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nock (Member Profile)

nock (Member Profile)

Obama Restricts Military Equipment For Police

JustSaying says...

And then what? They're gonna take your guns away?
Always this silly paranoia about jade helmets and black helicopters. They don't send armed troops for you, they just sell you to Walmart. What good are heavily armed cops when they're owned by OCP?

lantern53 said:

The feds will reserve all of those tanks, rocket launchers, MRAPs, etc for themselves.

It's typical...don't let the states have any of that equipment because it's too much...we'll just store it in this warehouse over her until WE need it.

Black Man Vs. White Man Carrying AR-15 Legally

Payback says...

It's also entirely possible the cops got a call about a "good ol' boy tea bagger trying to cause shit by standing up for his rights", and then later some scared granny calls in about "some goddamn Al Quesadilla terrorist wanting to shoot up the Walmart!!!"

Police response for each would be different, no matter what the colours were.

A good experiment would be for the white guy walking around with a fully capable AR15, then show a black guy walking the same area with a fully capable, CLEAR PLASTIC AirSoft rifle...

...betcha the same damn thing would happen.

Protecting and serving by automobile

Mordhaus says...

All the information I referred to or copied was from the link to the CNN article in the link the sifter provided above.

Crimes in which violence is the means to an end, such as robbery, are violent crimes. Violent crimes may, or may not, be committed with weapons. He robbed a store, committed arson on an occupied structure, committed breaking and entering upon a private home, stole the car at said home which is GTA, then committed another robbery at the walmart when he took the gun.

CNN stated that the person was also accused of pointing the rifle at the police, firing it in the air, and then later pointing it at himself. The man clearly has some mental issues, but he was a threat to society in the condition he was in. His rights do not trump the rights of his fellow citizens to be protected from his mental illness.

There are lots of ways that this could have been handled differently, but there are also lots of ways this could have went worse. We could be discussing why the police didn't do more before this guy shot an innocent bystander.

From the interview that I saw on CNN of the police chief, lethal force had been authorized if needed. I think this officer saw an opportunity and took it, perhaps over zealously, to end the situation without harm to innocents.

newtboy said:

First I've heard he pointed it at the police, that's not in any of the videos I've seen. He only pointed it at himself on video. Where did you read that?
He apparently fired because the Walmart employee was yelling to the cop that the gun had a trigger lock and was harmless, and he seemed to be proving it wasn't by firing directly up.
He seemed to be having a serious mental issue, it seemed the first cop understood that and was acting accordingly. Because they could shoot him doesn't mean that trying to kill him is the only, or best solution.
He was involved in multiple crimes, but it wasn't reported he was violent with anyone until your post. Where did you get your info, and who was he violent against?
almost dupeof, but at least...

Protecting and serving by automobile

newtboy says...

First I've heard he pointed it at the police, that's not in any of the videos I've seen. He only pointed it at himself on video. Where did you read that?
He apparently fired because the Walmart employee was yelling to the cop that the gun had a trigger lock and was harmless, and he seemed to be proving it wasn't by firing directly up.
He seemed to be having a serious mental issue, it seemed the first cop understood that and was acting accordingly. Because they could shoot him doesn't mean that trying to kill him is the only, or best solution.
He was involved in multiple crimes, but it wasn't reported he was violent with anyone until your post. Where did you get your info, and who was he violent against?
almost dupeof, but at least...

Mordhaus said:

Sorry, the guy had been involved in violent crimes, was armed with a high powered rifle, fired the rifle in the air, pointed it at police, and one of the officers took a chance in taking him down before he hurt himself or others.

People don't understand that they could have simply shot him as soon as he pointed the gun at a cop, with just cause. The fact that the guy lived, and will most likely use this to sue the city and make out like a bandit, is pretty much a win win for him. His lawyer is just blowing it up to make more bank in the lawsuit.

Copy pasta of salient facts, remember, these are in addition to shooting the rifle and pointing it at a cop.

At 6:45 a.m., Valencia robbed a 7-Eleven in Tucson with a metal object in his hand. Authorities said he was dressed only in his underwear. He was charged with theft.

A little more than an hour later, police said, Valencia set a fire at a church for which he was charged with arson of an occupied structure.

Just after that he entered a home and stole a car, police said.

Authorities said he drove to a Walmart where he stole a .30-30 rifle and ammunition. He fled the store with Walmart employees in pursuit.

Protecting and serving by automobile

Mordhaus says...

Sorry, the guy had been involved in violent crimes, was armed with a high powered rifle, fired the rifle in the air, pointed it at police, and one of the officers took a chance in taking him down before he hurt himself or others.

People don't understand that they could have simply shot him as soon as he pointed the gun at a cop, with just cause. The fact that the guy lived, and will most likely use this to sue the city and make out like a bandit, is pretty much a win win for him. His lawyer is just blowing it up to make more bank in the lawsuit.

Copy pasta of salient facts, remember, these are in addition to shooting the rifle and pointing it at a cop.

At 6:45 a.m., Valencia robbed a 7-Eleven in Tucson with a metal object in his hand. Authorities said he was dressed only in his underwear. He was charged with theft.

A little more than an hour later, police said, Valencia set a fire at a church for which he was charged with arson of an occupied structure.

Just after that he entered a home and stole a car, police said.

Authorities said he drove to a Walmart where he stole a .30-30 rifle and ammunition. He fled the store with Walmart employees in pursuit.

Today on C.G.W.-Cop Goes Into GTA Mode And Runs Down Suspect

newtboy says...

The cop has been cleared of all criminal charges, sending the message that if you're threatening to commit suicide, the cops will be glad to oblige and try to kill you and suffer no consequence for (attempted) homicide whatsoever.
Also sending the message that running down a human being at full throttle is an acceptable police tactic against a suspect that's already surrounded rather than trying ANY less lethal method.

New video shows that the man was holding the gun to his own chin, and newly released information shows that he didn't use the gun to commit crimes, he stole the gun at Walmart right before the video and only fired it into the air once (perhaps to unload it? More likely to prove it's loaded.).

It's getting really old, Mr. Po-po, and turnabout's considered fair play. You might think about that, and the fact that 10% of Americans are armed and have severe impulse control issues.

Cops Tazer Horse Thief, Then Beat And Kick Over 50 Times

newtboy says...

Here's a instance of police showing amazing RESTRAINT before being forced to shoot a civilian for good cause.
3 officers are violently gang attacked by a family of 7+ in a Walmart parking lot. Multiple times the officers are taken to the ground by multiple assailants, but they continue to try only non-lethal means of control for over 3 minutes of getting beaten down, at one point one cop actually kicks another in the head in the scuffle. They only resort to using lethal force when one assailant manages to take a cop's gun and shoots repeatedly, hitting the cop. Only then does another officer use lethal force against that single attacker, with a SINGLE controlled shot, then goes back to non-lethal methods of restraint on the remaining crowd. These officers acted the way I want all officers to act.

There's fairly graphic death, so it's snuff, so I won't sift it, but it can be found here....Warning, violent graphic death.

Why Tipping Should Be Banned

bareboards2 says...

I traveled with a woman from England once. She raved about the low prices in restaurants.

I explained that was because she was expected to tip and that the servers were paid very poorly.

She still refused to tip, and just enjoyed the low prices.

I made a point of going back to the servers after she left and tell them -- hey, she's from England and doesn't tip. That tip is from me.

The servers didn't really care, but I did. I did not want any bad karma attached to me.

I agree with this video. Get rid of tipping and pay for the actual cost of your food.

Related topic -- Walmart needs to pay their workers so the folks who shop at Walmart pay the actual costs of the goods, instead of having the American taxpayers pay for it through food stamps. (I'm not opposed to food stamps AT ALL, I am opposed to people not paying for what they get.)

First fail of the year (2015)

a brief history of the modern strawberry

Xaielao says...

One of the myriad reasons I eat primarily locally farmed organic produce. Well that and the food tastes way better. I actually barely spend more money than I would going to say Walmart for my food. Only I pay in larger chunks and get so much of it my SO cans and freezes about half of it for use over winter.

5 Simple Rules to Not being an Asshole in Society

creepy hologram at a london railway station

A10anis says...

Two points; The cost of hiring a person and second, who would want a boring job like that? Almost as mind numbing as being a greeter at Walmart.Like it or not these things - and robots - are the future. I don't like the idea, but too late now.

Sagemind said:

What is the point? Why is it so hard to hire a person??

Black Friday - Movie Trailer

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