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Cute Asian Twins

Dr Michio Kaku talks about American education

Lawdeedaw says...

>> ^Zifnab:


Well, one focuses narrowly on American education, the other on multiple things. In all honesty I care far more about education in America than business.
I think the condensed format significantly alters the focus this vid.

And, @gwiz665 upvoted it, so he should be the one to decide. Your verdict, oh honorable gwiz665?

Either way, I blame @eric3579

"Spare the rod"... or murder your daughter in God's name

hpqp says...

@Lawdeedaw said: "And I like how you named this post, "Spare the rod...or spoil the child." The "or" is what notes the tolerance you are developing towards religion--as though religion is not particularly responsible for this child's death..."

I didn't think I'd have to spell this out, but...
You clearly misread the title, which is: ""Spare the rod"... or murder your daughter in God's name"

It is a play on the Bible verses that Samuel Butler condenses in his epigram, which suggests that if you don't discipline (with beatings) your kid it will grow up spoiled. My title argues that it is preferable to "spare the rod", i.e. go against the Bible's teachings.

Speaking of the Bible, doesn't it also say parents should kill their kids if they diss them (Lev.20:9/Deut.21:18-21)? And doesn't even el Jeebs himself recall this commandment when accusing the Pharisees of not following the law (Mt.15:4/Mk.7:9-13)?

edit: and yes, I do think religion is responsible for this child's death. It is religion that gave birth to Psycho Joy Ministries, and which let their child-abuse manual become popular instead of shut down.

edit 2: for more examples of widescale, institutionalised, Christian-run abuse of children, with the help of the gvt:

I have no tolerance for the indoctrination and perpetuation of lies, fear and superstition. I have no tolerance for religion( =/= religious people).

Romney: Corporations Are People, My Friend.

Bill Maher talks to Richard Clarke about Bin Laden

ravioli says...

This guy appears to be funny with his witty one-liners but it's the same language used in the diplomatic leaks revealed last year. I am amazed how these diplomats think in a uni-dimensional way. I know he had to crunch the intell and condense it in one sentence for the commander in chief, but gee....

3D Audio Demonstration

shuac says...

True story: in 2002, I purchased a pair of tiny clip-on condenser mics with a portable power supply for the purpose of capturing sound effects in NYC. I clipped these two mics to either side of a baseball cap I was wearing, making sure the distance from each other was the approx distance between my two ears (just like Empire said). So I walked from our hotel (the Millennium on 44th and B-way) all the way down to ground zero, recording all the while to a MiniDisc recorder. It was quite a haul.

On the way back, I walked through Washington Square Park, where I was approached by a drug dealer who could tell I didn't belong there. He said to me, "you buyin'?" I said, "no, not today. I'm working." Then he notices the mics clipped to my hat. They're small but they're not invisible. He gets this solemn look on his face and says, "You a cop?" I laughed and said "No, I'm recording sound effects." Then he gets genuinely worried, asking "You recording me right now?" I said simply, "I'm afraid so." He turned right around and walked away. Sprinted, more like.

Then I ducked into the nearby restroom to check to see if my MD was still going and, lo and had stopped: our encounter was not recorded. DAMN!

But I did get quite valuable street sounds: buses, cars, people shouting, talking, all the sounds you'd expect to hear in NYC. And it was all recorded using this method. The stereo playback sounds exactly as though you're there.

Michele Bachmann says the Darndest Things.

Michele Bachmann says the Darndest Things.

Jim Jefferies - Alcoholocaust - Religion

radx says...


That's actually from his "I Swear To God" gig, which has also been sifted here. Alcoholocaust includes his take on the 10 Commandments and how they can be condensed into "Try not to be a cunt.", not the panda routine.

Are you a Possibilian? Probably

MaxWilder says...

>> ^GeeSussFreeK:

@ MaxWilder
I would like to propose a slight edit to this. There is only strong and weak agnosticism, not atheism. The question of "Do you believe in a deity" only has 2 answers; yes and no. Now, you can not believe because you didn't know of an idea like God. This is implicit atheism as opposed to explicit atheism.
Or more to the point, atheism only pertains to the question of do you believe, agnosticism relates to what can be known. Atheism is a theological position, Agnosticism is an entomological position.
This is the condensed version of my comment here

You are correct, though, Possibilianism is a form of explicit atheistic weak agnostic position.

That's why I put "Agnostic" in quotes. Everybody uses it incorrectly, and I believe they do so because the word Atheist has such a stigma amidst those who have only heard of "strong" atheism.

Are you a Possibilian? Probably

GeeSussFreeK says...


I would like to propose a slight edit to this. There is only strong and weak agnosticism, not atheism. The question of "Do you believe in a deity" only has 2 answers; yes and no. Now, you can not believe because you didn't know of an idea like God. This is implicit atheism as opposed to explicit atheism.

Or more to the point, atheism only pertains to the question of do you believe, agnosticism relates to what can be known. Atheism is a theological position, Agnosticism is an entomological position.

This is the condensed version of my comment here

You are correct, though, Possibilianism is a form of explicit atheistic weak agnostic position.

jwray (Member Profile)

Psychologic says...

Theoretically yes, but the efficiency would be terrible with current tech.

If only relying on radiative cooling then the condenser would need to be huge just to cool something the size of a house. Of course, the hotter the coils, the more heat transfer there would be.

Then the radiation would need to be transmitted through the atmosphere. That would heat some of the air along the way, reducing the efficiency of the transfer and further increasing the amount of cooling needed to offset global warming (clouds wouldn't help either).

There's also the fact that the entire process consumes a lot of power to compress the coolant. Currently much of that power comes from sources that emit greenhouse gasses, reducing the net efficiency of the cooling offset. The machinery itself also creates heat, which would need to be offset with additional cooling.

I don't think her idea was "stupid"... she just doesn't understand the difficulties and cost involved. If we had unlimited solar power and extremely efficient large-scale AC farms then it might work, but there's also the unknown side effects of localized cooling on wildlife and the hydrological cycle.

It's a neat idea, and I'd love to run the numbers on it sometime for fun, but it's currently impractical and possibly counter-productive with our current capabilities.

In reply to this comment by jwray:
Ordinary air conditioners could only increase global mean temperature due to the law of conservation of energy. But if the condenser coils are in a vacuum surrounded by glass on top and a mirror on the bottom, then they just radiate into space.

How to permanently fix "global warming"

jwray says...

Ordinary air conditioners could only increase global mean temperature due to the law of conservation of energy. But if the condenser coils are in a vacuum surrounded by glass on top and a mirror on the bottom, then they just radiate into space.

How to permanently fix "global warming"

How to permanently fix "global warming"

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