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Chauvin Guilty of Murder as Calls for Police Reform Grow

newtboy says...

You are so dumb you didn’t notice they were reading some allegedly repeatedly copied document so blurry and incomplete even they couldn’t read parts of it and are pretending it’s an official record. You might be gullible enough to buy that nonsense, but courts sure aren’t.

You are so incapable of following along that you likely didn’t notice they are simply misstating the accusations by a disgruntled ex employee….accusations already 100% debunked at trial.

Just like every single bootlicking excuse you’ve given for these murderous cops and every prediction you made about this case, another “L” for Bobby and his idiotic tantrums.

But you knew this before you posted it. Your goal is never to present factual information, it’s to throw any nonsensical lie you can come up with at the wall and hope it sticks unnoticed. That’s what you call a “win”…it is as close as you get. It’s an “L” bob.

Edit: Just a side note, when used for anesthesia the correct dosage of fentanyl is 10-20 ng/ml…so even if this was an actual autopsy report (hint-it’s not) 11ng/ml is FAR from a lethal dose…it’s the low end of the advised amount that just makes you sleepy…for people with no opioid tolerance. If true, it would only prove that Floyd wasn’t ever fighting them, because he was sedated then unconscious when they murdered him. You never EVER consider the implications of your mensonge du jour, and as a consequence they are rarely what you seem to expect.

BSR (Member Profile)

newtboy (Member Profile)

Cop barks like a dog to get teens suspected of stealing car

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

I’ve been slacking….

176 Darrell Gilyard, Jerry Falwell protege, must really be some preacher, convicted of child molestation, on parole and back in the pulpit. So they ban children from the church

177 Conservative Baptist minister Matt Baker murdered his wife

178 Richmond County Republican Party official Brett Bennie Langham was indicted for child molestation.

179 FOX News Latino VP, Francisco Cortes - sexual harassment

180 Eric Bolling, formerly FOX News - sexual harassment

181 Kimberley Guilfoyle - FOX NEws - sexual harassment

182 David Garland, President of rightwing Baptist Baylor University, covered up rapes, said women willingly became victims.

183 Political hack and professional hypocrite Ken Starr covered up rapes while Chancellor at Baylor

184 Stephen Dalton Baril just got not jail time even though he took a plea for rape, perhaps because his grandfather was John Dalton, a former governor, and his father Steve Baril ran for Attorney General.

185 Greenville County Sheriff Will Lewis, Republican, indicted for rape, stalking, obstruction

186 While Oklahoma Republican representative George Faught did not commit rape and incest (as far as I know) he said it’s all part of God's will, so he joins the list of rape enablers.

187 Connecticut Republican politician Christopher von Keyserling was arrested and charged with sexual assault. Trump’s his role model. He said it, not me.

187 Bob Jones University Blamed Victims, not Abusers

189 Rhode Island state Sen. Nicholas Kettle, a 27-year-old Coventry Republican, of twice coercing a Senate student page to have sex with him

190 Milo Yiannopolous defended pedophilia, saying older men can show younger men who they are

191 Caleb Bailey, Trump delegate - child pornography

192 Paul Travis Williams, former Lumpkin Co GOP Chair, child pornography

193 Bishop Raymond Burke of Missouri said John Kerry should not get communion, excommunicated all sorts of people, but not pedophile priests

194 CJ Maheney covered up sexual abuse in his churches

195 Megachurch pastor Bob Coy raped and molested a girl from age 4 until she was 14 and his Republican pals helped cover it up, sealing his divorce file, not investigating the complaint

196 Baptist Megachurch Pastor Matt Chandler punished a woman for divorcing her pedophile husband. Did not punish the husband.

197 AZ GOP State Sen. Scott Bundegaard - domestic violence, not arrested at the time because cops believed him when he said he had immunity while House was in session

198 WA GOP state Rep. Matt Manweller is accused of sexual misconduct with students and legislative aides.

199 TX GOP state Sen. Charles Schwertner accused of sending sexting grad student, sending dick pic

200 Indiana Republican Attorney General Curtis Hill - groping

Party of debauchery. Waiting for you to post the list of Democrat politicians with similar convictions…it’s going to be short and a one time only thing…I’ve got at least 38 more pages to go listing high power conservative sex abusers just from this one list, and it’s not all inclusive. Who could be surprised? Your leader is a repeated publicly known pedophilic RAPIST and incestous creep.

Bonus’s E Jene Carrol already won her second defamation case against Trump the rapist…it’s going straight to the damages phase just like Giuliani and the poll workers. Wow your team sucks slimy donkey dicks in court, losing completely before you even start defending yourselves repeatedly!

Over the weekend, in ATL. Avoid those city crowds.

West Virginia Forced To Stop Religious Submission For Parole

noims says...

Unethical practices in American prisons?! Next we'll find out there are some dirty cops, or maybe even a politician who's not working to benefit their electorate!!!

Glad of this one small victory though.

ant (Member Profile)

ant (Member Profile)

Special Prosecutor Jack Smith on Donald Trump indictments

Special Prosecutor Jack Smith on Donald Trump indictments

newtboy says...

Yes you are.
A convicted rapist, repeatedly convicted fraud, and admitted child abuser worshiper. You drank the flavorade years ago and it caused brain death. You are in the child sex cult, buddy, not me.
I guess you need more evidence.

126 KY GOP state legislator Dan Johnson accused of sexual assault of 17-year-old. Killed himself

127 OR GOP state senator, Jeff Kruse, subjected two women senators to unwanted sexual touching

128 Pennsylvania Republican state rep Nick Miccarelli - domestic violence

129 Republican CO state senator Randy Baumgardner - sexual harassment,

130 OH state representative, Republican Wes Goodman — inappropriate behavior

He was also accused of fondling an underage boy

131 MN state rep Tony Cornish - sexual harassment

132 AZ state rep Don Shooter - sexual harassment

133 FL state senator Jack Latvala - sexual harassment, assault

134 KY state rep Jeff Hoover — sexual harassment

135 Idaho GOP state rep Brandon Hixon - child molestation, committed suicide

136 Republican Ohio state senator Cliff Hite — sexual harassment

137 Cumberland County Commissioner Bruce Barclay is not included because he hired male and female prostitutes every week. He’s included because he taped them without their knowledge.

138 GOP Congressional candidate Derek Walker - broke into ex’s house to tape her having sex

139 Franklin Graham, partisan religious leader, uses his family name & father’s credibility to protect child molesters and sexual predators, including Trump, Roy Moore, and Kavanaugh

140 Republican Judge Alex Kozinski, Brett Kavanaugh’s mentor: sexual harassment

141 Trump Deputy Chief of Staff for Communication Bill Shine - an expert at protecting and covering up sexual harassment and abuse.

142 How did I forget GOP Sen. Bob Packwood - serial sexual misconduct

143 Republican Columbus Mayor Dana Rinehart was never indicted for molesting 13-year-old babysitter, but years later it was discovered cop spied on her and family and worked to protect him from an indictment

144 Samuel Barstow Kent Republican Judge - sexual assault. By the way, he thinks prison is unfair

145 MO Gov Eric Greitens - consensual affair, BUT he took nude photos and threatened to publicize them. Yes, charges dropped, but only because the prosecutor was also a witness which is not allowed. Also, stealing from charity Additionally, His ex-wife accuses him of domestic violence toward her and their son

146 Montgomery Co GOP Chair Robert Kerns - rape pled to indecent sexual assault

147 Edison Misla Aldarondo, Republican Speaker of the House in Puerto Rico, rape of 17-year-old girl, molesting stepdaughter, plus corruption

148 Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas - sexual harassment. He lied to the Senate. Senate Judiciary did not allow other accusers to testify.

149 GOP Candidate for ME House, James
indicted for rape in Rhode Island, stayed in the race, won the primary, lost general, pled no contest and got probation.

150 Alabama RW religious leader - Ralph Lee Aaron - child molesting Consecutive life

bobknight33 said:

Koolaid drinking dreamer

BSR (Member Profile)

Black Man In Florida Stands His Ground Against Two Armed Men

moonsammy says...

This "stand your ground" shit is so fucking stupid. When the only metric for making it ok to kill someone is "I claim I was scared," it becomes incredibly easy to justify what would otherwise have been an easily avoided death. In this case, dude could have just walked away after the car first drove off. Or gone into the store and called police. Etc. I recognize "call the police" isn't always a good option (so many instances of cops showing up and arresting or shooting the person who called - usually dark-skinned people), but that really SHOULD be the right option here, if things weren't so fucked.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

This is your answer to 50 listed (and 1000 to come) pedophilic Republicans is a single unquoted tweet by a Republican operative best known for spreading false propaganda that you know no one will read because you are known to link to fake sites? ROTFLMFAHS!!! 😂 😂
Let me help you with that…don’t ignore #61

51Republican chairman of the Oregon Christian Coalition Lou Beres confessed to molesting a 13-year old girl

52 Republican County Constable Larry Dale Floyd was arrested on suspicion of soliciting sex with an 8-year old girl. Authorities say Floyd also was interested in a 3-year-old girl and 16-month-old boy.

53 Republican Party leader Bobby Stumbo was arrested for having sex with a 5-year old boy, in other words, rape.

54 Republican petition drive manager Tom Randall pleaded guilty to molesting two girls under the age of 14, one of them the daughter of an associate in the petition business.

55 Republican County Chairman Armando Tebano was arrested for sexually molesting a 14-year-old girl.

56 Republican teacher and former city councilman John Collins pled guilty to sexually molesting 13 and 14-year-old girls.

57 Republican campaign worker Mark Seidensticker was found guilty of offering alcohol and cigarettes to a 14-year-old boy. Authorities accused him of having offered beer and cigarettes to a boy while driving a car with a trunk stocked with blankets, duct tape, rope, and a lubricant. Seidensticker worked on NH Republican state executive councilor Burton campaigns for more than a decade. Burton knew he was convicted of assault when he hired him.

58 Republican Mayor Tom Adams was arrested for distributing child pornography over the internet.

59 Republican Mayor John Gosek was arrested on charges of soliciting sex from two 15-year old girls.

60 Republican Committeeman John R. Curtin was charged with molesting a teenage boy and unlawful sexual contact with a minor

61 Republican zoning supervisor, Boy Scout leader, Lutheran church president, and BTK killer Dennis L. Rader pleaded guilty to performing a sexual act on an 11-year old girl he murdered.

62 GOP ad consultant Carey Lee Cramer who created an anti-Gore ad modeled on LBJ's "Daisy" ad convicted of sexual assault of 2 8-year-old girls, including his daughter who appeared in the ad.

63 Republican Lobbyist Craig Spence - running call-boy prostitution ring, killed himself. While I am not posting people arrested for soliciting a prostitute, someone who runs a prostitution ring is a whole different kettle of fish.

64 Republican Judge Ronald C. Kline was placed under house arrest for child molestation and possession of child pornography

65 GOP state Rep Jim Knoblach of St. Cloud, MN ended his re-election campaign Friday amid detailed accusations from his adult daughter of what she described as his inappropriate behavior toward her since childhood

66 Steve Aiken(82), campaign manager for a Republican candidate for Congress in Arizona, former Quakertown, PA, police officer, and self-proclaimed reverend, was convicted of having sex with two underage girls

67 Republican president of the New York City Housing Development Corp. Russell Harding pleaded guilty to possessing child pornography on his computer

68 Republican state representative Bob Allen charged with soliciting oral sex from a male undercover cop. Normally, I would ignore a gay man being arrested for being gay, but he claimed Fear of Black men made him do it

69 Republican prosecutor John David Roy Atchison arrested on charges of flying across the country to try and have sex with a five-year-old girl. Committed suicide.

70 Republican chairman & radio show host E Ozwald Balfour arrested on four counts of forcible sex abuse/groping

71 Clifton Bennett, 18, son of Arizona Republican state senator Ken Bennett plead guilty to assaulting 3 boys, aged 11-15 with broomsticks up their rectal areas. They sodomized 18 boys and were not charged with sexual assault

72 Republican preacher Hewart Lee Bennett arrested for soliciting sex from 16-year-old boys while claiming that he did so to gain their trust and then teach them the love of Jesus

73 Republican commission candidate Wilton Frederick Bland sentenced to 80 years in prison for various sex crimes including 45 counts of first-degree rape of an 11-year-old

74 Republican councilman John Bryan resigned from office and committed suicide several hours later, just a few minutes before police arrived at his home to question him about his alleged rape of his two adoptive daughters, ages 12 and 15

75 Garrett Ventry-Judiciary Committee communications aide coordinating GOP messaging on Christine Blasey Ford’s allegation forced to resign due to sexual harassment claims. He denies them

BSR (Member Profile)

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