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Date With a Giant Inflatable Penis

Behold: the Atheists' Nightmare - the banana - "has a point at the top for easy entry"

lavoll says...

"While in no danger of outright extinction, the most common edible banana cultivar 'Cavendish' (extremely popular in Europe and the Americas) could become unviable for large-scale cultivation in the next 10–20 years. Its predecessor 'Gros Michel', discovered in the 1820s, has already suffered this fate. Like almost all bananas, it lacks genetic diversity, which makes it vulnerable to diseases, which threaten both commercial cultivation and the small-scale subsistence farming."

oh the irony, evolution kills the very banana he is holding in his hands.

Aerogel: one of the coolest materials ever made

messenger says...

I remember a different "lightest substance on earth" which was also developped by NASA, but it wasn't anything like this. It was whitish, lighter than air, very soft, and oddly enough, edible. Even with it's protective plastic wrapping on, it floated in air. Anyone else see that show?

Kicked out of an Australian Ad Network (Blog Entry by dag)

Mantis Shrimp Vs. Octopus

grinter says...

I don't know what "shimp mammies" are, but ^JAPR, mantis shrimp are edible. They are popular in the Mediterranean, and if you like sushi, try "shako".
They taste like pre-buttered lobster.

Former Drug Czar Owned. Legalization Debate.

vairetube says...

Vaporizers take care of any health issue (not to mention edible products)... the fact alcohol is legal takes care of the rest of the arguments.

it's one of those beyond non-issues... truly a poor match for its assigned schedule, and proven to be able to exist without causing detriment to societies, in europe and elsewhere

"i feel up. really up."

Amazing Pizza Guy

Obama to Turkey: We are not a Christian nation

RhesusMonk says...

>> ^MaxWilder:
Atheists don't believe in religion. If you put yourself in the non-religious/secular/non-practicing category, you are an atheist.

False, fallacious and fractious. Take this as an analogy: Bananas are not vegetables. If it is yellow/long/edible, it is not a vegetable.

Atheists don't believe in gods; the word itself precludes such a belief. "Non-religious" and "non-practicing" do not preclude a belief. I agree that the categories are not complete, but this definition of atheism has problematically blurred lines.

San Francisco to Introduce Marijuana Legalization Bill

BBC Nuclear Attack Aftermath Film: Casualties

The Super Mario Galaxy Cake - King Of All Game Cakes

Penguin finds safety from killer whale attack on small boat

Lolthien says...

I would imagine Humans don't trigger the flight instinct in penguins because we were never one of their natural predators, and since humans rarely (if ever) hunt penguins anymore it stands to reason he wouldn't be afraid. The orcas are probably smart enough to know that boat isn't edible (regardless what it's made of)and seeing that the penguin wasn't going to be hopping off the boat anytime soon eventually left.

Reporter eats world's hottest chile pepper - poor bastard

residue says...

I ate half of an ornamental pepper my wife was growing about a month ago. It specifically said "not edible" on the side. Mouth blistered immediately. I had to hold my lips in a glass of milk for about 15 minutes

dumb dumb dumb

Fall Charter Drive is complete and T-shirts are away (Sift Talk Post)

I EAT BABIES yum yum yum (Cake Babies!)

Haldaug says...

>> ^Crosswords:
What is that putty like substance? Some kind of frosting? Other than the initial cake base, nothing else looks particularly edible to me, just creepy.

I would think the putty like substance is marzipan. This cake is just perfect for atheists who want to express their beliefs by eating babies!

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