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David Blaine: Real or Magic with Harrison Ford

chingalera says...

You keep thinking that then if you'd like. As I watched this, when he asked what card he was thinking of I thought to myself 'nine of hearts'- NO SHIT

Somewhere embedded in his technique is the answer to the suggestion
Metaprogrammings' a motherfucker.

Anyone else??

Or wait....Maybe it's simply having seen this before and the 9 of hearts was already there, locked into the folds of the hippo-campus/cerebral cortex highway? Don't recall ever having seen this before...

Either ways...If David Blaine came over, I'd prolly tell him what Han Solo here told him BEFORE he had a chance to mind-fuck me..The difference? It wouldn't be......"ACTING!!!"

Seriously though, y'all really thought that Blaine was being rudely and cruelly ejected from his home?? C'mon people...suspend your disbelief for the sake of your hearts and get over yourselves....all he said was the 'eff' word.

"Next up: Blaine will bury himself in the permafrost of Antarctica in a steaming-hot bubble-bath of human blood and for forty days and forty nights with but a single meal-worm to snack on for the duration. When he rises from his ghoulish and self-imposed sarcophagus he will have drunk all the contents of the bathtub...But first, this commercial interruption to your body's natural vibrations."

Eukelek said:

... obviously a suggestion technique... quite cunning though... He suggests the 9 of hearts constantly somehow and make him only come up with that through suggestion. The rest is simple. I concur, terrible reaction... almost to much, kinda forced...

Portlandia – Treat Your Lover Like Your Dog


"Patent Trolls" - Sued For Making Lists

lucky760 says...

Out of curiosity, which video had you embedded? There are three that I see on that page.

eric3579 said:

I had linked a video in the comment that was a bit much. Not the sifted video. Didn't make that very clear in my comment edit.

Game of Thrones: The Moment We've All Been Waiting For

Black Power

chingalera says...

Suppose Chappelle has lost his allure as the "Flavor of the Week." Never expected it to be sifted(or embedded) or garner many views. I deliberately uploaded it to YT with no tags and an obtuse title because of Comedy Central and potential copyright warnings. Had an account banned from YT because of that before, a Chappelle segment was one of the "warnings" I got. The "New York Boobies" skit.

Still planning-on doing the cookie-cooking, looks like it's you and Lilithia. Remind me again which recipe you submitted, the chocky-chips or the one from orriteropo similar to his? BTW, I considered the cost of mailing two-dozen cookies to Australia and was gonna ask Dag if he might wanna give him a T-Shirt instead, me paying for the cost of the shirt and to ship it in-country from his end....Could be just as pricey considering how covetous he is of those ugly-ass shirts!! (Seriously, thought the thing unworthy of public wear, prob'ly works better as a nightshirt )

So yes, end of month this month on the cookies, as soon as I pm Lilithia again and make sure she's still on board with participating. I may do them this Friday and let the judging begin Saturday, as I'm supposed to be hitting the pub with the gorgeous judges this weekend with old friends from out of town.
That taco-meat idea for that chili-pepper mix is an excellent choice of use of that can-o-sauce-Sounds like something I wanna try now!!

MMMmmm, haven't had taco nite inna while.

Bulgarian kids dance better than you

Coolest dad ever builds luge track for kids in the backyard

spawnflagger says...

skip to 4:10 to see the embedded track lights at night.
I agree the guitar is unnecessary for this video.
And the 3+ instant replays of each kid when they wreck.

Amon Amarth- Guardians Of Asgaard ft. LG Petrov

Sandra Bullock speaks a mean German

chingalera says...

True dat, and as far as audience's facial responses go, typically German from any region, over-scrutinizing, province and war-remorse-oriented, otherwise, the YT gab from Germans speaks tomes to the same overall sentiments from native speaking Germano-types still caught-up in their own particular brand of dysfunction......buncha tight-assed Vaterland-style motherfuckers kinna pissed that The U.S. bothered' em while they were shitting on the planet typea-volk.

Sandra shines as always, self-effacing giggles when she knows she might be a bit off regionally, and having to look at douchebags in the audience with corn-cobs embedded permanently in their assess and still remaining as sweet and as charming as ever. Much love Sandra, keepin' it real.

NOW. Dicks and pussies climb up my ass with the racism card, and suck you your own assess. Got a fuckload of German in my blood, as well as (insert here, most races, creeds, or colors, though quite possibly no Chinese, all hail mankind's supreme overlords).

jatoha said:

It's a shame that an American speaking a second language is so surprising.

Cậu Bé nhảy đám cưới

chingalera says...

Who cares or wants to know, If you have to ask chicco, you either don't know already or have exhausted all other means at your disposal of finding out, or only care about your best program which appears to be failing you the harder you try.

Ask the submitter in his native tongue perhaps, he seems sincere about wanting to promote his video here in the public forum known as the videosift, and for this and form me he gets a *quality

Or perhaps, seek professional help in extricating the stick embedded in an orifice?

Vietnamese kids rockin'-out, cool as helll!

*quality and promote if the powers were available considering the sheit dealt cold by the resident copper....promote self-linkage and rule-breaking

chicchorea said:

...then, plwase, what is your affiliation with this video?

Snowden outlines his motivations during first tv interview

radx says...

And here I thought the claims around his four laptops were put to rest in July of last year or, at the very latest, after his meeting with Ray MacGovern, Jesselyn Radack and Thomas Drake in October.

There was nothing of substance on those laptops and to suggest otherwise with any credibility demands extraordinary proof.


Because of two primary reasons, as far as I am concerned:

- Any of Snowden's claims has yet to proven false. The entire apparatus is trying and they failed miserably so far. Probably because Snowden actually knows what he's talking about, unlike such cranks as Rep. Peter King.

- Snowden spent years working within the intelligence industry (CIA, NSA, private contractors) and he has proven to be careful and meticulous. Unlike the public (or the British MoD), he'd know better than to transport any sensitive information on a device like a laptop or a smartphone. Or an external harddrive. Or a disk. He'd use flash memory, possibly a thumb drive, probably an SD card -- the less embedded controllers a device has, the better. Heavily encrypted, of course, and if anyone doesn't believe that crypto works... tough luck, I'm done trying to convince people otherwise.

So, the only people who received data from him are Glenn Greenwald and Laura Poitras. American journalists reporting on American issues, just like he said.

As for the the revelation of "tons of national secrets and techniques": he has revealed nothing. Let me say that again: Snowden has revealed nothing.

He has empowered members of the press, the fourth estate, to do their bloody jobs and fullfil their role as watchdog over the government, something they failed at miserably in this particular regard. All revelations happen at the discretion of those journalists who are now the sole proprietors of the Snowden-documents.

If, however, you don't subscribe to the notion of a free press as a line of defence against government abuse, then I can't change your mind.

By the way, "putting American lives at risk" should have received a trademark by now, the way it has been waved around to kill uncomfortable conversations. I vividly remember how desperate they were to find proof that the Afghan/Iraqi War Logs and the Gitmo Files were endangering lives. As far as I know, they never found any. And as far as I know, all releases based on Snowden-documents were carefully chosen and redacted where neccessary to protect the identity of human assets. All claims to the contrary need to provide evidence.

But I'm glad to see that the "American industry" has found its way into the argument. At least we don't have to pretend that this is solely about terrorism anymore. Industrial espionage, diplomatic advantages and... keeping your own population in check.

Yay! It's just like the old days.

Oh wait, I forgot. My country has been under full scale surveillance by the US, the British and the French since the late '40s, so it's actually business as usual.

longde said:

But then he dwarfed that good act by giving away our (I am speaking as an American, here, obviously) secrets, in the form of the terabytes of data on those 4 laptops, to our biggest rivals, China and Russia. He has also revealed tons of national secrets and techniques to the whole world that have absolutely nothing to do with Americans' 4th Amendment rights. His acts have put American lives and American industry at risk and has definitely harmed American stature and American industry.

SNL Does Ira Glass

Real Actors Read Christian Forums : Monkey People

chingalera says...

Meh. Your tumescent head and my own together make the Hindenburg look like a child's toy balloon. If any piece of shit was worthy of a shanghai it was this one...

A suggestion? How about embedding some sift-worthy offerings and run that for a while instead of your flatulent, grade-school bully script. Tell all your circle-jerk buddies to do the same and perhaps the place will profit from some traffic, creativity, intelligent banter and bit more color.

Done with this thread, off to hijack another school bus full of Special Olympics kids-oh and, DO come back for more soul-searching exercise, I'm just warming-up.

VoodooV said:

and attention whore choggie hijacks yet another sift

hurry up choggie, I don't think you've posted in *every* sift just yet, nor have you replied to every single non-choggie post either.

chop chop!

I've never seen anyone play bass quite like Quintin Berry

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