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"Baby Scene" from Trainspotting

Altered States - Final Hallucination Sequence

Lame-ass British anti-marijuana ad

rougy says...

>> ^vairetube:
I totally have a bad trip if I over-consume, but all it does is make me think... too much, possibly, about what? everything... you think about reality and the world and other heavy shit, and... it all seems very big and scary. then you get cold inside and want to not feel the way you feel, but you can't. you're trapped.. temporarily.
and then you go to sleep, you wake up, and eat some food and then realize you just need to handle your business and that's all you can do. and you remember how it feels when your perception is altered yet everything is the same. it's a valuable experience and humbling (to me).
and you play video games a lot!

Thanks for sharing that, but please remember that your experience is not consistant with everybody elses.

Some people relax and get mellow. Some people get uptight and paranoid.

Me, I get creative and kind of spiritual. I'm the kind of person who just has to get away from myself sometimes, and booze just doesn't do the trick.

The most dangerous thing about marijuana is its illegality.

Lame-ass British anti-marijuana ad

vairetube says...

I totally have a bad trip if I over-consume, but all it does is make me think... too much, possibly, about what? everything... you think about reality and the world and other heavy shit, and... it all seems very big and scary. then you get cold inside and want to not feel the way you feel, but you can't. you're trapped.. temporarily.

and then you go to sleep, you wake up, and eat some food and then realize you just need to handle your business and that's all you can do. and you remember how it feels when your perception is altered yet everything is the same. it's a valuable experience and humbling (to me).

and you play video games a lot!

David after dentist, high at age 7

jonny says...

>> ^xxovercastxx:
This doesn't jive with my several Demerol experiences. Demerol makes you a bit talkative and uncoordinated but you always seem to think you're fine. It's not until later that you realize you weren't fine and were acting like a jackass.

That's kind of what I was saying. From what I've gathered talking to others that have taken it, it can affect individuals very differently. I've only had it once - after knee surgery, but I was in so much pain it didn't really do much except take the edge off. I didn't notice any side effects. On the other side of the spectrum, I know someone who had it after his surgery and he basically had a powerfully bad trip.

In any case, I was just speculating about what the kid might be on. It could be Percocet, or any number of other pain killers. I doubted that it was Ketamine, because that's generally used more as a sedative in medical contexts. Ketamine does have an analgesic effect, but it requires substantially larger doses, and that's when k-hole opens up.

Ingesting Magic Mushrooms has Long Lasting Positive Effects!

Duckman33 says...

>> ^Memorare:
A warm summer sunset on the beach is a staggeringly awesome setting for shrooms. The feel of the sun, sand and warm breeze on your skin, the sound of the waves and the gulls, the smell of the ocean, the giant golden setting sun glittering on the crests of the waves, omg it's the closest thing to a state of perfect being you'll ever experience.
Yosemite (or just about any National Park) is another Excellent place to do shrooms.

I agree 150% Having lived in Oregon for all of my trips (still live here). Nature was heartily available and ALWAYS made the experience an awesome one.

The only time I experienced a "bad trip" was when I was with a group of people I hardly knew, didn't have a place to live at the time (was living with my "girl friend" and was depressed about my living situation and lack of employment). It made for a really bad experience. This was on acid by the way, not shrooms.

Sex on shrooms is one of the greatest experiences I have ever had.

Ingesting Magic Mushrooms has Long Lasting Positive Effects!

volumptuous says...

>> ^dbalsdon:
Years ago, my Uncle had a great 'long-lasting positive effect' from using shrooms. Went paranoid, refused help and bricked himself into a building, so nobody could get to him... Thankfully, they did though, but still.. great positive experience isn't it?
He now keeps himself to himself, and doesn't go out really.


So, your uncle's "bad trip" against millions of people through thousands of years history having amazing experiences.

Not very scientific.

Ingesting Magic Mushrooms has Long Lasting Positive Effects!

9364 says...

>> ^AnimalsForCrackers:
>> ^Shepppard:
Shrooms aren't theraputic.
years ago my sister had a party here, and two of her friends took shrooms.
I still remember them freaking out so hard one of them actually wanted to go see my mom to make it better, but the other slapped her in the face and said that "We've gone too far now!"

It is true that mileage varies from person to person. Not to mention other mitigating factors like who you take them with, the environment taken in, your state of mind when ingesting, etc. Much care should be exercised in planning and preparation, before eating mushrooms all willy-nilly like.
For me, it was one of the best and most memorable experiences I've ever had with other human beings.

I agree completely. And it's not like the medical industry is just going to start giving prescriptions to mushrooms. If anything they'll make yet another pill form containing the specific chemicals, likely significantly 'watered down.' The drug industry is full of narcotic and hallucinogenic 'medicines.'

I personally have had my share of very positive experiences with a wide variety of hallucinogenic drugs both natural and man-made and I've found the 'magic mushrooms' are by far the least likely to produce a so called 'bad trip.' Especially compared to the likes of LSD. The experience mushrooms and other natural hallucinogenics such as Peyote, are a much milder, smoother and less grating effect, though often far more potent.

Ingesting Magic Mushrooms has Long Lasting Positive Effects!

HollywoodBob says...

Hmm, lets think about this rationally, you give hallucinogenic drugs to people with a background in superstitious mumbo-jumbo of course they're going to have an experience based on that background. It's the reason the peyote using native americans had visions of spirit guides and their ancestors. That's why some people who have had bad trips have visions of hell, demons, murderous loved ones, etc.. The drugs enhance the good feelings, but can also drastically worsen the bad ones.

I fear that if anyone were to give these types of drugs to terminally ill, severely depressed people, the experiences would be far less beneficial and a lot more terrifying for them.

Ingesting Magic Mushrooms has Long Lasting Positive Effects!

Duckman33 says...

The Government made hallucinogens illegal because had everyone, or most people been taking them, it would be much, much harder for the Government to pull the wool over our eyes like they have been doing all these years. I had taken shrooms quite a few times as a younger adult and had been "enlightened" to many things during each of my trips. Can't say that they were spiritual. But I definitely saw things in a much clearer perspective. Believe it or not.

As her disclaimer at the end says. You MUST be sure you are in the right state of mind, with the right group of people before taking them or you WILL have a bad trip. And no, I have never had even one single "flashback" from shrooms or acid.

Oh and Flood, if I remember correctly, the Native Americans used hallucinogens to converse with their gods and go on "spirit walks". I agree with rosekat, the subject is up for debate.

westy (Member Profile)

Irishman says...

This isn't said enough.

In reply to this comment by westy:
Drug abuse realy anoys the hell out of me , i dont mind people bing responsable say having a cuple of beers maby wine with friends or when thay eat, i dont mind people having a joint maby eating some pot in responsable amounts, and same with salvea its afects totaly depend on the amount you have, the people that get negative afects are people that are taking to mutch of it in one go and in the wrong typ of enviroment,

before you do anything wether it be drugs ore anny activity do a bit of research before hand.

Guy Has the Chillest Bad Trip on Salvia

rougy says...

>> ^UsesProzac:
The high only seems to last for a few minutes, but I have heard people describe it as feeling much longer.

That is true.

The first time I tried it I did some 20x Purple Sticky.

I thought I was gone for six hours, but it only lasted twenty minutes.

Seriously strange stuff.

Guy Has the Chillest Bad Trip on Salvia

dannym3141 says...

You're right westy. I've tried salvia before. It did absolutely fuck all to me, i just sat there wondering when it would start. Manned up, took another few big hits and didn't get anything.

My friend was sat there giggling her head off, said she was at a party 3 feet behind her own head and she was looking at me from a distance, she came forward to get me and bring me to the party and that was the end of her trip. She apparently said she consciously moved out of the party forward into her own head again to get me and bring me along.

Also, several times i've been the control subject, making sure people are ok whilst taking salvia (safety first kids), and i've brought people out of the trip by just touching them, calling them.

This guy is taking the hit and then looking nervous saying "this is bad!" no wonder he's gonna have a bad trip!

Channel combinations are sub-channels: let's make a list (Sift Talk Post)

jonny says...

jazz + terrible = muzak
drugs + fear + politics = war on drugs
drugs + dark + fear = bad trips
vintage + engineering = steampunk
asia + animation = anime
asia + animation + sexuality = hentai anime
sexuality + dark = bdsm
femme + vintage + sexuality = cougar
cute + cats & dogs + cult = videosift

Celebrating Two Years of Non-linear Thinking (Wildwestshow Talk Post)

choggie says...

Gee thanks kittty..
Being here has shown me that the world of idgits continues to breed more of the same, this microcosm here on the sift proof that most are still not ready to create our own individual spaces in the world with a view to erasure of the arcane paradigm so many love to wallow in....The consequences too damaging to already damaged egos, ids and assholes.....What are you afraid of..Aliens?

-Principia Discordia

In the year 1166 B.C., a malcontented hunchbrain by the name of Greyface, got it into his head that the universe was as humorless as he, and he began to teach that play was sinful because it contradicted the ways of Serious Order. "Look at all the order around you," he said. And from that, he deluded honest men to believe that reality was a straightjacket affair and not the happy romance as men had known it.

It is not presently understood why men were so gullible at that particular time, for absolutely no one thought to observe all the disorder around them and conclude just the opposite. But anyway, Greyface and his followers took the game of playing at life more seriously than they took life itself and were known even to destroy other living beings whose ways of life differed from their own.

The unfortunate result of this is that mankind has since been suffering from a psychological and spiritual imbalance. Imbalance causes frustration, and frustration causes fear. And fear makes for a bad trip. Man has been on a bad trip for a long time now.


Bullshit makes
the flowers grow
& that's beautiful.

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