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Stephen Colbert Dances to Daft Punk's "Get Lucky"

"Malformed Request" when trying to upvote anything (Geek Talk Post)

"Don't F**k with New York" - Lewis Black Slams Texas

Holy Helicopter?

Odd Glitch (Wtf Talk Post)

antonye says...

Chrome (latest) on XP and it's been doing it for me for ages!
If you mouse over/off the title text (link) of the video it moves a pixel each time.
Great fun getting the video thumbnails to "race" each other down the page but I don't quite think that's what you had in mind!

Nation Demands New Photo of Edward Snowdon

MilkmanDan says...

That's (part) of why I use Firefox with Adblock, Noscript, default block cookies (whitelist when necessary), and even ran that one that lists all the external domains that a page is trying to scuttle off to with allow/disallow for a while. Eventually I got sick of having to allow 10 new domains every time I visited a new page for the first time (or see a video from a new host here on the sift), which was causing me to just give up and load in Chrome rather than stick with it. So now I'm back to just that first set.

However, the thought of somebody running a honeypot operation and generating dummy data for advertisers (or the NSA) to mine makes me cackle with delight....

Fletch said:

"... private information is being collected by someone other than advertisers."

Hmmm... never thought of it that way.

Odd Glitch (Wtf Talk Post)

Odd Glitch (Wtf Talk Post)

lucky760 says...

Now that you mention it, @eric3579 reported that a week or two ago. I've since noticed it as well, but haven't the foggiest as to what's causing it.

There have been no changes around the time it apparently started, especially not anything that would cause such weird behavior.

It doesn't seem to happen all the time. (I'm trying to force it right now and nothing's happening.) And the image doesn't seem to be shifting in its DOM attributes, so it seems like a weird browser bug (?) only in Chrome (?).

Yeah so this is happening now [embed fun] (Mystery Talk Post)

Embedded video no longer working on Chrome? (Internet Talk Post)

Embedded video no longer working on Chrome? (Internet Talk Post)

Is anyone else having trouble watching youtube embeds? (Sift Talk Post)

Embedded video no longer working on Chrome? (Internet Talk Post)

Glitchy (Engineering Talk Post)

chingalera says...

No mobiles-connected through a hard-line o'coaxial-The problems described above occur intermittently and not necessarily all of them at once-

It may have something to do with having viewed several embeds from their thumbnails, I dunno-Looks as if my problem may be on my end...Using Firefox-Haven't tried it in Chrome or Safari or LalalLalLA, though..What's VS 5.0 optimized for or is it??

Bachmann Goes Rogue, Literally Races Away From CNN Reporter

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