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Playing Angry Birds on a hacked ATM?

greeneyedsouls says...

This is a scam. Once you click on the link from the description, the one saying the concept might be real, you reach some site where you get infected. My antivirus warned me about "Google Earth" trying to add something like "Google.exe" from Windows Temp into startup. First, I don't have Google Earth installed, second, unlike Chrome, Earth had no service or startup entries not even for updates, third, it only happens when I go to that website, not before, not after.
Watch out what you click on.

Act Of Sportsmanship Gives Texas High Schooler Shot At Glory

ChaosEngine says...

Hmmm... something seriously messed up here. Vid is telling me to get latest flash player, but I'm on chrome (flash is built in) and every other video works fine.

edit: nevermind.. chrome was having a moment

VideoSift bookmarklet not working (Internet Talk Post)

Help a petition to get Susan Crawford appointed FCC Chairman (Politics Talk Post)

Help a petition to get Susan Crawford appointed FCC Chairman (Politics Talk Post)

Help a petition to get Susan Crawford appointed FCC Chairman (Politics Talk Post)

YouTube Flickering Scrubber Issue in Chrome (Sift Talk Post)

YouTube Flickering Scrubber Issue in Chrome (Sift Talk Post)

YouTube Flickering Scrubber Issue in Chrome (Sift Talk Post)

YouTube Flickering Scrubber Issue in Chrome (Sift Talk Post)

radx says...

It's just the Chrome/Flash combo and embedded YouTube videos, right? HTML5 embeds working fine?

If so, you can either switch to HTML5 or try this workaround for the time being: deactivate hardware/GPU acceleration for both Flash and Chrome.

1) Add "--disable-accelerated-compositing" to your Chrome shortcut, so that it links to: /chrome.exe --disable-accelerated-compositing
2) Right-click on the video -> settings -> left-most tab -> uncheck hardware acceleration
3) Restart Chrome

Again, that's just a workaround until they fixed whatever is wrong with it.

Half in the Bag: Django Unchained and 2012 Re-cap

Best Local Roller Skating Commercial

Malware page on Videosift (probably not - hopefully) (Fear Talk Post)

Fantomas says...

Chrome seems to have an issue with Browsing to the front page of the site doesn't raise any red flags in FF17.1 (or a 64bit port).

Perhaps people have used it to host trojan image files and Chrome is just being overly cautious.

The latest YouTube embeds (Sift Talk Post)

radx says...

On my end, the only videos that don't have fullscreen buttons are embeds using the WebM player in Chrome/Opera/Gecko-based browers. Disabling HTML5 on YouTube is usually enough to get it working again.

Have you tried adding "mozallowfullscreen" and "webkitallowfullscreen" to the list of embed parameters?

VideoSift 5.0 bugs go here. (Sift Talk Post)

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