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A night In the Cage: Internment Camps DNC

NordlichReiter says...

<embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="" style="" id="embedded_player" name="embedded_player" bgcolor="#ffffff" quality="high" wmode="transparent" allowscriptaccess="always" flashvars="targets=embed&site=DRMN&styleSheet=
xtrasource=" height="290" width="320">

Firefox 3.0.1 (Sift Talk Post)

Sagemind says...

Also, If I select the gibberish text and paste it in another document, the text comes out fine, which further makes me think it is a CSS error in the Sift pages code somewhere, something defining the font type.
All other text is handled fine, it is just the Blue titles, throughout the Sift, on videos or sift Talk.

Oh, and also, the status bar at the bottom of the page reads fine when I mouse over the blue title text (links), which reads as plain text.

10444 (Member Profile)

Zonbie (Member Profile)

lucky760 (Member Profile)

dag (Member Profile)

Obsidianfire (Member Profile)

Zonbie (Member Profile)

Obsidianfire (Member Profile)

Zonbie (Member Profile)

dag (Member Profile)

One of our top 15 posters hits a half a K: Arvana's da man (Nature Talk Post)

VideoSift v3.2 (Sift Talk Post)

srd says...

Buglet: About a minute after loading a page the font size suddenly increases. This is with Firefox 3.0rc2. Could be the browser hickupping on the CSS, could be something reloading in the background. Could be a Firefox bug (in that case disregard ).

arvana (Member Profile)

Krupo says...

Sweet, thanks. Now I have to make time to play with all that... stupid non-essential exams...

In reply to this comment by arvana:
Thanks, buddy! I have a ton of CSS links you can read through, but the easiest way to go about it is to download Lucky's sample CSS from the channel manager page and play around with that.

Here are some good resources to check out:

That should keep you out of trouble for a while!

In reply to this comment by Krupo:
#1 I like your CSS work
#2 I need an access to a CSS tutorial or something to figure out how to spruce up everything, including

Any advice/links to send me to?

In reply to this comment by arvana:
Very important idea for 3.2:  MORE STYLE!!!

The default colours & styling for the site are soooo boooooring... have a look at the Nature channel to see an example of what can be done.  Not that I love my own work or anything.

The Decade long Conversation to nowhere (Nature Talk Post)

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