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Supreme Court Ethics: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

newtboy says...

Still waiting, you will never be an adult.

Of course you would, because you see nothing wrong with bribing justices, but you only think that because it’s ONLY far right activist judges that changed their tune after confirmation caught taking tens of millions in bribes from people with cases before them, but when Sotomayor reported a book advance on the wrong years taxes you screamed bloody murder and acted like SHE had been selling decisions to foreign powers.

That’s absolutely hilarious, seeing as the biggest bribe taker Thomas has CLAIMED for decades to love having dinner with commoners in Walmart parking lots, and you bought that lie 100% while in reality his vacations were multi million dollar family trips to private ultra luxury islands and multi million dollar ultra luxury “retreats” also worth millions per person, he despises peons like you, but is happy to lie to you knowing you’ll buy any bullshit lie he tells you because his tie is red and he’s a team player (but you don’t realize it’s team Thomas). Clearly he knew you and most others don’t expect justices to abuse their position to cozy up to billionaire benefactors and offer special treatment in return.

The liberal justices still have friends from before being impaneled, not the conservatives.

You are fine with justice for the highest bidder, not equal Justice for all. Very unAmerican of you, traitor.

bobknight33 said:

I would expect any SCOTUS only to have " richer" friends.
Dont think any SCOTUS / POTUS/ Congress member would entertain a dinner trip with @newtboy or other commoner.

Judiciary Committee Hearing on Supreme Court Ethics Reform

newtboy says...

No, you fuckwit. You are always releasing the paper tigers you love to fight. Heroically battling windmills. 😂

They should only be allowed to accept minor gifts they report like a normal under $100 meal, not $1 million vacations that are specifically barred by law, not sale of properties at extreme profits that’s intentionally hidden from financial reports which require their report by clear unambiguous law.
It’s not one bit about “hanging out”, it’s about selling access to justices to people with cases before the Supreme Court in secret, about buying opportunity to present your argument to justices away from the court with no rules or opposition and prejudice them towards your position, and to pay them to accept those positions.

(Side note, it’s not illegal but this also 100% destroys the fake “Everyman” persona Thomas has lied about for decades….saying he prefers Walmart parking lots to expensive beaches and old RVs over luxury travel, but spending all his vacations on private luxury beaches, exclusive luxury resorts and retreats, and globetrotting on private planes. Every word you’ve ever heard from this man is a lie. Every. Single. Word. Ever.)

News flash, these billionaires had no interest in being friends with the justices before hey were on the highest court…they aren’t old friends, they’re new benefactors found after they became powerful justices mislabeled as “friends”. Guaranteed, if Thomas is removed, he will never hear from Crow again….not once.

News flash, Justices are only rich because they illegally take bribes in the million dollar range for the sale of their decisions in court. They were not rich before becoming justices. Do you think American justice should be for sale to the highest bidder…should Soros be in control of everything because, as you believe, he bribes everyone everywhere. (Hint- you would clearly call for prison nonstop if you could prove he bribed anyone).

No, you don’t think, you just defend every righty crime no matter what it is and make up lefty crimes out of thin air.

You fuckwit. He hid EVERYTHING. Tens to hundreds of millions unreported, every penny of which he absolutely knew must be reported by law, he reported most before finding out Scalia had gotten away with not reporting tens of millions and over 70 million dollar international hunting trips, one of which he died on….today it was revealed Crow secretly, totally unreported, paid for Thomas’s ward/child’s tuition at hyper expensive (Tuition at the exclusive Hidden Lake Academy cost more than $6,000 a month) private schools….on top of million dollar vacations for the entire family, businesses created for his wife and huge salary for his wife unreported, property sold by Thomas above market value then handed back for free with major improvements, the list of bribes discovered from this one billionaire grows daily….hint, he’s not the only one.

Yes, dumbshit. If as a judge you sell your decisions about the law in America for a cash bribe, that’s secret personal enrichment. I know, two 3 syllable words together is way above your comprehension level.

Edit: Maybe that’s the problem. Let’s try this….
He big steal lots of times…lots big steals two. Big lies to. Him sell law four cash bribe. Your thinks say that ok fine, he MAGA hero, so he can no bad. That dumb.

Big surprise….because conservatives were caught taking them over and over and over and over and over you now have absolutely no problem with bribery at the highest levels….but you’ll lose your shit and start screaming “hypocrisy! Criminals! Lock them up!” if any non MAGgot gets caught accepting a sandwich.

bobknight33 said:

So people at supreme court should only be allowed to hang with poor people?
News Flash These justices are fairly rich themselves.

secret personal enrichment?
Your the F idiot
He not hiding anything.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

And now that you’ve had time to wipe the shit from your eyes and ears have you had the opportunity to realize I was 100% correct again, and/or comprehend this bought and paid for Republican fraud on the Supreme Court needs to go?
Of course not. Anything goes for MAGA, rules, laws, honesty, and ethics are for liberals.
This guy is your BEST…and is just another lying thief that sells their government power to the highest bidder then accuses others of their own crimes. Like all unpatriotic Maggots are.

In his vanity movie, paid for by the same multi billionaire, he actually said “I prefer the RV parks, I prefer the Walmart parking lot to the beaches and things like that. There’s something normal to me about it. I come from regular stock and I prefer that.” Then hopped on a private jet for a 10 day stay on private Indonesian islands valued at well over $500000. You are the kind of dishonest moron that, knowing he takes ultra luxury vacations only billionaires can afford multiple times per year, would still believe his lie that he vacations in RVs in Walmart parking lots because he’s a regular guy. 🤦‍♂️

Taking bribes should be a death penalty offense at that level of government, they’re committing treason.

Bonus- another MAGA Trump “judge”, Carl Nickles, has been overturned. He decided to protect insurrectionists in his court by denying the DOJ the right to charge insurrectionists with obstruction of justice. A 3 judge panel overturned that ruling, reinstating hundreds of cases for obstruction of justice. WINNING!

Second bonus- Turns out Crow also completely funded Ginny Thomas’s Tea Party political action group that lobbied the courts constantly and paid her $120 k per year to run it, also unreported. The equivalent of Soros paying Sotamayor and her family millions a year to rule in his favor then claiming no crime, it was all simply birthday gifts, nothing burger. So much for the sad obvious lie that it wasn’t politically motivated. 😂

bobknight33 said:

You head is deep into you back side

Robot dog with a machine gun

World's First Floating City

eoe says...

1. Never trust anyone who says "basically" too much about things that aren't basic at all.

2. I don't see Taco Bells, Walmarts, and other terrible elements of suburban life. I don't know how that'll float (ho ho!) in South Korea, but it'd never hold water (ho ho!) in the US.

3. I agree with newtboy. I'd like to know what sort of people are on their payroll or board of directors. Do they have all the sorts of scientists ad engineers you'd want for a project like this or just a handful of pie-in-the-sky Silicon Valley-ish types?

100 Kids Tell Us What They Want to Be When They Grow Up

Stop Kowtowing to China | Real Time with Bill Maher

cloudballoon says...

But Eileen Gu is the classic American Capitalist. She follows where the (sponsorship) money is. Expert at her sport AND doublespeak. She's living her American Dream!

It's not kowtowing to China. It's just "smart business" if you take off that racist lens.

If Walmart is so patriotic, then they can stop sourcing from China.

If the American Auto Industry is so patriotic, they can stop buying their parts from China.

If Corporate America is so patritotic, they can stop opening up factories in China.

China's not forcing shit on America. It's America that love lapping up the cheapest shit they can find in China and beyond. Corporate America is not willing to pay a fair wage in America, they're even less willing to pay of living wage anywhere else, many forcing a "996" work schedule on staff (

"China"... it's an American addiction. Not the other way around.

Use of force incident at Walmart in East Syracuse NY

Colorado Police Break Elderly Dementia Patient's Arm

luxintenebris jokingly says...

not a candidate for a police detective.

elderly woman on foot; alongside of a road; in an industrial area!? hell of a long run for granny, if she's on the lam?

got a whole different vibe from the lady other than wanting to kick her keister.

can't imagine walmart is too happy w/the city that they got to be featured in deputy bulldoger's arrest. hee. haw.

Scary encounter with Mountain Lion cubs and mom

BSR says...

I took a 2,500 mile mountain bike trip back in 2011. I was aware of the problem of loose dogs chasing bikes. With two saddlebags strapped to my bike with my belongings I knew I would not be able to outrun a Chihuahua let alone a pitbull, German shepherd or a bear.

I carried an air horn from Walmart that I attached to the bike with Velcro for a quick grab. I had no less than 7 dogs surprise me during my trip. The air horn was very effective in showing them who's boss. Their ears fold back and their tail tucked between their legs while running in the opposite direction.

Even if a dog managed to grab me, I doubt it would be able to withstand the hurt it would inflict blasting in its ear at close range.

Edit: I'm assuming no one thought I would shove the air horn in the dogs butt.

mxxcon said:

Maybe not even a gun but a loud horn would be enough

Risky Trombone Routine

Kid hides from police in Bend

BSR says...

Seems they stuck it to themselves.


A viral video making the rounds Monday shows a boy going to extremes to avoid detection by Bend Police.

The video, captured by a home security system, shows a boy running near the driveway of a single-family home on a south Bend cul-de-sac before climbing inside one of the home’s garbage cans and closing the lid. Seconds later, a Bend officer walks by and asks several nearby girls if they saw a boy run by. They say no.

Thirty minutes later, the boy exits the garbage can and runs off, seemingly consequence-free.

But according to Bend Police spokesperson Lt. Juli McConkey, that boy and three others were ultimately contacted at their homes and cited with second-­degree theft for allegedly stealing Pokemon cards from Walmart.

On July 5, Walmart loss prevention staff called the Bend Police Department to report several boys had stolen Pokemon cards from the store in south Bend. The store turned over security footage and still images of the boys that a Bend school resource officer used to identify them.

The boys, between the ages of 13 and 15, were not contacted until Sunday, when Walmart personnel called Bend Police to report the same boys were back in the store and had stolen more Pokemon cards.

Police arrived, but the boys were by then hiding somewhere in the store and playing the card game, McConkey said.

They eventually came out and were spotted by officers. The boys ran, spilling into the surrounding neighborhoods, which is when the home security camera captured one of the boys evading capture.

On Monday, the video had been viewed more than 1 million times.

The Bulletin does not typically identify juvenile criminal suspects or defendants.

— The Bulletin

Payback said:

Props to the little girls for not ratting him out.

Stick it to the Man!

How the Pink Tax Is Ripping Off Women

eric3579 says...

I'm pretty sure that the women paid twenty cents on the dollar comment is highly debatable. My understanding was that when you actually compared apples to apples it was around six or seven percent. Still not zero where it should be but also not twenty as was stated. (edit) John says 4-8%

And just for fun i wanted to check the prices myself for the items in the video.

The CVS Menstrual pain medication they compared are NOT the same.
The menstrual product has Acetaminophen AND two additional ingredients

The razors are not on CVS website but are on BICS website. Comparing prices of the two products shown in the video, the "womens" one was actually cheaper by fifty cents. Also can't be sure that the razors they are comparing are exactly the same. Probably close enough though.
Womens Soleil Twilight
Mens Flex 3

The same kids snorkel i found on Amazon. The one shop who actually has it in pink and also has two other colors are selling them for the same price.

The baby walker i found on Wallmarts site, and the pink one cost more. The other has been discounted from its original price.

The Underwear were as stated in the video. Different quantity at the same price.

Well that was a fun little project

Mr. Willie - BAM!

Shady Secrets Walmart Doesn't Want You To Know

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