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Message to Rebecca Black From Comedian Kyle Cease

westy says...

Rebeka black is not deserving of success she is simply a tool of sum-one else I don't know why people Evan engage with her at all when she herself has pretty much nothing to do with the popularity of the video on all levels. (production not her , Viral spred not her , Creation of memes surrounding it not her, Additional promotion and spoof vids with Rebbecca in them , not her )

At least people like Tay zonday or however u write his name came up with the song and sang it themselves put vid out them-selfs.

I don't think anyone is really angry at Rebeka Black they just hate what is another product of a sole less system and they are not sure how to communicate that. Rebeka blacks situation is pretty much the same as some kids parents blowing 10k on lottery tickets and they happen to win the jackpot.

In reality all the congratulations should go to ark media who have managed to convince upper middle class families to give them money giving them an opertunity to game the system and profit from it at no risk to them selfs.

So this comedian is a bit stupid attributing annything to Rebeka black evan if his core message is sound IE "Ignore trolls and just produce your own stuff and enjoy things".

Yes in some ways she has coped reasonably well with the fame an she has also given money to charity which is fantastic but i think Most normal people would have done the same and its not like that suddenly rectifies the fact that capitalism is totally messed up.

Thats another thing Why does it take this guy ages of blabbing on to just say "Ignore Trolls" also he kind of makes an argument about peoples comments not been valid and that they should make videos which is fine but comments are just another form of communication as much as a video.

And finaly to finish off all my shit spewing . I don't understand why when a song video becomes a viral hit people attribute skill to it and it has run on success but when it comes to other vidios that are basically the same but not a song just something that is amusing and catches on people see it for what it is a "just a random viral video" Like That random horse sex video with 10 million views , or dramatic chipmunk .

Aren't Atheists just as dogmatic as born again Christians?

westy says...

Fucks sake the camera work is a joke.

cannot evan wach this lol just going to listen with another webpage open total fail lol .

lol EVAN with it minimaized the sound is all over the fucking place whoever decided to do this like this should be exicuted.

Irish Anti bullying PSA

westy says...

this was a bit dence realy.

all for stuff that reduces bulling not sure how this tv spot would have any tangible benefit. only place where i think you can have real impact with stuff like this would be with realy young kids and just showing examples of married gay couples or a mixture of gay and straght people or black or whatever all doing stuff. maby more flagrent gay charactors on kids tv or evan non camp gay people where they are gay but its not realy highlighted so its more reolistic.

How to tell how pretty a white woman is

Opus_Moderandi says...

>> ^westy:

1) You call sum-one racist ( when it is in fact yourself that is racist) of course they will defend ther epiont of view and to then claim that that then makes them racist is just stupid. yes his content is about racisum but thats totally separate to the delivery of the joke or for sum-one to lagitimatyl critisize his delivery of the joke.
I said in my first comment "thing is the jokes are not that bad" Obviously my comment had nothing to do with race the racial nature of the jokes and was to do with the comedians delivery.

2) His skin color is not necessary for the joke to work a white comidean could have made the same joke the joke is an observation on something that is true.
3) and 4) your totaly happy that you yourself are a racist ? and acusing other people of been racist when they are not ?. I can totaly understand that every person has a degree of inbuilt racisum that is unavoidable but if you are then unable to use reasaion to stop yourself acting on those initial racist thoughts then you are a mornic fool.

>> ^Opus_Moderandi:
>> ^westy:
lol Ironic that you would make what is a racist comment yourself.
1) i dont care that he is black the piont he makes stands and the content itself is quite funny and a good comentry on disny princess syndrome or whatever its called when midea gives more of a shit about pritty white girls , its his delivery that i thought dragged on and he milked the joke to much and what then made it anoying and not entertaining.
2) His skin color is not relivent I did not evan mention his skin color ( as u said) there is no way u could get from anything i said anything to do with skin colour. you are the one bringing skin color into this in order to then accuse sum one else of being a racist.
3) you are Just being racist yourself assuming that because sum-one thought the delivery of something was not to there liking would mean by default that they are racist.
4)you are basicaly saying all white people are incapable of finding jokes about white people funny or are unable to be critical about something when its coming from sumone of another race,.
>> ^Opus_Moderandi:
>> ^westy:
>> ^Opus_Moderandi:
>> ^westy:
He made what 2 maby 3 jokes and dragged them out so long ,
thing is the jokes are not that bad but i dont get how people can be entertained with a guy just standing there repating the same thing and just dragging it out.

Said the white man....

what you said doesn't make any sense.

I was politely implying that you were being racist, saying his performance was inferior because he's black. I know you didn't say it was bad because he's black but, since he was making fun of white people and you didn't find it funny, it's a safe assumption that you are white, yes? So, what I did was run with that assumption and basically say you didn't like it because you're white.

Yep. I used racism to call you a racist, how ironic.
1) If you don't care that he is black why are you getting so defensive?
2) Not relevant? He's a black man telling jokes about white people. That's the whole point of the jokes, controversy of skin color. Saying his skin color isn't relevant is like saying air is irrelevant to breathing.
3) Again, glad you caught the irony in my comment.
4) Am I wrong?

1) In my 1st comment you will notice I used a " " to indicate that I was being very damn funny.

2) For some reason, everyone but you seemed to get the joke so, I had to explain it to you. In a totally racist way.

3) You brought out the troll in me.

4) The End.

How to tell how pretty a white woman is

westy says...

1) You call sum-one racist ( when it is in fact yourself that is racist) of course they will defend ther epiont of view and to then claim that that then makes them racist is just stupid. yes his content is about racisum but thats totally separate to the delivery of the joke or for sum-one to lagitimatyl critisize his delivery of the joke.

I said in my first comment "thing is the jokes are not that bad" Obviously my comment had nothing to do with race the racial nature of the jokes and was to do with the comedians delivery.

2) His skin color is not necessary for the joke to work a white comidean could have made the same joke the joke is an observation on something that is true.

3) and 4) your totaly happy that you yourself are a racist ? and acusing other people of been racist when they are not ?. I can totaly understand that every person has a degree of inbuilt racisum that is unavoidable but if you are then unable to use reasaion to stop yourself acting on those initial racist thoughts then you are a mornic fool.

>> ^Opus_Moderandi:

>> ^westy:
lol Ironic that you would make what is a racist comment yourself.
1) i dont care that he is black the piont he makes stands and the content itself is quite funny and a good comentry on disny princess syndrome or whatever its called when midea gives more of a shit about pritty white girls , its his delivery that i thought dragged on and he milked the joke to much and what then made it anoying and not entertaining.
2) His skin color is not relivent I did not evan mention his skin color ( as u said) there is no way u could get from anything i said anything to do with skin colour. you are the one bringing skin color into this in order to then accuse sum one else of being a racist.
3) you are Just being racist yourself assuming that because sum-one thought the delivery of something was not to there liking would mean by default that they are racist.
4)you are basicaly saying all white people are incapable of finding jokes about white people funny or are unable to be critical about something when its coming from sumone of another race,.
>> ^Opus_Moderandi:
>> ^westy:
>> ^Opus_Moderandi:
>> ^westy:
He made what 2 maby 3 jokes and dragged them out so long ,
thing is the jokes are not that bad but i dont get how people can be entertained with a guy just standing there repating the same thing and just dragging it out.

Said the white man....

what you said doesn't make any sense.

I was politely implying that you were being racist, saying his performance was inferior because he's black. I know you didn't say it was bad because he's black but, since he was making fun of white people and you didn't find it funny, it's a safe assumption that you are white, yes? So, what I did was run with that assumption and basically say you didn't like it because you're white.

Yep. I used racism to call you a racist, how ironic.
1) If you don't care that he is black why are you getting so defensive?
2) Not relevant? He's a black man telling jokes about white people. That's the whole point of the jokes, controversy of skin color. Saying his skin color isn't relevant is like saying air is irrelevant to breathing.
3) Again, glad you caught the irony in my comment.
4) Am I wrong?

How to tell how pretty a white woman is

Opus_Moderandi says...

>> ^westy:

lol Ironic that you would make what is a racist comment yourself.
1) i dont care that he is black the piont he makes stands and the content itself is quite funny and a good comentry on disny princess syndrome or whatever its called when midea gives more of a shit about pritty white girls , its his delivery that i thought dragged on and he milked the joke to much and what then made it anoying and not entertaining.
2) His skin color is not relivent I did not evan mention his skin color ( as u said) there is no way u could get from anything i said anything to do with skin colour. you are the one bringing skin color into this in order to then accuse sum one else of being a racist.
3) you are Just being racist yourself assuming that because sum-one thought the delivery of something was not to there liking would mean by default that they are racist.
4)you are basicaly saying all white people are incapable of finding jokes about white people funny or are unable to be critical about something when its coming from sumone of another race,.
>> ^Opus_Moderandi:
>> ^westy:
>> ^Opus_Moderandi:
>> ^westy:
He made what 2 maby 3 jokes and dragged them out so long ,
thing is the jokes are not that bad but i dont get how people can be entertained with a guy just standing there repating the same thing and just dragging it out.

Said the white man....

what you said doesn't make any sense.

I was politely implying that you were being racist, saying his performance was inferior because he's black. I know you didn't say it was bad because he's black but, since he was making fun of white people and you didn't find it funny, it's a safe assumption that you are white, yes? So, what I did was run with that assumption and basically say you didn't like it because you're white.

Yep. I used racism to call you a racist, how ironic.

1) If you don't care that he is black why are you getting so defensive?

2) Not relevant? He's a black man telling jokes about white people. That's the whole point of the jokes, controversy of skin color. Saying his skin color isn't relevant is like saying air is irrelevant to breathing.

3) Again, glad you caught the irony in my comment.

4) Am I wrong?

How to tell how pretty a white woman is

westy says...

lol Ironic that you would make what is a racist comment yourself.

1) i dont care that he is black the piont he makes stands and the content itself is quite funny and a good comentry on disny princess syndrome or whatever its called when midea gives more of a shit about pritty white girls , its his delivery that i thought dragged on and he milked the joke to much and what then made it anoying and not entertaining.

2) His skin color is not relivent I did not evan mention his skin color ( as u said) there is no way u could get from anything i said anything to do with skin colour. you are the one bringing skin color into this in order to then accuse sum one else of being a racist.

3) you are Just being racist yourself assuming that because sum-one thought the delivery of something was not to there liking would mean by default that they are racist.

4)you are basicaly saying all white people are incapable of finding jokes about white people funny or are unable to be critical about something when its coming from sumone of another race,.

>> ^Opus_Moderandi:

>> ^westy:
>> ^Opus_Moderandi:
>> ^westy:
He made what 2 maby 3 jokes and dragged them out so long ,
thing is the jokes are not that bad but i dont get how people can be entertained with a guy just standing there repating the same thing and just dragging it out.

Said the white man....

what you said doesn't make any sense.

I was politely implying that you were being racist, saying his performance was inferior because he's black. I know you didn't say it was bad because he's black but, since he was making fun of white people and you didn't find it funny, it's a safe assumption that you are white, yes? So, what I did was run with that assumption and basically say you didn't like it because you're white.

Atheist Experience ep. 702 - Ray Comfort Interview!

westy says...

TLDNR : Science is not agnostic about specific claims in varoise religouse txts and thats why atheists use science and facts derived from scientific method to dispute religion.

Sceince cannot anser if there is a "god" or not in the brad sense of the word but it has certainly disproven Literal interpretations Christainty ,and many other main stream religions , science and the facts derived from science have also helped us understand that morality certainly does not come from a book claming to be the word of god.

The reasons atheists keep going over the same thing is because Manny people are rleigouse in a way that has a negative impact on other peoples lives , such as helping governments pass legislation to ban gay maradge , or banning stem cell research.

Christains and religoise people in general are very active at spreding what they belive ( chirches in big cities iconography and centries old culture left over from old times) active athiests and sceptics are doing a service to socity helping exsplain scienctific methadoligy and proven things about the world.

You may not convert a christain in a conversation but talking to people who are religouse will help you develop critical thinking skills identify falicies and evan help people listneing understand things better.

>> ^VoodooV:

I'm about half way through this video and I'm so fed up already because they're just trying to quibble over minutia as if that would convince anyone.
Again this is another tiresome example of people trying to use facts and logic against someone who rejects facts and logic.
This whole thing (so far) can be summed up by the same statement Dillihunty has used over and over again: "I can't think of any other better explanation, therefore, God did it"
What I hate about atheists is that they've fallen into a trap laid by theists. Science and the Scientific method is AGNOSTIC to god and religion. It doesn't care. Let's be real here, there COULD be a creator, this supposed god could just be so beyond us and beyond our comprehension that set life, the universe and everything up and we are just too ignorant to detect it yet.
But, again, that's not what science is. Science is just making observations and recording them. I did X and Y happened. I did R and S happened and so on and so on. Over time, you make enough observations and you eventually learn something about the world around you. You make more observations and eventually you learn enough to make things like cars and computers and rockets and telescopes. A long time ago, theists said they knew something like lightning was a creation of god and indicated whether or not god was angry with you. If you make enough observations, you know that lightning is independent of whether or not you've been a good person or not. Ever since that day. Theists have been afraid of science and have viewed science as the opposition.
Science is not the opposition of the idea of a god. Theists have set science up as the enemy and Atheists fall for it and unwittingly play that role. The public perception is Atheists and Theists are fighting for dominance, but that's not true...or at least it shouldn't be. Right or wrong, the public perception is that Atheism is anti-god and "debates" like this just cement that mentality. Theists make the argument all the time that all morality flows from god and if you're an atheist then that means you're anti-morality. No one is attacking that argument and they should be.
Science is just saying, "I don't know, but I've made the observation that if I do X, then Y happens, and so far, when I have my friend over there also do X, Y happens for him too. Science is AGNOSTIC to god.
It's like Dillihunty said, He supports freedom of religion. It's only an issue when people of religion use religion as the reason they want to dictate what happens to other people...people who probably don't share that faith. The obvious question then gets raised: "Why should that religious view take precedence over another religious view, or a view that comes from no religion."
I'm sorry, but quibbling over bacteria and evolution accomplishes nothing as a means to prove god exists or doesn't exist. Besides, god isn't the problem. It's the people that use god as an excuse that are the problem.

Melody learns to walk at HippoTherapy!

westy says...

LOL , image says HORSE POWER ! lol

~This is how pritty much all education should be done ( not with horses ) but Everything should be fun if you want kids to learn then you need to make things fun instead of boring to fuck. Annything can be fun and u can evan tie uterly boring repetative to fuck anoying shit to things that make them fun, for example most computer games have stupendously shit and frustraiting game play but by using story or graphics and rewards cleverly you can turn it into entertainment.

Atheist Experience ep. 702 - Ray Comfort Interview!

westy says...

This interview was mind bogaling lol listend to it on the podcast , whats gr8 about it is its a largely sivel conversation and they go over specifc things and it alows the viewer to know specifcly where ray conformort is wrong and that his whole argument is bassed on and that is

"I personaly felt god" and there for everything works of the presupposition that god exists.

The interview allso highlights that comfort uses many words incorectly ( if you are going by dictionary descriptions) and changes the meaning of words such as faith in order to sute his view and make his arguments work. which really highlights when you talk to Christians you have to agree how you are using words so that you dont waist time.

Matt and Russel do a good job to keep things to the points and dispute him , it is annoying how comfort like Manny Christians once put in a corner that requires them to admit that they believe something basicaly on blind faith and are ignoring the science jumps to a compelaty different subject or point.

At one point they get him to admit that he Trusts science when it comes to Medicen and day to day things that science benefits him with , but then he choses to ignore science when it comes to physics or nature as a whole , and Evan ignores evolution yet the fact that evaluation exists is specifically how some medicen can work ( i think that went right over comforts head) .. it was frustraiting how comfort moved away from this or they ran out of time i would have loved to have seen him admit his Cognitive dissonance.

Its also frustrating how it seems to take 50 minutes to only cover 1 or 2 things with most Christians. 90% of the time taken getting them to stay on point and understand each falicy they are making or getting them to the base core point that they are building everything off.

London cops lie to peaceful protestors, stage mass arrest

westy says...

Lol whats stupid with this is if you remove the ability for people to peacefully protest all thats left is them to violently protest.

the ritch are only kicking them selfs in the face , if you dont have a passive submissive populous to buy and put up with your shit then its not going to be a nice world to live in Evan for the rich.

Fat Ho Burgers

Rebecca Black - Friday (Unplugged)

westy says...


I thought the music company was just making these songs purely for bussiness but it actually seems like they are treating it as a serous artistic Enterprise rather than a comercail one.

I dont have a problem so much with the lyricks and the song its just as retarded as majorty of pop music.

its strange i think its anothe rone of those thigns were lack of talent or been thick is actualy benoficail , there are thousends of people with tallent but they have th einterlect to stop themselfs because they know it wudnt be up to a standerd they themselfs would like , but if your realy dull then you will work realy hard and end up producing something compleaty unawae of how retarded it is and evan promote it with a straght face.

Pakistani Actress eviscerates Mullah

Meet Zheng Guigui, The Fingerless Piano Player

westy says...

>> ^residue:

You're just upset because no one has applauded your impressive typing skills despite having no fingers. Don't be jealous and keep practicing, your comments are nearly legible!
>> ^westy:
why r the people in audeance getting so worked up ( i guess they vet things and only employ tards and dull people to present these typs of programs)
its gr8 that she has lent how to do this but what do u expect her to do u dont just go and kill yourself when u lose a arm legg hand , or have terminal illness u make the most of it and try and do what u want to do.
allot of piano music is Filler and for this reason you can reduce allot of songs to something that is playable with a stub.
It might evan be the case that playing the peano comes more eseaily to this girl than it would sumone with 2 hands but who finds it hard to do the specifc action of playing the peano , but bucuse this girl has an obvouse disablity and apears to have overcome it to some exstent that makes this emotional .
its like when tllent shows boo people off for been shit , but then an ugly person is slighty above average and thats amazing , or sumone who is clearly disabled is trying and thats amazing , if you happen to just be an average person thats trying hard and pushing u own boundries but comes across as a normal person then fuck you.

bahhhhhh back to my granddad seat Im happy for this girl as i would be for anyone but wish everyone else in that studio would die in a tsunami or something. ( i bet all the people that died die in the tusnimi were nice people as well and it avoided all the cunts , Sods law )

I actually type using this

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