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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

(Oops, meant to quote, not profile page this)
ROTFLMFAHS!! Hunter Biden stupidity again! LOSER! You dumbshits just refuse to learn…he admits smoking crack and sleeping with hookers….(Trump always pays for sex using company money, I would think you might applaud Hunter following his lead)….he’s a private citizen…nobody cares. Rapist Trump’s dead brother who the entire family intentionally let die alone was a drunk racist…do you care?

Because it’s all about getting to show that revenge porn against and talk shit about a private citizen, and absolutely nothing else…because you’ve got nothing else. Even disgracing the walls of congress by shoving it down throats in a live broadcast hearing in your undignified desperation when you can’t tweet it out. 😂

Funny how family is only off limits when it’s a republican’s family that’s actually part of their administration, making policy and negotiating on the government’s behalf and getting tens of millions to literally multiple billions in payoffs from hostile countries while they do it…but not when they’re private citizens. 🤦‍♂️

And somehow you think this nonsense impugns Dark Brandon’s character….he won’t even notice your little self deprecating circus, he’s too busy crushing it hard and deep on every front to care what the completely out of control nutjob that believes in every Qspiracy is screaming on the street corner in her tin foil hat…and that’s who you’re standing behind here. This only looks bad for you…seems outrageously desperate. Hunter Biden doesn’t hold office and is a different person than his father, and overcoming a severe drug problem is something to be proud of. 😂

You are so stupid you think these baseless and meaningless screeched accusations by the mastermind “Jew laser” “There’s nothing wrong with asking for election fraud” Manly Traitor over there makes your team “right” and Joe somehow “wrong” despite your cult leader being a convicted rapist (forcefully penetrating another with your body is rape, and he was convicted of forceful penetration of a woman with his body part), child abuser (admitted on air to buying Miss Teen USA to forcefully leer at naked YOUNG (14 year old) girls), employee sex abuser (admitted on air he bought Miss USA and Miss Universe to force contestants to sleep with him), traitor, convicted fraud, charity fraud, admitted racist (willingly paid millions for his redlining), and under or nearing 7-8 indictments for hundreds of counts of various treasonous activities. 😂 😂

And since you say religion is real not silly superstition…the very personification of the 7 deadly sins, (to remind your tiny religious brain, those are) (1) vainglory, or pride, (2) greed, or covetousness, (3) lust, or illicit sexual desire, (4) envy, (5) gluttony, (6) wrath, or anger, and (7) sloth. Double check on every box and triple check a few.

You don’t even understand this performance is just for you and your fellow cultists, nobody else cares or pays attention to the tin foil hat brigade with their poster boards of naked men they absolutely insisted children see. Groomers.

You say prosecuting the well documented, numerous and ongoing treasonous crimes of a disgraced ex president is pure politics and should be tossed out as a nothingburger without seeing the evidence, but the alleged minor crimes of a president’s relative well beyond all statutes of limitations…that’s vitally important to government function not politically motivated attacks against a family member, also known as weaponization of the federal government!
You people are such jokes! Keep ‘em coming. Best laugh all day, and I found out it’s not slander or libel to say Trump is a rapist today because he officially is one. 😂

bobknight33 said:

MTG Showing revenge porn.

Wild Bird Attack! Ozzy Man Quickes

cloudballoon says...

Saw the CNN version first, by that lady that I never cared to remember her name... this VO is 10x better. Of course.

Cocaine Found In West Wing

newtboy says...

The projection is strong with this one.

That’s days before Hunter’s visit, not hours after dumbshit, and there’s been no footage found of Hunter entering that area, which is recorded like every public space in the Whitehouse and that footage would definitely have been “leaked” if he was on camera going in that room.
Hunter was filmed at Camp David on Friday, the cocaine found Sunday in an area searched every single day. One person thinks they saw Hunter outside the whitehouse Friday morning in a car, but no footage exists, but even if he had been there on Friday, how do you explain it’s not being found Friday, Saturday, or Sunday morning during any of the multiple daily searches of the area?
The baggie was found next to cubbies where visitors store their cell phones near the public entrance to the West wing, not private areas where the president’s family might be. The president’s family doesn’t normally enter through the main West Wing entrance, and aren’t required to check their cell phones at the public check in cubbies. Public West wing tours happened Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

Sorry buddy. You just can’t stretch this enough to blame even Hunter, much less Joe. I know you’ll still try, but your flapping gums are never truthful and everyone here knows it well. Those claiming this belongs to Hunter with no evidence are opening themselves up to defamation lawsuits…in his case they could be worth tens of millions or more. Enjoy the lawsuits! MAGA shelling out tens of millions or more over lies they spread is becoming a near daily thing.

Go hide from reality as you ALWAYS do. I know when more facts come out and it’s further proven impossible to be Hunter’s, you won’t retract your accusation, you’ll just hide from your intentional misread of reality and baseless accusations again like you do every single time you claim to know something only to have reality pimp slap the shit out of you in rapid succession.

Remember how BLM stormed the Capitol, led by ANTIFA on Jan 6 trying to install Trump as their president?
Remember how Pelosi’s husband’s boyfriend attacked him with a hammer in a lovers spat?
Remember how BLM shot at cops in Berkeley in 2020, and planted bombs?
Remember how Covid was a nothing burger that should be ignored and allowed to run its course, a plan designed to infect every American, which would end up killing up to 3% (or more because hospitals would be over capacity) and disabling up to 10% (or more from lack of care)?
Remember the whistleblowers…and the 17 audio tapes?
Remember your hilarious claim that Benjamin Franklin would be anti pornography!?!
Those are just a few of the hundreds of insane lies you’ve spouted in the last few years, not one having a scintilla of fact attached, not one retracted or admitted wrong when PROVEN to be utter bullshit nonsense and pure fabrication created out of whole cloth to hide your fascist people’s hatred of America, it’s values, and it’s people.

Nice try deflecting from the now 71 felonies and two more election fraud and sedition investigations he’s currently facing on top of multiple civil cases, that’s 71+ serious treasonous and seditious felonies Trump is facing with more coming. Nice attempt to hide from that reality, as you always do. 😂 sucker.

Test Don Jr for cocaine, then talk to me about Hunter. 🤦‍♂️ ask him how Gavin’s dick tastes while you’re at it.

Hunter lives rent free in that abandoned empty space between your ears. You’re more addicted to him than he was to crack. 😂

bobknight33 said:

Secret Service Confirms Cocaine Was Found In West Wing Phone Cubby Hours After Hunter Biden Visit.

Go hide from reality, as you normally do.

Cocaine Found In West Wing

moonsammy says...

I'm not going to trust some random site you linked that I've never heard of before, so I researched the issue myself. From what I can tell, Hunter was there on Tuesday for July 4th celebrations, and the Secret Service had found cocaine in a heavily-trafficked area of the West Wing on Sunday the 2nd. The president was out of town late Friday until Tuesday. So cocaine was found two days before Joe and Hunter were on site, in a part of the building which regularly hosts tour groups (particularly on weekends), and through which staff frequently transits. I doubt Hunter can time-travel (or has time-traveling cocaine), and if he does then you and I are waaaaay out of our league here - this is superhero business. If I've the basic facts incorrect please do let me know, I didn't spend more than 10 minutes reading up on this.

But, for the sake of argument: let's say the current president's adult son visited during a publicized, well-attended event, and accidentally left some illegal narcotics in a restroom. What would that actually imply, as a worst-case scenario, about Joe Biden? So far as I can tell, it shows he's willing to continue having a relationship with his adult child in spite of that child's known (and perhaps continued) character / behavior flaws. The teachings of Jesus make it clear that we should treat those around us with love, even the very flawed. None of what the news is describing, even as a worst-case, feels like a problem in any way - there are no implications pertaining to public policy, foreign policy, or nepotism. Perhaps there should be legal consequences for Hunter (or whoever left the cocaine there), but it hardly reflects on Joe.

You only heard about this cocaine because it plays into an existing, nonsensical narrative currently being pushed by right-wing media bullshitters. Namely, Joe's son Hunter has had drug problems, and some weird business entanglements, and that all somehow implies Joe is dirty. I'm extremely concerned about official corruption, so I absolutely would want to know if any were occurring - but the evidence pertaining to Hunter/Joe having any shady backroom dealings together is extremely thin on the ground.

Bob, have you given anywhere near this level of scrutiny or mental time to the question of why Donald's son-in-law received $2,000,000,000 from the Saudis? I feel that's actually worth knowing, particularly given that Jared very clearly DID have the former President's ear on policy matters, and WAS regularly present in the White House outside of big public events. But I've a hunch you care less about getting to the bottom of that obvious massive corruption, than the identity of the scoundrel who sullied the immaculate Administrative Palace with (I'm guessing) petty misdemeanor quantities of magic nose dust.

bobknight33 said:

Secret Service Confirms Cocaine Was Found In West Wing Phone Cubby Hours After Hunter Biden Visit.

Go hide from reality, as you normally do.

Doctor gets schooled

newtboy says...

Wrong again…This isn’t about legitimizing MAGgots or Christian churches. It’s about health care and scientific facts.

bobknight33 said:

Trying to legitimize fruit loop people and grooming kids -- Sorry no thanks.

Texas Sheriff Files Charges Over Florida Human Trafficking

newtboy says...

😂 You mean prosecute the human trafficking governors!? 😂

Biden disappointingly didn’t change Trump’s border/immigration plans except to deport more Haitians to Hati. If Trump and republicans had done their job securing borders when they had 100% control of the government instead of trying to build a useless monument to himself, this could be a non issue. Instead, illegal immigration ramped up under Trump thanks in part to the intentional slowdown and shrinking of the legal immigration process, shrinking of the border control agent pool, and misuse of border funding to build a useless fence that’s breached with ease daily.

Biden and Democrats tried to hire tons more border agents, MAGA/republicans blocked it. Republicans then continue to go on TV to say the borders are wide open, knowing those statements are shown in central/South America and convince immigrants it’s the time to come.

What has Texas or Florida done to stop immigrants? Nothing useful at all, just political stunts that, while costing $10 billion, caught zero immigrants or drugs, and economy destroying new laws. Buy OJ futures, Florida’s agriculture sector is crashing because they can’t get labor. Thousands of teaching positions are open thanks to their war on education/teachers. Tons of at home medical care jobs open there too. Too bad Americans won’t even apply.

Newsom should send a convoy of busses full of disfunctional homeless and dump them at the governor’s mansion in Texas and Florida. Tens of thousands of them. Florida needs the workers, call it a jobs program. Texas needs the “fuck you”, Florida needs the workers.

bobknight33 said:

Such BS.

If Biden and the democrats do their job this would be a non issue.

Garden Party | Oscar Nominated CG Animation

ant says...

They don't care.

cloudballoon said:

Somehow, the plot twist/reveal was exactly as I guessed seconds it transitioned into the interior bedroom scene.

WTF are Disney/Pixar/Marvel burning so much money in their brain-dead CGI fests if THIS can be done by 6 students?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...


I just read her response and “I’m literally LOL’ing” at you surreptitiously quoting Manly Traitor Greene to defend her boyfriend for gleefully doing exactly what she calls “the dysfunction of our nation” and “grooming” on tv a minimum of twice (likely more), and who knows how often in private, because you can’t think for yourself, so you let HER do your “thinking”!
Just too hilarious. I understand why you didn’t want to admit it though.

Once again, because you are obviously confused, Greene saying “I don’t care he performed in drag on tv twice” doesn’t in any way shape or form erase her blatant hypocrisy, it only proves she doesn’t believe the disgusting things she says about drag.

bobknight33 said:

Ok dumb dick

dressed in drag for morning news in Dallas years ago reporting on an upcoming local theatre production.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

So government should just stop paying for previous spending? That somehow saves money? You MUST explain how you think that works.

Seriously…dumping $10 TRILLION from private accounts and TRILLIONS more from the treasury SAVES MONEY!?! EXPLAIN HOW THAT WORKS.

Making it more difficult and expensive to borrow money, harder to sell treasury bonds, and making all future debt payments much more expensive permanently SAVES MONEY?

How does it work when the right has stopped negotiating and gone home until Tuesday, so can’t even get the cuts they demand under any circumstances now?

Inflation is due to excessive government printing more money to spend instead of raising money…mainly under Trump.

If you like getting poorer by wasting tens of trillions of dollars for spite, causing major global depressions, death, and destruction, insanely high unemployment, never before seen levels of homelessness, market crashes, high interest rates, and national bankruptcy, be for MAGA and team.

Edit: New reporting indicates the newest Republican demand to release their hostage, the economy, is a $3.5 TRILLION tax cut for the rich and corporations. More proof they don’t care about debt or deficit, only wealth transfer to the rich as fast as possible.
If you like bankrupting the country and starting a depression by choices be for Trump and team.

bobknight33 said:

So Government should just spending there is not tomorrow.
This inflation id due to excessive government spending.

If you like getting poorer be for biden and team.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...


“Your”. “Says”

You know it’s true since Chris Licht took over, which was exactly when you started posting CNN videos with the caption “even CNN something something” as if it wasn’t common knowledge they tried to become a right wing outlet to capture Fox viewers, destroying any credibility they once had and tanking their ratings which you celebrated.

But of course you’ll pretend you don’t know that, just like you don’t know about the “southern strategy”. Just like you pretend you don’t know Ashley Babbitt is a catch 22 for you that completely destroys one or more narratives you hold sacred, which explains your absolute refusal to ever even acknowledge her existence anymore.

Only far right anti Biden outlets would host hour long free campaign commercial Trump softball “interview” events packed with only supporters and infomercial level questioning, and Trump only goes on far right outlets. Proof enough for those not blind that they’ve sold their soul.

If anyone cared to look, they pre-labeled upcoming hearings as “democrats attack whistleblowers” before the hearings even started….”whistleblowers” when talking about the disgraced paid activist actors/ex FBI agents that are 100% not whistleblowers by any definition of the term, which was clearly determined by the courts when they applied for whistleblower protection from being fired for insane violations of duty, clearances, and the law including stealing secret FBI data, refusing to serve warrants, lying to protect Jan 6 defendants, threatening other agents, refusing direct orders from superiors, etc. and who the courts clearly determined aren’t whistleblowers, but now far right CNN calls them “whistleblowers” anyway, bowing to the MAGA crowd’s factually incorrect nonsense once again. Sure sounds pretty far right to me….excuse me if I trust my proven ability to determine facts over your proven inability.

This proves once again that you are incapable of comprehending anything that doesn’t fit your narrative.
To be clear, you are only worth listening to because you expose the complete insanity MAGgots are telling each other annd which propaganda outlets they come from, offering an opportunity to investigate myself and learn facts to contradict their baseless claims and projection with. You are an unwitting tool for me. Without you I would be ignorant of so many MAGA crimes, lies, and schemes. Thanks.

bobknight33 said:

You text from below say it all.

CNN = Far Right Anti Biden

That is how fucking stupid you are.
That finally proves that you are not worth listening too.

Man Rips Up His Cash Over Seat Belt Ticket

newtboy says...

I don’t understate or underestimate the impact or cost of obesity, I only point out that no one else has to directly pay for your care because you got fat by your own choice, but others might and often do foot the bill for the irresponsibility of not wearing a seat belt.
Discounting is a partial fix….by how much? How do they decide how much worse your injuries are because you didn’t wear a belt…and who decides…and what’s the cost of doing that math? I’m perfectly fine with people not being safe as long as they accept 100% of the risk….it should be wear no belt, get no injury recovery (or insurance coverage) period. Anything less makes the case for seatbelt requirements imo.

visionep said:

Quick google search, since I never really looked at the legal liability side pf this issue before.

Some states actually hold drivers accountable for not wearing their seatbelts and discount the payout for injuries, others don't allow insurance companies to consider whether the driver was wearing a seatbelt or not when looking at their injuries. (California discounts, Pennsylvania doesn't)

I think you are understating the societal impact of obesity compared to drivers getting more badly injured without seatbelts. To be clear I don't think the government should be regulating either.

Man Rips Up His Cash Over Seat Belt Ticket

newtboy says...

Perhaps not, but we don’t live in a free society, nor a responsibility free society.

The effects are not low. The difference in cost of a serious car crash with and without seatbelts is in the hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars.

Again, because you can be “at fault” through no fault of your own, and responsible for all injuries the other driver suffers, it’s not just smart but the only responsible move to be forced to wear them and minimize the shared risk.
It’s 100% unfair for the other driver to be allowed to take the high risk of not wearing it but you have to pay for the consequences of their irresponsibility….don’t you think?
The difference here as opposed to, say, obesity is the risk/consequences of the irresponsibly transfer to others regularly and often completely (at least financially).

If not wearing it was an automatic waiver for any and all bodily injury damages, fine, but it isn’t so being forced to wear it is the only sane and rational move. Because that choice can turn a no damage bump into injuries requiring life long care

visionep said:

There is shared risk if you look deep enough in all activities that people engage in throughout their lives. Newtboy's assertion that these types of activities should be regulated because of their knock-on effects doesn't seem practical in a "free" society.

The reason I don't understand why this is a law is because the affects to society are so low and are similar to many other unregulated choices people are allowed to make. The inconsistency is painful.

Man Rips Up His Cash Over Seat Belt Ticket

newtboy says...

If those people could sign waivers refusing any medical care they don’t pre pay for, waiving any physical damages if they aren’t at fault (I shouldn’t have to pay for your preventable injuries just because we crashed) and hospitals honor those waivers…just a dot on your license that says if your wallet is empty you agree to be a live organ donor…I’d agree.
Since that’s not the case and as often as not the paying public ends up footing the bill in one way or another for the irresponsible behavior like not wearing a seat belt, mandating seat belt usage seems 100% reasonable.
Also, since most learning/teaching is by example, it’s near child abuse to not wear it with kids in the car. Akin to shooting drugs or playing Russian roulette in front of them….taking a deadly risk for no purpose.

visionep said:

Those alarms can be disabled. I always disable them on my cars so it doesn't annoy me when I don't want to wear my seatbelt.

Seatbelt laws are very strange to me. I think the law should only be that you can get a ticket if you don't force your children to wear a seatbelt. Forcing adults to wear them does nothing for public safety, it's a personal safety issue which shouldn't be mandated by the government.

I'm surprised the cops didn't refer the guy to mental services. This guy definitely has control issues and it would be worth it for his family to have him checked out and get help if he needed it.

Man Rips Up His Cash Over Seat Belt Ticket

BSR says...

Seat belts will better help keep you in control of your vehicle after a collision. If your car rolls over or you go sideways into a tree it helps keep you from back, head and neck injuries which could leave you with pain and mobility issues long after the crash. I also see it as being very selfish to your family and loved ones who potentially may have to care for you if you survive, in which case you will be very annoyed and annoying.

It should be mandated by government because some people think they are the best drivers ever.

Does any of your family members drive the disabled alarm car?

visionep said:

Forcing adults to wear them does nothing for public safety, it's a personal safety issue which shouldn't be mandated by the government.

Cops Attack Another Man For Walking While Black

newtboy says...

Every single person who’s read your posts knows for a 100% certainty that is a pure lie.

You only see black and white or Blue and Red. Always. You see nothing BUT color.

In your mind everything is “us vs them”, never “WE”. You think Black and White are the same thing as Wrong and Right. If a white woman in a red hat was leaving the hospital in this video and nothing else changed you would be outraged at the “abusive liberal police attacking innocent people”, you know it’s true as much as we do. Ashley Babbitt is proof of your undeniable racism, that’s why you absolutely refuse to discuss your blatantly racist and hypocritical stance on her vs black men peacefully walking (which is she’s an innocent victim of police brutality despite being the tip of a violent destructive murderous mob trying to overthrow the elected government by force, but unarmed unthreatening black men peacefully and legally walking should immediately submit/comply and let their rights be violated daily and violence is justified if they don’t).

Maybe you can twist your own mind enough to convince yourself you aren’t racist, but that just goes perfectly with all the other reality denying theories you believe like….
The 2020 election was stolen
Covid isn’t dangerous
There’s no racism in America
Banning travel by Chinese, but not banning travel from China isn’t a racist policy and will stop Covid
Trump is fighting election fraud
Lockdowns don’t work
Russia didn’t help Trump get elected
The Trump economy was great
H Clinton is going to prison
Police aren’t racist
Forest fires are getting worse because the forests aren’t raked, not because of climate change
Climate change isn’t real
Jan 6 was BLM
Pelosi wasn’t attacked by a MAGgot terrorist, but had a lovers spat
Dominion stole the election
Soros stole the election
Cesar Chaves stole the election
Smartmatic stole the election
Italian space lasers stole the election
Hunter Biden stole the election
It’s not a crime to steal top secret classified documents, keep them unsecured, refuse to return them, lie about returning them, copy them, try to trade them, and to lie about it all to the FBI on sworn documents
Jewish space lasers are responsible for forest fires
Pizza gate is real, democrats are really pedophilic cannibalistic Illuminati lizard people that gain magic power from murdering children
Joe Biden raped a woman in the open halls of congress
Trump never raped a woman
Hunter Biden has well over $3 BILLION dollars from China
Jared personally EARNED $3 billion from the Saudi prince by selling them a classified enemies list our national intelligence community developed, nothing wrong with that
Trump didn’t abuse the office for personal/familial gains in excess of $3 billion
BLM murdered police, not the Boogaloo boys who were caught in the act

You never say the “should have complied with police, totally justified” bullshit when the victim is white (a rarity but it happens) and you nearly always excuse abusive police when they attack black people for “not complying”. You never care that “complying” means waiving their constitutional rights…unless it’s a MAGgot that’s “not complying”, which you always see as heroic patriotic bravery even when it’s paired with anti government terrorism and violence.

bobknight33 said:

Your statement is pure bull shit.

I don't see color. Just right and wrong

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