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Steve Coogan tears into The News Of The World

spoco2 says...

>> ^kymbos:

Spoco, you have to see this. He's losing it:

And... urgh, He still doesn't see the wrong of 'hacking into' people's phones. He seems to think that if they were doing wrong, then it's all ok. Well, what if you THINK that they're doing wrong, but they aren't? Huh? Who made you the judge and jury of innocence. Whether they are doing right or wrong does not give a newspaper the right to hack into their phone. If there's suspicion of them doing wrong you present your case for why you think so such that a warrant may be granted, but that's a police matter.

You aren't just allowed to break the law when it suits.

He still seems to think it's all ok to hack into people's phones, that there's nothing wrong with it per se. He is a giant and unequivocal Dickhead who deserves no pity (as he's trying to get obviously in that interview)

ARGH, (sorry, writing this as I watch it), he's going on AGAIN that 'most people' are fine with them hacking celebrities' phones just because they make a lot of money. NO you FUCKWIT, just because people are rich, doesn't mean they suddenly lose all their right to privacy.

Fuck him, fuck his mock outrage that celebrities aren't allowed privacy.

WAIT... He just asked for publicity, he just mentioned his bar and asked people to pop in... right, we're now allowed to hack his phone, pry into his personal life, harass his children. Hypocritical FUCK.

He seems to consider celebrities as sub human, as not worth affording the same rights as other people.

Well fuck him.

That interview makes me truly hate him now, moved on from just thinking him a slimy shit.

oritteropo (Member Profile)

AdrianBlack says...

Oh brilliant idea! I think I might have to follow suit.

In reply to this comment by oritteropo:
It has prompted me to make a needs attention playlist, which should solve both problems for me.
In reply to this comment by AdrianBlack:
"How is it that you never have a power point when you find a cool video, and then you never have a cool video to hand when you do have a power point? Argh! Or is that just me?"

Hell no it's not just you!

AdrianBlack (Member Profile)

oritteropo (Member Profile)

Photorealistic GTA IV

Fusionaut (Member Profile)

Who's going to hell?

rottenseed says...

>> ^arghness:

This actually happened to me. A work colleague from a previous employment gave me some literature from his Christian church. Out of politeness and interest, I glanced through it and on the last page it said something along the lines of "The people that have never read this book are saved, but now that you've read it, if you don't join the church you will burn in hell".
I can't remember the exact phrase, but I do remember the terms "burn" and "hell" being used. It seemed a little severe to me and I certainly wasn't grateful to receive his book. He didn't seem to see the funny side of it, either.

talk about an epic chain letter!!!

Elli et Jacno - 'Main dans la main' 1980

Who's going to hell?

rougy says...

>> ^arghness:

This actually happened to me. A work colleague from a previous employment gave me some literature from his Christian church.

I've been noticing a heightened aggressiveness on the part of Christians lately.

I found a board where one guy goes on and on about how horrible atheists are, then he'll turn right around and say he never said it...then he has this little Igor character of a sidekick that chimes in and tells him how right he is....

And I'm seeing more of it here at VS than I remember.

It almost feels as if the Christians have launched a secret attack on all the non-believers.

VideoSift Shop Sacavenger Hunt #2 Winner Drawing (Sift Talk Post)

Strange Thing Found in Pub Wall

arghness says...

>> ^BoneRemake:

>> ^arghness:
>> ^BoneRemake:
That must be a GEOCache

I've never seen an indoor geocache yet, as they usually rely on GPS, at least in part. Are there any?

Your guess is as good as mine, the extent of my knowledge on the subject ends at the word Geocache.

Ah right, I've found > 170 (not bragging -- this is very few as far as geocaching goes!) and just wondered if there were indoor ones.

I think that this brick was just a bit of hidden fun. I like the recursion aspect.

Strange Thing Found in Pub Wall

VideoSift Shop Sacavenger Hunt #2 Winner Drawing (Sift Talk Post)

Kid British - Our House is Dadless

alien_concept says...

Verse 1
See, my house is a mad house/
Well hardly sit down and watch T.V cause yeah we got things to do/
And I got things to do/
Mum talks calmly for a while and then starts shouting/
Clean up the kitchen/
I always say i'll do it later/
Or yeah in a minute/
My house is a hot spot/
Everyday of the week someone will be in my house who don’t live here/
The neighbours ain’t got a problem with us/
Yeah music plays in my house constantly/
Constant noise but I wouldn’t have it any other way I love my house/
Total chaos, yeah its random/
Off key, different, no house is disimilar/
But for some reason it works/
My house is crazy you know/


Our house, in the middle of our street/
Our house in the middle of our.../
Our house, in the middle of our street/
Something tells you that you’ve got to move away from it/

Verse 2

You hold a better conversation/
When born in grimey locations/
And that’s where you'll find my crib/
In the same area where the alkies live/
So I love my street/
You get bare joke when the alkies beef/
And though outside may reek/
Not in my crib no potpourri/
And we've just added new bricks/
So every other house in the street looks shit/
Compared to ours/
But its hard to get a decent kip when out comes the stars/
Because of all the beef in my avenue/
Neighbours fight so police in my avenue/
So you might catch me in my living room/
Up late writing to beats if I’m in the mood/
Or if not i'll be on the Playstation/
Or better still MSN conversations/
And everyone of our houses are Dadless/
So no wonder our houses are Madness/


Verse 3

Sunday morning my day off/
I can smell that bacon cooking/
And mum's downstairs doing that weekly washing/
Singing along she's got that motown rocking/
And i'm shouting out ‘mum turn it down'/
Cos i'm tryna sleep right now/
Argh forget it I was getting up anyway/
Man I can't get a lie in any day/
So i'm downstairs arguing/
Mum chill out I won't have this in our house/
Ok, your house/
Then I had a little moan how the living room's freezing/
And then she starts screaming/
Mum I ain't being rude just turn up the heating/
She said 'move out if you ain't warm enough’/
Coincidently, suddenly i'm warming up!

How fibre-optic cables work -- The Engineer Guy

MaxWilder says...

>> ^conan:

woah. what was that on the map? "UK", "France" right NEXT to "Europe"? Argh, even educated and intelligent guys like him fall for the US egocentric view of the world, where everything else is just continents instead of countries. And he even got that wrong.

It was also drawn in MS Paint. Count yourself lucky that it wasn't labeled "Pussies and Communists".

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