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BSR says...

I've driven on the shoulder like that many times. All I have is a sign I put in the front window that says MEDICAL EXAMINER and hazard lights.

How To Stop Road Rage

Vox: Why drugs cost more in America.

Sagemind says...

Seven executives of top pharmaceutical companies were grilled before a congressional panel Tuesday about the nation's skyrocketing drug prices

Sen. Ron Wyden, the ranking member of the committee, blasted Big Pharma as "morally repugnant" and accused the companies of operating in an "unacceptable" way. He grew testy when he believed the executives weren't being forthcoming about reducing list prices.

"All of this other stuff is window dressing," Wyden snapped. "You are stonewalling on the key issue."

At one point, he pressed the chairman and CEO of AbbVie, maker of the arthritis drug Humira, which, according to a recent New York Times story, has doubled in list price since 2012, from about $19,000 a year to $38,000. Wyden wanted to know whether the company makes money on drugs in Germany and other Westernized nations where patients pay, on average, 40% less than Americans.

"Yes, we do," CEO Richard Gonzalez said.
If that's the case, Wyden said, "you can do the same thing in the United States."

"How is that not gouging the American consumer?" he asked. "You are willing to sit by and hose the American consumer and give breaks to those overseas."

Dog Walks Up Stairs Like Human

BSR says...

And if I can just add, don't let your dog stick it's head out of the car window when moving. It's totally not good for the eyes. Just the wind alone, not to mention bugs and debris.

And NEVER EVER give your dog an assault rifle. It's bad for their ears.

Drachen_Jager said:

This is so bad for a dog's hips. Really this is animal abuse. Most breeds will suffer greatly as they age if they do this sort of thing a lot and often the pain in their hips will be so great they'll have to be put down. They're just not evolved to walk this way.

What Happens When You Try to File a Complaint Against a Cop

newtboy says...

You must be joking.
'We don't like the way you look' is justification for violent abuse of power in your great America, eh?
You really must be Russian, I've rarely heard anything more unAmerican and short sighted.

edit: I was completely respectful and compliant until the cop removed his gun from my head and knee from my respect or lack thereof had zero to do with his actions, tone, or threats.

Besides, the cop had his gun out through my window before he saw me based on his misreading my licence plate and assuming it was a stolen plate/car, a new Honda had nothing to do with my looks at least at first.
I got the same disrespectful treatment with a buzz cut as when I had hair to my waist. I got harassed when I wore a prep school uniform and when I wore tattered army surplus.

Ever thought your disrespectful preconceptions might be wrong?

bobknight33 said:

Newt not all cops are bad.

You had a bad experience and as you say "As a Mohawk sporting punk, I was often singled out as a younger teen for no good reason, "

Maybe you just looked like bad egg. Ever thought of cleaning up you act back then?

My brother had a cop put his gun to his head - he deserved it and I've been arrested a few times -- youthful kid stuff. I hold no ill will to cops. They just want to get home safe. If all interactions between cop and respectful citizens things would soften up after some time.

WRT to this video -- All were dicks and need to to have a complaint against them.

Counting Trump's False Claims Using Gumballs

SeesThruYou says...

Oh, sure... everything the Communist News Network says is totally legit. Uh huh. They wouldn't know the truth if it shot at them from a casino hotel window. What they don't show you is how there aren't enough gumballs in the WHOLE WORLD to count the false claims and other bullshit from the liberal side of the aisle.

Tim Apple

aegisarts says...

Give the man a break... I am not pro Trump in any way, but dont be hypocrites.... Look at your own cell phones and tell me it is not full of names like: Joe Plumber, Alex Computer Guy, Mike Mechanic.... Trump just happens to have a list that says Tim Apple, Bill Windows 95, Kanye Black and Obama Kenya.

Gary Clark Jr - This Land

newtboy says...

Paranoid and pissed off
Now that I got the money
Fifty acres and a model A
Right in the middle of Trump country
I told you there goes a neighbourhood
Now mister Williams ain't so funny
I see you looking out your window
Can’t wait to call the police on me
When I know you think I'm up to somethin'
I'm just eating out but still hungry
And this is my analogy
I ain't even near you can't take it from me
I remember when you used to tell me
'Nigga run, nigga run
Go back where you come from
Nigga run, nigga run
Go back where you come from
We don't want, we don’t want your kind
We think you’s a dog born
Fuck you, I'm America’s son
This is where I come from
This land is mine
This land is mine
This land is mine
This land is mine
Up till the sun comes up
No I can't stop grindin'
And I can't let ’em break me
No I can't let 'em find me
You can meet my friend the governor
Only if you wanna try me
Or you can meet my other friend the judge
Just in case you think I'm lyin'
And I know you think I'm up to somethin'
I'm just eating out but still hungry
And this is my analogy
I ain't leaving here you can't take it from me
I remember when you used to tell me
'Nigga run, nigga run
Go back where you come from
Nigga run, nigga run
Go back where you come from
We don't want, we don't want your kind
We think you's a dog born
Fuck you, I'm America's son
This is where I come from
This land is mine
This land is mine
This land is mine
This land is mine
This land is mine
Songwriters: Gary Clark Jr.
This Land lyrics © Universal Music Publishing Group

Interview about writing the song-

Only in Detroit

Guard The Cookies, Hal

eric3579 says...

Sentry Mode adds a unique layer of protection to Tesla vehicles by continuously monitoring the environment around a car when it’s left unattended. When enabled, Sentry Mode enters a “Standby” state, like many home alarm systems, which uses the car’s external cameras to detect potential threats. If a minimal threat is detected, such as someone leaning on a car, Sentry Mode switches to an “Alert” state and displays a message on the touchscreen warning that its cameras are recording. If a more severe threat is detected, such as someone breaking a window, Sentry Mode switches to an “Alarm” state, which activates the car alarm, increases the brightness of the center display, and plays music at maximum volume from the car’s audio system.

If a car switches to “Alarm” state, owners will also receive an alert from their Tesla mobile app notifying them that an incident has occurred. They’ll be able to download a video recording of an incident (which begins 10 minutes prior to the time a threat was detected) by inserting a formatted USB drive into their car before they enable Sentry Mode.

Sexual Assault of Men Played for Laughs

BSR says...

It sounds to me as though you're on a mission to point out the evil taking place in children's movies that encourage bad things, such as torture as a tool. It also sounds as though you are ready to set aside some of your valuable time to bring attention to this "problem."

I'm not aware that you have ever attacked any sifters and it never crossed my mind.

What would you say if I told you Pixar knows EXACTLY what they are doing, why they are doing it and how they are succeeding, with or without your help? Your doubt about what they are doing is sending you down an unending, fruitless road costing you valuable time that you should be spending with your children. Not to mention the cost at the ticket window.

All the answers to your fears are already built into the same movie(s) you point out. If you look for evil you will create it and find it. Drop your cynicism and look for the good.

When you find the good you will be able teach your children how to get along in this world just by your example. Make your valuable time worth it.

I truly believe you are straightforward, honest, and as factual as you can be. Find the good and you will have unlimited power on your side. Yes, even the Tin Man, Scarecrow and Cowardly Lion.
All alone, or in two's
The ones who really love you
Walk up and down outside the wall
Some hand in hand
And some gathered together in bands
The bleeding hearts and the artists
Make their stand
And when they've given you their all
Some stagger and fall, after all it's not easy
Banging your heart against some mad bugger's wall -Pink Floyd

JiggaJonson said:

I suppose that depends on the definition of demonizing and on my intent. As I said, it's not just an indictment of Pixar but children's film's more broadly. Its limited in scope because of the forum.

I'm not sure how to respond to your second comment about what I fear. That seems like some sort of red herring and I haven't attacked any sifters. I don't feel like the commentary on Pixar film's is an attack either, I doubt they realize what they're doing beyond adding what they think will be a salacious plot point to a movie.

I suppose I fear being surrounded by dumb internet trolls, but hey, all I can do is be straightforward, honest, and as factual as I can be.

The Better Boarding Method Airlines Won't Use

When accidentally dropping a grenade in VR is dangerous IRL

Golden Retriever Licks Window Trying to Eat Pizza

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