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TYT: Fox and Global Warming

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

Seems more to me like a desperation message from people who bought into an ideology that in 2009 took a chainsaw to the guts.

The viel was stripped. Carbonhagen was a colossal, spectacular failure because the economies of the world realized it was nothing but a political cash scheme. Climategate showed demonstrably that the so-called 'consensus' was nothing but chicanery, bad math, and academic thuggery to hide the fact that these so-called 'climatologists' were on the take for millions in political payola. The climate itself laughed in the face of the fools proposing AGW as a theory. EVERY single projection the AGW koolaid drinkers tried to push was proven conclusively false. AGW zombies projected more hurricanes that were bigger & stronger. Instead hurricane activity has dropped off dramatically, and in 2009 there was a grand total of (say it AGW zombies!) ZERO hurricanes! Oh - and 'global warming' took it in the shammies too. All the bogus, fake numbers that came out of the bought--and-paid for 'consensus' sell-outs were wrong too. Not only have temperatures NOT been going up for 10 years (opposite of what they said would happen) but in reality temperatures have been decreasing dramatically and they tried to hide & and lied about it. And leave us not forget that the AGW zombies have also lost tremendous ground in the court of public opinion when everyone found out that it was all about the money. The public's warmness to AGW isn't quite so high when they find out the 'solution' proposed by AGW zombies is to increase thier utility bills by 200% while providing NO outcome.

2009 was not a good year for the Warmers. Let's hope that 2010 finally kills this stupid, moron idiot hoax. Then maybe we can come up with some common sense and logic. No one likes pollution. But the solution to polution is not left-wing big government tax & scheme crap.

What did you get for Christmas? (Blog Entry by dag)

spoco2 says...

Seems very odd that a kettle which boils water... so at least has to make some of it reach 100c would have an overall temp of 80c... but anyway

Yeah, I can see how one of these would be great if you weren't a latte style drinker... I couldn't handle it, but it looks like it would make a better coffee than a drip filter, and faster too.

What did you get for Christmas? (Blog Entry by dag)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

^@spoco2 - I checked my kettle once with a meat thermometer- and it looks to be just the right temp (80c) = after automatic shut-off. I'm not a frothy milk drinker, so it's not an issue for me, but yeah, you would probably need a frother.

I'm finding I like mine long macchiato style with extra hot water added and then just a dash of milk.

What did you get for Christmas? (Blog Entry by dag)

spoco2 says...

I didn't get a great deal this year as I really didn't want much, and was far more excited to see the kids get thrilled over their pressies.

Dag... question on the Aeropress: How do you make sure the water is the correct temp? That's one of the most important bits about making coffee... and here it shows just pouring water from a kettle.

And then it doesn't do the milk frothing etc. so... for me, useless as I'm a Latte drinker. And if I have to use something else to froth the milk, I'd rather just use my espresso machine

Still, I do like simple design, and that looks very nice from that point of view.

The Daily Show 12/14/09 - World of Warmcraft

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

We have evidence now that primary figures in the so-called 'scientific community' were pre-disposed to be deceptive and misleading. They abandoned credibility for money. It was proven that they artificially weighted results. It was proven they had not been able to explain fundamental contradictions to thier conclusions. It was proven that their models were statistical gibberish. When asked to supply the data they used to make their specious conclusions, they admitted they threw it away. They lobbied to have opposing points of view suppressed from journals so that the appearance of 'consensus' was not disturbed by the harsh reality that 'peer reviews' were stacked by biased sources favorable to them. Their financial records proved they received huge amounts of money from politically motivated sources.

I've seen the data. The emperor has no clothes. The 'science' is nothing but unsupportable guesses garnished with faulty data and motivated by political payola. And yet the Warmer koolaid drinkers are still trying to jump the Hale-Bopp comet to Heaven's Gate based on pure faith. But the 'scientists' were on the take, had no proof, and who refused to undergo actual peer challenges. When faced with real scrutiny they have all been forced to admit they can't prove human activity is linked to temperatures. Period.

It's all there, black and white, clear as crystal.

Jon Stewart on Climategate

Peroxide says...

Your arguments are invalid and you occupy your time reading propaganda. Fossils fuels only outshine renewable energies because they are highly subsidized. Do you even know what the oilsands are? No, of course you don't, but its where your GD gasoline comes from, and its only affordable because Albertans subsidize it with their tax dollars, and watch as their northern Boreal forests are leveled.

Furthermore, despite the fact that I have never heard of Flavor-Aid, it sounds delicious and If I had access to it I would drink some right now, because apparently the flavour-aid drinkers are the only ones who give a shit about anyone other than themselves. Realize the truth, the consumption of fossil fuels is an ego-centric individualistically self satisfying activity that necessitates a blatant disregard for the other, and future, human beings who have just as much of a right as you do to dwell on this planet and enjoy its natural bounty.

Jon Stewart on Climategate

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

Who benefits from a continued disbelief in anthropogenic climate change?

It would be more accurate to say, "Who benefits from the usage of inexpensive, efficient fuel?" The answer - of course - is everybody. Fossil fuels are the most efficient fuels we have right now. If 'low carbon' alternatives were feasible then it would be worth pursuing them. But at this point in time there is no other energy that can possibly replace fossil fuels. Except one. Nuclear.

For transportation there is no substitute. Electric cars are LESS efficient energy-wise than fossil fuel (FF) cars. It takes more fossil fuels to generate the electricity to charge up a battery than compared to just using gasoline. The only 'benefit' (if you can call it that) is that your pollution is coming out a smokestack instead of your tailpipe. It is a cheat - a ruse - a choice for ignorant suckers. The only way electric cars can reduce pollution is if they use a clean electrical source to charge.

So - can we swap over to 'clean' electical plants? Heck no. Solar doesn't operate at peak hours, and requires massive infrastructures to support - not to mention it needs 75% operating capacity in redundant FOSSIL fuel generation to deal with demand anyway. Same with wind. The only way to make it work is to replace all our coal plants with nuclear ones. Why aren't we talking about that? Because the 'green' movement doesn't like nuclear either.

You can't wish on a star and make green energy feasible. The hard reality is that the technology just isn't there yet, and that the green movement itself is standing in the way of the ONLY viable energy we have (clean coal & nuclear). Even the most promising 'alternative' energy options are still well over 30 years away from any sort of commercial, large scale viability that has any hope of even coming close to fossil fuels. That's just reality.

Now - are you (and your children) ready to pay 2,500+ a month for your electric bill? That's what it is going to cost you to use 'green' energy instead of coal. All so you can - what? Feel better about yourself? The planet isn't being destroyed except in the minds of the Flavor-aid drinkers.

Gwiz Wrestles His Diamond Away from Brock Samson (Talks Talk Post)

gwiz665 says...

Thank you guys. I feel so pretty with my new diamond. This goes to show you that with tenacity, you too can get a diamond in 2 years and 8 months, only at the cost of life, love and liberty. And who needs that anyway...

I do my best to be a good guy around the sift, I've only ever been friendly to the vast majority of people here and I wish people would do the same all around. I've taken some flak for having black humor, but to that I say fuck that, humor is humor - if one person gets my joke, it's a success. This community has been a boon to me, I enjoy being here and I hope this ride never stops.

I don't make a huge distinction between "real life" and this community, which is why I've got many of you of facebook and like to consider most of you as friends - I'm pleased that some of you do the same back. This means that the way I act here is not far from how I actually am, many people take on a persona, and sure, to a degree I do that too, but I stand by everything I've ever said on this site and I think that's the only right way to do it.

It can be hard to get a reading of people based on comments, because we only get slivers of personality shown through that - this is partly why I spend a lot of time in the sift lounge. In there you get a much fuller picture of people, which I think is invaluable in a good community. So come on in and have a chat.. must I really put a red light on the door, before you lurkers will tip-toe in?

Throbbin, thanks! I agree in your assessment.

blankfist, I'm a heavy drinker, but when I do drink, it's usually heavy. And who don't like the boobies!

dystopianfuturetoday, I'm only a maniac by night. I blame my bat-suit and cloak.

kronosposeidon, swedes have nothing on danish vikings. We used to own them. Still, death by Samson is something I try to avoid.. but the diamond was so shiny and nice, I had to do it!

EndAll, aw shucks, you're not so bad yourself, mate.

campionidelmundo, but.. it's SO shiny! *gaze* Thanks for making the sift all pomp and pretty so I can stand being here for so long at a time.

dotdude, thanks for many good talks in the lounge. I think the two of us are the most avid users of that thing.. we need to find some sort of sifter-bait, so we can get more people in there.

UsesProzac: Well, why don't your reach on in there and figure out...

berticus, if I ever get over 9000 star points the sift will explode all over the place in peoples hair and stuff.. Thanks man, I hope to see you in the lounge more often, even though you've gotten so busy with school.

MikesHL13, indeed, see you in the lounge. Thank you for always being in there and being such a great friendly presence on the sift.

Ornthoron, I think I will. Delicious Belgian beer is delicious.

Sagemind, that clip made me laugh hard, so I couldn't help but sift it:

drax, are you coming on to me?

Wall-of-Text crits you for over 9000. OVER 9000!!

Blankfist roasting on an open fire (Parody Talk Post)

Ornthoron says...

What the fuck? I come back from a week on vacation and find the roast already over? But then again, who would bother to take time away from their vacation to spend on blankfist. I know he will read this anyway, because he craves the attention, no matter how deprecated. You can't really blame him though, when the only human contact he's experienced are his mother and disabled hookers. He did try to spike up his social life with World of Warcraft at one point, but it didn't work out so well.

The forces that be obviously don't want me to grant blankfist the attention that he most definitely doesn't deserve, as my computer crashed trying to upvote comments in this thread. I had to take a pause from reading the comments and play some Bach on the piano to soothe my nerves, which were frayed from a mixture of pity and disgust. I will go through with it though, since the image of blankfist whimpering, yet unable to turn away from his computer is worth some frustration.

He likes to chastise others for their sense of humor, which is a little tragical given that his own perceived height of comedy is copying and pasting the word 'a$$gr@vy' into his comments.

If you could choose your own way of death, what would it be?
Death by holding my pee.
Not surprising, given his reputation among LA hookers as a urophile. He hates himself for this, and death by holding his pee is blankfist's idea of quitting his habit cold turkey.

I could write more, but this short comment should keep blankfist's fragile psyche in distress for a week or so. And frankly, I've got better things to do.


Fuck Appletinis (Food Talk Post)

Sketch says...

Blech! Olives are vile, disgusting little creatures. More of a vodka drinker myself, but last night I ended up finishing off a bottle of Choya umeshu, plum wine. It is very sweet, but at the end, if it's food you want, there's a few little liquor soaked plums waiting for you. Yum! When that was done, I switched to Trader Joe's 2-buck Chuck. I'm not picky as long as it gets me drunk, and boy was I drunk!

All Aboard The Failboat! (Fail Talk Post)

Sagemind says...

Raises a Flagon of ale in Zonbie's direction... I can't figure out why it took so long! This was an obvious choice, just look around the Internet. "FAIL" is so popular, it's getting it's own websites dedicated to it - It only makes sense that we give it it's due.

So to you I tap the keg as we run flagon upon flagon under it's spout and let the suds flow.... (Rootbeer to you non-drinkers )

Magic mushrooms & Reindeer

grinter says...

Amanita muscaria contain both the deleriant muscimol and its precursor ibotenic acid (among other things). Drinking the urine of the reindeer (or human) is helpful because a large percentage of the ibotenic acid (85% in humans) is not metabolized into muscimol, and finds it's way into the urine along with a little bit of the muscimol that was metabolized. So, upon drinking the urine, the drinker gets all of the ibotenic acid that their liver can handle and a tiny bonus of muscimol, all without having to eat a whole bunch of gritty, chicken-tasting mushrooms.

Jackie Gleason endorses Dick Nixon

schmawy says...

Jackie Gleason was a savage drinker and UFO nut, so a man after my own heart. There are anecdotal stories of Dick Nixon picking him up one night and taking him to see alien bodies. If I were in that room that night, I wouldn't know where to look. "look, Jackie Gleason! Nixon! Aliens!"

What is your drug of choice? (User Poll by Throbbin)

JAPR says...

>> ^kronosposeidon:
I'm a drinker, but I prefer weed. Every once in a blue moon I'll smoke a bowl or two with friends. I just don't want to worry about being busted for possession. Having kids really cramps your druggin'.

Same thing here (minus the kids). I drink frequently and only smoke once in a while, but I prefer the high from weed as a general rule (though I love good beers so much...gonna have some Victory Prima Pilsener tonight, yay).

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