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Nina Simone: Mississippi Goddam

Ashenkase says...

On her debut album for Philips, Nina Simone in Concert (1964), for the first time she addressed racial inequality in the United States in the song "Mississippi Goddam". This was her response to the June 12, 1963, murder of Medgar Evers and the September 15, 1963, bombing of the 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama, that killed four young black girls and partly blinded a fifth. She said that the song was "like throwing ten bullets back at them", becoming one of many other protest songs written by Simone. The song was released as a single, and it was boycotted in some[vague] southern states.[31][32] Promotional copies were smashed by a Carolina radio station and returned to Philips.[33] She later recalled how "Mississippi Goddam" was her "first civil rights song" and that the song came to her "in a rush of fury, hatred and determination". The song challenged the belief that race relations could change gradually and called for more immediate developments: "me and my people are just about due". It was a key moment in her path to Civil Rights activism.[34] "Old Jim Crow", on the same album, addressed the Jim Crow laws. After "Mississippi Goddam", a civil rights message was the norm in Simone's recordings and became part of her concerts.

joe scarborough on wednesday jan 6 2021 maga riot

newtboy says...

Then you're a disingenuous fool and apologist for/supporter of domestic terrorism and sedition, which are a bit more serious than a few cases of arson, there were enough firebombs confiscated to burn the building to the ground, at least two working bombs activated, and an attempted coup including mobs roaming the halls of congress looking to murder representatives including the VP.

If it was a right wing plot you would probably call 9-11 mostly peaceful, only 19 of the 30000 involved did anything wrong.

More like 10-15000, and 1000-1500 smashed in armed with guns, bombs, and molotovs chanting about killing representatives, the rest just attacked the outside and police, set up a hanging stand complete with noose, and stood guard for those inside.

Show me this reporter standing in front of a burning building calling it a peaceful protest, not a protest that became a riot. I challenge you. I can probably find video of every single democrat representative denouncing the summer violence, i can find you video of Republicans gleefully supporting the crowd of terrorists, and even the president supporting them and telling the terrorist mob he loves them.

greatgooglymoogly said:

30-50,000 people in the protest. A few hundred invaded the building. I'd call that "mostly peaceful" by the definition of the reporter standing in front of a burning building saying the same.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Wisconsin recount is done, Trump spent $3million to recount the two predominantly minority counties in Wisconsin. For his money, he bought Biden 87 more votes.
Now he's trying to invalidate early in person voting in just those counties, but the law he's challenging is state wide, so if he wins (under 1% chance) he invalidates ALL in person early voting in the state, which will only increase Biden's lead more. That's what happens when your lead attorney has full blown dementia.

Arizona certifies Monday, Wisconsin Tuesday. Both for Biden. A historic landslide victory, this time the winner has more votes too!

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Who appoints a judge has nothing to do with their authority, good for you or all those Trump judges would be powerless come January....besides which, Brann is a registered Republican and a former member of the conservative Federalist Society. There's no appeal, he ruled Trump had no standing to bring the lawsuit, no evidence, and no case.

Trump lost by a landslide of over 7 million votes...verified legal votes. Be a man, not a crybaby sore loser, and come to terms with it. He lost. Bipartisan election officials have certified in every state that there was no democratic cheating scheme, OAN and Newsmax are lying to you. He was ahead only if you don't count Democratic votes. He's never had a single victory by vote. Never.

Just lost his Nevada challenge too....not that it matters. Pennsylvania clinches it for Biden.
Edit: and Michigan and Georgia.

What did Trump do in 4 years to secure election integrity. According to you, less than nothing and both elections under Trump were disasters. He claimed massive fraud from day one, spent millions investigating, yet found none and did nothing to stop any.
Who doesn't care about election security? Democrats tried multiple times to create an unchangeable paper trail of every vote, Republicans blocked it and every other plan to make elections more secure. You are again confused about which party tried to act to protect America and which blocked protections.

bobknight33 said:

You think some Obama appointed judge be the final say, you are sadly mistaken.

Trump might lose but not yet.

Trump did have a landslide victory but Democrats well being Democrats cheated the shit out of the election.

But hey when did Democrats ever car about election integrity?

Republicans in 2018 Post-Midterm Elections

newtboy says...

Because there's zero chance he can win, and every hour of delay in allowing the transition to proceed 50 Americans die.

No, they report the official count. Reasonable people understand when it's impossible to swing the results and, for the good of the country, concede and facilitate a transition. All the silly challenges can continue after that, they don't stop counting because one candidate concedes, and they don't just toss out court cases either.

Since there's no evidence of illegal votes, that's not worth responding to. Votes are vetted in multiple ways before being counted. Thousands of dead people, non citizens, and fraudsters haven't's a lie, there's zero evidence, only liars words. The vote fraud found was all about not delivering mail in ballots, and all done by Republicans. Over 300000 missing in post offices after the USPS was ordered to sweep all sorting rooms for missing ballots, an order they ignored at DeJoy's direction.

If it wasn't life or death for thousands in the balance, I would agree, but thanks to the worst leader in living memory it is. What's the harm allowing Biden's team access to intelligence so they can vet a cabinet? Biden already has top clearance....but is being blocked out of pure spite. In the .000001% chance Trump manages to flip the results, how would it hurt anything that Biden had a team ready? Trump doesn't need to concede, he can keep instigating his cult to commit terroristic acts and chant "stop the count...count the votes....stop the count...count the votes", and to make up false claims of fraud in hopes of collecting the million dollar reward (bribe to commit perjury) Trumpco has offered.

Let the cases play out, they're being tossed constantly since they have no evidence at all of consequential fraud, only lies and Russian videos,...but since it's clear who won and no fraud case can change that, stop blocking the peaceful transition and hurting the union. Stop wasting hundreds of millions on preparing for a fantasy Trump budget but zero on preparing for Biden, who won. If Trump is declared the winner officially, then stop cooperating with Biden harm no foul.

Carter conceded before the polls closed in the West because he clearly put the nation first over his ego (Reagan's final vote percentage was lower than Biden's btw, Biden is now over 5 million votes ahead) , Trump won't ever concede, he might claim it was stolen and he can't stop it, eroding trust in our system and creating terrorists, he won't ever say he lost or cooperate in a transition. The former hurts confidence in the system, the latter delays the transition and will kill more people for no reason besides sour grapes.

bobknight33 said:

Why should Trump concede? Biden has not officially won.

Media does not officially call the election.
Let it play out out.

? you want all votes counted. Even illegal votes?

Trump will have to turn around 5 states.
Tall order, Sit back and let it play out.

Republicans in 2018 Post-Midterm Elections

cloudballoon says...

Since when it's the opposition/challenger that got the means to rig the system and NOT the incumbent in power?

If there's cheating, you can bet your house it's Trump & the Republican that's cheating in this election.

Trump's been saying the system's rigged since 2015. Yeah, in HIS (and the Republican's favor) due to the decades long gerrymandering of the districts. A true leader, when he/she sees something wrong (Covid-19, voting system, etc.) they'll try to fix it. What did Trump do to "fix" this? He only accuses & blames with no basis of proof and he made it harder for people to vote because voter suppression works in the Republicans' and his favor. Duh.

All the vote rigging and they still lost. Sore, sore incompetent loser cry babies.

Republicans in 2018 Post-Midterm Elections

greatgooglymoogly says...

Frothing at the mouth hyperbole like that will do more damage than Trump can manage in two more months. The country has survived 46 months, it can manage another two. I don't think a single state has certified their election totals. Sure, it's tradition to accelerate the process, but Trump has thrown all tradition out the window, so why make a big deal this time? There is zero evidence to believe anyone with power that matters will support him if the court challenges do not go his way. Calm down and wait a month and this will pretty much be over. I think your notion of "zero chance the president will concede" will be proven wrong by January. He may say the election was stolen for the next four years(Where have I heard that before?) but he will leave the White House on Marine One.

newtboy said:

In reality, there's no other choice since there's zero chance the current president will concede or cooperate with a smooth transition.

Once there's no chance remaining votes uncounted or contested could sway the election, a point we are well past, any challenges are academic and couldn't change results, so there's no reason to refuse to acknowledge that fact, especially when it's spurring right wing terrorists to act and dividing the nation, another point we past days ago. The obstinance is harmful to the nation and our institutions, like Trump is trying to burn the government down on his way out the door. No democrat has ever done this in similar circumstances. There's a theory that he's only doing it to bilk his followers out of more money towards his "legal defense fund" that really goes to pay off campaign debt and directly into his pockets with a small portion paying lawyers like Giuliani to lose cases. He's millions in debt there too, and it becomes his personal debt when he's out of office....with near a billion due next year, he needs every penny he can con them out of.

Normally the clear winner would be being brought up to speed on things like covid response and international relationships even if they weren't declared the official winner yet. This time, with a petulant toddler throwing a tantrum for the next 2+ months, that might not help, because there's no telling what damage he might do before then. Biden is just making his own plans instead, preparing to start work day one no matter what dumpster fires Trump sets. That said, this obstinate denial of the results and sewing division, making up and repeating baseless charges to discredit the election (looking at you) have real world disastrous consequences and weakens the state of the union. It's clear the plan was to rely on the Trump appointed judges to rubber stamp the baseless claims and hand him a win. So far it hasn't worked, but it could. That's why we should care about the dozens of frivolous lawsuits, if his judges decide to be the lackeys he expects them to be, they could actually steal the election in court....but it would spark nationwide unrest if not insurgency.

Republicans in 2018 Post-Midterm Elections

newtboy says...

In reality, there's no other choice since there's zero chance the current president will concede or cooperate with a smooth transition.

Once there's no chance remaining votes uncounted or contested could sway the election, a point we are well past, any challenges are academic and couldn't change results, so there's no reason to refuse to acknowledge that fact, especially when it's spurring right wing terrorists to act and dividing the nation, another point we past days ago. The obstinance is harmful to the nation and our institutions, like Trump is trying to burn the government down on his way out the door. No democrat has ever done this in similar circumstances. There's a theory that he's only doing it to bilk his followers out of more money towards his "legal defense fund" that really goes to pay off campaign debt and directly into his pockets with a small portion paying lawyers like Giuliani to lose cases. He's millions in debt there too, and it becomes his personal debt when he's out of office....with near a billion due next year, he needs every penny he can con them out of.

Normally the clear winner would be being brought up to speed on things like covid response and international relationships even if they weren't declared the official winner yet. (Edit: They would also have access to top secret intelligence all previous presidents (except Trump) use to vet their cabinet, being denied that information severely hampers Biden's ability to properly vet them, holding up his nominations. Thanks to Trump's disastrous covid response, Biden needs to be fully ready to change policies day one, it's life or death for 1000+ Americans every day he's delayed.) This time, with a petulant toddler throwing a tantrum for the next 2+ months, that might not help, because there's no telling what damage he might do before then. Biden is just making his own plans instead, preparing to start work day one no matter what dumpster fires Trump sets. That said, this obstinate denial of the results and sewing division, making up and repeating baseless charges to discredit the election (looking at you) have real world disastrous consequences and weakens the state of the union. It's clear the plan was to rely on the Trump appointed judges to rubber stamp the baseless claims and hand him a win. So far it hasn't worked, but it could. That's why we should care about the dozens of frivolous lawsuits, if his judges decide to be the lackeys he expects them to be, they could actually steal the election in court....but it would spark nationwide unrest if not insurgency.

greatgooglymoogly said:

Yes, Republicans are hypocrites, but so are the Dems if they aren't willing to wait for the process to finish before insisting the race is over. We managed to wait till December back in 2000 to find a resolution, that ended up fine. If they were consistent they wouldn't care about lawsuits or complain about the GAO not helping the Biden transition.

Hitler learns he can't stop vote counting

newtboy says...

Sorry sugar, newsmax isn't being honest with you.

Almost every challenge has already been tossed out of court or ruled against Trump. Those remaining deal with a miniscule number of votes that may have arrived (not mailed) late thanks to the USPS acting as a part of the Trump campaign and slowing deliveries, and ignoring court orders to "sweep" mail rooms for missing ballots. When forced, one single Houston mail room found over 800....most for Biden. The vote fraud that's been found are all Republican frauds, again, and the numbers aren't large enough to swing the election for Trump in any states. Some might turn blue if all legal votes were delivered.

Most lawsuits were asking to stop vote counting, and were tossed in the trash. Some were about observers, but have zero effect on the counts. The rest are based on pure assumptions, not evidence, of things like late votes being counted, or normal processes like ballot "curing" which is filling out the circle/box when the vote intent was clear but the box not totally blacked out. They're even trying g to disqualify ballots that only had a vote for if that was abnormal or illegal.

Even his case for a recount in Georgia is highly unlikely to proceed, since the margin is over .25% the team requesting a recount must pay for it, and the Trump team is too broke to even hire real lawyers, forget paying up front for a statewide recount.

There aren't even enough votes being questioned by Trump's campaign to swing any there aren't enough to cast doubt even if every one being questioned is fraudulent...and so far there aren't many if any verified fraudulent votes, and my bet is the few found are double votes for Trump anyway.

Sorry sunshine. You lost, and are just stewing in your sour grapes. Just another never Bidener. There's a decent chance you'll lose the Senate too when Georgia is through.
Red tsunami 2020!

Edit: if you donated to the legal defense fund, I hope you read the fine print, because at least half is going to pay pre-existing debts from the campaign, and still more goes directly into Trump's pocket for using his donation portal. Not much is going towards his legal battles, battles he knows are lost causes (most already lost in court). Don't be surprised if you also signed up for monthly donations too, watch your credit card bill, his campaign has repeatedly suckered donors into agreeing to that by hiding it in the fine print, now that his presidency is done he has no reason to not be a pure con man/thief again. Russia won't extradite him, so he's going to grab every penny of your money he can before he flees the country.

bobknight33 said:

It ain't over yet.

When is the last time Trump gave up.

There is voter fraud going on, how big? big enough to cast doubt.

If neither candidate gets to 270 electors due to disputed ballots, the House would have to decide the election.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

There's at least one world leader who isn't celebrating and who hasn't congratulated or recognized Biden....Putin. He's waiting for all of Trump's ridiculous challenges and lawsuits without standing to fail.
I think this means he DOES still have to prostitute himself until his boss says it's over.

JiggaJonson said:

Around the world they are celebrating! Don't worry! You don't have to be a prostitute any more!

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

JiggaJonson says...

[T]hat is not the America I know.

The America I know is full of courage, and optimism, and ingenuity. The America I know is decent and generous. Sure, we have real anxieties—about paying the bills, protecting our kids, caring for a sick parent. We get frustrated with political gridlock, worry about racial divisions; are shocked and saddened by the madness of Orlando or Nice. There are pockets of America that never recovered from factory closures; men who took pride in hard work and providing for their families who now feel forgotten; parents who wonder whether their kids will have the same opportunities we had.

All that is real. We’re challenged to do better; to be better. But as I’ve traveled this country, through all fifty states; as I’ve rejoiced with you and mourned with you, what I’ve also seen, more than anything, is what is right with America. I see people working hard and starting businesses; people teaching kids and serving our country. I see engineers inventing stuff, and doctors coming up with new cures. I see a younger generation full of energy and new ideas, not constrained by what is, ready to seize what ought to be.

Most of all, I see Americans of every party, every background, every faith who believe that we are stronger together – black, white, Latino, Asian, Native American; young and old; gay, straight, men, women, folks with disabilities, all pledging allegiance, under the same proud flag, to this big, bold country that we love.


If you need it to sound more like Trump, just pretend in the middle somewhere that he said he wanted to kill a hooker and feed a dead cat to an ATM.


luxintenebris jokingly says...

'You wouldn't trust him with your children'

or your elderly...

surveying the responses to this seems there's no way to fix this.

thought it might have been the president's decision to appear late at a closed event, turned open, in freezing temperatures was a lousy idea. maybe the chaotic challenge of going from 10k to 22k might have been over-optimistic by his rally staff. but the fellow rally-goers want to put the blame on other rally-goers (like president; like lemming).

wasn't don's fault, nor the event organizers, it was don's fans? so the problem was they liked him and his 'people' couldn't gauge the huuuge response? don didn't know. his people didn't know. it was because his fans didn't know better?

okay, get it now.

gee. one would have thought they'd been perfectly warm with all those hoods? bet they rue being p.c. and not burning crosses. that alone should have kept a wide number of them toasty.

HOA Karen does NOT approve of the Biden signs

newtboy says...

True, but under Trump it's become the norm to threaten a lawsuit over minor annoyances and whenever challenged over their outrageous or illegal behavior.

Esoog said:

Yeah, OK. Cause before Trump, no one ever threatened to sue. That's been the American way for years! You are generalizing.

Jorge Masvidal on re-electing Donald Trump

newtboy says...

You ask far too much of a simpleton, sir. Be fair, allow him to give vagaries, then have him choose one and be specific. Still more than he's capable of, but more than fair to the challenged.

BSR said:

So @bobknight33,

@moonsammy asked you a few questions. I'm not sure if you missed the request or if you're just sitting around pulling your pud yelling "COME ON FUNNY FEELING!!

I'm interested to see just what you think about the issues he's asking you rather than just seeing you jump around with your pom poms in your cheerleader outfit.

Bob, what specifically has Trump been doing well, that you'd like to see more of? Actual specifics please, not vagaries. Are you a big fan of the 2017 tax reforms? The boondoggle border wall that's been paid for by redirecting funds meant for the military, and definitely NOT by Mexico? Breaking faith with our historic allies while promoting authoritarians like Kim, Putin, and Erdogan? I really am honestly curious: what has Trump done, specifically, that you feel has been a positive for the US?

Joe Biden On Masks: ‘Not About Being A Tough Guy,’

BSR says...

There Is No Art In This White House

By Elayne Griffin Baker

There’s no literature or poetry in the White House. No music. No Kennedy Center award celebrations. There are no pets in this White House. No loyal man’s best friend. No Socks the family cat. No kids’ science fairs. No times when this president takes off his blue suit-red tie uniform and becomes human, except when he puts on his white shirt-khaki pants uniform and hides from Americans to play golf. There are no images of the first family enjoying themselves together in a moment of relaxation. No Obamas on the beach in Hawaii moments, or Bushes fishing in Kennebunkport, no Reagans on horseback, no Kennedys playing touch football on the Cape.

I was thinking the other day of the summer when George H couldn’t catch a fish and all the grandkids made signs and counted the fish-less days. And somehow, even if you didn’t even like GHB, you got caught up in the joy of a family that loved each other and had fun. Where did that country go? Where did all of the fun and joy and expressions of love and happiness go?

We used to be a country that did the ice bucket challenge and raised millions for charity. We used to have a president that calmed and soothed the nation instead dividing it. And a First Lady that planted a garden instead of ripping one out. We are rudderless and joyless. We have lost the cultural aspects of society that make America great. We have lost our mojo, our fun, our happiness. The cheering on of others. Gone. The shared experiences of humanity that makes it all worth it. Gone. The challenges AND the triumphs that we shared and celebrated. The unique can-do spirit Americans have always been known for. Gone. We have lost so much in so short a time.

Vote Democratic all the way down the ballot on November 3rd.

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