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Stupid Human Trick - Gum Control

Acrobatics in the garage (Voltige)

Drachen_Jager says...

Third year?

Wow... in my third year of animation I knew how objects move.

Mind you, I'd been working professionally for 2 of those years.

This guy hasn't got a clue. Both the pendulum effect and the way objects move in the air is completely off. The pendulum is especially sad, since most 3d animation programs have a default movement curve which perfectly simulates that sort of motion.

STAR TREK BEYOND Official Trailer #2 (2016)

TheFreak says...

The problem with JJ Abram's Star Trek is that he destroyed the core of Roddenberry's vision. Star Trek IS the optimistic, utopian future of mankind.

The popularity of themes comes and goes with the hopes and fears of the current culture. But if zombies are in and vampires are out at the moment, you don't try to make a vampire movie where vampires act like zombies. Just make a fucking zombie movie!

So maybe Roddenberry's core theme is not popular at the moment. If audiences want to see a future of betrayal, violence and individualist motivations in their plot, then pick a franchise that represents those themes and have at it. Remake "Forbidden Planet" any way you like. Shit, do "Logan's Run" in space with a shit ton of CGI.

Or get out ahead of the curve. Old testament angels in an anachronistic setting is just WAITING for a good director to come along.

Synchronized Cute Kittens In A Bowl

Sekrin says...

It's definitely a sink, if you look behind the kittens you can see the silver overflow vent and the tap is that silver curve in the middle of the top of the frame.

I've seen this type of sink (that really does look like a bowl resting on a worktop) before - they seemed to get mildly popular a few years back (popular enough for a DIY superstore like B&Q to stock them...)

I will definitely concede that it is a bit weird the first time you see one...

ant said:

That is a weird looking sink then.

newtboy (Member Profile)

ahimsa says...

gorilla's & bonobo's to whom humans are very closly related eat almost exclusively plants.

here is a comparrison between shows that humans are anatomically herbivorous:

Facial Muscles
CARNIVORE: Reduced to allow wide mouth gape
HERBIVORE: Well-developed
HUMAN: Well-developed

Jaw Type
CARNIVORE: Angle not expanded
OMNIVORE: Angle not expanded
HERBIVORE: Expanded angle
HUMAN: Expanded angle

Jaw Joint Location
CARNIVORE: On same plane as molar teeth
OMNIVORE: On same plane as molar teeth
HERBIVORE: Above the plane of the molars
HUMAN: Above the plane of the molars

Jaw Motion
CARNIVORE: Shearing; minimal side-to-side motion
OMNIVORE: Shearing; minimal side-to-side
HERBIVORE: No shear; good side-to-side, front-to-back
HUMAN: No shear; good side-to-side, front-to-back

Major Jaw Muscles
CARNIVORE: Temporalis
OMNIVORE: Temporalis
HERBIVORE: Masseter and pterygoids
HUMAN: Masseter and pterygoids

Mouth Opening vs. Head Size
HUMAN: Small

Teeth: Incisors
CARNIVORE: Short and pointed
OMNIVORE: Short and pointed
HERBIVORE: Broad, flattened and spade shaped
HUMAN: Broad, flattened and spade shaped

Teeth: Canines
CARNIVORE: Long, sharp and curved
OMNIVORE: Long, sharp and curved
HERBIVORE: Dull and short or long (for defense), or none
HUMAN: Short and blunted

Teeth: Molars
CARNIVORE: Sharp, jagged and blade shaped
OMNIVORE: Sharp blades and/or flattened
HERBIVORE: Flattened with cusps vs complex surface
HUMAN: Flattened with nodular cusps

CARNIVORE: None; swallows food whole
OMNIVORE: Swallows food whole and/or simple crushing
HERBIVORE: Extensive chewing necessary
HUMAN: Extensive chewing necessary

newtboy said:

You are once again mistaken....
Real verified stats are had to come by, but: "In the coral reef community there are many species of fish which fill this ecological role: roughly 25 percent of the fishes are herbivores or make plants a part of their diet/omnivores (Deloach, 1999)."
That's just fish, far more abundant than land animals by number or biomass, as a group are at least 75% carnivore (not omnivore).

"obligate carnivore" is not honest, scientific, or reasonable. That means 10% CAN'T eat plants, not that only 10% does. Most animals are neither pure vegetarian or carnivore. I know vegans have a history of ignoring omnivores as a category, because it erases their positions/arguments, but that doesn't mean it's not a major category, in fact it's THE major category.

Herbivores have digestive systems designed to break down cellulose. Humans have one stomach, not designed to break down cellulose, so if it's a choice between carnivore or herbivore, biologically we are carnivores, which makes removing the omnivore category just plain silly for vegans.

Big Boobs Problems

newtboy says...

Nope. not HER difficulty in buying a sports bra.
"There's no way it's going to be cute (she says as she pulls it down to expose cleavage)...and fit....and get the job done."
What SHE'S complaining about is all about showing off.

And the problem of men staring AT YOUR CLEAVAGE goes away if you don't EXPOSE YOUR CLEAVAGE! Imagine that!
Perhaps many still look at your boobs, but men look at boobs, large or small. That's why they came up with 'Curves'. It's not only an issue for brick houses.

nanrod said:

I thought that for some but not all. The difficulty in buying sports and regular bras has nothing to do with showing off. And the problem of people staring at the gym does not go away even if you completely cover up.

Tailgater vs Brake Checker

MilkmanDan says...

I 99% agree with you, but:

Some of that responsibility we all assume when driving to be able to react to things happening in front of us is legitimately mitigated by assumptions that people are going to drive mostly sanely.

Like, on a highway with only 1 lane going each way, when there is an oncoming car in the other lane we assume that they are going to stay in their lane and not swerve right in front of us at the last second. Or, when going around a semi-blind curve on a road, we generally maintain speed and assume that nobody is going to stop / reverse down the lane (although causing accidents that way is a fairly common insurance scam trick).

The tailgater here was *NOT* giving himself enough space to react to 100% normal, sane things that could happen. The brake-check goes (slightly) beyond the normal, sane things that we would usually assume are going to happen when driving. The only problem that I have with it (the brake-check) is that like @SDGundamX said, it very likely could have resulted in an accident including completely innocent victims -- like the car pulling onto the highway or even oncoming traffic on the other side of the ditch.

Basically, the tailgater deserved what he got here. BUT, he could easily have smashed into bystander cars that wouldn't have deserved it at all. So, the takeaway for me is that I'd be hesitant to do a brake-check like that in a situation with that much traffic around. It is still 99.9% the tailgater's fault, and would have been that way even if he had smashed into somebody else. But I'd feel real bad if I brake-checked some asshole like that and he careened into somebody that did nothing wrong.

dannym3141 said:

It is ALWAYS the responsibility of the person behind to ensure they can react to things that happen in front of them. Nothing wrong with what the front driver did and i can't see any reason why you'd call him a dbag in the descriptor.

science vs cinema-ridley scott's the martian

HenningKO says...

I don't know about the "40% gravity" fail either, considering every film in history that has humans walking around on other planets would fail that one too.
Can we have a curve?

RFlagg said:

I don't know about giving it a "fail" on gravity, but a "cheat" on the storm. If you are willing to give it a "cheat" on the storm, then the reality of filming on Earth should give the gravity a "cheat" as well. It would have been much much harder to replicate the gravity on Mars itself and maintain any sort of sense of budget etc. I'd be more inclined to fail it for the storm than the gravity, the storm is a cheat to setup the story, the gravity is a cheat due to the reality of filming on Earth.

New Year's Eve from a bouncer's perspective

MilkmanDan says...

I'd like to enter this video into evidence to support my extreme introvert lifestyle. Frequently, people in the meaty center or extreme extrovert side of the bell curve question how I can possibly be happy and fulfilled staying home all the time.

Why don't I get out more? THIS is why.

Penn & Teller - Can They Split a Bullet With a Butter Knife

Jinx says...

I'd hazard that it doesn't make much difference how thick the sword is as long as it has a reasonable edge angle made of something harder than the bullet. I'd contest that Katanas aren't good for cutting (weight of blade + curve), but yeah, the whole mythos about them being extraordinarily more sharp than other swords is bullshit. I've read that the reason for blending high-carbon steel with softer steel was more a matter of scarcity of high-carbon steel than deliberate design.

Xaielao said:

My thought exactly jimnms.

Just about any well made sword could do what that sword did, in fact probably do it better because samurai swords are so thick on the end they aren't that great for cutting, let alone piercing, no matter how sharp they are.

It's just that samurai swords (called that because they were a symbol of the class, but rarely ever used in actual battle) has this mythical air about it. But they aren't actually that great a sword.

Sloppy Seconds - Watsky

eric3579 says...

Fuck you if you love a car for its paint job
Love you if you love a car for the road trips
Show me the miles and your arms and the pink scar
Where the doctor had to pull out all the bone chips
Cuz you were pressing on the gas just a bit hard
Right in the moment where the road curved a bit sharp
And when you woke up, somebody was unclipping your seat belt
and pulling you from the open window of your flipped car

Cold pizza
Tie-dye shirts
Broken hearts
Give'm here, give'm here
Hand me downs
Give me give me leftovers
Give me give me sloppy seconds
Give em here, give em here

I don't care where you've been
How many miles, I still love you [x2]

Show me someone who says they got no baggage
I'll show you somebody whose got no story
Nothing gory means no glory, but baby please don't bore me
We won't know until we get there
The who, or the what, or the when where
My favorite sweater was a present that I got a couple presidents ago
And I promised that I would rock it till it's thread bare
Bet on it
Every single person got a couple skeletons
So pretty soon, in this room
It'll just be me and you when we clear out all the elephants
Me and you and the elements

We all have our pitfalls
Beer's flat, the cabs have been called
And everybody and their momma can hear the drama
that's happening behind these thin walls

Cold pizza
Tie-dye shirts (tie-dye shirts)
Broken hearts
Give'm here, give'm here
Hand me downs (hand me downs)
Leftovers (leftovers)
Sloppy seconds
Give'm here, give'm here

I don't care where you've been
How many miles, I still love you (2x)

I don't care (cold pizza)
Where you've been (tie-dye shirts)
How many (broken hearts) miles, I still love you
I don't care (hand me downs)
Where you've been (left overs)
How many (sloppy seconds) miles, I still love you

My pattern with women isn't a flattering image
But I don't want to run away because I said so
I don't want to be the guy to hide all of my flaws
And I'll be giving you the side of me that I don't let show
Everything in fashion
That has ever happened
Always coming crashing down
Better let go
But in a couple years it will be retro
You rock Marc Ecko
My shirts have the gecko
Cuz in the past man, I was hopeless
But now's when my little cousins look the dopest
(whoop whoop)
Fuck the fashion po-po
Have a stale doughnut, I don't need no tips
Fuck a five second rule
That's a plan I never understood
It's September in my kitchen in a Christmas sweater
Sipping cold coffee on the phone with damaged goods

And there is not a single place that I would rather be
I'm fucked up just like you are, and you're fucked up just like me

Cold pizza (cold pizza)
Tie-dye shirts (tie-dye shirts)
Broken hearts
Give'm here, Give'm here
Hand me downs (oh hand me downs)
Give me give me leftovers (leftovers)
Give me give me sloppy seconds
Give'm here give'm here

I don't care where you've been
How many miles, I still love you [x2]

I don't care (cold pizza)
Where you've been (tie-dye shirts)
How many (broken hearts) miles, I still love you
I don't care (hand me downs)
Where you've been (left overs)
How many (sloppy seconds) miles, I still love you

Hovering a Helicopter is Hilariously Hard

spawnflagger says...

I remember the Desert Combat mod for BF1942 was one of the first FPS with helicopters, and I also remember how every n00b would jump in, full throttle, and immediately kill themselves. While it had a steeper learning curve, once mastered, was very precise controls.
All later Battlefield games that had helis, they dumbed-down the controls to make it easier, and they just weren't as fun or precise.

00Scud00 said:

Me, flying helicopters in GTA 5. Weird thing is, I remember playing helicopter sims back in the day and I don't have any memory of it being as hard as it was in GTA.

Lady in a stolen SUV rams a police car---Body Cam footage

Barbar says...

Is this even an attack or just a case of panic at having a gun pointed at you, and then freezing up instead of following the curve in the road?

The Wendelstein 7-X fusion reactor is insane

Spacedog79 says...

Good luck to them, they'll need it. What is easy to forget with fusion is that they are still miles off reaching break even in a sustainable fashion. Moreover there are so many conflicting engineering requirements (super cooled magnets next to super heated plasma anyone?) that it isn't just a linear progression of difficulty to reaching break even, it is more like an exponential curve.

I don't think it will ever work, and with LFTR in development by the Chinese I don't think it is necessary either.

To Scale: The Solar System

Waspp says...

Unrelated: Look up "The L-Curve" for a "to-scale" comparison of incomes and wealth comparison between people in the USA, using a football field as medium for comparison.

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