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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

ROTFLMFAHS!! You guys need to stop, I can’t get anything done if I spend all day laughing until my sides split.

Green tried to blame Biden for the fentanyl flood by trotting out a pair of dead teens whose deaths she blamed on Biden….they knew for a fact they had died in the early summer of 2020 from fentanyl brought in on Trump’s watch. When asked about the intentional misrepresentation to the American people her official response was “Do you think they give a f**k about your bullsh*t fact checking?”

Bohbert tried to blame Biden for federal workers abusing work from home to take vacations while getting paid, citing statistics from 2020 when Trump’s administration was incapable of formulating a plan/policy to avoid that…apparently unaware who was president in 2020 or that the administration and policies had changed since then.

Gaetz tried to blame Biden for supplying weapons to a paramilitary force Russia accused of war crimes, citing a Chinese propaganda publication, “the global times”…the reply was “I don’t take Beijing propaganda at face value.” which Gaetz had to admit was a much more intelligent position than his.

Banana Republicans tried hard to show Biden had forced Twitter to censor right wing political speech, but only proved that Trump repeatedly abused the power of the federal government to force multiple private companies to censor private citizens for upsetting him while Biden’s camp only requested they remove nude revenge porn against a private citizen that clearly and blatantly violated their TOS (and some laws).

Oof! The “L”s are coming fast and hard. Pretty sad when you start and run the investigations and just keep proving how guilty you are and how squeaky clean your opponent is by comparison. You must be so proud. I guess you all got tired of winning.

Bonus- Having learned nothing from the banking crash of ‘08 caused by Banana Republican bank deregulation, and despite all the warnings from economists and the CBO report that the plan would likely lead to another round of enormous bank failures, Banana Republicans again deregulated banks in 2018 which has now led to another round of bank failures that taxpayers will likely end up paying trillions for again in the end. Thanks Trump.
Now Fox and Republicans who caused this failure are actively working hard to turn one bank failure into a depression by telling their viewers to start a run on the banks, all banks, because they believe they can pin the results on Biden.
Also, google Larry Householder and Matt Borges

Newtboy Achieved Galaxy! (Sift Talk Post)

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

First OAN and Newsmax….get ready to lose Fox!

Released testimony from depositions and internal texts and memos show conclusively they ALL knew the election wasn’t rigged, there was no significant fraud, and the conspiracy theories from Trump’s camp were not based in reality, yet they went ahead and published the lies. That’s malice. This is going to cost them $1.6 billion to Dominion and $2.7 billion to Smartmatic, among dozens of other smaller multi million suits they’re going to lose. Are they even worth >$4.3 billion?

Bye Felicia. They should be banned from American airwaves and internet for knowingly lying to intentionally help a foment coup, like every other righty fake news outlet and other terrorist organizations. Deplatforming is not enough.

Let's pull out our cooking utensils

cloudballoon says...

I'm (also?) of the camp that, at the end of a particulary ho-hum performance, the right thing to do is stay silent. Unlike the customary American Thing of screaming & yelling like a fangirl to any attempt of an act.

And Jimmy Fallon loves nothing more than pre-laugh at his own "jokes."

kir_mokum said:

these people are children impressed with someone playing mary had a little lamb on a toy piano. absolutely embarrassing.

Arizona Republicans Attacking People Trying To Vote

newtboy says...

There’s now more video of the anti democracy crowd camped out in ski masks heavily armed wearing body armor and intimidating voters away from voting.

They accuse voters of being a mule, citing a debunked conspiracy theory from 2020, filmed them and their license plates to identify individuals for later doxing or other attacks.

This is a coordinated effort by the RNC through their terrorist sub group “clean elections USA” that is clearly working hard to ensure we do not have clean elections but instead one sided elections full of one sided intimidation and threats against voters to dox them and send maggot nutjobs to threaten and possibly murder them, charge them with felonies for voting, and use them as slanderous political props further ruining innocent peoples lives. It is not just Maricopa county.
If you see these anti American terrorist people in your area, shoot them in the head and erase their videos.

Republicans Hate Dark Money Until They Love It

newtboy says...

Really?! Just like all knew Jan 6 was ANTIFA, like everyone knows Trump won and Democrats cheated to the tune of tens of millions of votes, but perfectly with zero traces, like everyone knows Covid is just a cold and won’t last 3 months? It’s true, both sides have corruption, but one side punishes and ostracizes those in their camp caught being corrupt, one side makes corruption their party platform and celebrates their members caught flagrantly violating ethics and finance rules, gladly donating towards paying their fines and shielding them from most consequences.

Point to the time Republicans put forth a serious bill to remove dark money that Democrats said no. I don’t think you can, nor can you deny Republicans just voted FOR corruption in government…and not for the first time….you just need to make up fake and false equivalents to pretend blatant Republican corruption is normal.

I’ll point you to Citizens United, the main cause of dark money in politics today, which started as an anti Clinton Republican movie that filed suit and appealed up to the conservative Supreme Court to allow corporations to spend essentially unlimited amounts in secret on political advertising and campaigns (because their “movie” was clearly a political advertisement with secret backers), or to say it plainly, they sued to legalize corporate bribery and conservatives loved it.

Again, point to some “egg on their face” instances that were Democrats fighting for dark money and Republicans trying to ban it, I can point to many times Democrats tried to ban it and Republicans blocked all efforts.

Republicans won’t even limit dark money, and can’t compete on equal funding so refuse to consider getting rid of it.

If you want bribery to be illegal, vote blue.
If you want freedoms beyond just what’s church approved (like in Iran), vote blue.
If you want ethics in government, vote blue.
If you want to fund border control better instead of using its lack of funding as a political ploy knowing your constituents are too dumb to see who caused the surge, vote blue.*
If you want publicly funded campaigns, vote blue.


bobknight33 said:

Why be upset about this? Both sides are corrupt. All know this.
Both sides act self righteous till a vote is placed. This shit happens all to often. The "other side" often puts to vote just to get the hatch video compilation . Today Rebs have egg on their face. Next cycle Rubs will set the trap for dems and they will get egg on their face.

The only fix is to get all public $ out of elections and just use Tax $ at a set amount. No 3 party vids or such just from candidates.

Chaos erupts at LA City Hall as council votes to ban homeles

JiggaJonson says...

I don't have a problem with it. I have a problem with assholes though. Are they going to be like you when they camp near my house?

bobknight33 said:

Great so you have no problem having this near your local school or even on your street or front lawn?

You a better person that most.

Go post a sign Homeless -- my yard is available.

Why can't California build space for these people or facilities for those with drug addition/ mental illness . Just add another gas tax or such. California people are rich, like you. Do you fair share

Chaos erupts at LA City Hall as council votes to ban homeles

newtboy says...

Her final statement is unbelievably clueless…Fear is precisely why they created this legislation and the only reason why it has any support at all.
A more accurate statement would have been “we will not legislate based on reality or reason, and certainly not with compassion or empathy.”
Criminalizing homelessness, which for 98% of homeless is not a choice, is not just draconian, heartless, and insanely expensive, it also doesn’t address the issue one bit. After paying to remove and/or incarcerate them, they don’t disappear, they get out of jail or get pushed out of the neighboring communities and are still homeless.

Also, California prisons are insanely overcrowded….how exactly do they expect to jail every non compliant homeless person? By releasing the violent career criminals, murderers and rapists that are pretty much the only ones left in Ca prisons? Great plan.

There are few places in LA that aren’t excluded by this ordinance. Anyone that babysits children or any office building with any daycare offered by a resident becomes a “day care center”, and any home schooled child a “school”.
It reminds me of some local anti smoking ordinances that banned smoking almost everywhere in Davis except the center of a major intersection….which clearly wasn’t a good place for smoking breaks. I think it was struck down.

In 1933, the Nazi Party passed a Law "against Habitual and Dangerous Criminals", which allowed for the relocation of beggars, homeless, and the unemployed to concentration camps. Just saying.

Trump Wanted Armed Groups At His Jan 6 Rally

newtboy says...

Incorrect, as pointed out above. Some second hand accounts of tantrums, and many first hand accounts of criminal activity like knowingly inviting heavily armed thugs into his crowd to prepare for his planned attack of the capitol building and saying Pence deserved to be lynched so Chump wouldn’t make a statement telling his people to stop as his thugs actively hunted the Vice President in the halls of Congress. She witnessed those first hand. I know, you’re just repeating what some liar told you, and you have no first hand knowledge of her or anyone’s actual testimony because you aren’t allowed to watch the hearings….so your arguing over your own second and third hand accounts filtered through biased liars.

Note, the secret service was so in Trump’s camp that Pence refused to get in a car with them because he believed they would murder him or deliver him to the murderous crowd….the one allegedly denying it, Ornato, still works for Trump today (and hasn’t actually denied it, there are just reports claiming he WOULD….and Ornato has been accused of lying for Trump repeatedly including personally telling the blatant lie that Lafayette square wasn’t violently cleared for a Trump photo op at a nearby church….

Get his denial under oath then try again.
Edit: today the story from Trump’s team became “Trump was too fat and out of shape to lunge for the steering wheel.”, which if true made him too fat and out of shape to reach out <3ft, which makes him far too fat, feeble, and near death to be president.

Keep your head up your ass if you wish. You’ll find yourself alone in there.
Why not call them to testify? Because that bit, while salacious, is hardly the main point or even a crime that might be prosecuted, so why waste time on red herrings. I know you wish they would focus on his infantile tantrums, they distract from his treasonous terrorism.

This woman worked 10 ft from Chump. She was a personal assistant for his chief of staff, you would expect her to be about as loyal as they come to be in that high position with direct access to the president ….and his behavior was so intolerable and anti Democratic she tanked her career and personal life to expose it. Do you have any reason why she would lie? There are many reasons why she wouldn’t have testified, including the death threats against her if she did. She’s clearly from team Trump, not an anti or never trumper.

Fools like me, and around 70% of everyone else….everyone not in the cult with full blinders on, and even some who are. Your little world is crumbling, your great leader exposed for the petulant child and treasonous terrorist leader he is, publicly. Fox is running away, republicans are running away, independents are flying away at supersonic speeds.

You would know about drinking bath water. How does Trump’s ass crack taste?

Edit: You know this is the Trump methodology….
1) deny you did “it”
2) equivocate, claim “they do “it””
3) still deny, but insist it would be fine if you had done “it”
4) admit you did “it” just a little
5) revel in the fact that you can now admit you did the evil inexcusable thing and more without your base caring

bobknight33 said:

A show trial of 2nd hand accounts.
Even the agents involved denied this ever occurred. Why weren't they called to "testify"

Fools like you are lapping it up like AOC's bath water.

When Democrats have all branches in their states

newtboy says...

So, Bobby, what is the 2020 Republican platform?
“Block Democrats from any progress”, absolutely nothing else.
There wa a proposal for a Republican Party platform….”1) raise taxes by $4500 on all low income people who today don’t pay taxes because they are below the poverty level and 2) end all social programs like Medicare, Medicare, social security, food assistance programs, etc. by “sun setting” any social program every 5 years and requiring the new legislature to start over from scratch (unless the right has control, then forget it).

“We cannot blame republicans (for rich people not paying taxes) when HOUSE democrats have the majority” 1) the tax breaks for the rich were enacted when Republicans held the house, senate, presidency, and a supermajority in the Supreme Court…a simple majority in the house and no where else after the fact does not give Democrats the ability to repeal a horrific law.

Then he wants to blame the California legislature for local groups fighting against low income housing in their neighborhood, for zoning and construction laws that severely limit where and how you can build. Such nonsense. The housing crisis in California is not limited to the homeless, there just aren’t enough houses to buy or rent. Pretending there are just no programs to secure housing, that the legislatures just don’t care and are ignoring the issue isn’t just ignorant, it’s outright dishonest. No surprise at all considering the source. California has a housing crisis, not simply an “ignoring the homeless “ problem. Property in California is so in demand that average workers are priced out of the market and fully employed people find themselves homeless. Red states have cheap property because successful professional people don’t want to live there, which leads to more affordable housing and fewer homeless. My property has quadrupled in value over 20 years, and I’m not in any town or city.

California just approved $12 BILLION to spend on our homeless issues. Red states pass laws essentially making homelessness a crime, so many homeless migrate to “blue states” where services exist and they aren’t put in jail for sleeping in public or loitering.

Texas just made it illegal for homeless people to camp in tents.

So, Bob, tell me about the Republican plans to house the homeless in red states. About all the services and assistance they want to provide but are blocked by democrats from moving forward. Show me the high end Republican neighborhoods inviting low income housing into their neighborhoods, keeping in mind that many, even in California, are right wing neighborhoods with Republican led local government that blocks construction.

You’ve tried this nonsense propaganda before, about 6 months ago when it was originally posted if I recall, I debunked it thoroughly then. So sad @bobknight33 can’t remember anything for over 3 seconds or he would recall the last time he posted this nonsense opinion piece and I rubbed his nose in it.

Downvote into oblivion this right wing projection,

Moron EXPOSES Chinese Government by Accident

spawnflagger says...

the video content is not pro-Trump, and certainly not pro-China.

it definitely could be shorter though.
TL;DW = CCP pays these "influencer" "whores" to "show" that there's no genocide, and all them have "handlers" constantly following them and just go to 1 "tourist spot" in the province, but the province is so big that it would be a 15+ hour drive to get from this spot to one of the reported forced-labor camps. Also all the friendly "dancing locals" in these influencer videos are in on it, either getting paid or just forced to participate in the videos.

Moron EXPOSES Chinese Government by Accident

newtboy says...

Downvoting more propaganda the poster didn’t have time to watch. 5 minutes between posts, 13 minute video. Are we to believe Bob watched this at 3x speed and posted in a flash?

Hilarious when they start talking about China using these “useful idiots”….I couldn’t help but think of the Trump family. Remember, until late March 2020, Trump was 100% on board with everything Xi wanted to do, including concentration camps and re-education of minorities. Only after his trade talks failed did he turn on Xi.

Tesla’s TOTAL DOMINATION (new data)

bobknight33 says...

Competition? Seriously what competition is there?

2 things are clear
Clearly your anti Tesla.
Clearly you truly dont know much about the EV market.

Tesla is dominating the EV space.
Tesla has 8 quarters of growth.
Growing roughly 20% per quarter and about 70% YoY
2021 seen 84% growth in car sales.
Demand is a 6 month wait.
Tesla has sold 930K vehicles in 2021.
2022 Fremont and shanghai will make 1.2Mvehicles alone.
Giga TX and Berlin coming on line soon should add 500K vehicles.

Ford / GM do not have the capitol to make EV and ICE.
Layers of management and union demands will keep from a rapid necessary to EV.
Ford / GM have each have over 100 Billion in debt
Factory closing and chip shortages causing more Ford /GM losses
Ford / GM probably go under unless bailed out.
Ford/ Gm lost sales and Tesla grew sales.

Toyota also dragging their feet.
VW is the only company seems to be moving to EV in a substantial manor.

As you say high demand / low supply is some how bad. This is good place to be. Its a supply issue . Tesla is addressing that.

Saying Tesla doesn't pay taxes. false argument. Every company pays their taxes. If you don't like the amount then that's a government tax policy issue.

FSD is still in beta form. It is not a final product. It is pretty fuckign good as is.

Elon being pro corporate anti tax is what you would expect.
Im sure Apple, Facebook, Google are all in this same camp.
Far right? I dont know about that.

newtboy said:

So, time to end the subsidies and tax breaks for Tesla then. No more government handouts for them.

They’re not going to be so dominant when actual competition is available, coming soon from every maker. (High demand, low inventory, double sticker price gas cars aren’t a fair comparison.).
They also wouldn’t be so profitable if they paid taxes.

It was not a good move to program the self driving unit to run stop signs. (Yes, they programmed it to just “rolling stop” at stop signs recently which is not just illegal it’s also dangerous.). That’s the kind of upgrade you get with Tesla, without warning. How many recalls now?

Also not a good move for Elon to admit he’s far right, pro corporate subsidy, anti tax. It alienates most of his customers.

Sam Harris | Joe Rogan and the Ethics of Apology

cloudballoon says...

LOL, a friend defending a friend as not a racist, LMFHO. From the montages, he's certain NOT an anti-racist. I'll leave it at that.

Whoopi. Not saying she's not ignorant or dealt herself a self-inflicted wound, but I can see how she came to what she said. It's obivous where she's been fighting in the Black vs. White camp, and that fight has been so eternal that who is she to be concerned about Jews' or Asians' (let alone sub divide Asians, into Indians, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, etc.?) struggles that much?

Maybe that's why she lazily lumped Jews into White at that moment. She was in a "Black vs. White" mindset. Just like in the pandemic, people (I've seen White AND Black peoples) beat up Asians of all nationality because they think all Asians are Chinese, it's the same parallel. It's EASY to lump a diverse group of peoples into a single entity to focus your anger on.

But isolate the Holocaust into its own context, Whoopi no doubt is sympathetic and not an anti-semite, as she had long been shown for decades.

I Crashed My Plane

StukaFox says...

The FAA is up there with the TSA, DHS and the NSA as far as TLAs you should NEVER piss-off.

I got pulled over by DHS while I was driving through North Cascades National Park a few years ago. They weren't even marked trucks. One pulled ahead of me, the second one was right on my rear bumper and the "PULL OVER NOW!" was like the voice of God.

I was going camping and they made me pull every fucking thing out of my Subie. Then they went through it all. They confiscated my two pre-rolls and my pipe ("you're on Federal land"), then they called "backup". I sat on the side of the road at Newhalem for about two hours while they dug through all my stuff like a half-dozen times and kept asking me the same stupid-ass questions ("why are you here", "do you know anyone in this area?", "have you ever been arrested for a crime in the US or abroad?") over and over. People where driving by and looking at me and my wife like we were the whitest ISIS fighters ever.

They gave me the ol' "You're free to go" and drove off.

Fuckers took my dope!!

Ashenkase said:

The FAA report will be out in a year. I hope this goes to criminal charges, a complete disregard for human safety (not his).

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