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Quake Champions Quakecon 2016 Gameplay

jmd says...

First impressions is it is a visual update to the arena style FPS games we played and loved so many years ago.

Question is are enough people going to care? You have a half billions games just like it that you can buy for chicken feed or free even! Also back then if you were not a real good shot then you lived with not being high on the score table. These days many FPS games offer support roles for those who aren't the greatest shot, those people are not going to have any interest in coming BACK to the likes of quake multiplayer.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz Booed By Florida Delegation

notarobot says...



Debbie Wasserman Schultz Booed By Florida Delegation

BattleBots - Blacksmith vs. Minotaur

Bruti79 says...

Side note, there was also an awesome match where someone got their battery sawed through and the fluid spilled out all over the arena floor. =)

Ken Burns slams Trump in Stanford Commencement

newtboy says...

You seem to imagine that the "chaos" that a Trump presidency would be confined to the American political arena. It would not. You can be certain that another world wide recession/depression would follow his election, before he's even in office. Financial markets hate uncertainty, and he is the embodiment of uncertainty. That chaos would not go unnoticed by anyone with 2 brain cells to rub together, nor would it be the only chaos he would incite.
I defy you to show one case in history when a power grasping fascist demagogue seizing the reigns of power has ever led to a net positive outcome.

You also seem to not know or care that Trump has been sued 3500 times in the last decades, has likely broken as many or more federal laws than Clinton, brutalizes women personally (that's what it's called when you take a non-citizen wife because she can't say "no" to you, and it's what it's called when you steal from people because you don't pay your bills or fulfil your contracts, causing hundreds of businesses to fail, some owned by women), is a consummate con man, a bully, an idiot, is incredibly gullible and naïve, is incredibly thin skinned, is hyper reactionary, and is a narcissistic demagogue. I say you either don't know or care because you implied he is "better" than Clinton in these areas, which you could only claim because you are either 1) completely naïve on the subject 2) willfully blind to his innumerable faults or 3) intentionally misleading and misguided. Your choice.

Beyond LARPing---Full contact sword fighting

SFOGuy says...

OK---logical question---why isn't this a reality show?
I mean---forget American football; just send guys into the arena in armor with real swords---then TV would have gone the full Roman!

skinnydaddy1 said:

Almost looks like SCA but according to their wiki they only started doing this in 09 and SCA has been around since 1966.


" It can be a hell of a lot of fun. If you don't mind the occasional broken bone or wound. The Drunken tourny is the most common cause for an ER visit."

RetroAhoy: Quake

Sylvester_Ink says...

Man, the glory of 90s pc gaming . . . Quake and Descent were what I grew up on.
Also, it's cool to see Warsow get a nod in the end there. Still my favorite modern arena shooter!

Game Review ♦ Game CrossFire M4hunder God -A1 T

The Most Costly Joke in History

Mordhaus says...

The Air Force is quite silly when it comes to close ground support. They never learn that the 'we'll be in and out before they can touch us' doesn't work well.

To give you an idea of what they are planning to return us to with this idea and plane, I refer you to the Vietnam War. The F4 was capable of fast fly-by's, but the problem was that in the foliage it was hard to hit targets at speed. Therefore the F4's had to start reducing speed and take higher attack angles, which caused an issue with the engines. Flameouts and stalls were rampant because the plane was designed for fast fly-by's, not the type of combat it was seeing. Additionally, the slow speed and high AoA EXPOSED the plane to severe enemy return fire. The F-4, by 1 January 1972, ranked second to the F-105 in SEA combat losses-362 (all models), most of them downed by the enemy. Later, in F-4Es alone, the Air Force lost eight in 2 months of intensive combat.

The Air Force found that relying extensively on Helicopters such as the Cobra was ineffective as well. They could deliver good anti-personnel coverage, but not hard targets. They were also slower to arrive to the combat arena. Finally, no helicopter we have ever put in combat, prior to the Apache, has been heavily armored. We don't use Hinds like Russia. The Apache is armored with Kevlar areas and reinforced armor around the cockpit, and has proven effective in open land combat, but has not been extensively tested in areas of high cover during actual combat.

Ironically, the painful lessons learned in Vietnam led to the development of another aircraft, The A-10. Sadly, we are going to waste a ton of money and probably quite a few pilots before we learn this lesson again.

transmorpher said:

Overpriced, I'll agree with that - I'll also add overdue

1) We need F-35s because the playing field is currently too level. When it's life and death, you can never have too much of an advantage. It's not like a race, where better acceleration might get you over the finish line faster than the others. The thinking behind stealth is that you don't even need to be in the race.

Why they couldn't have just made more F-22s instead? I'm not sure. They probably expected the F-35 to be cheaper and less hassle to maintain. But that's probably not the case anymore.

And of course, as soon as China and Russia have their stealth planes ready the playing field will be more level again. And the air combat will change quite drastically.

2) I haven't heard of that before. If that's the case then it's a useless plane, since the whole point of of making a fighter stealth plane is to put it into danger with so much tech that it's capable of meeting the threat easily and returning home.

The costs are pretty silly in a time of debt for sure. My country is currently $5b in debt, and we ordered $20b worth of F-35s. Seems like it would have been a good idea to order $5b less of them But hey I'm no accountant.

The close air support style of the A-10 won't be around once they retire the A-10's. Helicopters and drones will do something similar, but in terms of planes delivering bombs it's just going to be fast movers screaming past so fast and high that man-portable missiles systems won't be able to reach.

dag (Member Profile)

VoodooV says...

racist videos galore

That's just the last two months. Get him out of here!

These are your own rules to not post stuff like this!

"We love a good fiery comment thread, but sometimes they go overboard. Please avoid personal attacks. It's okay to criticize ideas but refrain personal insults. Please avoid blatantly racist speech, threats, or other verbal abuse. This goes for comments in public arenas as well as private member profile comments. If a comment is bad enough it will probably be deleted due to negative feedback. If these types of comments are regular occurrences, we will probably ask you to leave the community or simply ban you outright."

"Please do not post videos that make fun of other races.

Because of the high volume of world-wide traffic on VideoSift, it is very easy to unintentionally offend a good number of people with material like this. If you think a video is questionable, it is probably not going to pass our standards, and you are probably better off not submitting it."

Syntaxed (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

No. Try reading again. I am threatening to ban you if you continue with personal ad hom attacks, which are not allowed. When you say things like
"I am speaking to someone who doesn't even know the language he is speaking, you see my amusement?
I cant help it if your general ignorance seeps into every pore of your conscious existence, and I must admit it should be above me(or anyone, for that matter), to aggravate someone of such an argy-bargy disposition. However, maybe someday the light-bulb will turn on inside your head, and you might finally see past the world you've been spoon-fed since birth."'s called an 'ad hom attack', it means moving from discussion of ideas to simple personal attacks, which you started, and which is not allowed here and is a bannable offence.

Let's examine.
You posted a vitriolic politically charged, contradictory post, insulting everyone you discussed.
I replied incredulously because you actually said "I am not necessarily saying that Trump is a good person, or would make a good President, but he would me loads better than the other shrimps for candidates...", which is so patently ridiculous it required me to ridicule it...but not YOU.
You replied with some personal ad hom attacks on my person because you didn't like my position.
I (inappropriately) replied in kind. (I should have just told you to stop the first time or you'll be banned, but I gave you the benefit of a doubt...the first time).
You post more personal insults and now try to characterize that as 'cordial'.
I tell you that your personal insults are not allowed here (try reading the site rules) and tell you if you continue them I'll move to ban you.

You run to who you think is an admin for help...he'll likely tell you to stop personally insulting people you don't know and stick to the topic, because.....

What can't I say in a comment?
We love a good fiery comment thread, but sometimes they go overboard. Please avoid personal attacks. It's okay to criticize ideas but refrain personal insults. Please avoid blatantly racist speech, threats, or other verbal abuse. This goes for comments in public arenas as well as private member profile comments. If a comment is bad enough it will probably be deleted due to negative feedback. If these types of comments are regular occurrences, we will probably ask you to leave the community or simply ban you outright.

EDIT: What exactly is an Aggro manner? I understand aggro, but not Aggro.

Syntaxed said:

I beg the most considerable pardon, but you are threatening to ban me for expressing my opinion?

Hmmm, lets examine, cleanly.

1.) I post an amicable, slightly contradictory post, not insulting anyone.

2.) YOU come along and post a distasteful, loud, angry, aggro-laden post in response.

3.) I do the same, not because I am angry, per-say, but to prove a point(which apparently is still lost on you.)

4.) You again post in your Aggro manner.

5.) I post in a far more cordial manner(yes, I was insulting you), but I still maintained a certain level of cordiality.

6.) You attack and THREATEN to ban me, over a simple argument that you had just as much(if not more) to do with than I did.

I inquire as to who is in position on this site as a manager, original author, or owner, so that I may report your threat to ban me based upon your not so humble opinions about what I say...

Anti-Christian Discrimination in Arkansas

Asmo says...

Jesus Christ was apparently quite a tolerant bloke. He hung out with the whores, the beggars, the undesirables etc, he told parables about "good" people turning a blind eye to the hurting of their brother while a Samaritan turned out to be the truly good person. He said "Judge not lest ye be judged".

I don't even believe the guy was anything other than an altruistic nutter (if he existed at all) and I know his message better than you, or the douchebag in the video...

Persecution is being tossed in an arena with lions. It's being nailed to a cross. It isn't "co-existing with others and not getting the privilege of being able to make rules on how they live their lives". That's called equality, respect, common decency. You and you're ilk don't know true suffering mate.

Perhaps if you actually emulated the person you claim to worship (you know, the one that is waiting for you in the afterlife with a big fucking stick and an accounting of your years of intolerance) rather than made up your own interpretation, you'd actually be a christian worthy of the name...

And if you want to witness suffering, go minister in Africa for a few years, then get back to us about just how bad it is to be "persecuted"...

shinyblurry said:

Sometime after the Jewish people rebuild their temple, a man will enter into it and claim to be God. This is what the bible refers to as the "abomination of desolation". Jesus said that when this happens, great tribulation will come upon the Earth, such as has never been before, nor ever shall be afterwards. The man is called the man of sin, and the Antichrist, who will rule the whole world.

There will be another man, described as having horns like those of a lamb, but he speaks like a dragon. He will perform great signs, even calling fire down from heaven in the sight of men, and he operates in the authority of the Antichrist, and will cause the whole world to worship him. This man is called the false prophet.

During this time, Christianity will be persecuted worldwide as the Antichrist tries to exterminate the church. The thousands of Christians being martyred in the middle east every year is just a foreshadowing of what is to come for Christians in the last days.

Someone stole naked pictures of me. This is what I did about

artician says...

Yeah I just didn't want to use the 'official' term for them because they don't deserve the recognition.

I could be wrong though, I just recall a lot of info that seemed to suggest they arose from the same social arena as the former group. Let's hope I'm wrong?

ChaosEngine said:

Are you saying that anonymous was part of gamergate (spiteful little doxxing fucktards that they are)?

That's really disappointing.

Why Tipping Should Be Banned

MrFisk says...

I've worked the back of the house (dish washer, prep cook, pantry cook, line cook), and the front of the house (bartender, server).

I never got tipped in the back of the house, but I worked harder and utilized more skills. I got paid hourly, and would therefore milk the clock as much as possible to help buy booze and pay the rent.

As a bartender, I've worked at night clubs, dive bars, martini bars, hotel bars, house parties and I was paid a decent hourly, which was essential for those slow and lonely Monday night shifts. But I made good money on the weekends. However, it usually takes time to work your way to those lucrative spots.

As a server, I get paid a little more than $2 an hour plus tips. But the tips are so impossible to calculate because of a myriad of factors -- how many servers are on, how many tables are reserved, how many parties, what's going on at the Arena, what's going on at the Lied, is it snowing, is it raining, is there a sporting event going on, are they splitting the bill, have they worked in the industry, are they from a country unfamiliar with tipping, was the food good, was the food cold, was the drink stiff, was the wine paired well, was the host pretty, was the bathroom out of paper towels, ad nausea -- that budgeting is impossible. I don't auto grat (gratuity of 18 percent of the bill for parties of seven or more) unless it's a sorority party, Mormons, or New Year's Eve, and that's only because I've been burned so badly by these groups.

What most diners don't realize is that it's really a matter of real estate -- and on a busy weekend night one server may be lucky to 'have' four to six tables with a variable of two and four seats. Dinner is generally served between the hours of 5-11. So, this gives the server a set number of data points for the evening (side note, so for the love God don't linger at a table if you're not ordering anything! When a server is forced to refill your water at $2 an hour, it's rude and disrespectful. That's what bars are for). In addition, most servers 'tip out' the host and bartender staff. On a weekend night, I typically tipped out 22 percent, and I never knew if I'd make $30 or $130.

So I know the business fairly well (I even studied hospitality in Vegas for a minute), and as a server I can make your experience remarkable. Ironically, the best tippers are younger college-era students working in the industry.

I think if anything is going to eliminate tipping in the service industry, it'll be some sort of computerized experiment where you sit at a table and punch in what you want. Till then, be conscientious and considerate when you wine and dine.

Doubt - How Deniers Win

enoch says...

you are confusing a political argument with a scientific one.

as @bcglorf has pointed out,the science is already In and established.the debate is on the relative parameters i.e: how much/little the affects will manifest.
so while it has been established their IS climate change and man HAS affected that change.the debate is the varying degrees and the level of impact.

so we know there will be a global effect,the debate is HOW and WHEN it will manifest,and on a smaller scale,just how much influence humankind is responsible.

some predict an extinction level catastrophe,while other predictions are not quite as apocalyptic,but the debate on whether or not climate change is over.

because that is a scientific debate.

now in the political arena,whose job is to obfuscate any relevant facts to muddy the argument to propel the interests of extremely monied and powerful interests,they create a faux debate to give the appearance that the debate is still ongoing and the science is not settled.

which is exactly what this video is addressing.
remember,they dont have to win the argument.they just have to make a reasonable sounding argument..even if based on make you think.."well,...maybe" and they GOTCHA!

so you can make this a liberal vs conservative argument if you wish,but i would just point out that you playing the game exactly they way they have set it manipulate you.

as for your assertion of "liberal owned media".
stop parroting that tired old trope that does not hold up to one minute of are literally doing the plutocrats work FOR them.
every outlet of media in the united states is owned and operated by FIVE companies.


and not a single one could even remotely be considered "liberal",because that does not serve their interests.

this debate is simply NOT a political debate,it is a scientific debate.
plain and simple...learn to recognize the difference buddy.

and stop being a tool for fuck sakes.../slap
you are better than that.

and just a side note,for my own personal pleasure and enjoyment:
@dannym3141 you are my fucking hero brother! between you and @newtboy i struggle to hold onto my cynicism around both of you.

you guys give me hope.

now lets go grab a smoke @bobknight33 cuz these pansies wont let me smoke inside and i have to do it on the patio and they keep trying to get me to drink that godawful "redbull" when crystal meth does a much better job. these days.

ok..enough ranting for today and smacking bob around.
ya'all stay awesome.

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