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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Now that the body cam and secret service footage of the brutal terrorist MAGA attack against Pelosi has been viewed in court, and his confession, and they are all exactly what was reported by real media (not the fake news you enjoy), a break in and brutal attack against an innocent 82 year old man by a stranger, are you prepared to retract your blatantly homophobic insulting charge that it was a homosexual lover’s spat between the Senator’s husband and the typically violent nutjob MAGgot?

Of course not, you don’t care a bit about being correct, moral, or civil ever, just about being the biggest rancid douche bag possible at all times. Why is that?

Transgender Rights II: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

luxintenebris says...

harm to kids?

what is more harmful to a human than being intellectually stunted?

what is the function of intelligence but to adapt and survive?

i.e. being coddled or cloistered from life details is far and away more destructive.

a matter of degree(s) but shielding any person from what they could understand (& handle) is the antithesis of learning.
i.e. doing more to harm than the worst spiritual debauchery that is freakishly feared here.

A CONFESSION: doubt any of this weighs on you as a person (still suspect you're an agent of chaos, or just need the attention your parents were unable give) but what kinda being would i be if i didn't TRY to help.

BTW: not a dem but I do dig's one tune w/a fitting title...

check out the lyrics

bobknight33 said:

More harm to kids, promoted by the radical left.

Like I've said before . Democrats , the party of death, destruction and debauchery.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Part 2
Turns out they also told the minimum of 85 thousand minority voters they admit they specifically targeted with this misinformation campaign that if they vote by mail they agree to mandatory forced vaccinations.
This MAGA election fraud scheme was perpetrated on Ohio, Illinois, Michigan, New York, and Pennsylvania, so counts for an entire week of daily MAGA election fraud news by itself…especially since they confessed.
They still face charges in the other states and federal charges. Their guilty pleas will make any defense difficult. D’oh!

newtboy said:

Today’s Republican election fraud…. right-wing political activists Jacob Wohl and Jack Burkman who tried to intimidate Black voters with a robocall ahead of the 2020 election claiming that voting would expose their personal information to police, bounty hunters, debt collectors, etc, charged with multiple felonies in multiple states, required to send out follow up robocalls explaining that the previous call was full of misinformation designed to intimidate voters, who the FCC is pushing for the largest fine for robocalling ever, $5 million.
They both just plead guilty in Chicago, just one of the states they pulled this fraud.

Crazy how there seems to be another one almost daily not just discovered, but usually plead guilty to….always MAGA republicans, the anti democracy, anti freedom, anti reality party overflowing full of racists and child molesters.

Crime Reporting: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

newtboy says...

This is why I can’t be on a jury. When they ask if anyone has any prejudice I honestly answer that I am prejudiced against lying police and wouldn’t believe a word they say if their tongues were notarized. In fact, if a police officer says something, any claim, it instantly becomes questionable no matter how established the claim may be.

They went to the Supreme Court to secure their rights to lie outright at all times performing their jobs. They train to lie in their job to secure compliance, information, confessions, or just statements they can twist to pretend they’re confessions or evidence. It’s asinine to believe they suddenly stop lying on the stand but lie constantly everywhere else.

This has gotten me tossed off multiple juries, with “thank you”s from the defense tables for saying it out loud in front of the rest of the jury.

Imagine If Conservatives Cared About Insurrection Emails

newtboy says...

Sweet Zombie Jesus….the secret service emails were recovered and published yesterday, and they prove the secret service was well aware of credible death threats to Pelosi and Pence at the capitol on January 6 by Jan 4 at the latest (posted Dec 31)…and did not share that information with capitol police, Pelosi, or Pence until 5 hours into the coup….after trying to force Pence into Trump’s limo with only Trump’s SS security.

Yes, it’s now undeniable that the SS was absolutely part of the coup, hid their knowledge of the upcoming attack, hid their involvement by erasing all communications, and absolutely didn’t do their job….in fact it seems a hit squad of SS tried to kidnap Pence (and hand him to the crowd for lynching) but he knew Trump’s SS wasn’t going to protect him and he fled from them.

Every bit of information we get makes things so much worse. Now, the entire SS needs to be fired, for cause with no benefits no pension and a ban from working as law enforcement, and an entire new force Hired. Talk about deep state.

Remember, republicans have started to claim the “deep state is going to assassinate Trump”….and every accusation is a confession. The “red deep state”, which is undeniably real unlike the blue “deep state”, just might try another coup, starting with assassinations at the top.

Captured Russian Admits Everything They Were Told Are Lies

cloudballoon says...

Coming up next: Putin claims this is an Ukrainian propaganda video forcing a confession under duress/a staged act or whatever hell Putin want to say it is, and most of the old gen Russians will believe him.

Meanwhile, the Blues in America keep on gaslighting POC victims into false statements to keep as many of them in jail to the detriment of the victims, tax-payers, the justice system, and society-at-large, while criminals still walk free and private correctional services providers make a killing.

It's all the same trick of the trade.

Ex-Trump Adviser Steve Bannon Arrested & Charged with Fraud

newtboy says...

@bobknight33 you ignorant slut.

Dismissed only because Trump pardoned him.
"But the judge said the pardon was valid, and that even if Bannon did not formally admit guilt "the issuance of a pardon may carry an imputation of guilt; acceptance a confession of it.""

To be clear, taking the pardon is admitting guilt. He argued to be dismissed as a defendant because he had been granted and accepted the pardon. The judge agreed, the last hour pardon was valid, and is therefore a valid and legal admission by Bannon that he's guilty, and case dismissed....for him, the other three crooks don't have a get out of jail free card from Trump, so we still get to hear how his charity theft ring operated.

And another loss for Bobby. Even your big wins are actually huge losses.

bobknight33 said:


Federal Judge Dismisses Steve Bannon’s Indictment.

Bogus Charges on Bannon Dropped… ‘We Build The Wall’ Case Falls Apart…

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Oops....Mat Gaetz's pimp down in Florida, who is cooperating with prosecutors, apparently saved all the encrypted, supposed to disappear in 10 minutes communication he had with Roger Stone where he was attempting to buy a pardon for sex trafficking young women for Republican representatives to rape (because they were under age, any sex with them is rape, they could not consent).
The conversations are about his pardon price, which was $250000 to be paid in bitcoin so it couldn't be traced. Unfortunately for him, Stone told him the pardon was delayed because of the scrutiny after Trump lost the election, and was never produced. (Unknown if he paid the bribe, but it would be typical Trump to take the money and disappear). Unfortunately for Stone and Trump, he took screenshots before the secret communications evaporated.

It is undeniable what they discussed, and it was the outright sale of presidential pardons to cover up sex trafficking children for Republican representatives to rape.

He also wrote a confession letter in preparation for his pardon in which he admitted paying underage women and helping them travel to other states for Republican representatives to have sex with.
More proof that the Trump party is the criminal party of child rapists. Your people.


newtboy says...

No other Howard Stern guest ever talked about lusting after their teenage daughters, or violating young teenagers by forcing their way into their dressing rooms and leering at them undressing, or publicly catcalled 10 year olds on camera, or bragged about grabbing any random woman or girl by the pussy, or trying to buy sex from their friends wives while they were both married by buying them new furniture like the bitch Trump knows he is. What's your point? That incestuous pedophilia is OK if confessed to a shock jockey? Um....
Btw, it wasn't just on Howard Stern either, it was nearly everywhere he was interviewed....he couldn't even stop lusting after his daughters on the View.

Trump allowed Epstein access to maralago and his home for over a decade after Epstein pleaded guilty to pedophilia. He only banned him when Trump's employee's threatened to sue Trump for setting them up to be raped.

The last time they were together, except all those times they partied at Epstien's island, or other homes, or in public, or friends private orgies, or....well, I could go on all day. They never broke ties. Trump just had to ban him from Trump's properties for liability reasons.

Clinton and Epstein never met in person from all reports....unlike Trump who was his best friend for decades, including well after it became public knowledge Epstein was a serial pedophile rapist.

Daughter raping low T is floundering, Bobski. So is your disinformation campaign. Sad you can't come up with better.....but expected.


bobknight33 said:

I am shocked that Trump was shocking on Howard Stern. Really HS show is so conservative in nature. Shocking.

Trump kicked out Epstein way back of his mar a lago resort for trying to finger bang a teen worker.

That's the last time there were together, other accidentally meeting at a non Trump gathering

But Slick Willie and host of other folks fly with Epstein but yet to post such. Just another Anti Trumper.

Finger Banger JOE 2020

MEGA Landslide 2020

Carl Sagan Predicted Trump With Charlie Rose

RNC 2020 & Kenosha: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

BSR says...

I have to confess. Trump inspired me. Last time I voted in a presidential election was 1976 for Jimmy Carter. This year I registered to vote again for anyone other than Trump. So, there's that.

wtfcaniuse said:

Name something great he's done.

Do You Regret All Your Lying?

BSR says...

As a child I played with matches up in the attic of our house. The matches were book matches from a funeral home my father worked for as a part time job when he was off duty as a cop. The cover of the matches had a black glossy finish.

Dad found the matches while cleaning out the attic. Dad called my name from upstairs and I headed that way.

His first question to me was, "Were you playing with matches up here?"

His second question was, "Are you lying?"

His third question was, "Are you lying?"

His last question was, "I'm only going to ask you one more time. If you lie to me I'm taking you down to city hall and lock you up. Were you playing with matches up here?"

He grabbed my hand and turned it palm up. He pulled out the pack of matches and picked up some floor sweepings then sprinkled it on the black glossy cover. And DAMN! wouldn't you know it. There stood a perfectly proud little fingerprint. It matched the one on my hand. (I guess. I never brought a lawyer.)

Out to the car we went. I was on my way to jail which gave me about five minutes to rethink my answer. The closer we got, the bigger my fears grew. He made the last turn onto the street for city hall.

I cracked! "I did it. I was playing with the matches." I confessed.

My answer was my Get Out of Jail Free card.

Many years later I brought up that day with my dad. He confessed that he had no idea what he was going to do if I didn't crack.

My only reply to him was, "You bastard!" We both laughed together.

newtboy said:

I was young enough that I'm not certain, but probably around 5-6 years old when I realized my parents, and society, lied to me constantly.

It could have been the realization that Santa wasn't really visiting my house, or other fantasies I realized were just that, fantasies, it might have been the realization that working hard and being "good" doesn't guarantee success like I had been told, it might have been the realization that "better living through chemistry" was more a pipe dream than reality....I'm just not sure exactly which trigger fired that gun.

6 years old was a weird year. It's when i stopped taking people's word as fact, and likely when I became a professional grade cynic.
I think that's also the year I decided having children was abusive and I didn't want to do that to someone.

Joe Biden's Crime Bill In his own words.

newtboy says...

The way it's presented here, yes, his own words are edited and selected with other words/statements omitted to create right wing propaganda. Where are the parts where he admits he was wrong and apologized over and over?

How about Trump's own words, and Trump's own position then. He said the Clinton/Biden crime bill was way too soft and lenient. Here's a taste from Trump's book....

"The perpetrator is never a victim. He’s nothing more than a predator. (pages 93-94).

A life is a life, and if you criminally take an innocent life, you’d better be prepared to forfeit your own. My only complaint is that lethal injection is too comfortable a way to go. (pages 102-103).

Criminals are often returned to society because of forgiving judges. This has to stop. We need to hold judges more accountable… The rest of us need to rethink prisons and punishment. The next time you hear someone saying there are too many people in prison, ask them how many thugs they’re willing to relocate to their neighborhood. The answer: None. (pages 106-107)."

If that doesn’t sound like support for mass incarceration and the death penalty with little chance for criminal justice reform in sentencing, I’m not sure what does.

How about the Central Park 5? Trump paid for adds calling for the death penalty for these wrongly accused boys. Despite DNA evidence and a confession by the real rapist and restitution from the state in the $40000000 range Trump STILL insists they're guilty of something (he doesn't know what they did, but they're definitely guilty) and deserve the death penalty.....clearly forgetting he's bragged about doing what they were wrongly accused of....sexual assault.

Biden has admitted his position was wrong, and repeatedly apologized. Trump has NEVER done that, even about calling for the death penalty for the proven innocent.

*facepalm. You still don't understand that some people have a longer memory than a gnat, and we can recall that no matter the topic, Trump's position was worse than Democrats at the time, and his current position is worse than their current position.

bobknight33 said:

Blind Tools like you I don't car about.

These are his own words, not mine.

So Joe words are right wring propaganda? Well isn't that a MF switch. Joe gone full right wing. So Trump can dump Pence and pick up Finger banging Joe as VP?

Newt - give it up you a troll for the hardest of the leftest. Radical Anti cop, ANTIFA friend. Take that chip off you shoulder and you might just see America IS great.

Trump Gives Mitt Romney A Cool New Nickname

JiggaJonson says...

@bobknight33 You are an asshole. Like others have said, Mitt isn't someone I agree with but he seems to be an honest person when it counts.

John McCain was someone who I loathed mostly for picking that religious-nut-writhing-on-the-ground-chanting Sarah Palin. Genuine policy disagreements and VP pick aside though, he was a patriotic American and highlights just what a traitor this president and his supporters are to this country in comparison.

That said, he spent 5 years being tortured in Vietnam rather than leaving immediately because he refused to leave without his fellow American captors.

John McCain was and remains an honorable person and a patriotic American who cared about his own.

Here's a detailed account

"What they wanted, of course, was to send me home at the same time that my father took over as commander in the Pacific. This would have made them look very humane in releasing the injured son of a top U. S. officer. It would also have given them a great lever against my fellow prisoners, because the North Vietnamese were always putting this "class" business on us. They could have said to the others "Look, you poor devils, the son of the man who is running the war has gone home and left you here. No one cares about you ordinary fellows." I was determined at all times to prevent any exploitation of my father and my family.

There was another consideration for me. Even though I was told I would not have to sign any statements or confessions before I went home, I didn't believe them. They would have got me right up to that airplane and said, "Now just sign this little statement." At that point, I doubt that I could have resisted, even though I felt very strong at the time.

But the primary thing I considered was that I had no right to go ahead of men like Alvarez, who had been there three years before I "got killed"—that's what we say instead of "before I got shot down," because in a way becoming a prisoner in North Vietnam was like being killed."

Don't ever talk about him again you fucking traitor.

bobknight33 said:

I prefer the nick name Mitt McCain

simonm (Member Profile)

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