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enoch (Member Profile)

radx says...

Ulrich Beck, 1986:

“Whereas the utopia of equality contains a wealth of substantial and positive goals of social change, the utopia of the risk society remains peculiarly negative and defensive. Basically, one is no longer concerned with attaining something ‘good’, but rather with preventing the worst.

The dream of the old society is that everyone wants and ought to have a share of the pie. The utopia of the risk society is that everyone should be spared from poisoning”

The embedded video taken below the reactor at Chernobyl is rather nightmare-inducing.

Bill Hader : Schwarzenegger Baby

Inappropriate Animatronic Demon Toy

U.N: One child killed every hour in Gaza

If Action Movies Were Even Remotely Real

lucky760 says...

I misunderstood what @kitsch_ice meant initially as well.

He was saying that the YouTube channel that was initially embedded here was from one of those crappy/spammy "FunnyVideos" type channels who stole it from the original filmmaker's channel.

Shepppard said:

I notice you've just joined today, so i'll give you the short version of how Videosift works.

The movie isn't "stolen" it was "found". Effectively, the way the site works is it's a giant pile of clips that our users have found on other websites, be it Youtube, videosift, collegehumor, etc. And they're brought here, where they're voted on by members to see weather it's worth staying or not.

It's kind of a "best of the best" site, where they literally sift the good from bad videos (get it? like videosift? ahh, so clever.)

Anyway, in no way does the poster claim that they have anything to do with the movie, and in fact, posting videos that you made is prohibited, So, don't worry, nobody is "Stealing" anything. If the original poster didn't want it shared, they could have set the sharing settings on their video to private, or disabled.

If Action Movies Were Even Remotely Real

kitsch_ice says...

I've used VideoSift for a while now, but only felt it necessary to make an account yesterday. The original embedded video was from a YouTube channel that had ripped the video off (stolen) from the original channel.
I think it's unfair that this channel, that had not put the work into making the video was getting views and potentially losing the correct channel revenue.
I didn't think I had the reputation points to get the siftbot to change the videos about, but it has been done now by eric3579 which is awesome!!

Shepppard said:

I notice you've just joined today, so i'll give you the short version of how Videosift works.

The movie isn't "stolen" it was "found". Effectively, the way the site works is it's a giant pile of clips that our users have found on other websites, be it Youtube, videosift, collegehumor, etc. And they're brought here, where they're voted on by members to see weather it's worth staying or not.

It's kind of a "best of the best" site, where they literally sift the good from bad videos (get it? like videosift? ahh, so clever.)

Anyway, in no way does the poster claim that they have anything to do with the movie, and in fact, posting videos that you made is prohibited, So, don't worry, nobody is "Stealing" anything. If the original poster didn't want it shared, they could have set the sharing settings on their video to private, or disabled.

BIll Maher Unleashes Against Militarized Police

"Weird Al" Yankovic - Mission Statement

Lilithia says...

Just for the record, I did not intentionally post a dead or unpublished video.

@Sagemind @newtboy @lucky760
As you can see, it has already been published and there is an option to get the embed code of the video. There is no way of knowing that the embedded video will turn out like this before you embed it somewhere. This has also been the case with the "First World Problems" video, for which I was able to find a viable embed code several hours after I first posted it here and although people tried to watch it before that, nobody complained about it, so I thought it was okay and I decided not to kill it.

I did not post an unpublished video to beat anyone to it. I hoped to be able to find a better way to embed this video, as I managed to do with the other one.
If I really cared that much about beating people to posting a video, I'd be very disappointed all the time, because in 9 out of 10 cases I try to post a video, it has already been sifted.

lucky760 said:

Sorry, I'm making an executive decision and saying this is patently unacceptable.

You can't intentionally submit a dead video, despite that it will come out at some future point, and also cast votes on a non-existent video. Plus, it's spamming the front page with non-content.

*Discard for now, but please feel free to promote once it's actually working.

"Weird Al" Yankovic - First World Problems

Lilithia says...

I can't figure out why the embed says the video won't be released until 7/21/2014. I hope this issue will be fixed soon (it is possible to watch the video embedded on PopCrush, however).

What is NOT Random?

shinyblurry says...

These sorts of arguments heavily weigh on definitions. What do you mean when you say life? Natural selection may not explain the presence of the first 'blueprint molecule' (which would probably be much simpler than anything we'd recognise now as DNA) but it can and does explain the massive expansion of data contained within that molecule.

A good definition is that something is alive when it is embedded with genetic information, and you can only apply the idea of natural selection to living systems. Non-living systems follow the laws of physics, not natural selection.

Similarly, what do you mean when you say 'information'? Clearly you aren't using the word in the way most people do.

I think that definition covers the sense in which I am using it. The information in DNA is stored as a genetic code with language, grammatical syntax, meaning, vocabulary, error correction and many other features.

Barbar said:

These sorts of arguments heavily weigh on definitions. What do you mean when you say life? Natural selection may not explain the presence of the first 'blueprint molecule' (which would probably be much simpler than anything we'd recognise now as DNA) but it can and does explain the massive expansion of data contained within that molecule.

Similarly, what do you mean when you say 'information'? Clearly you aren't using the word in the way most people do.

Collegehumor Breaks Down Net Neutrality

MilkmanDan says...

Mostly this, although I also don't think ISPs should charge for download/upload volume or "bandwidth", since it really isn't a limited resource. They already charge you for a given max speed (which often isn't actually delivered). BUT that's another issue. About the whole "free market" angle, think about it like this:

Would a free market have so many industry powerholders embedded into the FCC or as lobbyists? I see lobbying as the antithesis of "free market". Lobbying is a corporation basically giving up on providing a product/service that people actually choose to use because it is legitimately the best choice for them, and just saying "meh, let's rig the game instead of actually trying".

Not to mention that in many places in the US there is NO competition for available ISPs in a given area. You've got option A or, well, no ... that's all there is. And even if you consider the US as a collective entity, the number of "competing" ISPs across the country is pretty small in terms of who actually owns the pipes, and getting smaller all the time with more mega-mergers etc.

Fairbs said:

I would agree with some of your logic if there really was free markets. The Republican party messages that free markets take care of themselves and is best for the people. This is a big lie since they don't exist (or rarely). Democrats also take advantage of this although they don't focus on it as much. Also ending NN would decrease competition as companies with deep pockets can go to the front of the line and force out the small guy.
On a purely bandwidth argument I would mostly agree with you. The more resources you use, the more you should pay. This is already in place or at least for cell phones.
I don't understand your point about the government.

"Weird Al" Yankovic - Word Crimes (Blurred Lines Parody)

Darth Lily meets L3-G0 (r2d2 in lego)

lucky760 says...

I have no idea what you're whining about.

The video on this page is an embed of the video on the L3-G0 channel on YouTube. The content is not copied; the original source video is embedded directly.

No one is obligated to include all the text content they find alongside a video when embedding it elsewhere. Get over yourself.

kresty said:

Ah, videosift seems to like to copy content and not let the owners get credit for it. That's kinda lame, and violates YouTubes terms of service. Search for working Lego R2D2 to find his blog and stuff.

Workshop For Whitey™

chingalera says...

This guy bees seriously un-funny with a huge load of sticks embedded all, up in his ass....It's a personal contention that Comedians that don't laugh are terminal assholes.

How we give out moderating powers to Sifters (Controversy Talk Post)

kulpims says...

it's more like text adventure with embeded video:P
on the other hand, I'm all for giving power to the people. the way VS is set up now, you're driving people away. lately it seems like there are always the same avatars posting, not counting occasional spammers. and the visit to the site has surely dropped too (would be nice if you could inform us with some site stats from time to time, @dag) so you've got nothing to lose if you open up invocational powers for "the lower classes"

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