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Spawn - The Rise of Image Comics

kingmob says...

I got sucked into the Spawn for awhile in its beginnings.
I think I still have all those issues.

It was the one of the better Image brands.

Digital Comics are pretty awesome.
Comixology keeps improving their tablet/phone app.
I would have never read Atomic Robo or the Walking Dead or even Invincible if it wasn't for Comixology.

Right now I am reading X-O Manowar, because Valiant is joining the movie making it.


Scott Pilgrim: Make Your Transitions Count

wonderwebworld (Member Profile)

ASAP Science- Are Good-Looking People Jerks?

Jinx says...

Right, but most of them aren't going to be on dating apps and wotnot, at least, not the ones who aren't jerks...

Oh well, all my ex's were attractive, naturally, because if I hadn't thought so we wouldn't have been. And naturally they all turned out to be jerks or else we'd still be. Therefore attractive=jerk. Unless they are with somebody else ofc. Hmm.

entr0py said:

This is kind of unconvincing. So, yes you can assume the good looking and kind people are "taken off the market" quickly, but when that happens they don't get locked up at home, you still have the chance to talk to them.

Pokemon Sparks Stampede in Taipei

poolcleaner says...

From experience, there is no map in the game, but there are various third party apps available that people use to pinpoint rare pokemon. It is against the terms of service to use these third party sites, so many people avoid them and just follow wherever the crowd goes -- or whomever they believe has an accurate map location and can prove it. Or the person running the fastest and with their phone in hand, excited about catching a pokemon.

Interesting thing to note is this: Sometimes the crowd is following a troll who uses a screenshot of a past rare pokemon in a location where there is no pokemon, causing a stampede of people who will end up wandering and wandering to no where at all.

It's quite sad... and funny.

So if you want to be an epic, EPIC, MOTHERFUCKING real life stampede creating TROLL, just go to locations where people play pokemon and pretend you know where rare pokemon are.

However... I did see someone get punched in the face after trolling someone, so... you may wish to vacate the area after trolling 1,000 real life humans in real life. Not quite just a game in that respect.

You may also wish to be a good actor and understand the concept of the game better than most non-players so that you can effectively troll people. Obvious trolls troll no one. Good trolls troll the fucking world.

ant said:

From what I have seen in the game app's map, you follow the creature.

Pokemon Sparks Stampede in Taipei

ant says...

From what I have seen in the game app's map, you follow the creature.

eric3579 said:

Someone has to explain to me whats going on here exactly. How does everyone know where to go? Why are they running? IS the rare Pokemon limited to so many people? I'm just amazed by such a mob.

Kitten - Cut It Out [Official Video]

WeedandWeirdness says...

Oh wow, I forgot that was even a thing, but checked it out, kinda nifty!! May be worth downloading the app noodle. I also have to agree that G# is better, but all the tracks on that EP are awesome sausage, especially Christina. So want to hear the history behind that one!!

Nephelimdream said:

I still can't remember where I first heard them, but it may have been here..
and while this one is good, this is even better..

Bill Maher: New Rule - The Right to Disconnect

shagen454 says...

Funny that I was literally thinking about this on my way home 10 minutes ago. But, in a different context: These days corporations are looking for your Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter accounts... especially if you work in marketing/tech/apps. It's all an annoying system of control; more layers added to their elitism. Fuck them, stay out of my life, you are just a fucking job! Companies should be absolutely required to stick to resumes & CVs by law....

Rick and Morty Simulator: Virtual Rick-ality Announced | Adu

No, Pokémon Go Can't Read Your Email

Babymech says...

I love the fact that Pokemon Go was literally created by Niantic whose CEO (John Hanke) is a CIA agent, whose funding comes from CIA's venture capital arm (In-Q-Tel), and is linked to the CIA-funded Keyhole program (now Google Earth) which dealt with mass satellite surveillance, and which accidentally turned on all kinds of surveillance permissions in its app.

I don't believe that this is any kind of surveillance conspiracy, but it's a beautiful conspiracy theory foundation. So much better than chemtrails.

Riderless bikes : the transport of the future

nanrod says...

When are they going to extend the app to other *Canada cities and I can't wait for the offroad app so I can have my bike do the Grouse Grind for me.

How Peter Braxton defeated a patent troll and still lost

Babymech says...

Hmm. It’s an interesting story – it doesn’t seem that it’s 100% the typical patent troll mold, though it’s obviously still a shitty tale of bullshit patent litigation tactics. It looks like Pappas had his original idea and filed for a patent in 2000, basically trying to create a way to monetize the ad hoc markets that pop up whenever people are in line or reserving places for entertainment (probably based on his own restaurant experience). He filed a single, very broad, multiregion patent on this, and launched a company and online platform around it in 2008 (OptionIt) to provide an online service for trading ticket reservations / places in line. Braxton had a similar but more clearly defined idea in 2011, and filed his own patent.

Like I said – I don’t like this idea, I wish it hadn’t been granted patent protection, and I’m happy if it never reaches the market. However, for all that, I think Pappas original idea was a bit more inventive. Back in 2000 we didn’t have an app economy, and we hadn’t gotten used to these kinds of ad hoc, internet-facilitated temporary market places. When Braxton came up with it, it was pretty dull.

Either way, once Pappas started his business, I guess he instructed his law firm to handle litigation as aggressively as possible, which is fairly standard practice, and which is the unfortunate behavior described in the video. After losing the original suit and then losing the Rule 11 motion, they argued like aggressive assholes in mediation, and got Braxton to back down. I think their threat was fairly hollow – he says that they threatened him with their ‘patent portfolio,’ but this is the only patent family I can find for OptionIt / Smart Option.

I’m not sure I would call this a textbook case of patent trolling – usually patent trolls file or acquire patents for the sole purpose of extorting legitimate businesses, but here it looks like Pappas was actually trying to make a go of this (shitty) app idea, but used intimidation to try to protect that idea. It’s one shitty business trying to intimidate another upstart shitty business, and the courts ruling against the first party. On the whole we all lose – OptionIt wins the mediation through shitty intimidation, and Braxton’s shitty patent gets added to Spangenberg’s portfolio of shitty troll assets to keep the cycle going.

phyman said:

Thank goodness TechDirt and the NYT continued to follow this story and outed the troll: Smart Options (in context even the name is f'ed up). It's a good read and even has cringingly terrible troll on troll fighting:

Stories like this simply crush my desire to strike out on my own in software development. We seriously need patent reform!

How Peter Braxton defeated a patent troll and still lost

Babymech says...

1 - His app sounds horrible and I would fucking hate if its use became widespread.
2 - Software and service patents are awful and shitty and shouldn't be a thing. His patent seems pretty shitty.
3 - The troll is obviously worse.

How Peter Braxton defeated a patent troll and still lost

nanrod says...

"Nice app you've got there. It would be a shame if something happened to it." Seriously, I'm certainly not a lawyer, but isn't there some kind of racketeering charge that can be brought against these guys?

I am being sued for using the Google Play Store.

Aziraphale says...

This makes a lot of sense to me. If google knew that people were going around striking the fear of god into app developers, they might have a vested interest in fighting this shit.

Sure, giant companies like SuperCell wouldn't give two shits. They have the billions necessary to fight any lawsuit, but idk, maybe it would help.... maybe

mram said:

Seriously, why doesn't Google help?

I would have directed the video to all app developers on Google, telling them that they are next to be sued, and to stop using the Google Play store as a result, since they all, apparently, are violating the patent. And that's a reason and vested interest in Google to assist.

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