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Crash Testing European Foods

marinara and dead_tofu hit 100 Star Points! (Politics Talk Post)

Dead Animals and The Sift: Why I am a Vegetarian (Parody Talk Post)

Crosswords says...

^Its true they do , just not the seeing kind

Also it seems like a lot of the accusations you level against meat production can also be applied to veggie and fruit production.

Like with cows, large tracts of land are cleared (deforested) to make room for production. Many veggies and fruits are genetically modified or breed so they produce larger edible parts, have a longer growing period, and are more resistant to certain diseases. In order to ensure a healthy crop they're sprayed with pesticides, fertilizer, and in some cases herbicides (to de-weed framing plots), all of which have extremely aversive effects on the environment. Further more like various livestock fruits and veggies are breed and cultivated with production, shipment, and profit in mind, not the nutritional value or taste.

I have had the advantage of having grown up with parents who planted their own garden annually, so i am both privileged and cursed to know the difference between home grown tomatoes, broccoli, potatoes, cantaloupe, oranges etc etc over the crap I find in the grocery store. Like meat products fruits and veggies sold commercially are lacking in both flavor and nutritional value of the fresh 'home' variety.

As far as getting sick, over the years there have been a large number of recalls and warnings about various fruits and veggies being contaminated by salmonella, or some other horrible bacterial agent. There's one going on right now over jalapenos, it was tomatoes until those were cleared.

Its how the industry is run, meat or veggie. I don't mind if people are vegans or not, the choices you make are yours to make, but before you go claiming moral high ground you better start checking the back side of your own britches for a few 'stains'.

I'd like to see both industries undergo some major reform, even if it does end up making the cost of food go up. As it is there are many food items meat and veggie, I don't buy because the quality is crap at best. Unfortunately I'm stuck having to compromise my sense of taste for quality, because there isn't much of a fresh foods market where I live, and I don't have the capacity to grow/raise my own.

Biofuel From Trees. A better alternative than using our food

srd says...

"A sustainable use of trees and other non-edible plant material could supply 60% of the nations gasoline."

That's rather vague, isn't it? How many kilograms of cellulose does he need to create one liter of gasoline? How does he define sustainable? How much more additional logging will be needed? (Not to mention that this doesn't do anything to cut the CO2 footprint). I'm dubious.

The Two Obamas (Election Talk Post)

Crosswords says...

Oh yes and on the Applebee's comment, since it was mentioned, other than them not having a salad bar, their food isn't very good, not even when compared to their competitors. I went once, the food was of the quality of a good TV dinner. So while edible and it didn't make me wretch I could have gotten the same results by picking something up in the freezer section then throwing it in my microwave for 4 minutes. I've heard similar reports from people who's culinary pallet's I trust. And while I am not above eating TV dinners I am above eating them at a restaurant. So if Obama really is the sort of person I wouldn't find eating at Applebee's that only goes to show he has good taste.

Heinz Deli Mayo 'Mum'

Octopussy says...

Yeah, I thought it was cute, but there still seem to be some people out there who think it's offensive, not suitable for kids (a little peck?!?) &c; making me feel that I'm a bad person if I don't start an orphanage for gay kids tomorrow. It does complicate matters for us continental Europeans, though: should I switch to, completely un-edible American sauces because I like their ads and abstain from the real mayo until the French and Belgians become more progressive ;-)?

150,000,000 Christmas Crabs capture a city

Sagemind says...

Any one know if these crabs are even edible while they are spawning?
I know that when salmon spawn up the river, they become bright red and have several body changes that render them inedible at this time.

Just reminds me of these crabs and if they have the same sort of evolutional protections against those of us who just want to scoop them up and eat them...

A 2 Parts Compilation of Crash Tests.

The Plant that ate the South

The Plant that ate the South

I EAT BABIES yum yum yum (Cake Babies!)

I EAT BABIES yum yum yum (Cake Babies!)

Sock Puppet Voting (Sift Talk Post)

Free McDonalds via Questionable Means

jimnms says...

>> ^Tymbrwulf:
McDonald's abroad is better than American. Some of the stuff is actually edible.

I've heard that before. I think I saw something about it on one of those news shows where they compared a McDonald's hamburger from the US to one made in a McDonald's in another country.

>> ^dgandhi:
The obvious flaw in the two window drive-through, very efficiently hacked.

That might explain why most drive-through places quit using the two windows. I rarely eat fast food unless I'm on the road and need a quick bite. Every place I can remember going to recently always has the first window closed with a sign to pull up to the next window.

It also looks like at this drive-through there is no room to go around the car ahead of you if you decide you don't want anything. I can only think of two drive-throughs where I live that are like that (both only have one window), the others if you decide not to order, you can pull out of line and leave.

Free McDonalds via Questionable Means

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