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Single Marine Salutes Rolling Thunder Motorcycle Riders

westy says...

>> ^Norrass:

>> ^westy:
As emotional and symbolic this is for people its still utterly retarded and in fact shallow and ineffective.

I think you,sir, are shallow and ineffective.
I also find your rants 'retarded', as you so eloquently put it...

if you disagree it would better to explain why rather than to just name call evan if you found my rant retarded at least it wasen't me typing a comment purely to try and insult sum one without thinking.

maby if u had said why its retarded i could have agreed with you or i could have better exsplaind my reasoning.

Everything and Nothing - Everything 1/2

shinyblurry says...

>> ^westy:
>> ^shinyblurry:
Before the big bang was discovered, the prevailing view was the steady state theory that proposed an infinite and eternal Universe. Many proponents of this view pointed to it as evidence that Creationism couldn't be true. However, when it was discovered that the Universe had a beginning, even the scientists who found the CMB that led to the discovery were forced to admit that:
"Certainly there was something that set it all off. Certainly, if you
are religious, I can't think of a better theory of the origin of the universe
to match with Genesis"
The Creation account in Genesis is unique in history among the ancient religions, the only such account of a creation from nothing, of the Universe having a definite beginning. Science has affirmed this and showed the bible to be accurate on this most important question.

You are left with the issue of who created god if things cnt be created from nothing or have to start at some piont.
Also why would you take the bible to be the word of god Evan if it was originally its been edited and changed by so Manny people you can no longer know what is and what is not. on-top of that its self contradictory in places and everything within it is consistent with the knowlage and "science" of the time it was written.

God is eternal, so no one created Him. Because the Universe has a beginning, it points to something eternal, an uncaused cause. That's what God is, essentially. Since nothing can come from nothing, there had to have always been something.

Also, we have the original manuscripts the original church used. Around 25,000 for the New Testament alone. We know exactly what the original bibles said. Here is a good article on why the bible is reliable and trustworthy:

Everything and Nothing - Everything 1/2

westy says...

>> ^shinyblurry:

Before the big bang was discovered, the prevailing view was the steady state theory that proposed an infinite and eternal Universe. Many proponents of this view pointed to it as evidence that Creationism couldn't be true. However, when it was discovered that the Universe had a beginning, even the scientists who found the CMB that led to the discovery were forced to admit that:
"Certainly there was something that set it all off. Certainly, if you
are religious, I can't think of a better theory of the origin of the universe
to match with Genesis"
The Creation account in Genesis is unique in history among the ancient religions, the only such account of a creation from nothing, of the Universe having a definite beginning. Science has affirmed this and showed the bible to be accurate on this most important question.

You are left with the issue of who created god if things cnt be created from nothing or have to start at some piont.

Also why would you take the bible to be the word of god Evan if it was originally its been edited and changed by so Manny people you can no longer know what is and what is not. on-top of that its self contradictory in places and everything within it is consistent with the knowlage and "science" of the time it was written.

Doug Stanhope on Osama, Politics, Trump, etc

westy says...

I would not classify him bill hicks or gorge Carlin as a comedian , sometimes they do say stuff for comedic effect , maby 3% of the time ( unless its a specific routine ) but most the time what they do is just say the truth and I don't just mean in an ironic comedic way , or in a clever with language , or clever poetic way. they littoraly just say how things are.

I wouldn't Evan classify it as DRY comedy or humor because its not really evan that.

I don't think its a bad thing though you would hope that there were more people that existed and picked out the bullshit and clearly communicated it to others, I just think the label comedian dose not do them justice.

Everything and Nothing - Everything 1/2

westy says...

whats strange with these programs is they try to attach emotion and amazement to how large the universe is or how many stars there are and what have you , but the thing is everything is equally as amazing , i mean its just as amazing how manny or how few atoms are in a toe nail. or how Evan the most "mundane" things operate.

Part of me thinks we need science shows that are edited and presented like this to help inspire children but then another part of me feels like this type of presentation is disingenouse and undermines some aspects of science. at worse they are very inefecent at conveying actual scientific mindset that people should have and apply to the world around them

as an adult watching this program it comes across as very condescending and infantile ( Evan though i think the bbc is aiming this at a wide audeance 14-40 or something , )

I guess astronomers need some glamor as it is probably one of the more detached and tedouse sciences to actually actively partake in ( for the most part)

I'm not against these types of programs they are infintly better than the majority of shit on tv , but i think we need more science programs that inspire people to actively think in a scientific manor about everything.

FCKH8 takes on Tennessee Bigoted Law

JiggaJonson says...

I think that's somewhat debatable. Etymology doesn't tell the whole story of the inception of a word or phrase. I at least can find some sources that suggest the opposite is true:

"Several authors have also uncovered the fact that there was a definite queer element to many of the sects concerned. Almost one thousand years ago, these people were expressing a unity of struggle which survives in broken form even today, no matter how much assimilated queers, career women and left-wing defenders of heterosexuality may insist otherwise."

This author adds the following notation for the source as well: "10 While not a scholarly work, Arthur Evans’ Witchcraft and the Gay Counterculture: A Radical View of Western Civilization and Some of the People It Has Tried to Destroy (Fag Rag Books, 1978) is the earliest sympathetic formulation of this argument that I know of; more recent and more scholarly works include John Boswell’s Christianity, social tolerance, and homosexuality : gay people in Western Europe from the beginning of the Christian era to the fourteenth century (University of Chicago Press, c1980) and Jeffrey Richards’ Sex, dissidence, and damnation : minority groups in the Middle Ages (Routledge 1991)."


Solid evidence? Hardly. But it does seem, based on what I'm seeing in the research, that the connection is at least a possibility.

Paper Thin Bendable Smartphone Prototype

westy says...

>> ^shuac:

Why? Because touch is so unintuitive? How utterly retarded.

In its current form its retarded , but its the kind of thing that when refined and made main stream or affordable u find unexpected uses for it.

off the top of my head the bend button and flexiable screen could be good if its a phone that wraps around u arm when its in that position the phone would know its on your arm due to the bend button being pressed ,

maby if you had like small long screens that attached to u hand but over the top of u fingers so as u moved each finger it did certain things and also displayed as a screen on each finger.

the issue with these demos is they use current tech and known methods to demo them when in reality they will be used with something thats largely alain to what we use now.

Also Evan if it is retarded that wont necessarily stop it from catching on , look at justin bibers popularity , and the fact that people still happily pay 10p a message to send a txt massage ( not saying txt message or limited txt message is bad but paying 10p for under2kb of data is mental)

WTF? Miley Cyrus Covers Smells Like Teen Spirit

westy says...

Id be embarrassed to be her , surely she knows she is 99% manufactured and probably would never evan be on a stage if it wasn't for dissiny setting her up for it.

also she just comes across as soleless surely as an individual you would after a while of singing other people music would want to do your own thing. maybe she is just init for the money i guess purely as a buissiness and a way of exploiting money from teenagers its pretty good.

order vs chaos jon hanson

westy says...

For me this guy is incredibly hard to understand and communicates in such jumpy way that it makes it very hard to follow what he is saying.

Evan though what he is saying is a very simple concept.

on-top of that its strange how people that seek closure end up going for conservative politics when conservatives provide no more or less closure than liberals (in the current political system).

I think also in this area of science there are so many verables and our understanding of the mind/tools to test the mind are so pore its nearly imposable to get meaningful scientific data in terms of finding causal links.

Paul Ryan Booed at Town Hall for Opposing Raising Taxes

westy says...

LOL Fact There is not a direct correlation between super wealthy and hard work. Infact of the super super welthy they make money of off money itself doing fuck all work of social benefit, or simply have and rape there manoply on a given natural resource.

If you want a nice socity with the most people happy and helthy You Tax people more who earn more , especially those that are in and way above the average % of what the average american earns. For a country to be healthy , happy and have low crime you need the populace to all have a similar amount of income and for the lowest people in that society to be covered for health and have a place to live thats clean has gas water and also have access to healthy food , Education should also be completely free.

Also money should not be allowed to be passed on through a family all people should start life with a similar amount of wealth.

At the moment the way it works is this , You have rich parents you get more rich the pore get more pore.

very very rairly middel class or lower class people get ritch , and allso very rairly the ritch get pore . but for most people the rich are rich becuse they started ritch or at least upper middel class.

Bissinesses dont neccecerly have to be heavily taxed bissinesses should be taxed bassed of of there soicail contibution so a business that produces soft drinks would be taxed more than say a medical business ( however u would have laws that force medical bussines to put its profits back into the medicen and research and allso have incentives to drive the price of drugs down)

you could evan have it so that before a company is taxed they have an opertunity to give money to socaily beoficail things so they no longer have to rely on the goverment to redistribute it for them , so taking the soft drink company example they could premitvly give money to schools , hospitals , scentific research , and use that as a way for people to want to buy into there products.

bassed of the current buing power of dollers no one person in a socity should have at ther personal disposoir more than $500,000 allso bare in mind in this future society you would not be paying stupendous amounts for housing as we currently do.

A truly grate country and society would be one that rewards most for people benefiting others in that society , not rewarding for who has the best way to game the system to make money ( which is basicly how it curently works)

26 Year Old Mom Doing Well After Hand Transplant

westy says...

I think id rather have a robot hand in next 10-50 years robot teck is going to be so much better Evan if u dont get fealing back from it it be way cooler having interchangeable arms than some half dead arm that requires you to take drugs and barely works.

allso video ruind by stupid comentry , idoit mother , and general stupid shit. would have been nice if they went over the process in more detail and clearly exsplaind the real world exspectations of function after 2 years.

The chemical properties of Viagra

westy says...

>> ^Kerotan:

Come on guys, he is a grey haired nutty professor presenting something that is most likely shown in schools, along with it being pretty common for scientists to not be the most fluid of communicators, and you are surprised he doesn't talk with the confidence of dan savage about sex?
Criticise the man on his chemistry, rather than his skill as a sex advice consultant.

NO the piont is he is a scientist i'm not asking him to go on about the penis and be a promoter of sex im asking him to treat the penis or sexal organs in the same way he would treat a chemical or anything else its all the same thing .

the fact that it might be shown in schools makes it evan more important that he talks about everything directly related to it equally for the resoins i said in my original comment.

it might be the falt of the guy produing the video rather than the scentist specifacly as most scentists wouldnt care. im just saying its an issue with this video.

Brithers disproved yet again (Politics Talk Post)

quantumushroom says...

I do remember Abercrombie being rebuked because he had no legal authority to view or obtain Obama's documents.

Trump himself never says that he has 'proof' Obama is hiding something. He says the POSSIBILITY of there being no long form is there, and on that I agree with him.

As for judging Obama on his performance rather than the birther issue, that I already do 100%. His record speaks for itself, or at least reads off a Teleprompter. He done goofed and will continue to do so.

Mike Evans is where I'm guessing people are getting the current governor's 'no birth certificate' statement from. Well apparently shortly after he said that Evan's claims he misspoke. In the same article, it also mentions Tim Adams who seems to have been a precursor to this statement, who says he was 'told at the time' there was no long form. Which is a big leap from there being proof there is no long form when faced with direct witness saying there was. Further, also mentioned in the article, Governor Abercrombie has backed off on his claims he can produce Obama's long form certificate because it is not allowable by Hawaiian state law.

As for the first part of your response, you're more than entitled to your opinion. I think you would be better off to stick with why you think his policies and actions make him a bad president, than relying on the hearsay, misquoting and rephrasing of others on an issue that has been proven false by official sources.

Brithers disproved yet again (Politics Talk Post)

Crosswords says...

Mike Evans is where I'm guessing people are getting the current governor's 'no birth certificate' statement from. Well apparently shortly after he said that Evan's claims he misspoke. In the same article, it also mentions Tim Adams who seems to have been a precursor to this statement, who says he was 'told at the time' there was no long form. Which is a big leap from there being proof there is no long form when faced with direct witness saying there was. Further, also mentioned in the article, Governor Abercrombie has backed off on his claims he can produce Obama's long form certificate because it is not allowable by Hawaiian state law.

As for the first part of your response, you're more than entitled to your opinion. I think you would be better off to stick with why you think his policies and actions make him a bad president, than relying on the hearsay, misquoting and rephrasing of others on an issue that has been proven false by official sources.

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