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Eklek (Member Profile)

Style the Sift (Blog Entry by campionidelmondo)

Eklek says...

>> ^Eklek:
>I like it:), I just installed it..
>request: can there also be a version which allows black backgrounds (of the >whole site and especially the profile page (which has black letters)?)?
>I'm making some different colored versions of this right now and one will be >dark/black if that's what you mean.

Indeed:) great, look forward to your dark VS-CSS!

Style the Sift (Blog Entry by campionidelmondo)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Very nice, but I don't have that much chest hair - Ass hair, well that's another matter. And I do in fact have a 24" monitor - and it's lovely.

>> ^Farhad2000:
Oh don't worry dag I modified the sites CSS, data and img calls in a very special way just for you. Check it out.
Actually I got a CSS modification to make everything look black. Dag is just jealous he doesn't have a 24 inch monitor that has the ungodly contrast ratio of 10,000 to 1.

Style the Sift (Blog Entry by campionidelmondo)

lucky760 (Member Profile)

nibiyabi (Member Profile)

lucky760 (Member Profile)

VideoSift 3.3 Roundtable (Sift Talk Post)

jonny says...

>> ^doogle:
RE: Sharing tools
I notice that users can submit the video to Stumble Upon
Other sharing sites should be considered, and maybe lump in "Email" into a drop down of Sharing options - (I really like how they do it at the TechDirt website) and add other sharing sites as more can be integrated.

I never used it, but that used to be a "Submit to..." link, which, when clicked, would open a selection of options (digg, reddit, stumbleupon, delicious). Not only did the other options go away, it screwed up the layout there as well.

RE: "more inside"
Also, I'm sure this was intended at first, but I'll reiterate that the "more inside" cut off message when descriptions are too long should be css:show and show users right there "more" when clicked without having to take the user to a separate window.

YES! This has been suggested frequently before. Perhaps now its time has come. Please.

VideoSift 3.3 Roundtable (Sift Talk Post)

doogle says...

I'm-a-gonna go ahead and plagiarize a suggestion I made for 3.2:

Referring to this comment by doogle:
RE: Sharing tools

I notice that users can submit the video to Stumble Upon

Other sharing sites should be considered, and maybe lump in "Email" into a drop down of Sharing options - (I really like how they do it at the TechDirt website) and add other sharing sites as more can be integrated.

RE: "more inside"
Also, I'm sure this was intended at first, but I'll reiterate that the "more inside" cut off message when descriptions are too long should be css:show and show users right there "more" when clicked without having to take the user to a separate window.

RE: Leaving a comment
And I support being able to leave a comment right there under the video in the listing view, instead of having to go to the video link.

(I'll be following up with another from another time that may have to wait for VideoSift 4.0...)

VideoSift 3.3 Roundtable (Sift Talk Post)

lucky760 says...

>> auto-upvote for original submitter

Sometimes you don't want to upvote. See this.

>> I changed the CSS so my background is black

For anyone else: you can just change the main background color for yourself in account prefs.

VideoSift 3.3 Roundtable (Sift Talk Post)

Farhad2000 says...

Am totally a fan of black.

It kills my eyes seeing VS in all white, I changed the CSS so my background is black. Especially when you got VS open on a 24 inch LCD at night, the thing can sear your eyes off.

What part do you play in the VS community? (Mystery Talk Post)

Fjnbk says...

I'm the one who tries too hard. I barely know how to use HTML, but I try it anyway. My CSS skills suck, but I tinker with them anyway. I run the channel that makes we weep for the future of mankind.

I also fill the important no vowel-niche.

Maher, Garofalo, & Rushdie destroy Fund's defense of Palin

9980 says...

A vice presidential candidate does not deserve a reminder prefacing a question about the Bush Doctrine any more than a lawyer would about stare decisis, a webmaster would about CSS, or a macroeconomist would about globalization. If you're a layperson, you don't actually need to know about any of those things. If you're applying for a job in the field, especially the second highest job, you have absolutely no excuse.

Some Say Bill O'Reilly Goes Gold. (Lies Talk Post)

Wings! - VS' latest channel (Wings Talk Post)

Zonbie says...

I think its a great channel - you can have subsets of channel topics - I think spacy does not cover wings at all - so its great!

btw, let me know if I or anyone else here can help if you want any CSS or CSS help for channel page

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