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Senator Exposes Republican "License to Bully" Bill

Senator Exposes Republican "License to Bully" Bill

shinyblurry says...

This is the second time you have voiced death threats against me, which is nothing other than proof that you have a heart filled with poison. Whatever you wish to say about this issue, it is all empty rhetoric in light of your obvious moral bankruptcy. You need to repent and get right with God.

>> ^Yogi:
>> ^shinyblurry:
My question is, if gays are born that way, what about pedophiles? Aren't they just victims of their genetics and the behavior is irreversable? If a man can marry another man, why not his horse? Why not his car? Once you open these doors, you can never close them.

Ok I'll answer your completely offensive questions. If Pedophiles are born that way does it make it ok? No it doesn't because when you're fucking children you're hurting them, some would argue destroying them. Two consenting gay adults is not the same as that, logically not just morally.
Second, the proposal is two individuals can marry eachother and share custody of children or have an economic relationship. So what is wrong with saying two consenting adults? A horse is not a person a car is not a person.
There I have been respectful and logical...Now let me pass on some advice from someone who fights for this country and your freedom.
"If I find you I will kill you and take much pleasure in it you sick mother fucker."
Just passing that along.

Class Warfare? Andrew Breitbart says, "Bring It On"

Nutbag floods atheists/scientists with death threats

hpqp (Member Profile)

Nutbag floods atheists/scientists with death threats

bamdrew says...

I like to think its a sort of hybrid of bigotry and empathy... the individual feels that you are willfully ignoring something that is terribly important to them, and that sets you apart as someone different but also needing help.

"Hell is a bad place; you don't want to end up there; just start believing and quit arguing with me wierdo!"

>> ^Yogi:

>> ^Morganth:
Depends on what the fundamental is. No one's ever scared of the Amish, but if they're not fundamentalists, no one is. >> ^Boise_Lib:
Fundamentalism is some scary shit.
Monotheism strikes again.

That's a very good point. I don't understand why fundamentalists need to tell everyone else how to live. I think it has something to do with being adjacent to power. Give fundamentalists power and you have problems...the Amish, I don't think they seek power too much.

Nutbag floods atheists/scientists with death threats

Yogi says...

>> ^Morganth:

Depends on what the fundamental is. No one's ever scared of the Amish, but if they're not fundamentalists, no one is. >> ^Boise_Lib:
Fundamentalism is some scary shit.
Monotheism strikes again.

That's a very good point. I don't understand why fundamentalists need to tell everyone else how to live. I think it has something to do with being adjacent to power. Give fundamentalists power and you have problems...the Amish, I don't think they seek power too much.

Olbermann: Amish Forgiveness is Christ Like

Nutbag floods atheists/scientists with death threats

Neil deGrasse Tyson on Empathy,Intelligence and Other Stuff.

ZappaDanMan says...

This man is a super star. I highly recomend his book 'The Pluto Files', where he got death threats from kindergarden kids, scribbled in crayon, over the demotion of pluto to a dwarf planet. Futher more, in
juxtaposition (in support of the demotion), The following comes from
astro'physicist Howard Brenner:

"F##k pluto, it was a sorry excuse for a planet anyhow, good riddance to bad solar trash, but now that the name is free, why not rename Uranus Pluto and get rid of all that grade school snickering."

Very entertaining book and a nice sift

Insulting religion

hpqp says...


I stand corrected. It seems to me to be neither sarcasm nor hypocrisy, but ironic parody of all the (death) threats and "You'll burn in hell"s that people like Condell get for criticising religion. To suggest that he truly wishes harm on others is to miss the style of his comedy altogether. I've watched almost all of his videos, so to me it went without saying, but I understand that someone not familiar with his style could infer what you do.

Also, your comment to @MaxWilder suggests that you didn't get the point about "insulting". What Pat does in his videos is turn the rhetoric of religious fundies and apologists back on them, in this case those who call any criticism of Islam "insult" or "blasphemy" (those two are often used as synonyms by the Islamist defenders).

You ask, "what is the point?" The point is, imo, to encourage non-believers and (eventually) moderate believers not to sit quietly and "take it" when religion tramples all over basic human rights, and then tries to shut up those who call it out for it. Lack of dissent is silent assent. To paraphrase Sagan:

"If we offer too much silent assent about mysticism and superstition [the abuse of human rights]—even when it seems to be doing a little good—we abet a general climate in which skepticism [criticism] is considered impolite [insulting], science tiresome, and rigorous thinking [ethical concerns] somehow stuffy and inappropriate.

18 years for harrassing the neighbors? Discuss. (Terrible Talk Post)

Sagemind says...

First of all, You don't go kissing a stranger's child on the lips (4-year old or otherwise).
They had a right to be concerned. That was a red flag.

As for Barry Ardolf, lets list his crimes
• (Wi-Fi) Hacking
• Identity theft
• Death Threats
• Child pornography
• Framing someone for crimes he himself committed (pre-meditated)
• Harassment
And he did these things to more than one family.

It he a menace to society - Yes
Is he psychologically sound - No
Does he have a clear view of right and wrong - No

So the question is, "Is a prison sentence of 18 years in prison too much?"
As each of the crimes are treated on their own and each one carries it's own penalties, I'm not surprised at the amount of prison time his activities racked up.

Let's consider his actions. He could of just agreed, oop's my mistake, I'm clueless and didn't understand the social ramifications and fears of today's pedophilia world. But he didn't, he snapped, he went on a campaign to utterly destroy this family. He went on an "intellectual crime spree" with a pre-meditated intention to frame others for his crimes. And this was not a one time slip of reason, he also did the same thing to a "family in Brooklyn Park", making him a repeat offender.

All the signs are there. This guy sounds like he could snap (physically) any time. Home many people does he need to destroy before he decides the intellectual crimes aren't enough? What this guy needs is a good ol' evaluation of how he spends his time and on how revenge over minor things is a psychopathological act.
Also, Consider the damage he could have done if Matt Kostolnik didn't have the resources from working for a law firm - as I'm sure the Brooklyn Park family didn't. How many other people had he done this to, which went undetected?

It's sad that it all ads up to so many years but on a crime by crime basis, I guess he should have thought about that before he acted.
Do the crime - do the time.

Why Dara Ó Briain does not joke about muslims

Climate Change Proposal Garners Death Threats For Scientists

Climate Change Proposal Garners Death Threats For Scientists

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