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Woman throws chair from balcony onto the Gardiner Expressway

Whoops! Wrong Again! Trumps first 500 days

newtboy says... you now admit he's Putin's bitch mumbling around Putin's cock that's firmly in his just don't care? And you wonder why we think you're a ridiculous Russian troll? Sad.

I'd rather have a reasonably intelligent and rational person who reverses a depression we should have avoided than an infantile blowhard that bankrupted the treasury like he does with so many of his businesses who's under the thumb of our enemies.

Yep, he's blown far more money in 500 days than Obama did in 8 years, golfed way more, fired more of his own people for cause, fired more of his own people without legitimate cause, had infinitely more convictions and charges brought, been immersed in scandal since before taking the oath, plead guilty to massive frauds against students, defrauded multiple charities, and destroyed our international standings (except with dictators who are warming to us)....what you call winning.
If a sex tape of him with his daughter came out, you would congratulate him on winning by fucking a hot blond and dismiss the complaints of infidelity and incest as pure liberal Trump hating, and probably accuse Obama of the same crimes...rationality about Trump is not one of your traits.

Really, delusional much? You were probably just as certain the Republicans were going to take California....where they aren't even on the ballot. I can absolutely argue the point that the midterms look good for democrats and horrible for Republicans, especially since your ilk now calls the majority of them rinos they won't vote for. Time will tell, but right now it sure looks like a blue wave, but maybe not a tsunami.
Thinking Republicans are poised to do well in this election is irrational thinking that ignores the primaries.

bobknight33 said:

Rather have a POTUS sounds like he has marbles in his mouth than a well spoken POTUS that fails America.

Trump has done more in 520 days for Americans that 8 years of OBAMA.

You can't argue the point that midterms look like more Dems will loose.
And if Rocket man and Trump do produce fruit then 2020 would be a shoe in.

WKB (Member Profile)

John Oliver - Mike Pence

newtboy says...

Like saying humans have white skin, or blue eyes, or blond hair isn't dehumanizing to non Arians? If you make a blanket statement about who's human that leaves out a group, you dehumanize them, intentionally or not. Simple. Saying humans have five fingers on their hand dehumanized anyone who doesn't. Saying the sky is blue during sunset just makes you moronic.

No, you don't get to change or erase the meaning of words because you disagree with proven, peer reviewed, long standing science. Sorry. Brain scans show physical differences between genders that don't always correspond to sex, but do correspond to gender.

bcglorf said:


"saying humans are born with either a penis or vagina isn't a hateful statement against people."
It absolutely is hateful to hermaphrodites, clearly saying they aren't human. Use the qualifier "usually" or "almost always".

Alright, if used to deliberately dehumanise someone, almost anything can be hateful. Omitting "almost always" is just convenient, like stating the sky is blue. Sure, the sky isn't always blue, but it's correct often enough to be treated as an accurate general statement. As I gave in my example, saying humans have five fingers and five toes isn't hateful or dehumanising to people with a different number, it's just a generally true statement.

I argue it's in the brain, which today can't be changed. Gender is different from sexuality, clearly, no?

Let me try to be more succinct.

Physical sex is a birth attribute, not as my opinion, but as a provable objective fact.

Gender is in the brain, is an opinion. I do not share that opinion. This is a point on which we should have the liberty to agree to disagree.
Edit:My opinion is that if not defined as biological sex, gender has no real meaning aside from societal norms.

Stephen Bites Into The Juicy New Trump Book

shagen454 jokingly says...

A fastfood cheeseburger... orangey yellow tongue with a little bit of burnt shit in the middle, surrounded by orangey sponge. With a blonde wig on the top to make it look more like himself; he'd bang that shit, 9/10.

America's Got Talent 2017 Darci Lynne Finals Full Clip S12E2

newtboy says...

I think if you saw the astonishing, death defying, hilarious, and technologically advanced, artistically inventive adult acts also under the pressure of live performance, that all lost out to two cute girls, one of which sang well, not great, the other who played with dolls and was a cute blond girl so she won, you would likely think something similar if you aren't just insane for children.

Her act was worthy of winning her school talent show, not this.

Singing sweetly? To your ears, maybe. I heard far better singers this year that lost. She wasn't awful, but not a singer either.
Forgotten time? This is the second ventriloquist that's won AGT in the last 2 should be forgotten, but it just won't die.

That's what.

Buck said:

First I swear I'm not stalking you. I was going to write off your comments as trollish or whatever. A video unrelated later, a picture of britney spears (hey she's hot) , and I find this comment discussing Britts talent.

": newtboy: While I do get your point, I think perhaps you miss the point that a real live singing/playing concert is different from a 'pop star concert' (although I do think they should be billed as 'pop star performances', not 'concerts').
If I go to the opera, I am expecting to hear people sing live while performing a play.
If I go to a 'concert', I expect to see a singer or band singing or playing live, but not doing much else (old Van Halen and GWAR being the exceptions).
If I go to a pop star performance, I usually expect to see flashing lights, smoke, sparks, special effects, stunts, and crazy dancing while you hear a track of the performer.
It's not possible to do the stage performance AND sing competently at the same time. If I expect to see dancing, I should not expect the dancer to also sing live, that's not realistic to me."

But this 13 year old, with the pressure she is under singing as sweet as she does, while being humourous at the same time using talent from a forgotten time of family entertaining. What do you expect from this show? I've literally never watched an episode, saw this and was amazed, and here you are all high and mighty on her. wtf?

If you're going 80 mph how long will it take go to 80 miles?

Payback says...

Oh, and in case people think they've seen this before, the blonde had this done to her.


If you're going 80 mph how long will it take go to 80 miles?

Teacher Caught On Tape Bullying Special Needs Students

Briguy1960 says...

What a great teaching aid.
Not everyone is able to drop and give 20 pushups in a timely fashion so not only is a person singled out for not knowing the answer but for not being able to do the required physical task as well.
The blonde woman doesn't exactly look in tip top shape herself.

They both should have been canned.
That is after they were both required to run 4 miles first.

Frankie Boyle's monologue on Theresa May

dannym3141 says...

Haven't yet seen that bit, but if it was the English blonde woman (Sara Pascoe), when i've seen her she has played up to being a bit scatterbrained. I think it's sensible to have an uninitiated joker keeping things silly when you're having a comedy show dedicated to politics.

vil said:

Just go ahead and watch the whole thing.

Awesome way to speak English. No idea therefore who the blonde is who doesnt watch the news and then goes on TV to discuss it.

Everyone else has something to say.

Or maybe it was a joke supported by a performance.

Frankie Boyle's monologue on Theresa May

vil says...

Just go ahead and watch the whole thing.

Awesome way to speak English. No idea therefore who the blonde is who doesnt watch the news and then goes on TV to discuss it.

Everyone else has something to say.

Or maybe it was a joke supported by a performance.

tomi lahren from the blaze goes full blown snowflake

ChaosEngine says...

Arrgh, conflicted.

On one hand, she's the worst. Everything wrong with right wing media neatly tied up in the only kind of pretty blond package that women are allowed to be on these things.

On the other (and I can't believe I'm about to say this), it's a pretty shitty way to treat an employee. If they don't want her anymore, they should release her from her contract.

If the same thing happened to a good journalist, we'd all be annoyed about it.

But, on the other other hand, a) she's an idiot for signing the contract and b) again she's the WORST, so I can't really bring myself to care.

this article sums up my feelings nicely (written about Bin Laden, but still applies)

Impression Of An Angry Tomi Lahren

newtboy jokingly says...

Close, but to be a right wing hate cheerleader you have to be blond (check), white (check), female (check), and at least a beauty queen if not a lingerie model. You need that overt beauty on the outside to cover the ugliness inside.

Japanese to try to Speak English with Siri Part 2

ant says...


*comedy *fail -- That blonde is attractive.

It's Always Sunny in Europe

dannym3141 says...

If Jeremy Corbyn can survive as leader until the inevitable early general election.. with his popular support he... might just....

No. No. I told myself I'd never have a dream again. Everything sucks, there is no hope. Boris Johnson and whatever small, blonde, furry alien creature he has tamed to balance on his naturally bald head will soon take over.

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