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Deformed doggy gets new 3D printed legs

'Friends' in Less Than 3 Minutes | TL;DW

lucky760 says...

Monica explained in one episode that they could only afford the apartment because it was rent controlled and was actually her grandmother's apartment.

The guys who made this video forfeited all credibility saying on the show they never go to the bathroom or clean up. The show definitely had people using the bathroom on several occasions and Monica was always cleaning up.

And they weren't from old money. Phoebe and Joey were poor.

This seems like it was written by someone who only ever watched a couple of episodes.

Grandmas Smoking Weed for the First Time

Chairman_woo says...

I actually had to google that. Presumably it's due to poor farming and curing? Either way I can only blame alcohol and low tolerance for my first trip to whitey hell I fear.

Certainly beats the one and only bad trip I had on mushrooms though. Good God! The floor opened up and swallowed me and I spent what seemed like eternity (actually about a hour I'm told) in purgatory coming to terms with the fact I had just died (which I'm told resembled me just staring into a bathroom mirror chanting gibberish).

My own fault, I was at a metal gig (Chimera) and decided that the moshpit was the ideal place to come up. Though I did have a great time after that (everything is going to seem great after you just died and came back to life), and every other of the 20 or so trips I had were wonderful and enlightening and even this incident probably did me a lot of favours in hindsight...

So you know..don't be put off kids! Drugs can be great.

newtboy said:

Was it possibly weed with paraquat on it? That will make you hurl every time....or worse.

Aerosol formed via toilet flush

nanrod says...

If I was going to worry about toilet aerosols it wouldn't be in my own bathroom where my toothbrush might get contaminated with a barely detectable sample of my own shit. I'd worry about breathing the air in the men's room at my local football stadium where there are 30 urinals and 20 toilets all being used by guys who have been stuffing their faces with chili dogs and nachos and drinking way too much beer.

Aerosol formed via toilet flush

newtboy says...

It worked to give a visible aerosol, I'm just thinking it makes more than you would normally create, which I'm sure was intentional. You have to have more so you can see it if you don't have a Schlieren setup. That's what I want to see, in slow motion and HD so you can see the droplets along with the air currents. Then I'll have to design a negative pressure toilet or I'll never feel like using the bathroom again!

It reminds me of a good lesson I learned with fish. It's a good idea to not learn too much about something you use habitually, it can cause real problems! Sometimes it's better to just not know. ;-)

Mordhaus said:

Beats me, I figure if a scientist from MIT does it with dry ice it's for a reason.

I'm Pooping So Bad

SDGundamX says...

Christ, judgmental much people?

I'm guessing by the comments that most people here are not in the process of potty-training children or haven't done it for a while. If you have issues with the way the dad handled this, you might want to read up on potty training:

We finally just recently succeeded in getting our daughter to poop in the toilet. Oddly enough she's been peeing by herself there just fine for almost a year, but was terrified of the toilet (including training toilets) when pooping for the longest time. If I had just grabbed her and rushed her in there at the first first sign of a bowel movement I would have had to deal with hysterical screaming for the next two hours AND no bowel movement to boot (learned from experience, by the way--she'll ride the cramps out or twist her body to shit on the bathroom floor instead while screaming like we're sticking her with hot knives the whole time).

She simply wouldn't do it until she was ready to do it. And one day she was ready and there was much rejoicing in the household.

Everyone learns to poop in the toilet eventually, usually by age 4 at the latest. It's not a race and there shouldn't be any pressure involved.


You don't know this kid. You don't this dad. You don't know where they are in the potty training process or if either is even ready for it. Hence you don't get to be self-righteous and judge this guy's parenting based on the underwhelming evidence of one YouTube video.

I'm Pooping So Bad

speechless says...

Seriously though. Put the phone down and deal with your kid. He's cramping and that shit hurts, especially when you don't understand. He told dad he had to go. That means he doesn't want to shit himself in a diaper. Doesn't mean you have to freak out and race him inside but give the kid a break and take him to the bathroom.

It's hard getting your timing right as a kid. Sometimes that shit literally sneaks up on you.

I guess everything came out alright tho in the end

I'm Pooping So Bad

Engels says...

I think this is ok. Parent was pretty chill. Psychologically it must be a bit nuts to have parents freak the fuck out and rush you to the toilet for emergency poops. I mean, is it any wonder we have an anally retentive culture. Chill out parents, treat your kids with calm and if you can't make it to the bathroom for instructional defecation, its not the end of the world.

I'm Pooping So Bad

Fransky says...

Thank god somebody said it! The kid knows what's happening. RUN with him to the bathroom.

It's not cute, it's a parenting FAIL!

Movie Theater Etiquette

krelokk (Member Profile)

ex-jedi says...

My wife had the same kind of symptoms. She was diagnosed with Celiac disease and irritable bowel by her GP. And I learned the hard way to double check that I get gluten free chow. A night with her alternating between throwing up and curling up in a ball on the bathroom floor means I read the ingredients label on everything... twice. Moral of the story I guess is go see a doctor.

krelokk said:

My gf had terrible headaches, constant nausea, and terrible drowsiness whenever she was hungry for her entire life... until I met her. I suggested she might be hypoglycaemic and should carry around a sugary treat or drink wherever she goes. She started doing that and quickly her hunger sickness symptoms could be basically controlled. But they were still there. One thing I always found strange about her eating habits was her insistence on having lots of bread. She never felt satisfied or full without bread.

After a year of doing that my mom suggested she might be gluten intolerant. My gf had never heard of the concept, had zero friends on any kind of gluten free fad diets. She decided to give it a shot, no gluten for 4 weeks. Boom all symptoms gone. More tests led her to trying out gluten after a week, and what do you know it was back. She waited two weeks, back again. Eventually she figured out a system in which she could have a gluten meal/snack/treat every four weeks without symptoms appear.
Also, she started to feel satisfied and full without an urge to eat bread, almost like the bread caused a weird drug like addicting withdrawal cycle which seemed to be why she always craved it. The gluten seems to build up in her system, or at least the allergic reaction and her body goes through a withdrawal after she has had too much, or too much too frequently, and doesn't get more in her system soon enough.

I eat gluten just fine. Together we eat vegetables, meat, fruit, and occasional pieces of the best gluten free bread (most of its sucks). I tend not to eat tasty gluten stuff around her unless it is a treat day for her Gluten products also make people fat, so it really isn't a problem to not eat them. No one on the planet requires gluten to live a healthy lifestyle. Bread, white bread in particular just gets converted into sugars and fat inside the body. It is empty calories.

The Ingenuity of British Electrical Outlets

spawnflagger says...

Stabbing a US outlet could also kill you, unless it's a (properly wired) GFCI outlet (or GFCI breaker). Being wet increases risk of shock, which is why GFCI outlets are required in bathrooms and recommended in kitchens.

GFCI will detect a very small amount of current running through the ground (instead of neutral like it should) and then trip the internal breaker. "very small" = less than could accidentally kill/injure your average human, which is surprisingly small.

regular breakers trip at a much higher amperage, 20% below what would physically start heating the wire gauge that is in the wall. This is why you should always use appropriate size fuses/breakers rather than bigger ones (or a penny instead of a fuse).

Why isn't everything GFCI then? They are much more expensive, and don't last as long. Teach your kids not to jab metal things in the outlet, or they'll learn the hard way.

serosmeg said:

If each plug has a fuse and there is no fuse box, wouldn't stabbing an outlet kill you? Since there is no fuse to trip? I could image a kid stabbing the ground to open the live then stabbing the live with something else.

St. Vincent - Trailer For Bill Murray's New Comedy

Things you're doing wrong every day: everything

SDGundamX says...

Except the obviously better way to avoid waste in public bathrooms is to not have paper towels in them at all--like here in Japan. While a few restrooms have air driers, everyone is expected to bring their own hand cloth about the size of a handkerchief with them that serves as a towel after you go to to restroom. You chuck it in the wash at the end of the day and grab a clean one off the rack (most people have half a dozen or so at home).

yellowc said:

The TED talk was about reducing paper towel waste in *public* bathrooms. Simply encouraging you to fold one piece instead of pulling 4. Also it works, after that talk I did start folding a single piece and it's working out just fine.

I understand it was to prep the joke but stretched the truth a little far there.

Things you're doing wrong every day: everything

yellowc says...

The TED talk was about reducing paper towel waste in *public* bathrooms. Simply encouraging you to fold one piece instead of pulling 4. Also it works, after that talk I did start folding a single piece and it's working out just fine.

I understand it was to prep the joke but stretched the truth a little far there.

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