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Christian Bakery Denies Service to Gay Couple

TheJehosephat says...

Gotta say it, if you are a supporter of gay rights, don't call in death threats to those who are against it. They are (likely) all religious and therefore will take it as "persecution" for their beliefs.

Christian Bakery Denies Service to Gay Couple

UsesProzac says...

Just because he didn't say hate doesn't mean it isn't in him. To act like that, to willfully turn away a customer because you look down upon them and their lifestyle? That's bigotry, intolerance of another. Especially in light of the bible explicitly saying not to judge others.

Terrorism, really? You're silly.

"Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's"

I bring this up because I feel that servicing a customer is part of operating inside of society and being an obedient and humble person, just as your religious text wants you to be.

Wielding judgement is for your god alone.

>> ^deedub81:

" I really don't understand why religious people glorify in the hatred of others."
Using the same hyperbole that you do, I can paint all non-religious people with as broad a brush by saying "I don't understand why all non-religious people are violent terrorists and threaten hard working families with death threats."
I'm religious and I wouldn't deny business to somebody for being gay just like you didn't (and wouldn't) call in a death threat to this guy.
>> ^UsesProzac:
Business has doubled since the incident? I really don't understand why religious people glorify in the hatred of others. I've seen it firsthand in extended family members and it chills me. How can Christians ignore the gospel of loving thy neighbor and judge not and all those other fancy things their prophet said in their own religious text?
@shinyblurry, how do you reconcile that hypocrisy within yourself? You're the only person I know to ask here, seeing as you called me a harlot and all that. When you judge another person and go directly against the words set down in your bible, do you immediately ask your god to forgive you or what?
Edit: I'll throw in one of my favorite quotes to further illustrate the rampant hypocrisy.
“If this is going to be a Christian nation that doesn't help the poor, either we have to pretend that Jesus was just as selfish as we are, or we've got to acknowledge that He commanded us to love the poor and serve the needy without condition and then admit that we just don't want to do it.” - Stephen Colbert

Christian Bakery Denies Service to Gay Couple

deedub81 says...

" I really don't understand why religious people glorify in the hatred of others."

Using the same hyperbole that you do, I can paint all non-religious people with as broad a brush by saying "I don't understand why all non-religious people are violent terrorists and threaten hard working families with death threats."

I'm religious and I wouldn't deny business to somebody for being gay just like you didn't (and wouldn't) call in a death threat to this guy.
>> ^UsesProzac:

Business has doubled since the incident? I really don't understand why religious people glorify in the hatred of others. I've seen it firsthand in extended family members and it chills me. How can Christians ignore the gospel of loving thy neighbor and judge not and all those other fancy things their prophet said in their own religious text?
@shinyblurry, how do you reconcile that hypocrisy within yourself? You're the only person I know to ask here, seeing as you called me a harlot and all that. When you judge another person and go directly against the words set down in your bible, do you immediately ask your god to forgive you or what?
Edit: I'll throw in one of my favorite quotes to further illustrate the rampant hypocrisy.
“If this is going to be a Christian nation that doesn't help the poor, either we have to pretend that Jesus was just as selfish as we are, or we've got to acknowledge that He commanded us to love the poor and serve the needy without condition and then admit that we just don't want to do it.” - Stephen Colbert

Immigration Policies in the U.S. Need to Change

kceaton1 says...

I wonder if she could ever be considered for "right of asylum" considering what she is going through. It's very easy to me, with the Chinese connection (not only the laws, but the slavers too) to the whole, "...we don't want girls born here...", dilemma in the populace due too political laws enacted there--I mean just listen to her Father (just call back and get him documented) let alone the documented death threats that have been made against her. It seems like any decent lawyer could try to justify this as a political matter rather than just a sex-trade/slave-trade one. But I'm SURE their there are idiotic politicians willing to jump in front of a bus and tell them that there is no way it will be considered under the "right of asylum" act, because they aren't a nuclear scientist coming from Iran. Pathetic.

No matter the case this is obviously a case of leniency and JUSTICE. But, when is the last time you've TRULY seen justice being handed out on a daily basis--right now we are lucky if we win just ONE victory every so often--call me jaded.

Ted Nugent claims to be Moderate enough for Romney Campaign

messenger says...

While I also think that political correctness is too limiting and is bad for free expression of thoughts, I don't see how it applies here. This guy wants to help the Romney campaign, but he regularly freaks out and does things like making death threats to the PotUS and telling reporters on camera that he will suck their dicks and fuck them. He's a loose cannon. Nuge would hurt the campaign terribly if Romney accepted his endorsement, and not wanting that on the campaign trail is sensible.

He still has all the freedom he ever had to speak his mind, and nobody is telling him not to.>> ^shang:
To hell with political correctness, it's shit like political correctness that wants to eliminate our language and redefine it over and over to the point we wind up like 1984's "NewSpeak" dictionary that shrunk language down so far that by eliminating words and their meanings you eliminate the thought process behind them since they can no longer use those words to describe preference, emotion, feeling and individualism.

60 Minutes -- Lehman Brothers Investigation

kceaton1 says...

This only serves to aggravate me. Another taxpayer panel in which we enjoy the benefit of plausible deniability (or whatever there greased 300,00$K lawyers claim works for the current system of worked in loopholes). More so, because I know not a single one of these sons of bitches will do time or ever care--really care. They should be in jail for life. They should be in a federal prison, full security, no white collar bullshit.

They should live on a meager sum the rest of the entirety of their days with all their buildings, lands, businesses, capital, funds, CDs, IRAs, everything except their social security and even that should be looked at (as they should be allowed a low middle income and that is IT); they can gain no earmarks, no passes from their buddies or gifts (although he can live with him as long as his money is not being paid out), they cannot benefit from a will or other form of transfer ship at an appointed time or setting, and then ANYTHING I haven't covered. No politics, no books, no television, no movies, you're in the "white collar" death knell that is their true jail cell. He CAN enlist in the army, they may have a modest job, but the dream of riches are OVER. They chose the ultimate path of pressure that can be exerted on a white collar criminal.

If only we thought that crime like that could be as dangerous as a murderer (and trust me--I'm sure many of you do know already--but, if you don't white collar crimes can end up killing thousands of people, but their hands are virtually clean). Perhaps it is part of the taboo we have with mental disease, we'd rather it remain in the back-room or rather in the back of your mouth. Strangely many of these white collar criminals most likely all suffer from having almost NO empathy for others; they literally could care less what it is like to be me or you. This is a mental issue, but we never talk of such things--it's rude! But, violence has its own mental disease "shards" as well that cause it to start either young or later in life...

But, we refuse to deal with the main topic, so how about punishment(s) atleast? White collar crime is seen as something you do at your beach house in Florida on the weekend. Your lawyer tells you about it on your flight into Boston on Monday, you have three death threats sent to your e-mail, you mildly humming, "Hip To Be Square", send them to your spam folder and block the senders after you send them a death threat/repossession letter back through a company proxy, which then you use another proxy to feed the final bytes through. Your lawyer tells you you'll have to show up to an injunction and say this exact prepared statement, which of course, nicely enough they allow you to read from when they take your testimony. This is our guy. Right now he's eating a stake with a glass of Chardonnay from Italy in the early 90's--meanwhile, "Easy Lover", is booming in the background while his mistress takes a swim in his Penthouse's swimming pool. He doesn't have to get up early, so it'll be a long night--after all nobody is coming for him.

Attack them hard and they might take notice.

What a new punishment that would be for white collar criminals--a death sentence, for them.

Just institute what I said above and it may change things. Attack the problem psychologically, as jail-time is either meaningless or to them it's "Club Fed". But, this of course requires good lawmakers, which requires competent voters, which requires a great education system...

No calls, no businesses, no helping: they are burnt.

The Gay Debate: The Bible and Homosexuality

shinyblurry says...

I guess it's better than your usual death threats. What I say to you is, God bless you.

>> ^Yogi:
>> ^shinyblurry:
>> ^Yogi:
Am I the only one who honestly thinks it's not cause the Bible says being gay is wrong that conservatives hate gays. It's cause they're gay, and that just bothers them soooo F'n much. I think if major religious leaders came out and said "God doesn't care who you sleep with" Gays still wouldn't be allowed to marry cause people would still fight it as hard as they could.

Well, I can't speak for all conservatives, because I am more of an independent, but my opinion of homosexuality is from the word of God. Before I was saved, I didn't have a real problem with homosexuality. I didn't think it was healthy, or particularly good for society, but I didn't take a strong stance. Now, I feel differently because I know it to be sin, and also because I understand why God has outlawed it. I understand why liberals are pro-homosexual, because it is a civil rights issue and we're all equal under the law, etc, but that's because you don't understand what God has to say about it. Just as society outlaws certain behavior, so does God, and His law supercedes everything else. You see it as harming no one; I just showed how it creates a lot of harm, and that is just scratching the surface. If you knew the truth you would feel the same way as I do. I don't have a problem with homosexuals; everyone is made in the image of God. What I am against is sin.

I'm sure I had a longer response in me, but seeing how it's late and I don't give a shit what you think. Fuck Off.

One Cop Keeps Another From Getting Out Of Control

dystopianfuturetoday (Member Profile)

luxury_pie says...

I do not often feel the urge to state my admiration for a comment, but this time, I think, I must. Nice one.

In reply to this comment by dystopianfuturetoday:
Brothers and sisters.

As an atheist, and a fairly outspoken one at that, I don't feel like Hedges trying to mischaracterize myself or my atheism. I feel like he is trying to challenge me, to keep me from being hypocritical and to make sure that my anger is turned only towards those who do harm, regardless of faith.

I think his criticism of Harris and Hitch have more to do with American attitudes on the middle east than atheists attitudes. Most Americans, myself included, know very little about that region, and what little I/we do know is all negative - sexism, genital mutilation, death threats against cartoonists, jihad, terrorism, Islamic fundamentalism, etc. I assume a more realistic picture of the middle east would more closely resemble people of any country. I assume they love their friends and family, that they wish for a better life and a better world for their kids, that they enjoy art and music, that they have skills and hobbies and struggle to make ends meet, that they laugh and joke and mock and criticize the extremists of their country the way we do in ours, that they are frustrated with politics and the power the privileged few lord over them... but portraying humanity of the people in the middle east is something that is simply not done in American media.

I believe that we atheists, who value tolerance, should be making these arguments ourselves, and not trying to brush it under the rug when one of our public figures gets called out. I'm sure if you go through my comments over the years, I've probably made countless fruitless, unproductive and spiteful things about religion. I'm going to make an effort to do and say things differently in the future.

I'm down for coexisting with good people of all walks of life. We all have a common enemy in the powerful individuals who have seized control of our country. I don't want to fight with well intentioned Christians anymore; I want to fight along side them. I want to embrace the social justice that has long been a tradition of both liberalism and Catholicism - among other religions. I want to embrace throwing the money changers out of our democratic temples. I want a society that can be judged on how it treats the least among us. I want to live in a tighter knit, more connected and stronger society; not a selfish, paranoid and weaker one.

I think Hedges sees the problems of our time with remarkable clarity. I'm not threatened by him.

chris hedges on secular and religious fundamentalism

dystopianfuturetoday says...

Brothers and sisters.

As an atheist, and a fairly outspoken one at that, I don't feel like Hedges trying to mischaracterize myself or my atheism. I feel like he is trying to challenge me, to keep me from being hypocritical and to make sure that my anger is turned only towards those who do harm, regardless of faith.

I think his criticism of Harris and Hitch have more to do with American attitudes on the middle east than atheists attitudes. Most Americans, myself included, know very little about that region, and what little I/we do know is all negative - sexism, genital mutilation, death threats against cartoonists, jihad, terrorism, Islamic fundamentalism, etc. I assume a more realistic picture of the middle east would more closely resemble people of any country. I assume they love their friends and family, that they wish for a better life and a better world for their kids, that they enjoy art and music, that they have skills and hobbies and struggle to make ends meet, that they laugh and joke and mock and criticize the extremists of their country the way we do in ours, that they are frustrated with politics and the power the privileged few lord over them... but portraying humanity of the people in the middle east is something that is simply not done in American media.

I believe that we atheists, who value tolerance, should be making these arguments ourselves, and not trying to brush it under the rug when one of our public figures gets called out. I'm sure if you go through my comments over the years, I've probably made countless fruitless, unproductive and spiteful things about religion. I'm going to make an effort to do and say things differently in the future.

I'm down for coexisting with good people of all walks of life. We all have a common enemy in the powerful individuals who have seized control of our country. I don't want to fight with well intentioned Christians anymore; I want to fight along side them. I want to embrace the social justice that has long been a tradition of both liberalism and Catholicism - among other religions. I want to embrace throwing the money changers out of our democratic temples. I want a society that can be judged on how it treats the least among us. I want to live in a tighter knit, more connected and stronger society; not a selfish, paranoid and weaker one.

I think Hedges sees the problems of our time with remarkable clarity. I'm not threatened by him.

Jack Abramoff on 60 Minutes -- the whole system is corrupt

MonkeySpank says...

I ain't healing nobody! Now go judge your brothers for me!


- God

>> ^shinyblurry:

Considering your two death threats against me and this comment, a pattern is starting to emerge. You clearly have some deep seated issues. You need to repent of this wickedness and ask God to heal you. Youre headed towards a fall with your faulty conscience, so you had best get right with God now, before it is too late to avoid it and you act on one of your impulses.
>> ^Yogi:
>> ^GeeSussFreeK:
Wow, I can see what they are talking about...he is really charismatic. Him talking about all the evil he did, and for some reason, it was hard to hate him...amazing.

Oh I could still kick him violently in the back of the head and feel NOTHING. I wouldn't feel anything I would just go "Oh look he's dead...whatever" and walk on.

Jack Abramoff on 60 Minutes -- the whole system is corrupt

Gallowflak says...

>> ^shinyblurry:

Considering your two death threats against me and this comment, a pattern is starting to emerge. You clearly have some deep seated issues. You need to repent of this wickedness and ask God to heal you. Youre headed towards a fall with your faulty conscience, so you had best get right with God now, before it is too late to avoid it and you act on one of your impulses.
>> ^Yogi:
>> ^GeeSussFreeK:
Wow, I can see what they are talking about...he is really charismatic. Him talking about all the evil he did, and for some reason, it was hard to hate him...amazing.

Oh I could still kick him violently in the back of the head and feel NOTHING. I wouldn't feel anything I would just go "Oh look he's dead...whatever" and walk on.

You have become a sapient caricature. Whatever your objectives are, you have neutralized your ability to achieve them here by your conduct and repetitious zealotry. You care only that your message is heard, not about the way in which it's received or how you come across.

You are actively doing damage to the image of those ideas you feel are important, and I cannot understand it. Your policies towards people are entirely ineffectual, and you will never accomplish your goals. Perhaps you don't really care.

I'm willing to listen to most people, and I think there's great joy to be had in engaging with the minds of others. But you cast yourself in such a ridiculous light that I frequently wonder if you're just a fucking troll.

I just hope that under all the fanatical drivel, there is actually a human being worth investigating. It seems decreasingly likely.

Yogi (Member Profile)

bareboards2 says...

Hey Yogi. I'll say the same thing I said to @shinyblurry and @mizila.

Could you take this conversation to your personal profile pages, and out of the comment stream on my video?

There is a really interesting conversation developing on that video that is threatening to be derailed into an off-topic pissing match.

Shinyblurry, do you see what has happened here? Again, this started with a personal comment directed out of left field, and now there are two other Sifters jumping in. None of this has anything to do with Jack Abramoff.

I'm not saying don't make the comments, I am asking, shiny, that you make them on personal profile pages and not on video comment streams.


In reply to this comment by Yogi:
>> ^shinyblurry:

Considering your two death threats against me and this comment, a pattern is starting to emerge. You clearly have some deep seated issues. You need to repent of this wickedness and ask God to heal you. Youre headed towards a fall with your faulty conscience, so you had best get right with God now, before it is too late to avoid it and you act on one of your impulses.
>> ^Yogi:
>> ^GeeSussFreeK:
Wow, I can see what they are talking about...he is really charismatic. Him talking about all the evil he did, and for some reason, it was hard to hate him...amazing.

Oh I could still kick him violently in the back of the head and feel NOTHING. I wouldn't feel anything I would just go "Oh look he's dead...whatever" and walk on.

I don't remember ever threatening you. I know that I was typing a quote from a friend one time because I am not a veteran.

Jack Abramoff on 60 Minutes -- the whole system is corrupt

shinyblurry says...

Considering your two death threats against me and this comment, a pattern is starting to emerge. You clearly have some deep seated issues. You need to repent of this wickedness and ask God to heal you. Youre headed towards a fall with your faulty conscience, so you had best get right with God now, before it is too late to avoid it and you act on one of your impulses.

>> ^Yogi:
>> ^GeeSussFreeK:
Wow, I can see what they are talking about...he is really charismatic. Him talking about all the evil he did, and for some reason, it was hard to hate him...amazing.

Oh I could still kick him violently in the back of the head and feel NOTHING. I wouldn't feel anything I would just go "Oh look he's dead...whatever" and walk on.

Senator Exposes Republican "License to Bully" Bill

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