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Richard Dawkins discusses evolutionary time with children

Boris Yeltsin throws a woman into the sea

A President who cares about the little guy

How to Prepare a Glass of Absinthe

ponceleon says...

I'm sorry, but as an absinthe drinker I'm calling BS on his statement that the effects of absinthe is somehow different from regular alcohol. Is it exactly the buzz you get from beer? No. Does it make you drunk? Yes. In no way does it remove your inhibitions while leaving you "clear headed" as he implies. You are just as messed up as you are with regular alcohol.

I think it is pretty much an urban legend that it make you hallucinate, or makes you in any way more creative than you are normally.

Most of the crap you hear about it is marketing stuff. The good news is that it is now readily available in the US so people can just go buy it and see what it is like first-hand.

Second Jerry Seinfeld and Bill Gates Ad

10801 says...

lertad: "I hate it when people act like Apple's the leader in everything."

Or anything.

"Whether you're a PC or Mac user, it's pretty undeniable that Apple's attention to design of the hardware, and their advertising campaigns are a cut above the rest."

Crashes are almost always due to poor software coding or hardware problems. This is the case regardless of your platform. Everyone knows about the BSOD, thus Apple uses this to pretend like their machines are perfect and PCs are not.

Apple's advertising makes me taste vomit. A brick to my face would be more subtle AND more entertaining. But no matter what you think, advertising doesn't mean shit.

Talking about how their hardware lines are popular is like saying that a PC is the best computer because PC's own the marketplace. If this line of thinking were true, there would be no Apple.

The koolaid drinkers need no help with making excuses.

A plea for amnesty (Humanitarian Talk Post)

kronosposeidon says...

Just showing some choggie love that he sent me today in email:


Be advised ya thick lump, prior to my return to the sift. You have still not done what is righteous-Instead of trying to make amends with another human being (not simply a member of some video blog) ,you have defended your self feebly in the discarded post with the tombstone I made just for you........that discard came from schmawy's disgust, if yer able to glean from the post that, after yer "schoolyard-kid, defensive rant, where you attempt to make people feel good about you being a pathetic tattler, and a angry rage-filled one at that......
Yer a fool.....I have repeatedly made attempts to approach you, even called yer phone, and excuses, denial, rage and fear is all I am met are acting the bitch, you and yer pal blanky, WHO FEELS EMPOWERED BY YOU SHOWING YOUR ASS, BECAUSE HE TOO, IS AN ASS-SHOWER....the cat torturer and bad-likker drinker, yer both unheathy boys, and I wish for ya both to be healed.......

The message(s) I forward to you, I sent to my familiars, many of which have been here since the beginning, all of which are in my googlechat or gmail address book, and all of whom I trust to make righteous observations, and who also have a manner less abrupt, and much more polite and forgiving than my own....I call people like these "alllies"....whadday know, some are admins, and some are princes and priestesses.....I WISH NEITHER OF of yer dumb-asses any ill, I simply wish for you to to have NO opinionn whatsoever, as it relates to me, anywhere on the sift.....yer both assholes, of an order that if allowed to continue, will turn ya into loners and lumps of shit some day........salvageable???/...Always. But one first must be willing to admit, that they have a problem.. I KNOW WHAT MINE ARE AND YOU ARE NOT EVEN CLOSE! So keep yer pathetic observations to yerself, and know that everthing you know is wrong.....if you start from there, you might just learn a few things about yerself.


Sexy/Sexist Guiness Ad

elysse says...

>> ^Payback:

Why don't the women stick up for themselves?

we don't because even if we can tell the difference between jest (rottenseed...) and a real sexist remark, it's not worth it to get in a flame war (i guess we're "learning our place" after all).

you see, on the internets we have been proven not to exist.

as for the video, i give it no vote: i appreciate the humor and the way the shot was put together, but at the same time i'm becoming more and more disgusted at crass objectification in media (of women, of kids, of men, of animals.. basically of everything that isn't an object has managed to have been objectified in a commercial in some form). even if this is indie it's still revealing an acceptance of disrespect that merchants have for their potential customers.

(i'm speaking as an art model *and* guinness drinker here)

Absinthe Myths

Doc_M says...

iloseatlife: You don't know what you're talking about.

Absinthe has been investigated thoroughly and the conclusion is that its "unusual effects" are simply due to its extraordinarily high alcohol content. Hallucinations by regular absinthe drinkers were due to delirium tremens. That's why the stuff is legal now. It is just the subject of ridiculous mythology.

Ever mix strawberry soda with whiskey? (Drugs Talk Post)

MarineGunrock says...

>> ^schmawy:
I'm a straight up Bourbon drinker, but in the hot weather I've been having it on ice, in a tall highball, mixed 50/50 with sweet tea and a cherry. I recommend.

I'll have to try that! My question is how does a British Yank know how to make sweet tea?

Kronosposeidon, Crittter and Swampgirl's Plans Saturday Nite

Ever mix strawberry soda with whiskey? (Drugs Talk Post)

The Great VideoSift Coming -Out Thread (Happy Talk Post)

moodonia says...

Well I dont know if anyone knows or cares to know anything about me but here goes.

I'm mike, a 31 year old computer tech from Ireland. Consider myself fairly well traveled, lived in a few different countries, I think everyone should do that and we would have a nicer more peaceful world!

Been called an eternal student, not entirely justified, I started out doing Marine technology (thought I might get into fish farming...yes I was smoking a lot at the time!) but that lead into computer aided design for a couple of years, which lead to networks and support. So I ended up working for Microsoft in tech support, now I'm building and repairing point of sale systems, so next time your at a checkout spare a thought for the guy who has to make and repair those things

I'm a former stoner, lightweight drinker, my loves are cycling, snorkelling and gaming. I used to combine the smoking and snorkelling , it was very EIA but fun too, if a little creepy

I love animals (not that way) but I cant bear to bury anymore of them so I havent replaced any of the dogs and cats that passed in the last couple of years. When they are knocking around for 20 years and then go it "kicks my ass" as my american friends say.

I like this place because the people are cool and some of them should be writing for a living. I hope to start an I.T. Degree part time later in the year, after that I'd like to get into Astronomy. Aim for the stars right??

California Drug & Alcohol Treatment Centers | Drug Rehab CA (1sttube Talk Post)

11696 says...

According of many researchers Alcohol and Drug addiction is simply defined as a compulsive need for an intoxicating liquid that is obtained from fermented grain or fruit. These liquids include beer, wine, and other hard liquors. it says like every form of addiction is bad, no matter whether the narcotic be alcohol or morphine or idealism. and Alcohol addiction may also inflame the mouth, esophagus, and stomach, and could cause cancer in these areas, especially in drinkers who also smoke. Have a desire to stop the Alcohol and Drug addiction. You must have a serious desire to stop from being an alcoholic.


This is a comprehensive addiction portal focusing on topics of alcohol and drug abuse.

critttter (Member Profile)

8217 says...

That ad does not appeal at all to at least one lesbian. And I think many others wouldn't like it either.

In reply to this comment by critttter:
From Advertising Age -
"Miller executives say the spot is a hit with its target audience: 21-to-31-year-old beer drinkers."
It's funny how they don't say 21 to 31 year old male and lesbian beer drinkers. Because straight women still aren't allowed to drink beer.
{edit} -at least according to who they market to.

Ultimate Beer Commercial

critttter says...

From Advertising Age -
"Miller executives say the spot is a hit with its target audience: 21-to-31-year-old beer drinkers."
It's funny how they don't say 21 to 31 year old male and lesbian beer drinkers. Because straight women still aren't allowed to drink beer.
{edit} -at least according to who they market to.

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