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Apparatus - Awesome Android Game!

Dorkly Bits: Angry Birds versus/vs. Tiny Wings

variteks (Member Profile)

Einstein Vs. Hawking: Epic Rap Battle

Conan O'Brien/Coco Plays Life Sized Angry Birds (3/3/2011)

Mike Tyson Cures Your Angry Birds Addiction

BoneRemake says...

This angry birds thing, is it like some phenomena ? I have seen a few vids, even Conan or Jimmy kimmel doing a bit about it, Personally I thought the game was lame and not worth my time.

Others find it a good game ? not that I am surprised someone has a different taste then I, but all this attention ? whats with that ?

GDGD (Member Profile)

Playable Angry Bird Cake

Playable Angry Bird Cake

Mandtis says...

>> ^GDGD:

You can quality anyone's sift at silver star, and promote your own. At gold star you can promote other peoples. I appreciate the efforts though >> ^Mandtis:

Oh, ok... I always wondered what the darn power points were for, guess I can't do much with them...

Playable Angry Bird Cake

Angry Birds Rio Trailer

ant says...

>> ^rottenseed:

<em>>> <a rel="nofollow" href=''>^ant</a>:<br /><EM>>> <A rel="nofollow" href="" rel=nofollow>^VoodooV</A>:<BR><BR>I like Angry Birds way more than I should <BR></EM><BR><BR>Good thing I don't have a mobile device to play it. <IMG class=smiley src=""><BR></em>
I have it on my PS3 Just as fun BIGGER screen!

OK, good thing I don't have a video game console. I haven't had one since Atari 2600 unless a port exists on it.

Angry Birds Rio Trailer

Angry Birds Rio Trailer

Angry Birds Rio Trailer

Parents throwing Angry Birds toys at child

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