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Siftquisition #3: My rights violated! (Military Talk Post)

blankfist says...

The fear channel CSS looks great, doesn't it? The blue 'Sift Partners Network' bar at the top of the page seems out of place, however. Maybe there's a way to change that color to match the rest of the page in the CSS? Any ideas anyone?

Zero Punctuation: Left 4 Dead

westy says...

i got it game is good it just needs comunity maps cos the valve maps r boring after playing through them once the director is not realy noticable and u have to play the game on the hardest seting to get real enjoyment/ chalenge. but then regardless of how how well you work together it just seems random when you die.

so basicly to make the game fun we just need funky custom maps. prefrabaly large maps where u can palce exsplosives and what not alowign you to buld defencive positoins.

its the comunity maps that made dod and cs what thay are (aside from the base mechanics bing good) , basicly the realy good maps stick around and the shit ones die, when u play css and dods u only realy see maps that have stood over the years. having sead that i dont get why some of the amazing maps from origonal dod still rnt in the game. bahh

Zero Punctuation: Left 4 Dead

Zero Punctuation: Left 4 Dead

antonye says...

Yahtzee is perfectly correct - the gameplay is linear (although not perfectly flat) and it does become repetitive, but the beauty is in the online gameplay aspect along with the "Survivors vs Infected" gameplay which will keep many people (myself included) awake into the wee hours.

This really is going to be huge, in the way CSS, COD and TF2 have become.

Programmers Unite! - The Sift Talk Where Code Monkeys Meet (Science Talk Post)

dgandhi says...

import languages as l
import obsolete as o
import data as d
import services as s

class dgandhi(self):
    """I hope sifty does not kill my syntactic indents"""
    def __init__(self):
        self.skills = [l.PHP,l.C,l.CPP,l.Eiffel,l.Python,
    def can_program(target):
        if target in self.skills or target.is_interesting():
            return True
            return False

Programmers Unite! - The Sift Talk Where Code Monkeys Meet (Science Talk Post)

seltar says...

A good portion of workrelated-PHP, XHTML, CSS and Javascripting. Quite alot of sparetime-Java & Processing. Finish off with a dash of playful Actionscript, and stir.

I'm currently working as a webdeveloper in a norwegian multimedia company.
I've always had this thing for figuring out how things work, and fixing them. Especially with logical things, like code.
I then spent a year in a small city, going to school. The problem was they weren't teaching me what I expected, so I started trying to learn it myself.
I accidentally stumbled upon Processing (.org) and fell in love. Been coding happily ever since, where my creations have ranged from games to applications and art.

I'm always happy to help, and I'm usually up for collaborating on something Always fun to get to know other coders


Please Remove 80s and 90s Sifts From Vintage Channel (80s Talk Post)

nibiyabi (Member Profile)

403 - Forbidden (Sift Talk Post)

berticus says...

yup add me to the list.. almost every link 403s, a refresh usually gets it. my upvotes on videos sometimes just stall, and comments/invocations etc are problematic too. CSS sometimes loading strangely...

clearly this is a sign of the end times and we should all download the internet now before it is destroyed.

403 - Forbidden (Sift Talk Post)

Anyone else hearing "fuck the shit"? (Wtf Talk Post)

Anyone else hearing "fuck the shit"? (Wtf Talk Post)

campionidelmondo says...

Yeah it happens when the CSS is not displayed completely or something like that (might be connected to the 403 error that shows up from time to time). The song is actually lucky's avatar video, and in that case it will start playing immediately Sorry to debunk all ghost stories/conspiracy theories here, but it's just a glitch

Anyone else hearing "fuck the shit"? (Wtf Talk Post)

11807 says...

Yeah, I heard it! It happened 4-5 days ago I think. I went onto Videosift and it looked like all the formatting was removed from the site (CSS?) Everything was stacked on top of each other to the left of the screen. And that damn video started playing! I thought it was music at first but saw a little thumbnail sized video playing that crap sandwiched between everything in the middle of the page as I scrolled down.

The site returned to normal a few hours later. I figured it was either a site attack or the site was missing some files during an update. I don't know.

Styling the Sift (updated) (Sift Talk Post)

rougy says...

The dark is very well done.

I tried to find a place where I could learn how to do this.

I understand CSS & JavaScript pretty well, but I didn't quite understand what you were doing with one function that was never called.

I guess it's called automatically.

Styling the Sift (updated) (Sift Talk Post)

Eklek says...

Thanks a lot, my eyes instantaneously approved the dark CSS!:)

Small requests to lucky/campionidelmundo: indeed, a less choppy VS logo would be better and could the links in the profile text + the dark/fear channel + links below posts (the "Description and information about your video" part) be made visible somehow (e.g. bolder, brighter/darker)?

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