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VideoSift 5.0 bugs go here. (Sift Talk Post)

Sledge Hammer is so correct about Star Wars

VideoSift 5.0 bugs go here. (Sift Talk Post)

ctrlaltbleach says...

I have a bug for ya. I could only submit this comment or read the others from outside of this post on the main sift talk page by expanding it using the comments link. If I click on the title and go into the post itself the bottom or the footer of the page cuts off the rest of the list and the submit a comment section..

Also could someone explain the max accumulated points is that for Charters?

Oh forgot to mention Im using google Chrome.

Ok had a change to read some of the above comments see that its already been stated.

VideoSift 5.0 bugs go here. (Sift Talk Post)

maatc says...

I can´t scroll down past 20 Comments or so on a page. Posts just disappear behind the footer and no scrollbar appears. (Chrome)

In Sift Talk in can click on comments without opening the posts page and then scroll all the way down in the little preview box. That was the only way to post this comment, too.

VideoSift 5.0 Launch! (Sift Talk Post)

jwray says...

On chrome, the bottom part of the comments on any given video page are hidden below the bottom bar. This makes it impossible to reply. Maximizing and un-maximizing the window fixes the layout.

VideoSift 5.0 bugs go here. (Sift Talk Post)

mxxcon says...

Yes, CPU usage in Chrome is much is better now(and I feel it's more responsive in Firefox and Opera too).

However, now I noticed that if I mouse-scroll down really quickly in Chrome I can momentarily see Chrome's default checkered background before it's covered by page's content..I don't remember that happening before.

lucky760 said:

I've made a tweak to something that auto-executes to keep the sidebar height correct because the way it's designed by PSD2HTML it often breaks.

Removing that, from what I can tell, may have been the issue causing the high CPU load.

Can everyone else who was monitoring it please check to see if it's been resolved?

CC: @dag, @ant, @gorillaman, @mxxcon

VideoSift 5.0 bugs go here. (Sift Talk Post)

MilkmanDan says...

This isn't really a bug, but if any other users are running "lockdown-mode" Firefox like me (AdBlock Plus, Element Hiding Helper, NoScript, Cookie Monster, *and* RequestPolicy) and you don't see the comments section on any video pages, try allowing in both NoScript and RequestPolicy.

Old version of the page would load comments just fine with blocked in RequestPolicy, but it disappeared for me after the update until I made that change.

That combination of plugins for Firefox is a great way to have a whole lot of control over how much extra cruft a page can serve up to you, but I must admit it makes any first visit to a new site or domain a real bitch. Sometimes I just give up and fire up Chrome.

VideoSift 5.0 bugs go here. (Sift Talk Post)

messenger says...

On this vid: when I clicked on the comments button, rather than scrolling down to the comments, Everything up to the bottom 20% or so of the video disappeared up under the mouse-over menus and I couldn't get it back, like the centre panel had scrolled under it, but wouldn't scroll back. I opened a duplicate window and tried again, and this the whole video was gone, leaving only the "From YT..." description on down visible under the mouse-over menus. I haven't been able to duplicate it again.

I'm using Chrome on Win7 64-bit.

VideoSift 5.0 Launch! (Sift Talk Post)

KnivesOut says...

Don't know if anyone cares, but here's my CSS (using stylish to apply it in Chrome) to override the bits I don't care for:
body {
font:1.4em/1.6em Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;
strong { color:#000 !important; }
div.content { background-color:#FFF !important; }
.home-page {background:#FFF;}

VideoSift 5.0 bugs go here. (Sift Talk Post)

VideoSift 5.0 bugs go here. (Sift Talk Post)

VideoSift 5.0 bugs go here. (Sift Talk Post)

PlayhousePals says...

Having to fill in the information BEFORE finding out it is a dupe is an annoyance for me as well.

As I mentioned before, the "validate embed code" box is NOT functioning for me at all and the ONLY way I can submit a video is by using the tool bar link [as opposed to the drop down link from My Videosift]. If it helps, I use Chrome and/or Firefox. The validate box does not work in either system.

pumkinandstorm said:

Also, I have been submitting videos and it's not until after I fill in all the information about them and submit them that it tells me that the video is a dupe. Before it used to tell me this before I entered in all the information. I miss that.

VideoSift 5.0 bugs go here. (Sift Talk Post)

VideoSift 5.0 Launch! (Sift Talk Post)

VideoSift 5.0 Launch! (Sift Talk Post)

probie says...

Great job. Ever since VS went from 3.0 to 4.0, the site has looked cluttered. Nice to see a return to a clean and sleek site. My only quibble would be the tiny, tiny text (I'm using Chrome); I can only see it if I'm right in front of my monitor. But I'm sure that will be worked out.

And I is the new black. My de facto from now on.

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