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lucky760 (Member Profile)

Orz says...

Take your points back please. I am leaving the Sift. I distributed my remaining 4 points to those that I either deemed worthy or have been supportive of me while I was here. I have removed all traces of my activity here and sent messages to those who needed them. Thank you for all your supoort and keep 'sifting!

The 10 Stages of Having to Pee

Pouring Mercury into Liquid Nitrogen

lucky760 (Member Profile)

Important Things You Probably Didn't Know About Hymens

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Orz says...

Not that I really wanted to eat at Taco Hell anyway but your use of the words "glop" and "wad" have 'refreshed' the feelings I have about that eating establishment. And yet, the bit of nausea I feel is still no comparison to experiencing the real thing.

chingalera said:

It's like Taco Bell yellowc, whenever the introduce some new glop it's simply another variation of of the same 7 ingredients they have on hand in some new shape or wad.

The 10 Stages of Having to Pee

How to make safe and reuseable firecrackers

The KKK vs. the Crips vs. Memphis City Council

Orz says...

I know. I think I even confused myself on the point I was trying to make but I will let it stand as I wrote it. But your version is by far a much simpler and easier understood idea.

ChaosEngine said:

@Orz, there is a difference between erasing the past and commemorating it.

Poor fearful rednecks. Clearly they just need a hug

The KKK vs. the Crips vs. Memphis City Council

Orz says...

I will try to say this as nicely as possible, Letting one group change the name of something because another group doesn't want to have to be reminded of the past is a prime example of how our history gets "erased". Someone decides that it makes sense that others shouldn't have to remember a person, place or concept that evokes negativeness. I guess it's just unfortunate that I have to voice my opinion on this controversial and inane concept of history rewriting (sort of). It's one of those things were rules or laws are created and we must abide by them and not make excuses or reasons to bend them per situation (I know that law doesn't apply to this situation in particular, but it is a decent enough simile to try and get my point across). I am not in disagreement as to understanding why people would like the name changed. I am in disagreement to the idea of letting someone attempt to bend the law or whatever because they don't agree with something. It's not like this park was just named after him yesterday. It was founded in 1929 and "encompasses part of Forrest's operational area during the 1864 Battle of Johnsonville, in which Forrest attacked and destroyed a Union supply depot and transfer station on the opposite bank of the river." (per wikipedia).

I guess it is also sad and possibly a reflection of myself that I like to listen to the 'stupid' rant about their one sided opinions whatever they may be; mostly so I can be reminded why I could give a shit less about politics and community.

Please excuse my probably confusing rant.

lucky760 (Member Profile)

Change The Way You Look At Boobs

The NEW Periodic Table Song

The NEW Periodic Table Song

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