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Why it's hard to be Republican w/a mind and heart

newtboy says...

Derp. Of course not. As I said, that’s classified level information, just the topics of the documents he stole are classified….fuckwit. That’s the sensitivity level of what he STOLE on his way out, then lied about still having.
Also Trump’s lawyers are fighting (poorly) to keep even the topics hidden from even the FBI and DOJ. They’ll go to the Supreme Court to keep them from becoming public. Why, if there’s nothing there, are they going to such lengths to hide the evidence?

Can you name one sensitive document Clinton had? I seriously doubt it after hundreds of millions and a dozen or more investigations, and those were lowest level classification documents not even labeled classified.

What was found was over 700 pages of classified documents, including at least 11 separate top secret classified sets of documents, at least 3 the highest top secret level not allowed out of secure facilities and that cannot be declassified by the president, usually meaning nuclear secrets but possible non nuclear but just as sensitive highest level state secrets.
You don’t need to know EXACTLY what the secrets are to know it’s criminal to have them, and to keep them unsecured, and to lie to the FBI about having them. You only demand that information because you know it won’t be produced….it’s an artificial bar you’re floating in the sky and saying “you haven’t reached that bar yet”….the fifth or sixth bar this scandal. It will be great if Biden decides the public knowing outweighs the secrecy and declassifies that information….won’t it?

I would point out, the documents being classified is not a requirement of any of the 3 laws cited in the warrant…just that he took them, kept them, and hid/lied about having them. There’s no doubt on all 3.

I’ve never claimed to KNOW they were nuclear secrets, others claimed that, I said they were likely nuclear secrets or might be other secrets of the same import and classification.
“ Classified documents relating to nuclear weapons were among the items FBI agents sought in a search of former president Donald Trump’s Florida residence on Monday, according to people familiar with the investigation.”. To be honest, I haven’t read the redacted warrant to see if that’s what they were specifically looking for, but word is they found what they were looking for.

You never agree when I’m undeniably right, you just ghost.
You never admit you were wrong. Not once in the near dozen years we’ve been “talking”. I bet elsewhere you still claim Jan 6 was ANTIFA and BLM but not a single Trumpist, despite reality being the exact opposite. I bet elsewhere you still claim 2020 was a stolen election (only the presidential race though, the rest of all the ballots are valid).
You can find dozens of times I’ve admitted I was incorrect, I usually thank the person who set me straight, but I don’t recall you ever correctly correcting me so likely not directly to you.
I’ve agreed with you on some points, but never your overall take. It’s always nuts.
You agree individual cops are bad, then say it’s always an outlier, one bad apple, then throw tantrums accusing me of saying things I had not said like we should have no police at all.
You rarely agree about evil criminal Republicans, sometimes you say they shouldn’t hold office but what about “x”, but soon forget and support them, or Trump does and you say nothing but just grin….or you just say crooks are better than lefties. Don’t you still support Gaetz despite the underage human trafficking, Bohbert despite supporting her husband exposing himself to two 15 year old girls in her presence, Judge Roy despite years of trolling for 13 year old girls at the mall, even Trump despite being best friends with Epstein for years and years after he admitted serial child molesting, partying in private with him and YOUNG girls and joking about sex with his daughter and other children (something actual child abusers do).

“My side” is often wrong (it’s not my side btw, I’m a Democrat based on sanity). Assault weapon bans for instance, are dumb. Either eliminate all clip fed semi auto without a licensed necessity or none. Cosmetics are just that. Your turn.

Again with the Magnificent Spaghetti Monster, may you be touched with his noodly appendage. You like to degrade what you think are my sources, but you have no clue what they are. I’ll just say CNN is never on my TV, and I really don’t know what MSM is, I thought you meant MSNBC, which I also don’t watch! 😂

Only facts matter to me, that’s why I’m willing to cite sources unlike you who is embarrassed of where your nonsense came from. I read both sides of an issue, and the original data the conclusions come from and decide for myself….usually agreeing with the left but not always, but never with the right because they are insane and delusional, believing only their alternate facts (what were called lies before Trump). Facts have never mattered to you, only partisan blame games.

Name a disastrous government response or responsibility you blame on Republicans. I’ll start, I’ll blame our current friendly status with Saudi Arabia on Biden, they should be on the terrorist state list, and it’s his call now. Your turn.

Edit: PS- Courts ruled last week that Barr outright lied about the contents of the Mueller report and about the idea that without a conviction on the underlying crime there could be no obstruction, ruled that there are 10 instances of legal obstruction listed in the report, and that Barr bold faced lied about it, hid it from the public, and did this intentionally to obstruct Justice, to protect Trump from valid charges that might have removed him from office during his impeachment….or as I’m sure you’ll say….”nothing burger” (because you have no problem with criminality if it’s from the right. The chances any evidence would make you say Trump is unfit are zero.)

bobknight33 said:

Nice reads.

The take away is from on of the articles you linked..

"We still do not, of course, know exactly what the FBI found"

You amaze me with you utter gullible nature.

You stupid fuck stick.
Tell me EXACTLY what was FOUND?

Enlighten me with FACTS!

Everyone is speculating and no one has FACTS. NO ONE! ( except you)

I only call out fools like you.
When you are right I agree.
I can't remember you ever agreeing with me.
When you post a bad cop vid I agree
When you post a bad Republican , I agree
You however can never accept that you side can be so wrong at times. Facts do not matter to you, only MSM opinions do. Those are not facts.

Why it's hard to be Republican w/a mind and heart

bobknight33 says...

Nice reads.

The take away is from on of the articles you linked..

"We still do not, of course, know exactly what the FBI found"

You amaze me with you utter gullible nature.

You stupid fuck stick.
Tell me EXACTLY what was FOUND?

Enlighten me with FACTS!

Everyone is speculating and no one has FACTS. NO ONE! ( except you)

I only call out fools like you.
When you are right I agree.
I can't remember you ever agreeing with me.
When you post a bad cop vid I agree
When you post a bad Republican , I agree
You however can never accept that you side can be so wrong at times. Facts do not matter to you, only MSM opinions do. Those are not facts.

newtboy said:

No, sorry friendo, you are an immense asshole constantly to nearly everyone, both personally and politically. I’m an asshole to you, because I believe that’s what liars deserve, and you lie constantly and absolutely never admit you were mistaken (why I say you lie and weren’t just incorrect).

Woman Slips Out Of Handcuffs And Shoots Police

Fed charges four officers in death of Breonna Taylor

luxintenebris says...'s the situation where a person doesn't burn down the house to get to the cockroaches...unless the house is condemned...and there are fire folks at the ready...and the vegetation isn't too dry...damn it...just want some sense when lives are in the balance.

where it'd be like shooting into a crowd to get a perp. akin to the recent event - where cops shot into a crowd to get a perp!

newtboy said:

I think that’s totally wrong….
For instance, stopping the murder of George Floyd was worth another crime of assaulting (or killing) a police officer. Avenging that murder was worth another crime against police….it still is. All 4 deserve to be killed with their offspring. No vendetta for them.

Police staging/preparing to shoot up another house also is worth another crime of deadly defense against the murderous gang members.
There are many crimes cops commit that are worth killing or disabling them…daily. They aren’t worthy of consideration and their lives are worthless so long as they cover for their criminal gang.

Conversely (and I think this is what you were saying), there is no crime a citizen committed in the past that excuses police committing murder…including murder. There’s no crime ever that excuses police shooting innocent bystanders, which they often do. As authorities, they have a much higher duty. As a murderous criminal gang, their lives have much lower value than real humans.

Fed charges four officers in death of Breonna Taylor

newtboy says...

I think that’s totally wrong….
For instance, stopping the murder of George Floyd was worth another crime of assaulting (or killing) a police officer. Avenging that murder was worth another crime against police….it still is. All 4 deserve to be killed with their offspring. No vendetta for them.

Police staging/preparing to shoot up another house also is worth another crime of deadly defense against the murderous gang members.
There are many crimes cops commit that are worth killing or disabling them…daily. They aren’t worthy of consideration and their lives are worthless so long as they cover for their criminal gang.

Conversely (and I think this is what you were saying), there is no crime a citizen committed in the past that excuses police committing murder…including murder. There’s no crime ever that excuses police shooting innocent bystanders, which they often do. As authorities, they have a much higher duty. As a murderous criminal gang, their lives have much lower value than real humans.

luxintenebris said:

…after reading how a cop carelessly discharged his weapon into the head of a sleeping child - no crime is worth another crime.

Fed charges four officers in death of Breonna Taylor

luxintenebris says...

the whole breaking into to serve a warrant is fraught w/danger and sheer stupidity.

- go into a house, the occupants have the right to gun every intruder down. dead cops when one JW witness call could get the door open and layout scanned?
- how many in the home deserve the death penalty?
- should landlords be held liable too? shoot up the f'n' place! good call officer fife.

seems to be just lazy law enforcement. too fast, too uncertain, too inhumane. until they have inside agents clearing the house for innocents (even a dog) it's a desperate act of fools.

yeah. i know. but after reading how a cop carelessly discharged his weapon into the head of a sleeping child - no crime is worth another crime.

San Mateo Sheriff Raids Batmobile Garage In Indiana

luxintenebris says...

great reporting. he did that well. set it up, filled in the damning details then - 🤦 - he's a MINISTER! Batman is his HERO!

"additional evidence" reads more like 'we have no case, will let it drop if you do'. the cops/lawyers are using it as cover. Hoping to wait out a possible civil suit.

Richie Rich should have known he was the problem. what vendor passes over 200K? seems like the buyer is too fat, flush & short a soul. what a douche.

BSR: I'd say it's Two-Face since the Duck w/the Bucks, Sheriff Swindle, and Marie McNotLaughin are talking out boths sides of their mouths.

Texas Cops SCHOOLED after racially profiling Police Graduate

luxintenebris jokingly says...

might be troll-ish but why do something, even lawful, knowing it WILL cause others to react to it?

dressed as a cop w/sidearm is going to cause concern. forget the law, use some astuteness.

use to walk @ night, in dark track suits. used reflective tape on back to clue in cops. they learned that the guy w/the anarchy star; Elvis eagle; or 'the ring' logo, on the jacket back, was a local night walker.

C-note (Member Profile)

Texas Cops SCHOOLED after racially profiling Police Graduate

newtboy says...

Oh, I misread, I thought you asked why WASN’T he in uniform. My bad. Where it said in writing he was in uniform, (1:00) that was covered by the video header on my tablet.

While I agree, wearing the uniform and gun belt off duty is just a power trip (only reason I can come up with), there’s nothing against it in the law. Why would these cops just assume he’s not a cop?

Khufu said:

Not sure I follow... I'd think a police academy student would wear a uniform while they were taking the course. But when they are graduated, and don't actually have a job in law enforcement, there isn't a reason (besides cosplay) of wearing a uniform and carrying a gun/utility belt.

Texas Cops SCHOOLED after racially profiling Police Graduate

Khufu says...

I see how the cops here were wrong.. but also WTF is a police academy graduate doing walking around with a uniform and gun belt? A bit cringe if you ask me.

C-note (Member Profile)

City of Akron responding to the shooting of Jayland Wlaker

newtboy says...

You absolutely deviate from that.
You never see wrong from Orange people, and rarely from white, but see nothing but wrong from darker skinned people.

You just see white and black and think it’s the same thing as right and wrong.

I don’t judge people by anything but actions….that leaves most people on my shit list, melanin levels have no bearing on that.

Yes, it is hypocritical because, yes, you did back Bundy at the time and were outraged he was shot, even though he took over a park armed, threatened rangers and police, shot his gun, and fled from police before being shot still armed. Hard to handle that with the courts when he’s on the highway shooting.
You supporting him and were angry, saying those cops didn’t need to shoot him, but are cheering on cops shooting an unarmed man running away no longer threatening anyone… 60 times. The difference? One was extremely more dangerous, violent, armed, and white. You only see the other one as the problem. That’s hypocritical.
I see 60 shots as the problem, and don’t believe the police version that he even fired his gun without proof.

Government overreach? Are you talking about Bundy’s other anti government armed action when he stole grazing from public lands and held off law enforcement with an armed violent militia, which you supported? Cheering him on for refusing to pay for using public lands for private profits and using deadly force against law enforcement? I’m talking about when he violently took over a park for months with more armed violent militia….which you also supported.

My life is pretty good. I have empathy for those less fortunate. I know you can’t understand thinking about someone else’s situation, but it used to be considered normal…real conservatives know that.

Lol…I’m not on any other social media at all, and I rarely get my news here. Sucker. Nice try, but I look for actual sources, not nut jobs saying what I want to hear, like Trump who got the election fraud fraud from an anonymous Twitter account.
It’s pretty telling that you think the way to “truth and understanding “ is remove all sources of information. What exactly do your eyes see with your head in that dark hole? Mine are wide open in the sunshine, sunshine. I see not only the “truth”, but also the various attempts at lies, and being (and keeping myself) fairly well educated I can tell the difference, a trait I’m afraid you sorely lack, friend. Thanks so much for the offer, but it’s like a deaf and blind man offering to lead someone with glasses across the freeway.

On the contrary, we’ve been here for you for over a decade, calmly explaining reality as you scream nonsense and fear monger. We will be here tomorrow. Assuage your fear of abandonment and maybe you can begin to think rationally.

bobknight33 said:

Wrong is wrong and I've never deviated from that. You see the color of ones skin or outfit and judge.

I just see right and wrong.

You judge by color first.

Running from the cops and shooting you gun while flying and then get shot for you own actions is your own damn fault.

Me pointing it out is not racist or hypocritical .

You thinking it is makes you a narrow minded fool.

Did I back Bundy? Even with "government overreach" this should have been handled by the courts.

Newt, you really come off as a educated bitter little man. You must have been screwed over in you life to carry such a big chip on your shoulder.

I'm here for you. I can lead you to truth and understanding.
Step 1 Turn off all news and social media for 2 months.
Step 2 open you eyes to reality.

City of Akron responding to the shooting of Jayland Wlaker

bobknight33 says...

Wrong is wrong and I've never deviated from that. You see the color of ones skin or outfit and judge.

I just see right and wrong.

You judge by color first.

Running from the cops and shooting you gun while flying and then get shot for you own actions is your own damn fault.

Me pointing it out is not racist or hypocritical .

You thinking it is makes you a narrow minded fool.

Did I back Bundy? Even with "government overreach" this should have been handled by the courts.

Newt, you really come off as a educated bitter little man. You must have been screwed over in you life to carry such a big chip on your shoulder.

I'm here for you. I can lead you to truth and understanding.
Step 1 Turn off all news and social media for 2 months.
Step 2 open you eyes to reality.

newtboy said:

Funny how you say these rules don’t apply when it’s white right wing criminals….like the Bundys. When they get shot, armed, running from the cops after taking over federal property by force and shooting their guns when the cops were after them, you lose your shit at the murderous cops. Why? The only reasonable explanation I can see is because you are a hypocritical racist, it’s definitely not because Bundy posed less of a threat.

City of Akron responding to the shooting of Jayland Wlaker

newtboy says...

Funny how you say these rules don’t apply when it’s white right wing criminals….like the Bundys. When they get shot, armed, running from the cops after taking over federal property by force and shooting their guns when the cops were after them, you lose your shit at the murderous cops. Why? The only reasonable explanation I can see is because you are a hypocritical racist, it’s definitely not because Bundy posed less of a threat.

bobknight33 said:

Another Justified bad guy stopped.

Few tips to stay alive. Simple and easy to put into practice.

Dont run from the cops.
Dont shoot your gun when cops are after you.

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