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Simpsons Soccer

Simpsons Soccer

mxxcon says...

>> ^Shepppard:

Also.. just @<a rel="nofollow" href="" title="member since April 27th, 2009" class="profilelink">mxxcon
just, so we're clear, because I highly doubt you watch baseball at all, I will re-state that there isn't a whole lot of standing around.
People don't stand there and hold up the game while they warm up, that's what the batter-on-deck system is for, so when one batter has hit/walked/struck out, the next one can just walk up and take his place at home plate. There's roughly 1-2 minutes between innings, except for the 7th inning stretch when they usually bring out some form of pep squad, but on the whole, baseball has no down time other then time outs, which in the long run probably spells out less time lost then a soccer game because of the cards/penalties/free throws/penalty kicks, etc.
Batter is up to bat, pitcher pitches, the MOST pitches one batter can ever take is 6. All the while, there's bases potentially being stolen, and the pitcher continues to throw, with maybe 20 seconds of transition while the next batter steps up to the plate.

20 seconds of transition? time between each pitch for the same player is longer than 20sec.
any game that doesn't use 'dirty time' is a snoozefest...short of hockey

Simpsons Soccer

Shepppard says...

Also.. just @mxxcon

just, so we're clear, because I highly doubt you watch baseball at all, I will re-state that there isn't a whole lot of standing around.

People don't stand there and hold up the game while they warm up, that's what the batter-on-deck system is for, so when one batter has hit/walked/struck out, the next one can just walk up and take his place at home plate. There's roughly 1-2 minutes between innings, except for the 7th inning stretch when they usually bring out some form of pep squad, but on the whole, baseball has little to no down time other then time outs, which in the long run probably spells out less time lost then a soccer game because of the cards/penalties/free throws/penalty kicks, etc.

Batter is up to bat, pitcher pitches, the MOST pitches one batter can ever take is 6. All the while, there's bases potentially being stolen, and the pitcher continues to throw, with maybe 20 seconds of transition while the next batter steps up to the plate.

Simpsons Soccer

Shepppard says...


Let's see... A baseball game lasts about 2 and a half hours, and the action lasts about 30 seconds, every few minutes

you aren't real familiar with baseball, are you?

Or are you just over-dramaticizing to make your point?

Either way, baseball is a continuous stream of "excitement" except for between innings when the fielders change.
Game starts, pitcher pitches, batter can do 4 things, Fly out, strike out, get on base, or the least "exciting" of which, walk.

Once the runner is safe, ball goes back to the pitcher and starts over again. maximum amount of time nothing happens during an inning (barring time outs) Roughly, 20 seconds, with about 2-3 minutes between innings.

I'm not saying it's the most exciting sport in the world, but it's not nearly as dreary as you made it out to be.

I could make the generalization that soccer is all just two teams running around like a bunch of idiots, and making really bad falls every now and again to try for a penalty.

I'd be wrong, and we know it, but it's the same thing you did.

Dude Jumps Onto a Moving Train, Realizes it was a Bad Idea

Perfect Game? CNBC Anchor Can't Help Making Sexist Crack

Cat tries to revive buddy hit by a car

xxovercastxx says...

>> ^Hybrid:

Dear sifters, if you see me lying in the road injured, having been hit by a car. Please do not knead my battered body and internal organs by walking on me, as I think this would hurt a bit.

Also, put the camera down and call an ambulance.

Cat tries to revive buddy hit by a car

Hybrid says...

Dear sifters, if you see me lying in the road injured, having been hit by a car. Please do not knead my battered body and internal organs by walking on me, as I think this would hurt a bit.

Batter Blaster Spray Pancakes

choggie says...

You know what works better than the Batter (stuck with whatever funky batter mix inside) Blaster? Mix up your favorite batter and put it into a pastry bag with your choice of tip. Interested to get a can an see what the added air does for the consistency,Are you really that lazy that you need it in a can? Whipped cream for that matter-a waste of good Nitrous Oxide!! Otherwise-Does it come in Belgian Waffle Mix?

Hmmmmmmm? A pot roast, coat it with a can of this bout' 15mins from done, voila. Baste with yer choice of reduction!!

Switch Hitter Versus Switch Pitcher

rychan says...

Wow, I'm kind of surprised this hasn't been resolved before. But baseball always has been annoying with the infinite time-outs that the batter or pitcher can call. I guess this needs to be resolved (or maybe it already has) by forcing one of them to commit (most likely the batter) before each pitch.

Channel sneakers (Geek Talk Post)

burdturgler (Member Profile)

steroidg says...

Hehe I wouldn't be surprised if it's true. I heard horror stories about some nasty malpractice. Stuffs like putting washing powder into batter so they look more puffy when fried. Or use petroleum asphalt to burn away hair off meat.

For a period of time, no one dare to eat lamb skewers in Beijing because it's rumored that rotten or rat meat were being served.

In reply to this comment by burdturgler:
Really? I wonder where cardboard falls on that scale. Warm?

In reply to this comment by steroidg:
In reply to this comment by laura:
I find it ironic that she thinks eating dog meat helps people sweat, since dogs don't even have the ability to sweat, hence the panting...

I think what she meant was that it gives people "heat". In Chinese food, every thing you eat has a purpose to balance the body. By example, eating red meat will give you "heat", whereas eating winter melon or water melon will give you "chill".

Dog meat is considered one of the "hottest" red meat available ("hotter" than lamb). Eating "hot" things are generally considered unhealthy during spring or summer periods unless you are located in a very humid area or if you balance them with "chill" food. However I heard some people eat them as some sort of aphrodisiac to increase their sexual potency.

What smoking has become - the IT Crowd

spoco2 says...

>> ^cybrbeast:
Alcohol wasn't designed for anything, it was discovered because it was recreational. Cigarettes weren't designed to be deadly, tobacco was discovered because it was recreational.
What are the positive benefits of alcohol besides recreation and a few vague and tenuous health benefits?
Also, studies indicate that the proportion of men with alcohol dependence is higher than the proportion of women, 7% and 2.5% respectively, although women are more vulnerable to long-term consequences of alcoholism. Around 90% of adults in United States consume alcohol, and more than 700,000 of them are treated daily for alcoholism.
Of the adult US population, at least 75% are drinkers; and about 6% of the total group are alcoholics. In groups which are almost 100% drinkers, the alcoholism rate is about 8%. Many reports state that about 73% of felonies are alcohol-related. One survey shows that in about 67% of child-beating cases, 41% of forcible rape cases, 80% of wife-battering, 72% of stabbings, and 83% of homicides, either the attacker or the victim or both had been drinking."

Cigarettes may kill people, but I doubt they hurt families as much as an alcoholic father can do. So lets ban alcohol, lets ban fast food, lets ban everything. Or just let people be responsible for themselves and make their own decisions.
>> ^spoco2:
Alcohol? Not designed to be addictive (some people are to it, but that's true of almost anything... you can find someone addicted to most anything these days), has positive benefits, and when drunk in moderation has little to no negative effect.

Cigarettes may not have been initially designed to be deadly, but they sure as hell have been 'improved' to be as addictive as they can possibly be to ensure that they keep those smokers going until they die.

You're missing the point in regards to drinking vs smoking. YES I AGREE that drinking can and does lead to bad things... but it doesn't have to. When consumed responsibly it does not have to result in anything bad occurring, it can act as a social lubricant, make good food better, etc. etc. Also, we all know how successful banning it turned out to be. The issues with alcohol, over and above alcoholism, is a societal one. If you got rid of alcohol from the poor and desperate, they would find something else to use to the same effect and still commit crime, and beat their wives etc. It's not the direct problem.

Also, you cite 7% of men and 2.5% of woman as being alcoholic... ok, so for that percentage then drinking should not be an option. Now... how about smoking? What percentage of smokers become addicted? Pretty darn close to 100%, and of those there are NO POSITIVE BENEFITS. None...

Now, I have never said it should be banned, never said it should be illegal, but it should not be allowed in areas where us non smokers frequent, because we don't deserve to be in a restaurant trying to enjoy a meal only to be assaulted by smoke. Nor do we wish to be waiting for a train and being engulfed in smoke. And again... the wish for others to stop smoking is as much for them as it is for us... we don't want to see them die.

Also, you saying that an alcoholic father who beats their children is a little off... for all the people that drink, and by your own figures that is BY FAR the majority of people, only a small, small percentage do that... compared to those that smoke, pretty much all will die a premature death, thereby robbing their children of a father earlier than need be.

You will never convince me that drinking s worse or even on the same level as smoking, never.

What smoking has become - the IT Crowd

cybrbeast says...

Alcohol wasn't designed for anything, it was discovered because it was recreational. Cigarettes weren't designed to be deadly, tobacco was discovered because it was recreational.
What are the positive benefits of alcohol besides recreation and a few vague and tenuous health benefits?

Also, studies indicate that the proportion of men with alcohol dependence is higher than the proportion of women, 7% and 2.5% respectively, although women are more vulnerable to long-term consequences of alcoholism. Around 90% of adults in United States consume alcohol, and more than 700,000 of them are treated daily for alcoholism.


Of the adult US population, at least 75% are drinkers; and about 6% of the total group are alcoholics. In groups which are almost 100% drinkers, the alcoholism rate is about 8%. Many reports state that about 73% of felonies are alcohol-related. One survey shows that in about 67% of child-beating cases, 41% of forcible rape cases, 80% of wife-battering, 72% of stabbings, and 83% of homicides, either the attacker or the victim or both had been drinking."

Cigarettes may kill people, but I doubt they hurt families as much as an alcoholic father can do. So lets ban alcohol, lets ban fast food, lets ban everything. Or just let people be responsible for themselves and make their own decisions.

>> ^spoco2:
Alcohol? Not designed to be addictive (some people are to it, but that's true of almost anything... you can find someone addicted to most anything these days), has positive benefits, and when drunk in moderation has little to no negative effect.

Atheist Commercial that Compares God to an Abusive Husband

GenjiKilpatrick says...

Wow Enoch. Surly much?

- I never asserted anything about your beliefs hence the question mark after the last sentence.
I'll be sure to be more particular about my sentence structure and voice this time tho.

It's cool that you can see where i'm coming from on the second point. I'll expound on 1. and 3..

1. The intent would be to make a compelling/convincing point. Tho that doesn't mean it's compelling to everyone.

The batter victim argument appeals to my sense of logic..
It does seem abusive to tell someone they were born a fuck up, must jump thru contradictory hoops, and love some abstract thought deeply or truly enough. Otherwise, they'll suffer eternally.

3. I don't think atheism has some exalted status that makes you immune to all theist rebuttals.

I think you're construing belief or non-belief as definite absolute black or white.
It seems more accurate to imagine belief as a continuum.
These ads are pecking at those in the middle that could fall one way or the other.

- So if you're in the middle but logic is your bag. The abusive god premise might appeal to you and pull you into a more certain absolute atheism.

If you're in the middle and feelings are your thing. The pitiless indifference argument might sway you back into the church or personal spirituality.

- I only started a discussion with you because you seemed to be sorta naysaying the video without much justification other than " well that's dumb and would never work. And the people that made are dumb to think they're making a point"

All the comments above were just my two (maybe more) cents.

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