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Ultimate Tazer Ball

Health, Vaccinations and Junk Science

spoco2 says...

Great video by good ol' potholer. The anti-vaccine thing is something which REALLY gets my blood boiling.

People with selfish interests create fake link->Parents with no scientific understanding take this fake link as proof of someone to blame for why their child is how they are->These non-scientific parents start spreading this information as if it's fact->Morons like Jenny McCarthy jump on it and promote the shit out of it->More parents who think that celebrities know better than scientists stop vaccinating their kids->kids die

It's fucked, I hate it, I hate that people in my family and friend circle believe this shit and put their kids and others at risk because of it.



Time lapse feeding process from an ant colony.

Enzoblue says...

>> ^arghness:

>> ^Enzoblue:
Anyone notice that all the ants are different from each other after awhile? I did.

Nothing very obvious. What did you notice?
I did notice that their abdomens swelled up as they were feeding, so they looked darker and thinner when they got there, but were fatter and a lighter colour when they left. Parts of their exoskeleton moving apart to show inside?

Different colors on their abdomens, different head sizes.

Laraaji playing at the Rainbow Spirit Festival

Vermin Supreme: When I'm President Everyone Gets A Free Pony

dannym3141 says...

>> ^arghness:

The idea is that if you're not voting for the opposing party that is most likely to beat Conservatives (i.e. voting Labour, I'd imagine), then you're effectively supporting the Conservatives.
MRLP was an independent party.
>> ^dannym3141:
>> ^Barseps:
Nuttier than squirrel shit, but at least he's offering some light relief in a drawn-out political campaign. I think the point of the existense of these type of people is that this is where you exercise your "protest vote" (i.e. If you think the rest of them are full of crap, then vote for THIS guy). We had a guy similar to this in the UK who died in 1999, his name was Screaming lord Sutch & he was leader of "The Monster Raving Loony Party"

I'm sure i remember my step dad telling my mum that if she voted for screaming lord sutch, it was actually voting for the tories.. did he used to be in them, or is that remotely explainable? I was too young.

That would have been it, thanks. Don't think my child's mind was ready for that kind of insinuation!

Tetris Korobeiniki - Trio Moscow Nights Russian Folk song

direpickle (Member Profile)

bareboards2 says...

Ah. This is Seattle. This is just how it is here. I didn't even notice!!

In reply to this comment by direpickle:
I am in pain at hokey artists/bloggers/whatever trying to sound profound!

In reply to this comment by bareboards2:
That was written by someone who isn't religious.

Are you in pain at the sacrilege or at the use of the word "god" in any context?

In reply to this comment by direpickle:
"It's also meaningful that the old cement factory looks a lot like an old cathedral. Cement is the god/substance of the city. The city is all human. And a human is a god to a human."

Argh, the pain.

direpickle (Member Profile)

bareboards2 says...

That was written by someone who isn't religious.

Are you in pain at the sacrilege or at the use of the word "god" in any context?

In reply to this comment by direpickle:
"It's also meaningful that the old cement factory looks a lot like an old cathedral. Cement is the god/substance of the city. The city is all human. And a human is a god to a human."

Argh, the pain.

Abandoned factory Reclaimed

direpickle says...

"It's also meaningful that the old cement factory looks a lot like an old cathedral. Cement is the god/substance of the city. The city is all human. And a human is a god to a human."

Argh, the pain.

All the very best fails of 2011!

00Scud00 says...

>> ^arghness:

Good collection, but I'm not sure if I'd classify all these as fail. Particularly the one with the wooden spike that flies through the window of the car. That was actually a great success against bad luck with no obvious fault on any part that I could see.
If this video has taught me anything, it's to not assume that thin metal poles are sturdy.

I suppose it's a matter of perspective, it's a win for the guy dodged sudden death and fail for the moron who did such a poor job of securing it in the first place.
I feel kinda bad for laughing at some of these incidents, but then many of them are just idiots engaging in reckless behavior and reaping the results, damn you schadenfreude.

Fox and Friends on the SpongeBob Conspiracy

spoco2 says...

a) Spongebob is hilarious
b) Fuck you Fox
c) Fffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucccck you Fox
d through y) F (u^n) ck you fox

Seriously the shit that passes through these people's 'brains' is horrendous. Just... argh

The Louis Experiment - What does it mean? (Standup Talk Post)

spoco2 says...

>> ^Ryjkyj:

I take issue with the assertion that Louis C.K. is not a millionaire.
And even if he's not there yet, he will be. I don't think I'd have any problem stealing from the guy. All this comparing of stealing intellectual material off of the internet raises a red flag for me because even if I did download the show, it's not like I'm going to sell it to someone else to make myself money. That's the thing that I think is morally objectionable.
It sounds silly to say that it's a crime to experience Louis C.K.'s comedy and derive pleasure from that experience. Maybe if I was an artist who actually tried to make a profit I would feel differently. But it's not like Louis C.K.'s comedy is a TV that I can steal, keep around for a while, and then sell to my friend Tom for some crack money. But I do respect the guy. If I had any extra money at all, I'd happily pay the five bucks, but I don't. Come to think of it, if I had extra money, I'd probably be paying for a charter membership first.
I don't know though. You gotta respect a guy who tries something new. Maybe I won't download it. I'll save it until they come out with the Criterion: Ultimate Louis C.K. Experience. That's the kind of thing I'm happy to waste money on.

Argh... see, I torrent, and I justify myself in ways, but I know I can't actually make it 'right'. You're assertion that stealing is only stealing when it's a physical object is such utter bullshit.

You're essentially saying that his comedy has no value. You're saying that because you can get it for free, easily, then it doesn't feel like stealing to you, and so that means it isn't.

What shit. You apply this to movies and tv shows as well I assume? You're saying that they have no value, even though you like to watch them, you derive pleasure from them in much the way you might derive pleasure from eating nice food... which you would pay for. Or reading a book which... no you'd probably just download the ebook from a torrent site.

Stop trying to pretend that what you're doing is right. You can justify it however you like, but it is a crime, these people spent good fucking money making this stuff (around $200K in Louis' case by his reckoning), and yet you think you're entitled to it for free.

Oh, and I see you're doing the old 'well, he must be rich, so me taking stuff from him won't be doing him any harm' line of reasoning. Which is a popular line, but logically bullshit. How much of a difference your money will make to him shouldn't factor into it. Are the goods on offer worth the price being charged? That's it, no 'Are the goods worth the money & is the person creating it starving'.

To Xmas and Beyond

spoco2 says...

I fricken LOVE Christmas... love it.

I am also Atheist and really have to hold myself back when people I know start going on about 'the real meaning of Christmas being the birth of our lord and saviour Jesus Christ'. I just read the kid's primary school newsletter a few minutes back, and there was mention of that exact thing in there... argh.

But man, I love Christmas music, even the religious ones. Give me some Good King Wenceslas and I'm happy. In fact I was just saying to my wife I'd like to take the kids to a Christmas mass in a nice old church some time so they can feel what it's like. I have fond memories of the group singing, the stain glass windows, the candles... it's the only time we'd go to church with my parents back in the day, but it has pleasant, not bad, feelings associated with it.

Johnny Bravo meets Scooby Doo

Newt Gingrich wants child janitors?

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