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What is your drug of choice? (User Poll by Throbbin)

Throbbin says...

>> ^kronosposeidon:
I'm a drinker, but I prefer weed. Every once in a blue moon I'll smoke a bowl or two with friends. I just don't want to worry about being busted for possession. Having kids really cramps your druggin'.

I hear ya - I once saw my son after smoking a joint, and it just freaked me out. Only partake after he's in bed or sleeping over somewhere else.

What is your drug of choice? (User Poll by Throbbin)

Media has a responsibility not to traffic in fear!

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

I get much of my reliable news from Jon Stewart, videosift and the rest of the internet.

Here it comes...
BWA-HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Oh man - this very perfectly illustrates the intellectual vacuuity of those blinded by partisanship. Fox (& others) are biased to the right, sure. CNN, CBS, NBC, ABC, AP, NYT, Jon Stewart, the Sift, and the 'internet' are pretty much biased to the left.

If you don't have to guts to admit that pretty much every information outlet is a biased pile of crap, then you yourself are helplessly biased Flavor-Aid drinker yourself. 'Reliable news...' Oh man - that just made my day.

Errol Morris Miller HL ad "America is that really you?"

I love you guys!!!! (Blog Entry by swampgirl)

Mac users MUST use hands to communicate!

Lolthien says...

Jesus f'n Christ you mac idiots! He's making fun of friggin COMMERCIALS! What if the article was Pepsi-Drinkers can't talk without moving their hands, would you be all pissed off because you're a Pepsi drinker?

For the love of all that is good and holy in the world. You people do more damage to your own reputations by sounding so incredibly defensive than all the PC lovers out there in the world could do.

There.. rant over. As you were.

Upvote... in fact, I want to create five new user accounts just to upvote this one video five more times.

Since when do any of you care if people think you're quirky for using a goddamn mac? Christ.

Legalization: Yes We Can

cybrbeast says...

>> ^conan:
great, i'm looking forward for all those potheads on the streets, each one driving around in 3000 pounds of steel. bad enough we have all the drinkers.

Tests have been done showing that people who are high drive as well as sober people. Of course you shouldn't be high and drive, but at least it will be a lot less bad than drinking and driving. Also people drive high now as well, there won't be much difference when you legalize it.

Coca-Cola "Heist" Ad Sucks - It's Pepsi FTW!

conan (Member Profile)

imstellar28 says...

if someone causes an accident, what difference does the reason make if the end result is the same? how does cause impact effect if it is your life or property that is damaged?

In reply to this comment by conan:
great, i'm looking forward for all those potheads on the streets, each one driving around in 3000 pounds of steel. bad enough we have all the drinkers.

Legalization: Yes We Can

conan says...

great, i'm looking forward for all those potheads on the streets, each one driving around in 3000 pounds of steel. bad enough we have all the drinkers.

Obama: Transparency Will Be Touchstone

12511 says...

I'm so tired of hearing people say that agreeing with something Obama says makes them the "kool-aid drinkers" or "Obamaniacs," or whatever else you wish to call them.

I am a cynical bastard, but that doesn't preclude me from having hope that someday a politician will be truthful in what he says.

True cynicism is hopeful, but skeptical and wary. And if Obama does anything that goes against his word, I will be the first to decry him for that.

So stop calling all of us Obama zombies, like we're so enthusiastic that we don't have independent thought.

Obama: Transparency Will Be Touchstone

Media bias about the Israeli - Palestine conflict EXPOSED!

vaporlock says...

"Read the posters and commenters here on VideoSift. They run about 50% Pally-koolaid drinkers, 40% ambivalent, and 10% Israel-supporting."

Dude, your a real victim of propaganda yourself... I guess you'll see if your theories are correct when you get to your heaven.

Media bias about the Israeli - Palestine conflict EXPOSED!

10768 says...

"Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it" - Joseph Geobbels

This video advances the big lie put forward by the Palestinian partisans that their cause is an underdog. In truth, international media coverage constantly glosses and spins the atrocities committed by the Palestinian terrorist corps against the Jews and dissident Palestinians alike.

Organizations like Rueters, BBC, AFP, Al Jazeera are the worst of a bad lot. American news organizations are only marginally better. One could say that they at least try to maintain a facade of being "Fair and Balanced."

Is it any wonder that Israel is cognizant of this poisoned atmosphere, and devotes resources to attempt to combat it?

Read the posters and commenters here on VideoSift. They run about 50% Pally-koolaid drinkers, 40% ambivalent, and 10% Israel-supporting. This reflects the success of the Anti-Western, Pro-Palestinian propaganda machine rather than any truth on the ground

Seems like they are doing all right...

Richard Dawkins discusses evolutionary time with children

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