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Undercover Cop Caught on Camera; Assaults Cooperating Teen

Yogi says...

>> ^chilaxe:

@<a rel="nofollow" href="" title="member since May 15th, 2009" class="profilelink">Yogi
Asian Americans are around 4% of the US population, and Jewish Americans are around 2%, so we wouldn't expect to see a high proportion of CEOs belonging to those groups.
It is, though, not uncommon to see Asian Americans in high positions in Wall Street, in medicine, or as CEOs in Silicon Valley, where I live, and Jewish Americans are certainly overrepresented as CEOs relative to their proportion of the population. The majority of big Hollywood companies, for example, have CEOs who are Jewish.

Well that certainly show'd me. Oh hey Harlem...Oh hey Compton...Oh hey Black and Hispanic kids graduating at a phenomenally lower rate than white kids. Damn guess there's nothing in America that has to do with ethnicity, socio-economic status, access to employment ect. Must be the weather or something right?

Look you're just crazy if you don't think it matters it does. There's been hundreds of studies on the subject if you want to look it up and stop bothering to argue it over the internet.

Undercover Cop Caught on Camera; Assaults Cooperating Teen

Yogi says...

>> ^chilaxe:

>> ^GenjiKilpatrick:
Cause the only factor in determining the outcome of your life is strong self will..
..not age or ethnicity, socio-economic status, geography, political climate, access to employment, whether you're part of the dominant social group; right?
>> ^EmptyFriend:
i guess it comes down to an old belief of mine: you know who didn't get kicked in the face? the kid NOT selling drugs to undercover cops.

That must be why Jewish and Asian Americans outperform white people.

I don't see too many Asians or Jewish people running americas corporations. You might see a couple in Executive positions but you also see a couple black people. You think ethnicity isn't something that matters it most certainly does, in study after study after study.

Undercover Cop Caught on Camera; Assaults Cooperating Teen

bareboards2 says...

Different incidents. Oops. I missed that it was at the END of this vid that the new incident is discussed.

I don't follow this that closely, but I think that the Federal Government is stepping in to investigate the Seattle Police Department for unnecessary violence. I live an hour away -- close enough to care, far enough away to not worry about me being a victim at any given moment.

>> ^Duckman33:

>> ^EmptyFriend:
i need more info. was the teen doing something like robbing the place? he was handcuffed and taken away.
i am not trying to belittle those kicks, he obviously had his hands up.... i don't know, depends on the cirumstances. $450k is a lot of money for 3 kicks.

googled it: sounds like some shady business was going down but the judge let this kid off.... so he decided to sue for a half million. i don't know what amount of testicle damage and chest/face pain could be worth that much money...
i guess it comes down to an old belief of mine: you know who didn't get kicked in the face? the kid NOT selling drugs to undercover cops.

More info? [Edit] The kid wasn't doing anything wrong or shady other than looking like someone that sold drugs to an under cover officer... So he gets kicked repeatedly because he looks like someone. Then the cops have the nerve to say what the under cover cop did was necessary/required. I didn't know it was necessary/required to kick someone repeatedly about the body and head because they allegedly sold drugs to an under cover cop. Pathetic. They discuss this at the end of this clip by the way.

Undercover Cop Caught on Camera; Assaults Cooperating Teen

chilaxe says...

>> ^GenjiKilpatrick:

Cause the only factor in determining the outcome of your life is strong self will..
..not age or ethnicity, socio-economic status, geography, political climate, access to employment, whether you're part of the dominant social group; right?
>> ^EmptyFriend:
i guess it comes down to an old belief of mine: you know who didn't get kicked in the face? the kid NOT selling drugs to undercover cops.

That must be why Jewish and Asian Americans outperform white people.

Undercover Cop Caught on Camera; Assaults Cooperating Teen

Duckman33 says...

>> ^EmptyFriend:

i need more info. was the teen doing something like robbing the place? he was handcuffed and taken away.
i am not trying to belittle those kicks, he obviously had his hands up.... i don't know, depends on the cirumstances. $450k is a lot of money for 3 kicks.

googled it: sounds like some shady business was going down but the judge let this kid off.... so he decided to sue for a half million. i don't know what amount of testicle damage and chest/face pain could be worth that much money...
i guess it comes down to an old belief of mine: you know who didn't get kicked in the face? the kid NOT selling drugs to undercover cops.

More info? [Edit] The kid wasn't doing anything wrong or shady other than looking like someone that sold drugs to an under cover officer... So he gets kicked repeatedly because he looks like someone. Then the cops have the nerve to say what the under cover cop did was necessary/required. I didn't know it was necessary/required to kick someone repeatedly about the body and head because they allegedly sold drugs to an under cover cop. Pathetic. They discuss this at the end of this clip by the way.

Undercover Cop Caught on Camera; Assaults Cooperating Teen

Undercover Cop Caught on Camera; Assaults Cooperating Teen

cosmovitelli says...

You know who thinks it's ok for state security operatives to batter defenceless kids who know if they try to defend themselves they'll be killed or tortured or put in a box for 5 years? Dictatorships. And stupid right wing assholes.>> ^EmptyFriend:

i guess it comes down to an old belief of mine: you know who didn't get kicked in the face? the kid NOT selling drugs to undercover cops.

Undercover Cop Caught on Camera; Assaults Cooperating Teen

GenjiKilpatrick says...

Cause the only factor in determining the outcome of your life is strong self will..

..not age or ethnicity, socio-economic status, geography, political climate, access to employment, whether you're part of the dominant social group; right?
>> ^EmptyFriend:

i guess it comes down to an old belief of mine: you know who didn't get kicked in the face? the kid NOT selling drugs to undercover cops.

Undercover Cop Caught on Camera; Assaults Cooperating Teen

EmptyFriend says...

i need more info. was the teen doing something like robbing the place? he was handcuffed and taken away.

i am not trying to belittle those kicks, he obviously had his hands up.... i don't know, depends on the cirumstances. $450k is a lot of money for 3 kicks.

googled it: sounds like some shady business was going down but the judge let this kid off.... so he decided to sue for a half million. i don't know what amount of testicle damage and chest/face pain could be worth that much money...

i guess it comes down to an old belief of mine: you know who didn't get kicked in the face? the kid NOT selling drugs to undercover cops.

What are you Watching? (1sttube Talk Post)

ant says...

* 30 Second Bunnies
* All Your History (not all of the episodes).
* American Dad
* The Apprentice
* The Big Bang Theory
* Chuck
* Cinemassacre Productions for online movie and video game reviews (not all of them) with cussings and humor.
* Classic Game Room/InecomCompany -- Not all reviews.
* Educated Earth -- not everything.
* Family Guy (later seasons only)
* Fast and Loose
* Futurama (all episodes and movies and kept up since the pilot).
* GameInformer's Replay Hub (not all of them).
* Grey's Anatomy (since the pilot and kept up)
* The Guild (since the pilot and kept up)
* Know Your Meme (also on YouTube; not all episodes)
* The IT Crowd (kept up since its pilot)
* Matt's Chat (not all episodes)
* MythBusters (not all old episodes, but do keep up with the latest ones)
* New Media Agency (NMA) for sometimes funny animated news from Taiwan daily. Not every one of them is watched like the lame weather ones.
* No Ordinary Family.
* Nostalgia Critic (mostly movie and television/TV reviews, and do not watch all episodes).
* Retroware TV (not all episodes)
* Simon's Cat on YouTube (all episodes).
* The Simpsons (should be all episodes since Tracey Ullman's short days)
* Smallville (all episodes and kept up mostly after a few episodes in season one)
* South Park (not all episodes; skip the "sewer"/dirty ones)
* Star Wars: The Clone Wars (kept up since its pilot)
* Undercover Boss -- Rarely, since this worker ant only watches the interesting companies.
* Versus (not all old episodes).
* The Walking Dead.
* Walk on the Wild Side (kept up since its pilot).
* Television/TV/Telly commercial/spots/advertisements/ads. on FunnyPlace (kept up with its latest frequent updates).
* Many other online videos especially random ones from VideoSift (not all of them and using filters).
* Various interesting documentaries.

The Fifth Estate: 'You Should've Stayed at Home'

Pprt says...

You understand why the cops were there right?

It wasn't to protect you or "silence" your thoughts.
>> ^notarobot:

"Why would this event be any different?"

Because YOU weren't there witnsess the event. Because YOU didn't have your shoulder dislocated by an officer in full riot armour. Because YOU did not have your prosthetic ripped from your leg. Because you were not arrested without any warrant or concern for your civil liberties.

There are a lot of good cops in this world, Pprt. I have a strong belief that the real good cop bad cop ratio is something to the tune of 99:1 but that "one" left over can sometimes give the other 99 an undeserved reputation and THAT is exactly what this ISN't about.
The truth is that when an officer is ordered to do something that makes him feel like he needs to take his name tag off to execute that order (and keep his job) then something is wrong. If there are plain clothes officers able to leap out of the crowd to protect, what? Why were there plain clothes officers among the crowd NOT preventing vandalism of private property and their own police vehicles?
We know that police are sometimes ordered to commit the very acts forbidden by law. We know that police have broken the law so to twist public perception of otherwise peaceful protests because THEY HAVE PUBLICLY ADMITTED doing so. It is also very likely that an inquiry could reveal similar tactics used during the G20.
What is wrong with this? A group of well trained, capable individuals, sworn to uphold the law and protect the people used against the very people they are trusted to protect. Orders passed down through subterfuge, obfuscated behind veils of lies.
And 99 of them know it's wrong.

>> ^Pprt:
Next time you see cops blocking a crime scene or an accident.. go ahead and give them a hard time. Tell them how it's your right to walk right up to a dead body or a smashed car.
No? Why not?
Because you understand that sometimes the police are there for a reason and you respect that. Why would this event be any different?>> ^Yogi:
>> ^Pprt:
Bunch of unemployed losers determined to get into confrontations with cops and then get what they ask for... Outrageous!

Shut the fuck up you piece of shit. You don't say the same about people throwing Tea into the Boston Harbor do you?

The Fifth Estate: 'You Should've Stayed at Home'

notarobot says...

"Why would this event be any different?"

This event is different because YOU weren't there witnsess it. Because YOU didn't have your shoulder dislocated by an officer in full riot armour. Because YOU did not have your prosthetic ripped from your leg. Because you were not arrested without any warrant or concern for your civil liberties.

There are a lot of good cops in this world, Pprt. I have a strong belief that the real good cop bad cop ratio is something to the tune of 99:1 but that "one" left over can sometimes give the other 99 an undeserved reputation and THAT is exactly what this ISN't about.

The truth is that when an officer is ordered to do something that makes him feel like he needs to take his name tag off to execute that order (and keep his job) then something is wrong. If there are plain clothes officers able to leap out of the crowd to protect, what? Why were there plain clothes officers among the crowd NOT preventing vandalism of private property and their own police vehicles?


We know that police are sometimes ordered to commit the very acts forbidden by law. We know that police have broken the law so to twist public perception of otherwise peaceful protests because THEY HAVE PUBLICLY ADMITTED doing so. It is also very likely that an inquiry could reveal similar tactics used during the G20.

What is wrong with this? A group of well trained, capable individuals, sworn to uphold the law and protect the people used against the very people they are trusted to protect is a breach of that trust. Orders were passed down through subterfuge, obfuscated behind veils of lies.

And 99 of them know it's wrong.

>> ^Pprt:

Next time you see cops blocking a crime scene or an accident.. go ahead and give them a hard time. Tell them how it's your right to walk right up to a dead body or a smashed car.
No? Why not?
Because you understand that sometimes the police are there for a reason and you respect that. Why would this event be any different?>> ^Yogi:
>> ^Pprt:
Bunch of unemployed losers determined to get into confrontations with cops and then get what they ask for... Outrageous!

Shut the fuck up you piece of shit. You don't say the same about people throwing Tea into the Boston Harbor do you?

San Francisco Cops Shoot Man in Wheelchair

shagen454 says...

It's really humorous to me to see SFPD's undercover cops. They just don't fit in, ever. Even when these messengers of the darkside are trying to get protestors to "incite a riot" so they can tase & arrest everyone, everyone knows who you are. I know you're reading this. FUCK YOU.

The other humorous thing about them is most of the drugs in the Tenderloin (like bad, bad stuff - OCs, methadone, heroin, crack, meth) are peddled a block away from the police station and it seems like every once in a while they'll try to nab a whole bunch of people but for the most part that entire block is overlooked by the entire police department. Why is that?

Bumblebee Camaro Crash at Transformer 3 Filming in DC

Police kidnapping in Toronto

NordlichReiter says...

>> ^Bruti79:

There were three people pulled from the crowd on Sunday, due to warrants they had from Saturday. The girl in particular was wanted on Arson and endangering the public. Also plain clothes cops have special rules in TO, they have to wear an armband that says they're a cop, unless they have a special court order saying they can go undercover. You can see the arm bands galore from the queens park protests.

There methods are flawed. If you can see by the backlash against them in comments. They should not resort to these sorts of snatch and grabs. Warrants or not. Some of you will say, "Well how else would they have gotten them?"

That's easy. Everyone has to sleep.

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