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Rethinking Nuclear Power

newtboy says...

Keep in mind, thorium salt reactors have many disadvantages as well, including short lifespan, requiring an on site chemical plant to constantly maintain proper mixture levels, embrittlement and corrosion of containment vessels and pipes, etc., but the biggest hurdle is regulatory since they are 1) breeder reactors that enrich the fuel (which are nearly impossible to get approval for in today's climate) and 2) need fairly highly enriched fuels to operate, much higher levels than ordinary reactors (also causing major opposition).

None of those are insurmountable obstacles, but they are why we don't have them producing power today.

bobknight33 said:

I would like to see thorium salt reactor put into production..

low waste..there's a hell of a lot of thorium out there-- several times more than uranium. So much that we won't run out of it and can use it for hundreds of years.

Must Love Bugs

ant says...

I was going to major and work in entomology when I was younger since I love living bugs like ants. I even hung out with a few local entomologists like Robert H. Crandoll (RIP since he passed away in 2006). He had a cool insect collection (dead and alive) in his house.

However, computer science took over since I love computers especially their digital bugs. I don't like the chemical odor/smell, traveling, low pay, etc. However, I am still fascinated with nature today as an old fart.

Unicorn Gold by Squatty Potty: Smells like Rainbows

Syria's war: Who is fighting and why [Updated]

enoch says...

@ChaosEngine your comment missing some parts that you forgot to type?
or was it a typo?

when did i deny that a chemical attack actually occurred?

my skepticism is in regards to american corporate media slavishly regurgitating the narrative coming out of the white house.

that the assad regime attacked his own people with sarin gas,and a complicit media which has uncritically jumped on board the "assad bad-america good" bullshit train.

or do i REALLY need to point to iraq,or even libya for that matter.

as for the rest of your comment.i see no reason to contradict a negative.i simply never made a claim against those organizations.

you are free to believe what you wish my friend,i will remain skeptical.

and i think history backs my skepticism.

Syria's war: Who is fighting and why [Updated]

ChaosEngine says...

I've yet to see any credible sources that it WASN'T a chemical attack.

Meanwhile, organisations like Amnesty and the WHO seem reasonably convinced it was a chemical attack, unless you think they're shills too.

enoch said:

i had read about that possibility.that a bomb had blown up a chemical warehouse.

either way,until i see some evidence,i remain skeptical.

Syria's war: Who is fighting and why [Updated]

Glass bottom pool with a view!

Drone Footage Of Syrian Base After Recent Tomahawk Strike

cosmovitelli says...

Some people seem to think this was a false flag operation (the supposed chemical attack and the reasoning behind the US response)
Apparently its a very complicated sunni -shia - iran - saudi- yemen situation about an oil pipeline that will cut russia out of the loop. They also say Trump is more concerned about drawing attention away from his Russian treason and recklessly provoking the russians for his own domestic survival. A total all round shit show in other words.

Syria's war: Who is fighting and why [Updated]

enoch says...


i do not want to speak for eric,so i will just explain why i downvoted.

this video attempts to explain the syrian crisis,with almost zero critical examination.the video practically regurgitates the current american political narrative and never mentions the conflicts of information.

let me explain:

1.the video states this all started due to the arab spring,but totally fails to mention that the MAIN reason for the continued conflict is not arab spring,but the fact the both qatar and saudi arabia have been pushing syria to allow them to build a pipeline through syria in order for those countries to sell oil and gas to europe.

which would be in direct competition with russia,which is the main provider of oil and gas to europe.

2.this video claims..twice..that assad has used chemical weapons against his own people.while convenient for a western power which may,or may not,wish to engage militarily.there was no evidence in 2013,and there is no evidence this time (mainly due to time.i mean come on,TWO days? and BOOM.assad did it,nothing to see here.move along).

the only journalist in 2013 that challenged the narrative was seymor hersh.who was ridiculed and chastised,and ultimately vindicated in 2014 by the UN securities commission,that assad was not the perpetrator,but rather the al qeada off shoot el nosra.

which was barely covered,if at all,in american corporate media.

it is also important to mention that the assad regime,in full compliance with the UN,handed over all materials that could be used in chemical warfare.i.e:sarin gas.

3.while the video DOES mention it,it does so in a very slick way,and if you are not following this situation,you will miss it.

america IS supporting and funding "rebels",but pay attention to who those rebels are:they are the offshoot of al qeada,el nosra.

so in effect,america sis funding and supporting al qeada to fight against the assad regime.

i will give you time to allow that to sink in a moment.

these are only a few of the glaring inconsistencies in this video,but i will agree that the situation in syria is complicated,but the reasons for that complication are not being mentioned in this all.

and one final thing to chew about before i go,because i think it is an important aspect to ponder,and as of right now,thats all it really is:speculation.

assad was set to meet with a UN peace council in a week to discuss possible diplomatic solutions.add to this that trump had just recently (last week) backed off obama's "red line" approach,and stated quite clearly that america is ONLY interested in dealing with ISIS,and had NO interest in dealing with assad.


why would assad,with only a week to go before peace negotiations,commit politicial suicide by gassing his own people?

who benefits from this attack?

because it sure is not assad.

we all know the situation in syria is dire,complicated and grotesque,but the current narrative being fed to americans simply does NOT add up.

2+2 does not = 5

and this video does nothing to clear that up,it simply regurgitates american corporate media's narrative.

and i refuse to upvote that.

New laser zaps mosquitoes out of the air.

transmorpher says...

This is soooooooooooooooooooooo much better than spray chemicals everywhere(especially onto crops/food). Very cool.

Of course there is also an easy solution - usually if there are mosquitos around it's hot. And well a simple fan keeps them away and keeps you cool at the same time.

Every vehicle in the President's motorcade, explained

ulysses1904 says...

Interesting video. Reminds me of something I saw when I lived in Nashville in 2014. I left work at 5 and found that my usual route to I-40 was gridlocked. I figured I would flank whatever was causing it by turning around and taking the perimeter road around Nashville airport. A million other people had that same idea so we are inching along that road and then I noticed that Interstate 40 next to me was completely deserted, not a single car in either direction. I'm thinking some chemical or nuclear spill closed the interstate, that's all I could think of.

Then out of nowhere this massive motorcade like you see in the video comes flying down the interstate, sirens and blue lights flashing off of every vehicle. It was so surreal to see that appear on this dark empty interstate. Then the light bulb went off, I had no idea President Obama was in town, much less giving a speech at a high school 3 miles from my office.

More Evidence Trump Can't, Or At Least Won't Read

shagen454 says...

In Trump's mind, he is the BEST reader there is. That is why he can't read. If big Oil and gas wants a pipeline, that's all there is to know! Why read long reports from the EPA or environmental scientists? ("God dammit, they're trying to get me to read and comprehend these things again - lets get rid of em!") Big Oil needs a hand out, and that's what Trump does, he gives/receives handjobs from the nastiest of the nasty, or if he wants it and it is unwilling - he grabs it like a big ol' wild animal/monkey man that he is. TRUMP = ORANGE MONKEY that huffed too much corporate paint.

My dad was a CEO of a huge company - a self-made man (rip), he was dyslexic - but at least he learned about his disadvantage and figured out how to somewhat overcome it and use it to his advantage. What I'm saying is he tried to learn and overcome and succeeded. Trump is just a munchkin who was handed everything; an ego-maniac in great need of my favorite chemical for delivering pure ego-death to humble his ass down for the rest of his life and expand in understanding and awareness. I posted an animation video on here about Trump getting "it" but even then (as in the video the conclusion was): he may just be too stupid.

Why these LEDs glow at all?

greatgooglymoogly says...

Chemical reaction, turns the orange into a battery. LEDs only need 1-3V to turn on so you don't need a very strong reaction. I noticed some of the pins are darker colors, Mr Glove probably dipped one leg in a dissimilar metal or another chemical so the electrons want to move from one pin to the other with the acidic juice as the electrolyte. Look up potato battery for similar experiments.

What We Know about Pot in 2017

newtboy says...

They should have less risk. They don't have carcinogenic chemicals added to make them stay lit or preserve them, and they aren't inhaled (by those who know how to smoke them).
That doesn't mean they're safe, as you mentioned. I think oral and throat cancers, while still a risk, are more likely with cigarettes because of the extra chemicals.
You are right, there's very little data about cigar risks. It would be silly to pretend they don't have risks, though.

I would note that I've seen people publicly harass cigarette smokers, then come tell me how good my cigar smells. I've also never had someone complain about my cigar smoke, but heard it often back when I smoked cigarettes.

MilkmanDan said:

I had never heard it claimed that cigars pose less/different cancer risks than cigarettes.

Google search provides mixed (as you might expect) results., the Mayo Clinic, and WebMD all seem to suggest that cigar smokers in general tend to have lower rates of lung cancer than cigarette smokers (because they generally don't inhale, which I didn't know), but higher than non-smokers. And they have comparable or possibly higher rates of other cancers (oral, esophageal ... pancreatic) as compared to cigarette smokers.

Several results suggest that there is less data about cigars, results aren't statistically significant, etc. etc. and that they believe that cigars are much safer than cigarettes, if not entirely safe. But frankly, the pages I see (in a cursory search that I don't really have a personal stake in) promoting that view don't seem as ... trustworthy to me as the Mayo Clinic, or Healthcare Triage videos like this one (that list references right in the video).

No holier-than-thou attitude intended. ...Although I can say that I'm personally very glad I never acquired a taste for tobacco products of any kind. And a very low interest in alcohol consumption -- I go months on up to a year+ between drinks of booze without ever missing it. I sometimes avoid social situations because of smoke, which I suppose is a downside. But on the other hand, I'm enough of an introvert that avoiding social situations is probably something I'd be doing anyway... So at the very least I have more money to waste on other things since I'm not a smoker or much of a drinker.

Donald and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad ...

Mordhaus says...

If we are going to start pointing fingers at countries, almost every single country in the world has used immigrant labor to keep itself functional. You can't single out the USA for relying on it, and as I mentioned, the USA is far from being the only country starting to realize that illegal immigration has more negatives than positives.

I have never hired an illegal. It is possible that they US government should increase work visas, I would not care as long as people were here legally. This also isn't 'The Jungle', I am pretty sure that Upton Sinclair would laugh if you compared the living conditions and quality of life that our current immigrants have compared to then.

I disagree with your example, this is not a situation where the people did not have other options. They could have applied to come here legally, choosing not to do so because it is far easier to ignore the law does not make them addicts to a chemical substance.

Drachen_Jager said:


Except that the United States has for many decades relied on undocumented immigrants as a source of low-wage labor to do the jobs most Americans don't want. Now all of a sudden, after using their cheap labor to keep failing American agriculture and manufacturing alive you just want to yank the carpet out from under them?

Most of the people now up in arms about the "scourge" of illegal immigrants have HIRED illegals at one time or another (in the case of Trump, I'm sure he still employs dozens of hundreds). The US Government could simply have issued more work visas and enforced the rules more closely, but why do that when your buddies can charge sub-minimum wage and stiff their employees on the paycheck whenever they feel like it without fear of repercussion? Instead they wink and nod, punishing the immigrants occasionally, but rarely (if ever) touching the businesses who KNEW they were employing illegals.

It's like ignoring the drug dealers and traffickers for decades, then suddenly deciding drug USERS are a scourge who must be punished.

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