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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

JiggaJonson says...

You really believe this crazy bullshit then, eh? I thought some of it was an act.


Yes of course. Of course they did. Because it's a


So when he encourages behavior that promotes spreading disease, says it'll 'magically go away', and closes the boarder with China BUT puts enough exceptions in the China travel ban that 40,000 Americans/Chinese diplomats come back to three usa

Yes. When he's saying people are immune when THAT'S JUST NOT TRUE yeah, i expect that they should complain about it.

bobknight33 said:

Democrats did dump on trump over this.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

"Facts" debunked.....

As of April 15-

3,631,189 total child COVID-19 cases reported, and children represented 13.6% (3,631,189/26,617,913) of all cases

Overall rate: 4,824 cases per 100,000 children in the population

Only 10 states reported zero child covid deaths, not 20

88,497 new child COVID-19 cases were reported the past week from 4/8/21-4/15/21 (3,542,692 to 3,631,189) and children represented 20.6% (88,497/429,727) of the new weekly cases
Over two weeks, 4/1/21-4/15/21, there was a 5% increase in the cumulated number of child COVID-19 cases (161,689 new cases (3,469,500 to 3,631,189))

Where did you get your fake statistics, you bold faced liar?

"More than three-quarters of the deaths were in children of color."

bobknight33 said:

Facts checked.

"Seventeen states and DC reported more than
500 cases per 100,000 children.."

"Mortality (44 states and NYC reported)*•Children were 0%-0.8% of all COVID-19 deaths, and 20 states reported zero child deaths"

{{ ie 100 to 99.2% of child covid cased lived}}}

"In states reporting, 0%-0.3% of all child COVID-19 cases resulted in death.."

{{ ie 100 to 99.7% of child covid cased lived}}}

Facts checked.
KIDS are ok to go to school = also all people under 70 ( unless u have some condition) should go about your business.

Were are at about 5 trillion in payouts to keep kids / people home for 0/03% death rate.

Fake news scared tooooo many people.

Where BLM co founder spends their money

newtboy says...

Such bullshit *lies @bobknight33. Nice try trying to hurt BLMs ability to generate donations with these unfounded accusations, but it's pure bullshit as usual from you and your ilk. Liars.

There's absolutely zero evidence a single dime of BLM money was used, nor is there evidence these homes were actually owned by her or her family, or even evidence they were owned at the same time. The houses described in the articles were two were small homes in South Central and Inglewood, severely depressed areas you would call ghettos, the modest family home in Topanga, not near Beverly Hills as claimed, has three bedrooms, two bathrooms, and a tiny guest "house" (shed) and sits on just over a quarter of an acre-sized lot, so not a mansion but a small family home, the fourth reported purchase was a home in rural Georgia, so not worth much.

There's actually no evidence she bought anything. Dirt’s article, which is the source that all of the stories and posts about the Topanga home purchase are based on, didn’t report that Cullors purchased the home with BLM donations. It said the home was sold “to a corporate entity that public records show is controlled” by Cullors, but didn’t name the corporation.

Besides being a public figure who is paid to speak at events, Cullors is a best selling author who last year signed a lucrative contract with Warner Brothers, so she has her own money, and filings show she was paid a total of $20000 a year by BLM until 2019 when she stopped taking a dime. There's zero evidence BLM had a thing to do with these purchases, no timeline of when they were purchased or sold, no mention of who lived there....There's nothing but supposition by dishonest people like yourself who have no problem making up hurtful lies about their enemies like 4 year old snot nosed spoiled little girls trying to make themselves feel lying little crybaby snowflake.

We don’t have enough information from the Dirt or Post story to answer questions like: Were these homes consecutively purchased, lived in and sold? Were other parties involved in the reported purchases? Were they lived in by family members? Did any of the addresses crop up due to errors in public records databases?

Such utter bullshit and *lies Bob. Another factless racist and just stupid attack against non whites who you think couldn't possibly buy a house without stealing the money for it.

Gonna leave this here, but I know Bob isn't interested in finding out how his game of radical right wing telephone started so he won't read it.

Btw, this isn't fear, isn't philosophy, is only Wtf because Wtf are you thinking posting these baseless accusations, and only fail because you once again failed to be honest. It's pure political lies by the party of lies that repeatedly make the argument that they aren't required to tell the truth about anything. Facts have a liberal bias, and truth and honesty are for liberals and have no place in your party. You're such a dishonest tool.

Edit: with Trump dividing the country and starting a failed coup with his election fraud fraud he used to bring in hundreds of millions in donations to fight against, a fight he never fought and instead put those hundreds of millions he duped you and your ilk out of into his own pockets to pay off his massive debts, including not just his failed campaign debts (that he still didn't pay for the most part) and his own private debts, it's just hilarious you would try this lie, knowing full well Trump did what you accuse Cullors of a hundred times over AFTER the election with proof he took the money, but not one scintilla against Cullors. 🤦‍♂️

More on those pesky vaccine passports among other things

StukaFox says...

You don't want a vaccine? Lovely. We will be canceling your health insurance. Since you've chosen to be a complete cunt, we've chosen not to pay for your utter cuntiness.

I work in health insurance. The three biggest contributors to the price of insurance are:
1: fraud (doctors are notorious for this)
2: general waste (upbilling; unnecessary tests that are only performed to keep the fucking ambulance-chasing lawyers from filing malpractice suits because someone got the shits from an antibiotic)
3: PREVENTABLE HEALTH ISSUES. This includes obesity, smoking, not exercising, not getting annual checkups and atrocious dietary habits as first-order issues. If not corrected, these lead to more expensive and longer term second-order issues: diabetes, heart disease, cancer, vascular disease. These issues start a feedback loop with the second-order effects cause immobility which contributes to increasing first-order effects which amplifies second-order effects -- lather, rinse, repeat.

Now add a good case of Covid to that mix. If you end up on a ventilator for two week, there's a mil-plus in hospital bills: someone has to either pay that (welcome higher insurance rates!) or the hospital has to eat it (welcome even HIGHER insurance rates!) You can bitch all you want about the cost of healthcare in America, but you're paying for every dumb, entitled asshole who spouts shit like MUH FREEDUMS!! when asked to do basic things to protect themselves and others.

tl;dr: your idiot views of what the actual fuck "freedom" is ends at my wallet. Fuck you and get your goddamn vaccine. And put down the Cheetos while you're at it.

Covid Deaths Trump Vs Biden

newtboy says...

I thought I addressed that. Travel was also open between states, and many countries with "free travel amongst nations" had no-travel/stay at home orders in place, unlike the U.S., and afaik, mandatory quarantine for all international travelers.

Again, because he eradicated the international Global Health Security and Biodefense unit, I can legitimately ascribe every single non Chinese death and most Chinese deaths to his actions directly. A pandemic on this level WAS foreseen after SARS, Ebola, and Swine Flu, it's why we created the GHSB. It's why we had a pandemic response plan that Trump completely ignored and actually denied it existed for months and months.

I also am going by facts. My facts say that at least four things Trump did against professional advice took us from prepared to minimise any pandemic to at worst a foreign epidemic to a place where months after pandemics start our leader denied any danger and made no moves to stop it.
1) Eradication of the GHSB, missed opportunity one to have zero US cases and avoid a pandemic completely.
2) Repeated early public denial of the danger while encouraging others to do the same and go about business as usual, missed opportunity two to have zero US cases, and a missed opportunity to minimize any spread if quarantining travelers (something else he failed miserably to even consider early on) failed.
3) Encouragement of those who trust him to ignore all mitigation efforts, don't mask, don't social distance, don't shut down non essential businesses, don't close schools, don't listen to medical professionals....missed opportunity number three to minimize US infections to thousands instead of hundreds of thousands. Remember the many months he said grandma would gladly die to get people back to work, pretending many months in that only feeble octogenarians get sick?
4) Denial of a prepared response plan, never following it and claiming total ignorance, missed opportunity number four to follow prepared plans based on science from day one, missing the opportunity to keep our infection rate at S Korean levels.

That's four well researched and vetted moronic, irrational, and irresponsible mistakes he personally made that multiplied our infection rate by 100- infinity times (if we could have had zero without his multiple massive and stupid mistakes, which is not just possible but likely, he can be said to have CAUSED every single US case, multiplying our infections by infinity.). There were more, but I'm beating a dead horse.
Remember, his real plan was natural herd immunity, with an expected 3-60 million deaths depending on who you asked.

I say if intelligent decisions could have avoided all US infections, and that's undeniable IMO, you can lay the blame for as high a percentage as you like on the leader who made bad dangerous decisions out of pure narcissistic ignorance and hatred of his predecessor...up to 100%. 80-90% still seems like I'm coddling him, at least two failures could have made cases zero, and others minimized it to under 10% of what we have. All four I listed almost certainly allowed >90% giving every doubt and giving him all possible yes, I'm satisfied I'm not exaggerating.

Obama's responsible and responsive planning and execution stopped Ebola from ever spreading here despite it making it to our shores, and it was FAR more contagious and deadly. Had we had Trump then doing the same things, there would be tens of millions dead and likely still spreading disease, imo.

Edit: let me try analogy...If a mayor removes the stop signs from 4 way highway intersections, they are responsible for every wreck that happens, even though other towns with stop signs still have wrecks at intersections. Trump pulled the signs, removed the flashing red light, and cut first responder funding, and claimed there never was a highway code to follow and he takes no responsibility for the jump in highway deaths.

Mordhaus said:

The EU has open borders and free travel amongst the various nations if you are a citizen of a member nation. I will agree our per capita death rate is higher, but still (based on the well researched Lancet study) you cannot lay more than about 40% of the deaths at Trump's feet. I don't deny he could have handled the pandemic much better, but it has been some time since we have had a pandemic on this level. Multiple leaders have handled it differently and time will eventually label them for the history aspect of it.

I go by the facts. Not conjecture, and not opinion. I also don't consider Birx to be even remotely a good source since she rode down the trail willy nilly with the same person you are blaming all the deaths on. I will never trust or vote for Trump again, but you cannot lay the percentage you are proposing on him solely. Just like we cannot move Biden to almighty status for his handling of the situation when he is currently running a similar death rate on par with the same time last year, WHILE having massive vaccination.

Has he made steps that have helped? Certainly and I would say he is definitely doing a better job than Trump, but by your own admission almost anyone could. The fact of the matter is, as I said last year, you cannot fight a pandemic like this without having the martial law like power China had or being in a situation to isolate yourself from outside contact.

Viral How Much Did Your Divorce Cost

newtboy says...

Try it. If she takes the kid and bolts, it's legal. Even if you manage to get a court order before she leaves state, chances are you won't get equal custody unless she's a documented certifiable nutjob. I say this because you live in a fault state which are invariably the same states backwards enough to automatically give women custody and force fathers to prove the mother is unstable and dangerous, and even then you'll share with her as primary without documented abuse.

So you've been together 20 years and share nothing. What a way to live.

Shared assets when not married aren't divided by the courts. If you want their help, gotta be married or sign an ownership contract with every purchase.

I can find no instance where I said my brother "won". He got custody, that's different from "winning". Be real. If you're going to quote me, please don't make up the quotes. Spending over $100000 on a two week marriage isn't winning by my definition.

That link is off topic. Find a study of similar jobs with similar hours worked and compare salaries, not a study that says average women work X ammount less so overall earning should be X amount less but instead it's X-1 less, so women are overpaid. That's not what their study showed, they're extrapolating there, and ignoring that the lower hours are usually not their choice, but their superiors orders to avoid paying overtime and full benefits to women. Also, they said Married men managers without kids also earn more for each hour at work: they earn $38.40 per hour while married women without kids earn only $28.70. That means that for each hour spent at their jobs, male married managers without kids earn about 34% more than women. 34% more for each hour. Did you read it? Mic drop.

See, more insulting dismissiveness...those women couldn't possibly be more competent or harder workers, they must be succeeding because of preferential treatment. In case you missed it, that's incredibly misogynistic.

What?! Prove it.....with data not an anecdote.

So....You wouldn't marry a crazy person only because of what divorce would cost. Yeah....right.

" I wouldn't even consider marrying anyone that has any adverse indicators" sounds like personal issues to me, they aren't good enough to marry....because of divorce....Again ignoring the prenup that dictates divorce splits.

Lol. Such utter bullshit. Maybe if they have an impairment and no lawyer, and can prove it in court, not because they say so.

Ashley Maddison.

Wedding rings are aphrodisiacs. It's why I don't wear one, hit on repeatedly wearing it, never once without it. My experience differs from your assumptions and statistics, same with my friends. I'm 5'9", so not tall cute and photogenic....but two out of three ain't bad.

Bob said it, you agreed with him and more.

An uncodified partnership is one of convenience or even imaginary. Nothing to stop either of you walking tomorrow if you meet your new soul mate. That's not a stable partnership. It may be exactly what you want. It seems you made up your mind that marriage=bad for men long ago, in which case you should not partake. I hope your path leads to at least half the happiness mine has.


Why This Ice Cream Business Struggles To Find Investors

newtboy says...

By definition there's no such thing as vegan ice cream. They make sorbet. Not a good start, misrepresenting the product.

I think the problem might be they want a three million investment in a company that struggles to make maybe $750 worth of product per day (no word on profit margin, might be zero) and already has huge debt, sounds like they have no distribution partners, and seems completely unprepared to expand....not necessarily due to their race. The shark tank would need >1000% of the company to invest that much.

Ghost Riders family business or newscasters explanation?

Testing Your Metal

StukaFox says...

I was riding the bus in Paris, and all the streets in Paris were designed for anorexic horses in the 17th century and fuck you for trying to fit your fat-ass 21st century car down them -- much less a huge city bus. So we're squeezing down this street and we come across a moving truck blocking the road. I, as an America, am awaiting horns, swearing and automatic weapon fire. Instead, the driver stops the bus, turns it off, hops off and goes and has a smoke. The people in the bus were being totally French about it: not a murmur of complaint.

Two years later, I was in Canada and some dude cut off a taxi at a light. Out hops the taxi driver to confront the driver of the other car. I start scanning for my exit once pop-pop-pop / muthafuckas drop gets underway. Instead of a spray of bullets, or at least an amusing fist fight, the taxi driver shakes his finger at the guy and gets back in his cab.

I live in mortal fear of getting shot on the road in America over some stupid bullshit (this actually happened to me once: some asshole in Cupertino cranked off three rounds at my car when I accidentally cut him off). It's so amazing to visit civilized countries and see people acting decent and calm to each other.

Dust in a Baggie

eric3579 says...

I ain't slept in seven days, haven't ate in three
Methamphetamine has got a damn good hold of me
My tweaker friends have got me to the point of no return
I just took the lighter to the bulb and watched it burn

This life of sin has got me in
Well it's got me back in prison once again
I used my only phone call to contact my daddy
I got twenty long years for some dust in a baggie

Well if I would have listened to my dear old mom and dad
I wouldn't be locked up in prison, troubled in the head
I took that little pop and sucked until my mind was spun
I got twenty years to sit and think of what I've done

This life of sin has got me in
Well it's got me back in prison once again
I used my only phone call to contact my daddy
I got twenty long years for some dust in a baggie

Sometimes I sit and wonder where my little life went wrong
These old jailhouse blues have got me singing this old song
My life is a disaster, Lord and I feel so ashamed
In here where they call by a number, not a name

This life of sin has got me in
Well it's got me back in prison once again
I used my only phone call to contact my daddy
I got twenty long years for some dust in a baggie
I used my only phone call to contact my daddy
I got twenty long years for some dust in a baggie

Uber driver speaks out after passenger mask confrontation

newtboy says...

Lucky bitches. They deserve to have all their teeth knocked out. All three need to be charged with assault with a deadly biological weapon during a robbery and a second assault with a weapon charge for the pepper spray.

Banned from Uber and Lyft doesn’t cut it...this is an intentional biological attack during an attempted theft and should be treated as such, meaning serious prison time and hefty fines. If they aren’t prosecuted to the fullest, I hope they get doxed and get to live with the consequences for life, starting with no more deliveries from any company including any food delivery services, ups, and fed ex, extending to no job prospects, and ending with random people pepper spraying them at random then stealing their phones before covering them with bodily fluids. Turnabout is fair play.

Better yet, intentionally give them the most virulent COVID strain and lock them in their homes with no medical treatment, it’s essentially what they tried to do to him.

How to get a contempt of court charge as a lawyer

noims says...

After a year of lockdown I've witnessed a few vidcall tantrums (and to my shame have thrown one myself), but from the outside it's interesting to see the three visible professionals hold their reactions just about in check throughout the call. Besides the main event 5 minutes in, my award goes to the judge for her expression at the very end.

I certainly hope the defending attorney calmed down quickly and apologised hard. I'm not a fan of schadenfreude, and times is tough.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

I guess you're ignorant of the fact that all three networks have said clearly and repeatedly that they have ZERO evidence of these bat shit crazy, false, stupid, verifiably wrong claims by Trump and his sycophants.
They've retracted their claims, but too late, and won't have these Trumptards on anymore because they have to spend the entire segment stopping them from speaking and talking over them with disclaimers stating they have no evidence at all to verify these claims.
We all await discovery, because this time NOT having proof, like every other case tossed out for lack of proof, will mean they're guilty.

You're right, there's still a .00000000001% chance Rudy is right and everyone else in the world is wrong....but it's more likely solid gold monkeys will fly out of people's assets and save the economy from the Trumpandemic economy.

Wait for the reply!? You've gotten the was a retraction by everyone but Rudy and Trump.

LMFAHS. Bob, you haven't made a claim in 5 years that wasn't a lie. Truth from the right is in extremely short supply, but you have a massive glut of lies. That happens when you follow a consummate and constant liar blindly. Well over 30000 lies from the oval office in one term is not just a record, it's a record by a factor of 100 or more.
He's the best at lying (which doesn't indicate his lies are good or believable, just that he's prolific), the best at crime (again, not the most successful, but more convictions than any three administrations combined), best at swamp cultivation (pardons for sale, ndas for all ex employees, loyalty tests, pardons for anyone who went to prison for him, totally allowed his cabinet members to be lobbyists for industries they regulated after swearing they couldn't ever, pardons for those who lied to the FBI, congress, courts, irs, charities...and he lied to all of them too.....and to you, daily.)

Thanks for the laugh. You're a good clown, Bob. Maybe take it up as a career.

bobknight33 said:

Nothing says intimidation like 2.7 Billion.
This will bring discovery.

Each side gets a say.Just because 1 bring a suit doesn't necessarily mean it 100%true.
It could include a PR wording, intimation wording. The other side gets a say. Lets wait for the reply.

Lies are from the left also in great supply.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Oh, and BTW, you did say that, liar.

Bobknight33 said: Looks like you are searching via google who have washed all evidence.

“Washed all evidence “ doesn’t mean “I can’t find it on page one of a poorly worded search query.”, it means they washed all evidence, erased it so there’s no trace.

Funny, when I searched for it I found pages upon pages of information, including the original debunked and retracted claims, multiple articles describing what they claimed and what “evidence” they produced to back up those claims, and what that evidence actually showed. What you can’t find are the original claims without that debunking factual information because the liars who posted them retracted the posts when their “proof” came to light....proof like known and identified Trumptards taking pictures with capitol police somehow proving ANTIFA coordinated and led the treasonous and terroristic attack against the USA, all evidence to the contrary be damned.

What is it about dishonest stupidity that attracts you so much? 99% of the nonsense you spout can be debunked with a single three word search, 95% doesn’t even need that, just a brain to consider what’s being this one where you claim ANTIFA agents, not Trump, not the trumptards that posted in December on their blogs and Reddit boards their plans to take over Congress by force, kill representatives, and stop the government from changing hands, instigated the attack on democracy by convincing thousands of otherwise peaceful law abiding Trumpists (that just happened to be well armed with everything from pepper spray to bombs and molotovs on Federal property, but obviously planned on being peaceful and law abiding) to follow their most hated enemies, ANTIFA, who are telling them to hold a coup for THEIR most hated enemy, Trump, and install him as king.

Can you even follow along enough to see how bat shit insane that accusation is?

bobknight33 said:

I didn't say that.

The can bury down to the 10 or so page.
IF you not on first few you basically dont exits.

Russian helicopter accidentally fires on reporters

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