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Colorado Traffic Stop Turns Ugly

00Scud00 says...

Yeah, I'm always amazed when someone does get arrested and films it, and when they do get their phone back the data is untouched. There are apps out there that will upload your footage to a server, so knowing that maybe the cops know that and trying to delete it would only make them look even more guilty. Or maybe they are just so arrogant that they think it won't matter anyhow.

If the cop they had on the show is correct then it doesn't matter what their unstated reason was. They broke police procedure by not telling them why they were being pulled over.
I suspect they didn't say anything because they really didn't have a good reason to pull them over, and when they saw that that they were being recorded they decided it was just better to keep their mouths shut.
Anything you say can and will be used against you, funny how it works both ways.
The cop they had on the show sounded fairly reasonable right up until he blew up over the race card issue. We need to stop fooling ourselves into thinking that things like race, class, gender, or ethnicity doesn't play a role in how we see each other, only then will the race card be shuffled out of the deck permanently.

Nephelimdream (Member Profile)

Face Swap with Strangers!

artician says...

I love that app. The only downside is that I usually end up laughing so damn hard with whoever I'm doing it with that it completely screws up the effect every time.

For what it's worth, and someone can correct me if I'm wrong, this app is called Face Swap Live, and it's only on iOS right now. There are a hundreds of Face Swap apps on Android and iOS store, but the "Live" version is the only correct one (others don't have the same functionality).

Converting Buses to Showers for the Homeless - San Francisco

shagen454 says...

Sweet... I don't want to be cold hearted but I will. This might be killing two birds with one stone. 1) being -private luxury crack smoking room. That's what's gonna happen... Maybe some showering... Doesn't matter to me though, the bums stink, the BART stinks, the whole downtown area of SF smells like a huge crack alcohol shit storm for being such an "affluent" city. I think this was well intended but I don't trust the "non-profits" around here especially in this "app" bubble. "Give me a huge grant because I have like the most astonishingly brilliant idea blah blah blah (pockets 25% of grant for outrageous rent costs)."

President Obama and Jerry Seinfeld Go Get Coffee

spawnflagger says...

original embed was really poor, lots of buffering, so I watched on Crackle app instead.

Was nice to see president "interviewed" in a casual way. Was also nice that he got to drive the 'vette, even if only on the grounds (normally secret service doesn't allow president to drive anything anywhere).

SpaceX Lands Stage 1 on Land!

Download Fake ID Generator Free Apk

Clueless Gamer: "Fallout 4"

enoch says...

downloading the game nooooooooooow.
gah..i think my steam app froze.
oh wait! it moved!

Tesla's Autopilot System Is Creepy And Wonderful

thegrimsleeper says...

Or in winter.

I assume the car will prompt you to take over when it doesn't know what to do. Fully self driving cars are probably many many years away.

ghark said:

I wonder how these autopilot cars will handle non-marked roads?

Like for example, if you're driving along, and there's roadworks, and all of a sudden there are no lines, will the sensors be able to figure out where to go?

eric3579 (Member Profile)

worthwords (Member Profile)

Key & Peele - Lightning in a Bottle

Strongbad freaks out about the death of Flash

oritteropo says...

It is in the process of moving from a mainstream product used by everybody and installed by default to a niche product used by a few and not installed by default. I don't know if you'd say that counts as dead or dying, but it is certainly changing.

The reasons for this include the number of security flaws found in flash, and the increasing capabilities of html5, but it also just seems that the world is moving on and leaving it behind. You could say that Apple started the trend, but it's also possible that they just picked up on it before anybody else.

Interestingly though, just as the move away from flash became obvious, VMWare have moved from a standalone vsphere client to a flash app for managing enterprise ESX clusters.

Gutspiller said:

I read an article a few weeks back, when FireFox did their auto-off flash. Had a quote from the creator of Newgrounds. Said he couldn't count how many times he's heard flash was dying.

Everyone saying flash is "dead" is just click baiting. "Dying" is even a stretch.

Google Translate vs. “La Bamba”

hamsteralliance says...

That must be why WordLens disappeared from my phone. I reset my phone the other day and WordLens was the only app that didn't automatically reinstall.

fuzzyundies said:

This tech came from an app called WordLens that Google bought a year or two ago. I successfully used it in a few different European countries.

The bigger, less-stylized, more-contrasting the text, the better it works. Try it out, it feels like the future!

Google Translate vs. “La Bamba”

fuzzyundies says...

This tech came from an app called WordLens that Google bought a year or two ago. I successfully used it in a few different European countries.

The bigger, less-stylized, more-contrasting the text, the better it works. Try it out, it feels like the future!

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