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Elder Scrolls V's Introduction: Skyrim Multiple Monitors

Mock the Week: Lockerbie, Scotland, NHS, Palin, Tourism

Sasha Baron Cohen's new character: Lord Monckton

messenger says...

Nope. He really got me. I believed it 100%. Poe's law indeed.

And kudos and thanks to the OP and all the commenters to that point who kept the ruse going. What a brilliantly conceived and executed stunt.>> ^arghness:

>> ^messenger:
This interviewer is an asshat. He should never have pressed Cohen to break character. Weak sauce.

You realise it's not really Cohen? Maybe you forgot the sarcasm checkbox?

The Economic Consequences of Mr Brown

Matt Stone and Trey Parker crash a "Storytelling" Course

EvilDeathBee says...

>> ^packo:

unblock the regions!!! argh

I know!

What I ended up doing was installing Firefox (primarily I use Chrome) JUST for blocked videos especially now that all of a sudden the Daily Show and Colbert Report are blocked, goddamnit. Install an Extension called "Modify Headers". In the Modify Headers options, create an "Add" action, name it "X-Forwarded-For" and give the value ""

For it to work, you need to have the actual Modify Headers options window open for some reason, but open up a separate Firefox window and enjoy blocked videos!

"Building 7" Explained

hpqp says...

They do like to complicate things, eh. It's like the Christians Trinity; are they three, or one? Argh!!

>> ^bcglorf:

>> ^hpqp:
@NetRunner: the keyword you're looking for is "false flag", the conspiracy theorist's go to term when trying to blame something on Big Guvmint, the NWO or the Illuminati.

But their insanity isn't even that basic. Even a false flag assault theory is MUCH simpler if you just declare the hijackers in the planes were part of the conspiracy, and that's still what took down the towers. The whole controlled demo stuff is just a recruitment tool to draw the insane and paranoid into the fold.

Matt Stone and Trey Parker crash a "Storytelling" Course

Movie Openings That Play With The Studio Logo.

gwiz665 says...

But Sunshine was a crappy film, while Kick-Ass was awesome!
Also,, John Murphy redid the music for Kick-Ass, as you can hear that this version is different (in the small details) than the Sunshine one - at least the one you linked.
>> ^hpqp:

Argh, no! Sorry, but one of my pet peeves is giving musical credit to whom it's due in film scoring... Adagio in D Minor was first written by Underworld and John Murphy specifically for the OST of the magnificent and underrated film Sunshine by Danny Boyle.
It has since been "stolen" to score a myriad of other films/trailers/series (e.g. Kick-Ass, The Adjustment Bureau, Fringe, etc etc). It has a history akin to Clint Mansell's RFaD score; created with a specific film in mind, beautifully fitting, then reused for other films with mixed results. I love it when great music gets around, but I do find it a bizarre experience when I'm watching a film and all of a sudden the music of another comes on... kind of breaks the suspension of disbelief quite frankly.
/nerd rant
edit: "Super" > Kick-Ass (even though the latter was a fun watch too)
>> ^gwiz665:
Loved the music from Kick-Ass.

Movie Openings That Play With The Studio Logo.

hpqp says...

Argh, no! Sorry, but one of my pet peeves is giving musical credit to whom it's due in film scoring... Adagio in D Minor was first written by Underworld and John Murphy specifically for the OST of the magnificent and underrated film Sunshine by Danny Boyle.

It has since been "stolen" to score a myriad of other films/trailers/series (e.g. Kick-Ass, The Adjustment Bureau, Fringe, etc etc). It has a history akin to Clint Mansell's RFaD score; created with a specific film in mind, beautifully fitting, then reused for other films with mixed results. I love it when great music gets around, but I do find it a bizarre experience when I'm watching a film and all of a sudden the music of another comes on... kind of breaks the suspension of disbelief quite frankly.
/nerd rant

edit: "Super" > Kick-Ass (even though the latter was a fun watch too)

>> ^gwiz665:

Loved the music from Kick-Ass.

An Alien and a Predator Playing Poker in German

ant says...

From the video description:

P: 'Hey alien, I think I gonna take down the used paper quickly, is that ok?'
A: 'Used paper? Dude, are you nuts? Lay a card on the table!'
P: 'That's rich, coming from you! You could also move YOUR ass a little more, dude!'
A: 'Argh! I never gonna play again with you, predator!'
P: '(Well I could take along the organic waste, too) ... Dumdidum'
A: 'Drop a card NOW, baghead!'
P: '(Whats the date for yellow bag by the way?)'
S: 'Have a look into the calendar for waste disposal, you dickhead!'

Speed-painting Bette Davis... with mascara!

Cowboy Bebop: Don't leave food in the fridge for a Year

Cowboy Bebop: Don't leave food in the fridge for a Year

Kings of Convenience- Mrs.Cold (official)

The Hobbit Production Video #3 by Peter Jackson

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