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Last Week Tonight - Brexit v2 There are no f*cking do-overs

notarobot says...

I just checked the LWT youtube channel. Looks like HBO hasn't uploaded the 'John reacts to Brexit' yet. Once it's up, hopefully we can replace this crappy embed.

ulysses1904 said:

It's not a link to original HBO content, it's somebody's own edited version on Youtube.

Wake up with The Rock Clock

John Oliver: Primaries and Caucuses

Mordhaus says...

You can blame whomever you like. I will never vote for Hillary, which means I will be voting Libertarian this year. If that means Trump wins, then so be it. An inexperienced president is MUCH less of a threat than a corrupt one.

The worst harm Trump could do would be picking crappy SCOTUS judges, realistically an inexperienced President doesn't have that much power over anything else if Congress is against him/her. Look at Obama, other than the few years he had a Democratic led Congress, he has mostly been limited to presidential decrees that really don't do much.

Now a corrupt president that is motivated and knows how to work the system, that is an entirely different animal. I have no issues in saying that Hillary is the most corrupt person I have seen in the running for President since Nixon, and we all know how well that turned out. She is by far worse than Trump, who is just an idiot. Her husband was just as bad, his support of the deregulation policies of the late 1990s in regards to Wall Street directly led to the 2008 Depression.

bareboards2 said:


And yeah. I'll blame independents and moderate Republicans and Democrats who don't vote in November if Trump wins.

That will be on your heads. If you don't vote or vote for a third party and Trump wins.

Because Trump will be a disaster for the world and this country.

As one prominent solidly conservative R has said about his decision to vote for Hillary -- our republic will survive her presidency. It probably won't survive a Trump presidency.

And if moderate Rs vote Trump and Dems stay home and independents vote third party because they haven't been sufficient woo'd...

Yeah. I will blame all of you.

Making a model Steel Bridge for a 3rd grade project

TheFreak says...

Opposite experience: in 4th grade me and a partner were suppose to make a model church (catholic school). I had made stained glass windows with that fake stained glass paint - arts and crafts stuff, we had made brick walls out of clay on wood...for a couple of 10 year olds it was pretty impressive. Then my partner's rather insisted we finish it at his house. His father scrapped everything we'd done and made it himself in his wood shop, letting us do nothing. Thing is, he had a wood shop but he sucked. Made it out of fake wood paneling and it didn't even make sense. It was just a crappy looking box that in no way resembled a building. I hated that thing. His need to take over stole the creativity from children.

You might think what your kid makes will be better for your help and they'll be happier because of it. But what you end up with will never be theirs. Hope you're really proud of your grade school project.

RetroAhoy: Quake

ant says...

Remember, QuakeWorld? I remember id Software made this client to make the game much better online for dial-upers like me who had crappy GTE phone services (e.g., 21600-26400 connections on faster modems!).

shagen454 said:

The soundtrack for Quake is/was awesome. But, yeah - I really got into even heavier music than I was into already at the time and would listen to that while playing any number of multiplayer Quake mods.

The segment about Threewave CTF (with the grappling hook) really shot a wave of nostalgia through me. Aside from some really unique Ultima Online guild skirmishes, Threewave CTF for me takes the cake for best multiplayer experiences I've ever had ; and to lesser extents Doom 2 over dialup and WoW.

A Visibly DRUNK Sarah Palin's Response to Elizabeth Warren

newtboy says...

Yeah, I disliked that too, but it was either that or have some guy spend 3-4 minutes talking about how dumb she looks...I decided the crappy words covering the screen was the better option. I could not find it as just the original plain video.

eric3579 said:

Sounds like typical Palin rambling. I sure wouldn't come to the conclusion shes drunk. And whats with the huge annoying titling on the video. Can't they just show the clip. Do they really need such in your face stupid titling. Call me annoyed. Also this is from Aug 2014.

We Broke: The Division

newtboy says...

Crappy, that sucks ass. Which console? (I'm guessing not PC because you rented it) Why do they have to ruin great concepts with poor execution?

entr0py said:

Yeah, I rented it, it was a buggy mess with always online DRM cancer. Seeing that it has largely positive reviews really convinced me you can't even go by aggregated scores any more.

Everything You Need To Know About Anal

JustSaying says...

Ok, this video means well but it does a crappy job. Enemas are like waterboarding terrorists? Really? These guys are full of shit.
I'm certainly no expert but even I know that if it hurts, you're doing it wrong.

And what's with the food the whole time? I used to be hungry but now....

Classic DOS games roundup, circa 1995

ant says...

Ah yeah. I remember qtest86 in a small computer lab on a Linux desktop machine with no audio. Haha. It was cool! I think I was a sophomore back then. Also, I remember QuakeWorld and playable on crappy dial-up modems on crappy GTE phone lines (could never get full speeds too).

artician said:

I started college the year after. Lost a good deal of my freshman year to Quake. Oh boy, I miss those days. Only one fps that people played, and it was amazing.

woman destroys third wave feminism in 3 minutes

draak13 says...

It's extremely important to note that, at the collegiate level, it is taught in introductory sociology courses that feminism is exactly what she says it is. Feminism by its traditional definition is actually a pretty crappy thing, which most people from both sexes would agree on in modern times. While feminists have done wonderful things for women's rights, her message of gender equality is really refreshing.

Rainbow six Siege gives me sexual feelings!

newtboy jokingly says...

Um...I'm pretty sure having a gay orgy and 'no homo' are mutually exclusive, buddy.

@artician , I'm also disappointed at the number of online-multiplayer only games these days. They finally have the computing power to make a decent AI, and they seem to have decided to all but give up on single player FPS. I've heard that's the case with the new Star Wars game too. Crappy. I just want to kill me some bots, not get crushed by 11 year olds.

Consent is actually easy to understand, yeah?

bareboards2 says...

In your scenario, he has an emphatic yes, yes, yes, I want to drink tea with you, he has done his due diligence.

Until we get less crazy around sex in this Puritan country, and even after, there will be mentally disturbed people who say yes and then say no.

But here's something you probably don't know. Women are conditioned to be polite. They are conditioned to be nice. They say no while smiling, and that is a definite mixed message. As someone "joked" already on this comment stream, what about the women who say no but really mean yes?

All the stuff in the prior paragraph is NOT CONSENT to drink tea.

So yeah, it sucks eggs large that there are women out there who don't take responsibility for their own choices, and for whatever fucked up reason, change their mind later.

But those are the minority, dear Scud.

The majority are women who smiling say no and don't speak up while, in their minds, they are having tea forced upon them. Or who go paralyzed and are silent. That happens. That happens a crushingly high number of times in this world.

Here's a true story, to give you a peek into how screwed up we train our young women to be. I heard this in a self defense class. A young woman was held in a dorm room for two days, having tea forced on her repeatedly. She could hear people walking in the hallway, who could have come to her aid. Why didn't she yell out? If she could hear them, then they could hear her. The guy didn't have weapon, just the threat of physical force. So why didn't she yell out for help?

She didn't want to make a scene.

Isn't that awful? Isn't that crappy?

We tell our girls to be nice and pleasant. And the message gets perverted, yeah?

The plus side is she got herself to a really good self defense class that taught her to speak up and make a scene and gave her some physical skills to deal with any tea forcing behavior. It won't be happening to her again.

But I'm telling you, dear Scud. This nice pleasant woman, if she had been asked, would have said no, no thank, I don't want any tea. If she was asked. And you don't know if you have a meek person or a loudmouth like me. So you need to ask. And ask again. And make it fun while you ask, because it is sexy as hell to say yes, please, more tea. Give me more tea. Put that tea right there.

00Scud00 said:

But if the guy doesn't even know he's actually forcing her to drink tea, how much responsibility can the guy be reasonably expected to take on? She says yes, perhaps even emphatically so and then gives no indication that she has changed her mind all throughout the act and only changes her mind the morning after.
According to this video he did everything he should have and yet he may still wind up being accused of forcing tea on someone.
As for the mentally disturbed, there are many people with mental conditions that can seem perfectly normal on the outside. You have to crank the handle a good number of times before the song ends and the Jack pops out of the box.

Why Do Action Scenes Suck?

worthwords says...

meh. i don't think they actually added much. The scene with the hulk vs iron man was not believable, enjoyable - it was just another crappy action scene in a poorly constructed very unenjoyable movie.
saving ryan's privates is a good example of a difficult to watch scene because it wasn't filmed by a drone, it was filmed largely from the POV of being on the ground - as it was plausible and horrific it was a very upsetting and memorable scene. How can you really give a shit about superhero who are immortal kicking the shit out of a tin of metal.

Effective road rage defense

newtboy says...

I want to upvote because it's funny, but also want to downvote because it's pretty crappy to have put that dog in harms way. Road rager might have punched it or any number of terrible things. Also, they kind of closed the window on the poor dog's head.

Another Truck Hits That Massachusetts Bridge

lucky760 says...

No lawsuit necessary. There was no injury.

Just got the insurance info and had to deal with the inconvenience and wasted time of taking it in for repairs while driving a crappy rental around for a few days.

ant said:

And then what happened? Did you sue the driver?

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