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Psaki Shows How To Handle "People Are Saying" Questions

StukaFox says...

Bob, um, d-did you actually watch the video? Like, with your eyes and ears and stuff? Because your response kinda makes me think you didn't watched the video with your eyes and ears and stuff. Because it'd be really silly to make a post like yours if you'd watched the video with your eyes and ears and stuff.

People are saying you didn't, but I have just have to ask the question, did you not actually watch the video?

bobknight33 said:

Wow People are saying.

God your are impressive.

Such factual news WOW

Its not that you know so much.
It just that you know so much that isn't so.

New Rule: OK Boomer

newtboy says...

Biden is such a virile, imposing leader that Republicans are terrified to be in the same room, so they have announced the entire party plans to skip his address to congress....because they claim they want bipartisanship and respect. 🤦‍♂️

So much for bipartisanship. No more concessions to you snowflakes. The obstructionist party has proven conclusively for decades that sour grapes and obstinate obstruction are more important to them than leadership or legislation, more important than fighting the pandemic, more important than the economy, more important than infrastructure projects, more important than America.

Biden's approval rating has yet to dip near as low as Trump's best day. His plans are popular among even Republican voters. Your feeble little cries, dumb whining, sour grapes, and blind projection are music to our ears. Enjoy the next 8 years.

bobknight33 said:

Biden is feeble old man protected by media, Filtered out by you Tube and portrayed as a vibrant elder.

Can You Hear the Difference Between Cellos

Biden Has A Lot To Boast About In New Covid Relief Bill

bobknight33 says...

9% for the American people
$1400 each if earned under 75K/ear or $2800 of married under 150k$/year.

At $75K/year you really don't need this $ or at least could get by with out it.

then comes the remaining 91% for programs and pork.
Schools don't need this $.

Free premiums if under 150% poverty rate -- ok.

However if 1400 represents 10% of the 1.9 trillion when would it not be better spent if each got $14,000 each or $28K for the family and let each family decide how to spent this money. LEt teh people decide their needs on what to pay for Healthcare mortgage, rent car payment etc.

End of the day Americans got $1400 and a tax bill for 1.9 Trillion.

Again, Americans got screwed.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

But all that smoke is coming from Trumpsters ears because their brains can't handle the reality that Trump is considered one of the 10 most despised and horrific people in world history by most people and seen for the failure, convict, racist, rapist, and con man he is, not the successful business man character he plays on tv.

Smoke and mirrors, lies and angry ignorance, no real evidence of anything but a few republicans cheating and the blatant voter suppression campaign by Trump found whatsoever. That's why cases are thrown out as soon as they're heard....and unsigned and uncorroborated affidavits describing complaints about the food served aren't evidence of fraud. Fake news from sore losers.
Grow up and stop listening to people you know are liars lying to your face. They're pissing in your mouth and you're thanking them for the champagne.

bobknight33 said:

No evidence???.. Lots of smoke


Scary encounter with Mountain Lion cubs and mom

BSR says...

I took a 2,500 mile mountain bike trip back in 2011. I was aware of the problem of loose dogs chasing bikes. With two saddlebags strapped to my bike with my belongings I knew I would not be able to outrun a Chihuahua let alone a pitbull, German shepherd or a bear.

I carried an air horn from Walmart that I attached to the bike with Velcro for a quick grab. I had no less than 7 dogs surprise me during my trip. The air horn was very effective in showing them who's boss. Their ears fold back and their tail tucked between their legs while running in the opposite direction.

Even if a dog managed to grab me, I doubt it would be able to withstand the hurt it would inflict blasting in its ear at close range.

Edit: I'm assuming no one thought I would shove the air horn in the dogs butt.

mxxcon said:

Maybe not even a gun but a loud horn would be enough

The Supreme Court: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

newtboy says...

You mean like Trump promised them if they would just, please oh please, dig up dirt on Joe so Trump doesn't go to prison in January.... Or if they just won't come cut his thumbs off on live tv because he isn't paying his hundreds of millions in debt?

>$300000000 in debt +$100000000 in past due taxes, >24 sexual assault cases in the courts, every Trump business hemorrhaging money badly, dozens of non sex crime felony cases in the pipes or courts, >204000 dead Americans on his hands of all ages, and millions permanently disabled of all ages, failed trade talks, riots and unrest, zero international credibility, worst business man in America for multiple years (possibly ever), doubled the debt and quadrupled the deficit term one, biggest GDP loss EVER, biggest jobs loss EVER, biggest socialist handouts ever (to businesses and the rich), debt skyrocketing, infrastructure ignored completely, billions-trillions in deferred payments or obligations hidden from the budget, the entire federal government politicized as a weapon for one dictatorial idiot, exactly who is voting for him? Absolutely not patriots, independents, minorities, definitely not disillusioned Democrats, not even white women, just uneducated white men, Russian trolls, bots, and felonious Trumpchumps who have already been caught dozens of times defrauding the election, collecting and filling out and submitting ballots, thousands of them. Firing squads seem insufficient.

No thanks, pedotroll. Another red tsunami....coming out your ears, out your....wherever. Never again with Moscow's Emissary Governing America....The biggest loser pedophile rapist will be feeding the fishes in the Baltic as soon as the Russians get hold of him, and in an institution for the criminally insane if they don't.

bobknight33 said:

And you want this guy to pick?
Joe would off shore the SCOTUS job to China.
No thanks. Landslide MEGA 2020

Lola Bunny's A Babe

StukaFox says...

Oh, FUCK that whore rabbit! If we wanted slutty bunnies, we'd call R. Crumb!

People want their bunnies pure, and full of spunk!

(sooOOOOoo much spunk...)

That's why Lola Bunny is a complete slut compared to the perfection that is JUDY FUCKIN' HOPPS!

Judy Hopps doesn't fool around with sports! NO -- her job is to KICK ASS (and start the occasional race war). She whupped a rhino's ass! She whooped a cheetah's ass! She whupped BATMAN'S ass! Just LOOK at that gorgeous rabbit, with her long ears, twitchy nose and the kinda wide hips that are just made for grabbing and . . . uhh . . .

Have I mentioned the spunk?

Oh, she is FULL of spunk! She's just DRIPPING with so much spunk! And it's not rabbit spunk -- none of that for HER! It's FOX spunk she's dripping with! What an amazingly spunky bunny! She fulla so much spunk, she just can't contain it -- and I have the pictures to prove it!

(sooOOOO many pictures...)

I wanna state for the record, right here and now, that I am in no way, shape, or form, a Furry in a manner which is legally disprovable by my attorney. My turgid passion for Judy Hopps is purely platonic in the opposite meaning of that word.

Seriously, fuck Lola -- JUDY HOPPS FOREVER!!!!

Canadian Artillery Wake Up

newtboy says...

Wasn't this posted a few months ago?

Funny, but not cool. He didn't have ear protection. Everyone else had ear plugs and covered their ears. Tinnitus sucks.

TAC 20 years of effectively, somewhat graphic PSAs

BSR says...

They could not have picked a better piece of music.

Your eyes, your ears, your nose, your mouth, your skin. Your senses. These are all how the people you love get into your heart over time. It's how you get into the hearts of the ones you love.

I pick up many dead bodies in a week. Some people tell me how they could never do a job like this. From terrible crash scenes, crime scenes to nursing homes and at home deaths.

Dead people don't suffer. The pain is gone. The living suffer. I see it all the time.

If you lose someone you love and your heart suffers unbearably, remember your senses. The one you lost is still in your heart. That is where you put them. Alive within you. Over time that is where you put them for safe keeping. Look for them there.

When I pick up a dead body my empathy and sympathy is with the living, the family and friends. I'm just picking up an empty container where someone once lived but has now moved into the hearts of the ones they loved.

That will help with the pain you may suffer. Know that the ones you love are already in your heart and you in theirs.

That is why love.

Joe Won't Stand Up For Us

newtboy says...

Nope. Give some evidence or get called a liar. Don't try Ukraine/Barisma bullshit either or I'll rub your nose in it so hard it will come out your ears.

Kinda hard to make the point that the guy who took the commuter train to work in congress for decades is in it for the money, unlike the guy who likes his name on private planes and helicopters, donchathink?

I've been giving you specific evidence of specific instances of Trump selling out America for personal gain for 3.5 years now, hundreds of them, not meaningless and baseless blanket accusations but evidence.

No one in history has sold out America for personal gain like the Trump crime family. No one ever.

bobknight33 said:

Joe, like many others, sold out Americans just ti enrich himself and family.


newtboy says...

Yes, people here think for themselves and analyze information from multiple sources to come to a conclusion. There is no other possible conclusion if you see the facts, DeJoy hobbled the post office to interfere with it's ability to facilitate an election under quarantine. His actions did not save the post office money, they cost money....lots of money, and did not enhance the ability of the post office to deliver mail, they severely hampered it.

We aren't brainless cult members who believe a repeatedly convicted con man over evidence. Some people will believe anything that consummate liar tells them over logic, reason, and their own eyes and ears.

Did you sign up for your free $10 and Trump swag on snapchat yet? Better hurry before Trump is out of cash. (Hint, it's another Trump scam secretly signing you up to donate $145 a month with no refund or exit.)

BTW, this ad is made by Republican veterans.

Jesusismypilot said:

Wait, this place believes the ad? Some people will believe anything as long as it confirms their fear of President Trump as the boogeyman.

The next 4 years are going to be rough for you.

Doberman Butterfly Whisperer

Payback says...

I'd like to thank Titan's owner, while failing by hacking off his tail, for avoiding the -even more sadistic- ear cropping.

I still am disgusted with myself for, 25 odd years ago, allowing my JRT to have his tail docked.

Hack off or puncture or push ink under your own skin all you want. When you do it for aesthetics on another creature, you've failed achieving humanity.

Semi Crosses into Oncoming Highway Traffic

Free Speech Considered Support for Nazism

newtboy says...

Try the first one....lazybones. ;-) It lays out both the stated intent and the actions that belie that statement.

When the video guy is well known for publicly defending the far right, neo Nazi supporting gallery that holds private, secret white power rallies, that's enough for me. He clearly made himself look like a Nazi or Nazi sympathizer, and that's how the community sees him. He may just be a friend to Nazis, not one himself, but that's both a distinction without a clear difference and an image he created without stating clearly that he disagrees with them but supports their right to be wrong. That's on him.

It seems far easier to read the links than try to research it yourself, so I don't understand why you decided to ignore the research offered in favor of your own unproductive but far more labor intensive research. Seems a bit like putting fingers in your ears and saying you hear no evidence during a discussion.

bcglorf said:

Not that I'm lazy, but I don't care enough to read every single article you linked. I read the couple that seemed most promising, and then I went and did some searches for more evidence, I haven't found better evidence than what I mentioned.

Do you have a specific link, or one of those above, that clearly lays out the intent of gallery or any other evidence against the video guy than, he dared suggest the gallery was covered under free speech?

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