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Grandma steps in front of police guns to protect grandson .

newtboy says...

Don't move, hands up, face down on the ground....
MOTHERFUCKER!!! I SAID DON'T MOVE. (Shooting starts)

Works great.

Odd, when Obama was president you often applauded armed white guys ignoring police orders and shouting insults at the cops, and you said those cops were murderers when they killed a white domestic terrorist who had taken over a national park by force. What could be different? Hmmmm.

Still no explanation why 6 cops immediately drew and aimed their weapon over a stop sign being run.

bobknight33 said:

Obey the law and the officer.

You only make it worse for yourself when you don't obey.

Grandma steps in front of police guns to protect grandson .

newtboy says...

And why did 6+ cops need to draw and aim their guns at an unarmed man with his hands high for running a stop sign? Clear excessive force with no explanation besides racism.
*doublepromote another daily reminder that cops are a racist gang of violent power tripping thugs that will toss your grandma to the ground if she talks back.

News crew arrested on air in while covering riots

newtboy says...

The media being targeted by the government is step one towards totalitarian despotism.
Stand up. This is democracy itself under siege. If you take it sitting down or as just a spectator, you deserve the authoritarian dictatorship you'll wake up in tomorrow. If you live in Philadelphia, you have a duty to stand against tyranny. Get out there.

The president said we should shoot the THUGS in Philadelphia....they're easy to identify, they're wearing all blue with helmets. Aim for the armpits or crotch.

Note, no reason was ever given for the arrests (making this a kidnapping) and the governor had to get involved, they have been released now with his apology.

Arkansas State Troopers 109 MPH PIT Maneuver

Molten Aluminum vs. TheCube


Pallbearer Snub Mitch McConnell At Elijah Cummings' Memorial

newtboy says...

Lol. You think you know his political affiliation....why?

He was not a pallbearer because of his chosen party, but because he was a personal friend of Cummings, who had made many close friends of Republicans thanks to his over abundance of class.

Sadly, republicans cannot stay classy, they abandoned their last vestige of class over a decade ago in a racist fervor over Obama along with their remaining morals and ethics.

The snub was because he blamed McConnell for personally blocking bipartisan legislation Cummings had sponsored, which aimed at ensuring veterans got the benefits they earned...a move Mr Rankin blamed for hastening his brother's death because he couldn't afford to properly fight his disease, multiple myeloma, brought on by drinking tainted drinking water during his military service. It was personal, not political. He shook the house minority leader's hand.

Jesusismypilot said:

Stay classy democrats.

Grreta Thunberg's Speech to World Leaders at UN

vil says...

I am actually doing just fine simply completely ignoring her hysteria. First time I listened to her is this video.
What is her impact in China? Russia? India? Brazil? Indonesia? On people who make decisions?
Perhaps in the USofA hysteria can have an impact on future elections (I am actually doing just fine simply completely ignoring the current administration) but will global ecology really be a big (or medium..) election theme in the USofA in the near future, like 20 years?

Im washing out those plastic bottles and sorting trash and keep my car serviced properly and fly rarely. But if this type of hysteria is randomly aimed against nuclear power, attempts to talk to women in the workplace, and eating meat regularly on other days, could we please not go that way... too late.

What can be done to move the 6 countries mentioned at least slightly in the direction of Europe on pollution? To stop China building coal power stations all over Africa? Brasil and Indonesia deforesting? What has (or can) Grrreta really do to help there? This is like trying to shame Saddam Hussein to give up those WOMD he hid so well. How dare you Saddam? Bad boy!

Also how dare three quarters of us not just lie down and die without children to save the planet? Or are we evil and not mature enough to forego making money to buy food for our families? Which in most places on the Earth means polluting like hell. Vicious cycle. Maybe people should be more modest, maybe rich white kids should not be the ones saying that.

Grreta so reminds me of west european academic communism in the 60s. CND in the 70s. Greenpeace. And so on. Should find out more about people, now that she has read all those encyclopediae. Everyone has to eat and f*@k or we die out in one generation.

Temper tantrum

BSR says...

He may be pissed because the silverware isn't tuned. How can it play Tubular Bells with out-of-tune silverware?

But I got to say, it looked like it was aiming for the camera a few times.

60 teens vandalizing and looting Walgreens

JiggaJonson says...


Think of it a bit like this (quote from Wilde)

"...surrounded by hideous poverty, by hideous ugliness, by hideous starvation. It is inevitable that they should be strongly moved by all this. The emotions of man are stirred more quickly than man’s intelligence; and, as I pointed out some time ago in an article on the function of criticism, it is much more easy to have sympathy with suffering than it is to have sympathy with thought. Accordingly, with admirable, though misdirected intentions, they very seriously and very sentimentally set themselves to the task of remedying the evils that they see. But their remedies do not p. 3cure the disease: they merely prolong it. Indeed, their remedies are part of the disease.

They try to solve the problem of poverty, for instance, by keeping the poor alive; or, in the case of a very advanced school, by amusing the poor.

But this is not a solution: it is an aggravation of the difficulty. The proper aim is to try and reconstruct society on such a basis that poverty will be impossible. And the altruistic virtues have really prevented the carrying out of this aim. Just as the worst slave-owners were those who were kind to their slaves, and so prevented the horror of the system being realized by those who suffered from it, and understood by those who contemplated it"
And allow me to pop this out:
"the worst slave-owners were those who were kind to their slaves"

This is a stark/bleak example. I don't personally agree with it entirely. As I said, I bring cereal for my students and it's there and free and available unless I don't have time to get to the store or unless I myself am out of pocket change to buy extra food.

I don't ENTIRELY disagree though ----> Which is not to say that I agree.

I would say, YES there are structural changes that need to take place, but I also believe that assistance needs to be there to handle some kind of transition period while a problem is realized.

ALL of that being said

Here is a perfect example of a societal ill in our current system that needs to be addressed. It's a disgusting by-product of a structurally unsound student loan system.


President Carter on Trump, Russia, and the Election

newtboy says...

Yes, considered that by partisan idiots who couldn't see past their hatred for anything left of Regan....they thought him a dumb country bumpkin too. To the rest of us, he was the last responsible president not interested in using the office for personal gain, one who kept us out of war with Iran, and was cheated out of a second term by the right wing/Regan Iran Contra scandal, which delayed the release of hostages to help Regan win the election.

Read. There's proof of 100 contacts between the campaign and Russia, and an undeniable estimation of their actions which were 100% aimed at electing Trump, because he would divide us even more than Clinton (which is a high bar, to be sure), and be weak on foreign policy.
Edit: for someone trying to deny the efficacy of Russian propaganda, you certainly repeat it a lot.

Look at him go, still building houses by hand. Trump can't walk from one hole to the next tee without getting winded, that's why he drives his cart onto the green.

Nuclear submarine designer....proof of extremely high level intelligence. Commander and tester of same, proof of high level of competence and service to the nation. President bone spurs can't compete in any way.

Wow, Bob. You can't do better? Even you say he's a pedophilic lech at best, and you can name not a single charity he's involved in you know isn't fraudulent? Sad.
That's what you come up with, a joke about his lack of character that's not even a joke because it's true, caught on tape? Sad you see him for the anti humanitarian, misogynistic, infidelity flaunting, charity fraud he is, and still stand with him and smirk. Pathetic Bob. Just pathetic.

bobknight33 said:

President Carter was considered the worst POTUS in a century .

Russians interfered, clearly in favor of Trump-- no truth / proof to this.

Carter in better physical shape than Trump. Wow pushing clearly false narrative.. U schilling for the fake news?

Nuclear submarine commander/designer. -- Admirable
and Irreverent .

Name a humanitarian project Trump has been involved in ... Female anatomy inspector. Pay attention new you should know this. Did you miss the Access Hollywood tape?

Lighten up Newt.

Cyberpunk 2077 - Official Cinematic Trailer (E3 2019)

BSR says...

That's good. You are further along than the people it aims to attract.

Level up.

CrushBug said:

Now, I am a huge fan of shooters but the quantity of killing to solve problems in these cyberpunk games rubs me the wrong way.

Cart Narcs Catch A Dumb Hag

BSR says...

I think the focus should be aimed toward those who have been injured physically, emotionally and mentally from all forms of violence whether it is natural disaster, crime, abuse, sickness etc. The people who have been broken and have lost hope need to be picked up and repaired and brought back to a better reality of caring and belonging.

Those are the ones who have seen enough of fighting and killing and need to know they are not forgotten. They need to there are good people without anger in there hearts. Someone on their side.

They've seen enough punishment from those who have no answers. Force should be used to save lives, not punish lives, otherwise you are the thing they fear.

Not all bad people are bad. They become afraid or don't know how to get or ask for help. No one wants to look weak.

People need inspiration and the knowledge that they are loved and OK and that their numbers are growing.

I know all this sounds like wishful thinking and fantasy, dreams come true for the good, the bad and the ugly.

All alone, or in two's
The ones who really love you
Walk up and down outside the wall
Some hand in hand
And some gathered together in bands
The bleeding hearts and the artists
Make their stand
And when they've given you their all
Some stagger and fall, after all it's not easy
Banging your heart against some mad bugger's wall

Isn't this where

Roger Waters

newtboy said:

Fine, forgive, don't excuse, condone, or allow the horrid behavior.

Anthony Jeselnik: Fire in the Maternity Ward

Sagemind says...

But THIS video has nothing to do with kids, therefor it doesn't belong on the channel selection for this post.

Example: A cute video of a cat sleeping doesn't belong in the fail Channel, if a half later after the video ends, the cat falls off the bed.

Also, the "Kids" channel, was created to tag videos aimed at kids, so they can watch videos suitable to their age level, so again, it doesn't make sense here.

This video is about an old man smiling at the death of his

BSR said:

He does a great bit about kids in the full version. Hope that clears up the KIDS channel tag.

Why They want to REPLACE YOU

newtboy says...

Paranoid ravings of a lunatic stoking fear and tribalistic anger with zero actual information or specific accusations, just trigger words and video of political enemies.
This is the worst kind of political xenophobia aimed squarely at the ignorant who don't even grasp which side they support.

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