one guy
All due respect, if getting spit on's how respect is now defined
Hungry for truth but you got screwed and drank the Kool-Aid, there's a line
It end directly at the edge of a mass grave, that's their design
Funny fact about a cage, they're never built for just one group
So when that cage is done with them and you're still poor, it come for you
The newest lowest on the totem, well golly gee, you have been used
You helped to fuel the death machine that down the line will kill you too (Oops)
Pseudo-Christians, y'all indifferent
Kids in prisons ain't a sin? Shit
If even one scrap a what Jesus taught connected, you'd feel different
What a disingenuous way to piss away existence, I don't get it
I'd say you lost your goddamn minds if y'all possessed one to begin with

Just got done walkin' in the snow
Goddamn, that motherfucker cold
Just got done walkin' in the snow
Goddamn, that motherfucker cold
Just got done walkin' in the snow
Goddamn, that motherfucker cold
Just got done walkin' in the snow
Goddamn, that motherfucker cold (Cold, cold)

Yeah, ho, Gangsta Boo, Run the Jewels
We back on our shit, and it's cold as fuck

The way I see it you're probably freest from the ages one to four
Around the age of five you're shipped away for your body to be stored
They promise education, but really they give you tests and scores
And they predictin' prison population by who scoring the lowest
And usually the lowest scores the poorest and they look like me
And every day on evening news they feed you fear for free
And you so numb you watch the cops choke out a man like me
And 'til my voice goes from a shriek to whisper, "I can't breathe"
And you sit there in the house on couch and watch it on TV
The most you give's a Twitter rant and call it a tragedy
But truly the travesty, you've been robbed of your empathy
Replaced it with apathy, I wish I could magically
Fast forward the future so then you can face it
And see how fucked up it'll be
I promise I'm honest, they coming for you
The day after they comin' for me
I'm readin' Chomsky, I read Bukowski
I'm layin' low for a week
I said somethin' on behalf of my people
And I popped up in Wikileaks
Thank God that I'm covered, the devil is smothered
And you know the evil don't sleep
Dick Gregory told me a couple of secrets before he laid down in his grave
All of us serve the same masters, all of us nothin' but slaves
Never forget in the story of Jesus, the hero was killed by the state

Just got done walkin' in the snow
Goddamn, that motherfucker cold
Just got done walkin' in the snow
Goddamn, that motherfucker cold
Just got done walkin' in the snow
Goddamn, that motherfucker cold
Just got done walkin' in the snow
Goddamn, that motherfucker cold (Cold, cold)

Who really wanna run it with the Jewel Runners?
Go hellfire hot in a new sauna
It's a cold winter baby and a cruel summer
I suicide bomb in the blue Hummer
And emerge out the side, not a bruise on 'em
Bad news come in two son, do somethin'
Treat beats like a wet thigh, chew on 'em
Got a stroke row crew on 'em, move on 'em
We be the heroes, the breakers of chains and the busters of locks (Locks, locks)
You be them suckers supportin' them snitches that talk to the cops
This the Illmatic of turning your face into fucker foie gras
I'm not so sure opportunities knocking, it's prolly the law
Word to the old school tape decks
I get Radio Raheem respect
My Nike pendant sacred, similar to the Ghostface bracelet
Fire in the hole, oh no joke
Prolly go broke just off smoke
Fuck are we gonna do, not smoke?
Get a job, play the role, be adults?
Nah, I'ma do me, arigato

First of all, they cheated (Uh-huh)
'Cause if one of them black and the other one white (Uh-huh)
So if you don't like 'em, you automatically racist (Ah, oh, well)

Lessons from 2,000+ Interviews with Broken People

BSR says...

I'm not sure "coddled" is the right word. I believe there are very deep reasons why bob is the way he is. One reason is I believe he loves his family and his friends. I also believe he is looking for real answers for the conflict in his life.

He wants something but he doesn't know what it is. This becomes a problem for him for which he has no answer. In his effort to find the answer to his problem, the only thing he can do is pass his problem onto others and see if they can give him the answers he is looking for.

My comment to bob that started this conversation was to illustrate the hypocrisy in his quote. My comment to him were HIS own words. Although the quote is a good one it can be looked at in two ways. Was it a light that just turned on for him or was it a message to the people who give him shit for his beliefs?

I don't hate bob. I also know he is in a deep hole where there seems to be no way out. I think bob also knows, deep down, that I would never hold anything against him because he is in tough spot.

He knows what good is but, he has to protect those he loves. He can't turn on his friends and family.

I think the real reason bob sticks around here is because he may find the answer he's been looking for. I think that day may come for him.

As far as lowering myself, sometimes you really need to reach deep.


Thank you @StukaFox. For me, Christmas is every day.

StukaFox said:

"(...) I wonder why you believe he should he be coddled?"

- I'm not saying he should be coddled anymore than anyone else here. He did something humane and cool, and that's what everyone here has been asking him to do (each in their own way; mea culpa etc), but instead of saying "hey, that was really a cool video. Thanks.", it was time to take shots at him. I make no secret of where my feelings are on him, his politics and the world at large, but I also feel that cool things should be rewarded, especially in this case and in this place and at this time.

"Are you saying he doesn't follow the golden rule, to treat others as you would have them treat you? I thought disingenuous discussions dripping with disrespect was what he wants."

- Congratulations, then, you just gave him everything he wanted and lowered yourself in the processes. It's not for others to follow the Golden Rule, the point is you're the one who's supposed to live by it even if others don't. If you blame him for not being the bigger man, you should at least try to be that man himself.

Christ knows there'll be enough ugliness for everyone involved the other 364.

FWIW, Merry Christmas to you, BSR, all the fun and raucous people who make Sift a daily view -- and that includes Bob.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

That's what even Trump appointed election officials are telling us all. I don't watch CNN for the 86th time. Why are you incapable of remembering anything?

The other side hasn't SHOWN a thing, they're making accusations but have no evidence, proven time and time again in court. Pay attention.

It is wasn't wholly fair, there were multiple attempts to suppress voting. By fair I mean there was no massive or consequential cheating and half the irregularities of 2016, maybe a few singular instances but far less than normal. There were hundreds of thousands of mail in votes lost, and nationwide >60% went to Biden. That far exceeds anything even claimed in court.

I'm curious how the party not in charge allegedly fixed it. The only explanation I hear is nonsense involving Venezuela, Spain, Soros, and Cuba.

If they fixed things so trump votes become anti trump votes, Clinton would have won by 10 million and not campaigned half as much. Get real, if they fixed the vote this year, why did Republicans retain the Senate? Same ballots, but dems only cheated for president? Asinine.

It might have Ben, but it was incredible destructive to the nation, our union, trust in government, and national security....all for one man's fragile insecurities.
His legal rights are used up. It's been weeks since it was impossible for him to win in courts. With his current team, it would be impossible even if he had a case, but he doesn't. Grow a pair, stop whining, and learn to live with it.

Every day he stomps his feet screaming means another 1000 dead for his ego.

bobknight33 said:

Flynn will be the only Democrat pardon by Trump.

Few mistakes, slight miscounts, sure that's what CNN is telling you.
The other side show a whole lot more.

We had a fair and clean election? Really? just last few years is was nothing but Trump fixing the election by fake news, The FIX was in but by Democrats.

I would think they tried this in 2016 which explains why Hillary did not do much stumping. But the party underestimated Trump voters.

This time around the party geared up and told joe to go nap in the basement, the fix was in. But Trump being Trump will not go quietly and is fighting back, Which is his legal right.

Republicans in 2018 Post-Midterm Elections

newtboy says...

In reality, there's no other choice since there's zero chance the current president will concede or cooperate with a smooth transition.

Once there's no chance remaining votes uncounted or contested could sway the election, a point we are well past, any challenges are academic and couldn't change results, so there's no reason to refuse to acknowledge that fact, especially when it's spurring right wing terrorists to act and dividing the nation, another point we past days ago. The obstinance is harmful to the nation and our institutions, like Trump is trying to burn the government down on his way out the door. No democrat has ever done this in similar circumstances. There's a theory that he's only doing it to bilk his followers out of more money towards his "legal defense fund" that really goes to pay off campaign debt and directly into his pockets with a small portion paying lawyers like Giuliani to lose cases. He's millions in debt there too, and it becomes his personal debt when he's out of office....with near a billion due next year, he needs every penny he can con them out of.

Normally the clear winner would be being brought up to speed on things like covid response and international relationships even if they weren't declared the official winner yet. (Edit: They would also have access to top secret intelligence all previous presidents (except Trump) use to vet their cabinet, being denied that information severely hampers Biden's ability to properly vet them, holding up his nominations. Thanks to Trump's disastrous covid response, Biden needs to be fully ready to change policies day one, it's life or death for 1000+ Americans every day he's delayed.) This time, with a petulant toddler throwing a tantrum for the next 2+ months, that might not help, because there's no telling what damage he might do before then. Biden is just making his own plans instead, preparing to start work day one no matter what dumpster fires Trump sets. That said, this obstinate denial of the results and sewing division, making up and repeating baseless charges to discredit the election (looking at you) have real world disastrous consequences and weakens the state of the union. It's clear the plan was to rely on the Trump appointed judges to rubber stamp the baseless claims and hand him a win. So far it hasn't worked, but it could. That's why we should care about the dozens of frivolous lawsuits, if his judges decide to be the lackeys he expects them to be, they could actually steal the election in court....but it would spark nationwide unrest if not insurgency.

greatgooglymoogly said:

Yes, Republicans are hypocrites, but so are the Dems if they aren't willing to wait for the process to finish before insisting the race is over. We managed to wait till December back in 2000 to find a resolution, that ended up fine. If they were consistent they wouldn't care about lawsuits or complain about the GAO not helping the Biden transition.

Trump and the GOP Rocked by Bombshell Woodward Tapes

newtboy says...

No, you call b.s. or fake news whenever a true but unflattering fact comes up about Trump, which is all the time thanks to his bottomless pit of corruption belching up proof every day.

Don't you find it odd that EVERY ex employee is "disgruntled" and a never Trumper...His "best people"...and his administration is the most unstaffed ever, most departments headed by "acting heads" because he can't find anyone dumb enough to work for him but competent enough to pass confirmation.

You've rarely said anything truthful, even more rarely intentionally said anything truthful, but on those rare occasions I applauded you. The truth can't be squashed. My calling (nobody pays me) is to squash harmful lies, and Trump and the Trumplings have had me working double time 24/7/365 since before taking office (when Flynn committed subversion to make sweetheart deals with Russia contrary to Obama's official positions and sanctions against them)

bobknight33 said:

I claim BS when BS comes up. With the fake news it every day. So yea I use it alot.

Newt you must be a leftest tool. you allways quick to respond as if this is you only job to squash truth.

Trump and the GOP Rocked by Bombshell Woodward Tapes

bobknight33 says...

I claim BS when BS comes up. With the fake news it every day. So yea I use it alot.

Newt you must be a leftest tool. you allways quick to respond as if this is you only job to squash truth.

newtboy said:

You need a new line, Bobby. It gets old hearing that exact response a few times a day as each new scandal, deadly lie, health issue, and leadership failure comes into the spotlight.

We know absolutely nothing will make you change your blind worship of him, not even if he was eating babies alive on live tv while fondling them, nothing. You don't really need to jump up at every story and deny it, but feel free if the compulsion is overwhelming, it only serves to remind everyone how delusional you can be.

He lied about the danger and the need for caution, Americans died as a DIRECT result of following his specific directions to not distance and not mask up...died by the hundreds of thousands and permanently horrifically disabled at 3-5 times that many with destroyed lungs and brains, with those numbers expected to double by the new year....and he continues to lie.
It's only a non story to America's enemies. To real Americans, it's near genocidal in scope and criminality.

Don't be a sucker

moonsammy says...

This is fantastic. Thank you for posting.

While he doesn't really get into politics, a while back Destin from Smarter Every Day had a brief discussion on the topic of "political grace." Basically, don't hold people's beliefs against them, as they may come to them with entirely good intentions. A challenging concept to actually practice, particularly when everyone can probably think of many examples of "how the fuck can anyone possibly believe this insane bullshit" that they've personally encountered. The audience members in this video are a solid example of why political grace matters though, as none were villains but some made some truly egregious decisions. We should look for those who preach unity and forgiveness, and be wary of those who sow division.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

What?!? How is that possible? You said he's lost it, rambles incoherently, and has no plan. Don't tell me you were W-w-w-w....w-w-w-w....wrong.

His message was vote for me because I'm not Trump. Exactly what people need. FTFY

It took Trump 3 to erase those gains and then some. Too fast.
Cut taxes and removed regulations and billionaires did great, but not average citizens who lost purchasing power and didn't see a tax cut they can notice but now owes $88000 and rising fast thanks to the exploded debt and deficit, and has seen insane cost of living increases and decreases in public services in that time....and now thanks to his failure handing the pandemic, we're teetering on great depression.

Just look at over 50000000 jobs lost, and how many businesses lost, and GDP the worst drop ever exponentially, and no investment in America but massive leveraging our assets....that's jobs lost and wages dropping.

Um...I don't want sniffy poo Trump. I guess you forget he does far more than sniff little girls with his best friend Epstein, including his underage daughter, pageant contestants, even random ten year olds he sees in public and dreams out loud of dating soon.

Every day you get more deluded, it's almost impressive you keep bringing up Trump's disgusting habits by accident....maybe it's not an accident?

He might, the fix is overwhelmingly in on uncountable fronts and I won't underestimate the stupidity of the American voter again. If he manages to steal enough votes through his many schemes, he just might win the electoral college again....he's never won an election in 4 tries.

bobknight33 said:

yep I did, Joe was alert and presented himself well.

His message was vote for me because I'm not Trump. Not exactly what people need.

it took 8 years for Biden/Obama to bring America back. Too slow. Trump came in cut taxes and slashed regulations and America took off.
Just look at the DOW Up some 12000 points. That growth, That Jobs Thats better wages in the making.

You can have the little girl sniffer. Americans will pick Trump.

Trump will whoop Ass Nov 3rd.


luxintenebris says...

the present president has, as of April 14 '20, said over 18,000 lies or 15/day. every day. and only those said in public, journaled by the press, and fact-checked for veracity.

@ that rate, he would have told ~22,000 for 4 full years.

of course, the rate will soar even higher as the next election nears. he's sorta the santa of insincerity. delivering nothing to the stockings but a false promise. to believe in either takes a great deal of naivety.

Brave Men Save Pelican Tangled In Fishing Line

StukaFox says...

I fucking hate pelicans.

Two days after I bought me a brand new '97 Camero Z-28, I was doing the 500 mile break-in and decided to drive up to the San Mateo coast for a nice little blaze up sesh at that beach next to Pescadaro. I park my new baby and trot down to the beach. Three hours and far too many hits later, I stumble back to my car.

And there, on the freshly-waxed hood of my Poor Man's 'vette, is a gigantic green, dinner-plate sized, dead-fish reeking gelatenous birdshit. This thing was fucking epic, too. At first, I was pissed, then I kinda had a sense of admiration 'cause y'all don't see that kinda bird turd every day -- it was really a once-inna-lifetime experience -- but then I went back to being fucking furious when the breeze blew the stench of rotting fish in my direction and I knew I be smelling that shit all the way down Highway 1 and back over 17. Oh yeah, and it was as thick as a pancake, too, and it was bookin' no shit from the poor Mexican fuck with the power washer that I paid $10 to wash it off back in Mountain View.

I know a pelican did it, too. Pelicans got no sense of decency. That goddamn flying monstrosity took one look at my bitchin' Camaro and said, "Yup, you're fucked now Human!" I'm sure that feathered fucker was storing that guano up for a week, just waiting for some oblivious stoner to park his BRAND FUCKING NEW car in that particular spot so it could projectile shit all over the hood.

Goddamn pelicans.

What does a computer mouse see?

How it Starts

greatgooglymoogly says...

If you watch the portland protests, you will notice that the feds allow peaceful protesting for hours on end. They only intervene when a small number of rioters begin tearing down fences, trying to enter the building, or start fires. You can certainly argue their response is too much, but you can't say they aren't allowing peaceful protest to occur. It's happening every day from 5pm-11ish pm. Then things stop being peaceful and the nameless enforcers come out.

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