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Theramintrees - seeing things

We're Kind of a Big Deal (Sift Talk Post)

Should videosift allow images in comments? (User Poll by oritteropo)

messenger says...

I'm not a fan. I don't think this is possible at any star level of the Sift to get even 10% of the images posted to be more beneficial than harmful to conversations. Using other people's images to make your own point discourages thought, and our required level of commitment to at least verbalizing your arguments yourself is one of the key ingredients that makes this such a great community.

@eric3579 has mentioned several times that there's little advantage to it. If there aren't any advantages and there are obvious predictable disadvantages, then it's a bad idea. Can anybody give examples of embedded images in comments that would benefit the Sift to such a degree that they outweigh the obvious negatives?

As @dag has said, it'll mostly be imgr etc. memes. These images are usually meant to end conversations, not foster them, so once an image like that has been dropped into a thread, it's not likely anybody will continue talking on that thread (within the comment stream).

Allowing images would encourage people to do a quick drive-by chirp or just be funny rather than actually engage. If someone posts a meme answer, I can't very well quote the meme and ask them to elaborate, nor will I waste my time explaining how I disagree with it.

I've had lots of engaging conversations with people I disagree with on the Sift because we have to use words. If those people had used a meme instead as a shortcut to their own more precise idea, they wouldn't have been forced to articulate themselves, and I wouldn't have answered.

So, no, not at any level.

Should videosift allow images in comments? (User Poll by oritteropo)

eric3579 says...

VideoSifts best asset imo is its community which has been created through comment threads. It's the one thing here that works well and what separates itself from other sites(imo). We already have to deal with enough clutter in the threads as is(@siftbot i'm looking at you). Ideally maybe it could add some content although nothing that couldn't be done with a hyperlink or url and even then are we left with a few comments and a giant image that just wrecks the flow? I see this at other sites. To often a persons way to state a snarky opinion. One they wouldn't state normally but with such an easy vehicle they have no problem doing it. Embedded images are so "look at me" that they just bully the rest of the thread(imo). It's easy enough for someone to derail a comment thread with just a comment(A former sifter was quite good at it). I think it will be WAY more easy to do with embedded images. It's just to easy to abuse. Do we really want to fool with the one thing that works well on this site. Anyway the idea bothers me so much that it's possible my thinking is clouded. Feel free to check my head on the subject

-edit- It seems i am repeating myself a bit Sorry for that)

Should videosift allow images in comments? (User Poll by oritteropo)

lucky760 says...

@newtboy, et al. - It's not necessarily about specific visual content that would be embedded (though animated gifs and huge images are worth concern). It's more about the overall aesthetic of the page and the visual stick-in-the-eye of a bunch of big, ugly images strewn about filling up a comment listing like a bulletin board circa 1999.

Should videosift allow images in comments? (User Poll by oritteropo)

eric3579 says...

I see little upside and a huge potential downside. Im guessing it would be used for sifters trying to be clever/funny and not sure what else. I think it would also derail comment threads easily with large images that take up a shit ton of space. With embedding videos it's typically used to add info to the sifted video in some manner.

Maybe if you have to click on a hyperlink type thing to open the image. Keeping the footprint small in the comment thread.

This is what i assume it would typically be used for. Personally i think it works fine just the way it was done with a hyperlink.

Should videosift allow images in comments? (User Poll by oritteropo)

newtboy says...

I also think this could be good and will vote at silver star with the caveat...
I'm also not sure about what kind of abuse @lucky760 is worried about. If it's embedded malware of some kind that could infect the sift or sifters, I might change that to no, since we have had some high ranked members try to trash the sift on their way out.
If it's just about possible inappropriate pictures, hobble/ban should take care of that quickly, but the guidelines should be quite clear what's OK and what's not, and exactly where the line is.

Turkish Star Wars With English Subtitles (1982; 1.5 hours)

Reporter Loves Her Adult Gifts

eric3579 (Member Profile)

10 Hours of Walking in NYC as a Woman

bmacs27 says...

You use that word deserve. Why? Nobody is saying that. Shit happens to everybody, deserving or not. Our point is that this isn't a big fucking deal. It's just part of the shit people put up with living in a society. While qualifying it as "not as bad" you still compare it to rape. That's dumb.

The fact is she probably has it easier than every cat caller in the video. Thin, cis, rich, white woman problems don't rate. Sorry.

My concern about this video comes from a broader context. I'm a shade left of Mao, so I'm poorly represented in politics. Still, I would rather see the dems take the next two cycles. This video is embedded in a context of watching the left overplay their perceived (and previously realized) advantage with women voters. It's a transparent attempt to build momentum for Clinton 2016. People are sick of it. Polls suggest the strategy will cost them dearly in November.

ChaosEngine said:

I give up.

You're all correct.

All these comments were completely innocent and she deserved it by daring to walk down the street without wearing earbuds or screaming fuck off at everyone. This video is just a cynical example of subjecting yourself to 10 hours of abuse just so you can portray poor, black or latino men in a racist light.

Did I miss anything?

Oh yeah, and it's somehow the governments fault!

Epic Mullet Migration in Florida

popfan1224 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

From what I know, if it appears you (she) 'self linked', you will be nominated for a 'ban' by anyone who notices. I'm fairly certain that's what happened. If this was really NOT your (her) video, you might convince lucky to remove the ban.

We have an issue here of people who don't follow the 'no self posting' rules and try to fill the sift with their own videos, attempting to get move views. That's NOT what the sift is about, and many members have become overly sensitive to that.

If Lucky is convinced this WAS your (her) video that you (she) self linked, you (she) may have no recourse. He's fair, but no one's perfect, maybe try again with him to explain if it really isn't 'yours'.

If you (she) posted their video elsewhere, and linked to that video, that's 'self posting' as it links to 'your' (her) version of 'their' YOU (her) views. Maybe try embedding directly from THEIR post instead of a copy YOU (she) posted....assuming you can still post anything.
I hope that clears it up a little.
Good luck, and enjoy the sift.

(sorry for the confusion, it's odd that one new user is asking about what happened to another here, and I got confused/mixed you two up)

popfan1224 said:

I'm a bit confused though. Is it a "no music video" policy, or just a "no self promotion" policy? I don't know who Kellymml is, but I do know that I have several accounts where I use MML within my screen name because I'm a fan, and I share there stuff all over. So that being said, can I not share their stuff in here being a fan? Or .......? lol. Just curious to the rules, haven't run into this before. Thanks for replying so quickly!

Tiny Camera Explores Ant Colonies

Ana Yang Gazillion Bubble Show

Retroboy says...

Possibly there's a small loop of plastic or thread embedded within the outside of the bubble, and she poked a hole in that.

nock said:

I wonder how she poked a hole in a bubble (0:45). I thought that was impossible since the walls would destabilize.

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