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Let's talk about Hannity not believing it for a second....

newtboy says...

It’s far from just letting others say it with no contradiction for months, it was the same hosts themselves saying the election was stolen that now admit they never believed the big lie, so could never have believed Dominion orchestrated it.

The great part is this essentially makes the case for Dominion, because part of winning their case involves proving malice, and saying these horrible lies day after day when you know they aren’t true, inviting the same conspiracy mongers on day after day to sell the same ever more convoluted lies for months, knowing what they say is nonsense and nodding along and agreeing knowing you are not only ruining a multi billion dollar business with lies but also putting its employee’s lives at risk from your viewers, all because the machines functioned properly and didn’t give the election outcome you wanted is pretty much the definition of malice.
Dominion deserves every penny of the $1.6 billion they request for actual damages then triple it for punitive damages.

The Untold History of Disco

eric3579 says...

I’ve been working on this video for months and, unfortunately, in the past week, events in the U.S. have proved just why it’s so important to tell these stories. Every day, it’s becoming more dangerous to be a queer person in this world despite the fact that our modern culture is fundamentally shaped by the queer trailblazers in the past. -Polyphonic

Chasing Cheese Down A Hill Is Dangerous

would you like a little rage with your coffee?

Fairbs says...

she says it's these people (modern day tories evidently) that have made things so bad, but she fails to say what is so bad and what the 'tories' have done that got us here; personally I think she's border line bat shit crazy and possibly close to snapping like the guy that mowed people down she's OK with

Pig vs Cookie

Mordhaus says...

Sure I can, I have two hands.

On a serious note, we are the most rational species that we know of to date. That will most likely change when we discover extra-solar lifeforms, but for now it is true. On the other hand, we are all slaves to our instincts and emotions. Some more than others, we tend to call these people addicts or emotionally unstable. But even if you are a so-called average person, you are going to struggle against these feelings every day.

I personally struggle with many issues, but I've made a personal choice to not struggle with what my body has been hard-coded to prefer as a food source. We are omnivores, plain and simple, and while some prefer to fight that, I prefer to accept it. I know that every day I live, something will have had to die or have lived on a farm as a production animal, for me to enjoy my food decisions. I do my best to make sure that the animals were compassionately treated and humanely slaughtered, the rest I choose to live with.

eoe said:

You can't simultaneously pat your species on the back for being the most rational amazing species in the universe and also say you're a slave to your emotions and instincts.

Decide on one or the other.

Service dog alerts to self harm (Aspergers)

Reefie says...

Depression and self-harm are not part of the autistic spectrum; they are consequential symptoms that result from the reality of having to live in a world that is not tolerant of people who are "wired differently".

If you spent your entire life feeling that you were messed up compared to everyone else and confused as to why other people didn't understand you then you'd be depressed and hate yourself too. I know this only too well - I live with these symptoms every day. I don't harm myself any more but the desire to punish myself because my self-esteem is non-existent is still very much there.

I understand your concern that autism is becoming some sort of designer diagnosis, but the reality is that most people can relate to one of the many facets of autism and can feel empathy towards those who experience many of the facets. Therefore it is easy for people to feel that they have a touch of autism, and in reality they just might. It's not that uncommon.

It is more than just a condition to be misunderstood.

ulysses1904 said:

Understood. And it is upsetting to watch and comforting to see the dog's reaction. But on the other hand this is the first I'm reading that self-abuse, depressive episodes and panic attacks are now included in Aspergers, so I question the accuracy of the video's title. Or else I have been skimming the subject all this time, which is entirely possible.

I always read about it being socially inept, not being able to interpret facial reactions and body language of others, retaining reams of trivial data in memory (serial numbers, license plates), sitting awkwardly, being committed to certain routines, in general being smart and odd, etc.

People seem to cherry pick some aspect and now they have a "touch" of Aspergers, or they are now an "Aspie" just like their favorite character on "Big Bang Theory".

Cops doing good deeds

newtboy says...

While the 'bad cops' may not represent Lantern, he certainly has tried to represent them here.

Enoch, Mordhaus, Artician, and Lucky pretty much covered everything else, except the idea that, if this video is intended to prove that there are MORE good cops out there than bad cops, Lantern should produce one of these videos every day for the next 6 months to even be in the same league, and even then I would point out that the 180 nice deeds will not erase or excuse one murder or abuse.

EDIT: It looks like GenjiKilpatrick was right, eh?

enoch said:

we realize that these bad cops do not represent you lantern,so do not feel the urge to defend every single cop video.

TYT Republicans destroy and have no solutions

RFlagg says...

I think the Democratic voters failed to turn out for a few reasons. All the media made it seem like it was going to be a Republican win, even the "liberal media" was portraying it that way. This led to a defeatist "what can I do?" mentality. Another is that Democrats failed to really push a couple key issues, namely raising the minimum wage and equal pay for equal work. Heck, even just saying that minimum wage will be tied to inflation and go up with inflation each yet, even if it isn't fully adjusted to where it would be now, would have been a big step forward. They shied away from those, just like when they passed Obamacare they shied away from single payer or the government option that was promised and instead gave us an old Republican plan under the assumption Republicans would be glad the Democrats caved in and accepted a Republican idea.

The Democrats failed to deliver largely because Republican obstructionism. This isn't to absolve them of their failure during the two years they could have really moved forward with a true progressive agenda.

Fox News and the pulpit have the Republican voter base convinced to vote Republican, that Obama is singlehandedly destroying America (I'm surrounded by these people every day, I have to unfortunately live with them, I used to be a right wing, Christian Republican myself, then became a right wing Christian Libertarian before I actually started applying real critical thought to the economic impact of the policies as society stands now and became more Liberal). The pulpit has convinced these people that it doesn't matter Jesus said to help the needy and the poor, to heal the sick, and basically everything 100% opposite of the beliefs of the Republican party, to vote Republican anyhow, and it to be the Christian vote. They deny being Christian Reconstructionist while being clearly Reconstructionist. They say things like "if you actually think about it critically, CO2 is good for plants, so their argument is silly" and they accept it, because plants absorb CO2 they think that CO2 emissions can't be as bad as the environmentalist say it is, after all, greenhouses pump CO2 into them to make plants grow better. Again I was guilty of repeating that sort of non-sense. Then it occurred to me there are no walls around plants in the wild, there is no ceiling to help keep CO2 near where plants are, and the fact that very little of the Earth is filled with green (let alone the fact most plants are doing as much CO2 exchange as they can already).... that most of the Earth is blue... that yes the ocean absorbs CO2, but in doing to warms it and that drives massive changes including storms in of itself and learned the real consequences of CO2 emissions.

As Ralph Nader recently pointed out ( the Democrats can't just blame Citizens United or attempts by Republicans to try and limit voting among the poor, they have to take a look at the fact they didn't push the issues that most Americans stand behind but didn't push.

I like the idea of moving elections to the weekend. That probably would help more than some calls of late to make it a Federal Holiday. Most places don't close on Federal Holiday's anyhow, so that won't really help as much as moving it to a weekend... of course one could also argue that people might not want to take time out of their weekends to vote.

Seat belt violatiation ends w/ Police Smash Window and Taser

newtboy says...

It's getting to the point where there's MORE than one of these videos per day. It's even worse when you consider most of them seem to involve 'people of color', apparently targeted for their skin color. Have the police suddenly become a wing of the KKK? If not, what the hell is going on? It can't ALL be because there's more cameras today (one excuse I've heard), that's been the case for a while now and is not a sudden change, but this rash of violent cop videos is.

The history of tattoos - Addison Anderson

Israeli crowd cheers with joy as missile hits Gaza on CNN

shveddy says...

There is no doubt that these people are disgusting, but thankfully they are also rare. Every society has their fringe crazies - the US has Westboro Baptist Church, for instance - and they generally get way more attention than they deserve by being controversial.

This isn't to say that there isn't a problem with Israeli society's attitude toward the Palestinians, it's just to say that I think it is a problem that is far more subtle and widespread. Focusing so much attention on a small percentage of religious fanatics can be important because it does represent a movement and ideology that is problematic, but it has very little direct relevance to the current conflict.

The real problem, in my opinion, is a unique mixture of nationalism and a lopsided insulation from the reality of the conflict that is very common in Israeli society.

Israeli society is uniquely coherent in a particular way that stems from the relatively homogenous cultural identity facilitated by Judaism, and this coherence is also strengthened by the fact that Israeli society was built in the face of and as a direct result of considerable adversity. I think that this does allow for a sort of groupthink that inhibits Israel's ability to treat the Palestinians in a humane manner, but the effect manifests itself through society as a sort of cultural blindness and it manifests through the political process as hawkish policy.

(Also, whether or not you think they had the right to build that society in the first place is beside the point right now, I'm only talking about the existence of the unifying influence of adversity, and the effect it has on policy and the national psyche)

The other component of it is the simple fact that Israelis are extremely insulated from the realities of the Palestinian sufferings.

Even in the heat of a conflict like this, Israelis can pretty much go about their lives unimpeded. It is true that the rocket attacks are disruptive and that there is on a whole an unacceptably high level of danger from external attacks, but Israelis have leveraged a security apparatus that minimizes these realities in day to day life to an astounding degree, all things considered, and this fact is a double edge sword that creates a perfect breeding ground for indifference.

One side of the sword is that these measures are extremely effective at improving the lives of Israelis in the short term. However the other side of the sword is that it obviously makes these measures popular and politically successful. Furthermore, with all the calm and prosperity, it is very easy to forget about the abysmal conditions being imposed on 1.8 million people just thirty kilometers or so from your doorstep. The only time they really have to deal with the issue is when there is an inevitable flareup of violence at which point, naturally, people tend to be less empathetic. The rest of the time, during the lulls, the prospect of empathy is just placed on the back burner.

These are the tendencies that need to be addressed.

However calling Israel the 4th Reich and placing so much focus on youtube videos that give Israel's religious fanatics undue prominence is just as useless and destructive as all the Israelis and Israel sympathizers who insist on viewing Palestinian society as an unchanging, violent monolith that is accurately represented by its extremist elements.

The fact of the matter is that there are significant movements within Israeli society that are in fact attempting to change these trends. The same is true of Palestinian society, however it is more difficult for those movements because of the repressions imposed by Hamas, culture and environment.

If there is to be any hope in this situation, Israel's role as the dominant, occupying force means that they have the first move. They will have to shift from focusing on isolation and self-preservation to one of empathy to the average Palestinian, an empathy that is so strong that they must be willing to take considerable personal risks and let up their stranglehold on Palestinian society and allow them to prosper.

Because only then will the environment be in any way conducive for Palestinians to take considerable personal risks and defy the status quo en masse. Only then will the false succor of violent religious extremism loose its appeal.

Until that happens, we'll the cycle seems to return to square one every two or three years and I expect to have this discussion again sometime around 2017.

Unfortunately, it is going to be a hard and unlikely road because it takes a lot of empathy and effort to rise up and take huge risks during the times of quiet when prosperity and security easily distract from the continuing plight of the Palestinians. These aren't common traits. Humans are a very tribal species and we're not good at this kind of stuff when it concerns someone different who you don't have to interact with. This challenge is hardly unique to the Jews.

VideoSift isn't iPhone friendly (Sift Talk Post)

Freddie Mercury Last Moments In Color

mintbbb says...

The music video 'These Are The Days Of Our Lives' is shot in B&W.. ( and that's his last video. So, in here he's seen in color during the interviews and outtakes etc.

I think also 'I'm going slightly mad' ( is in B&W. Probably because he was getting thin and sick looking

Hipnotic said:

Freddie was awesome, but I don't get the "in color" part.
He died 1991, when color film was readily available.
Color film of when he was born in Zanzibar in 1946 may have been rare, but what am I missing?

Fletch (Member Profile)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

So yeah, I asked both of you to stop this nicely yesterday. I note that you personally haven't stopped. I thought I was pretty clear. I'm suspending our account for two weeks.
In reply to this comment by Fletch:
In reply to this comment by UsesProzac:
There's no evidence for your accusations, @<a rel="nofollow" href="" title="member since August 9th, 2006" class="profilelink"><strong style="color:#FF4500">Fletch, whereas evidence of your asshattery is available for all to see. Don't be a douche. I consider that to be way more pitiable than sifting videos.

Don't contact me on my profile again.
In reply to this comment by Fletch:
In reply to this comment by UsesProzac:
Wow, you are a complete ass. Noted.

>> ^Fletch:

>> ^pumkinandstorm:
I use reddit as well as probably 50 other sources to look for videos. I go through all these sites every day and spend hours looking for suitable videos.

Sorry, but that's just fucking sad.

Wow, you are a complete ADD-addled, shallow ignoramous. Noted.

I'm sorry, but demands for cessation of profile comments "must NOT include provocative comments, insults, name-calling, the putting on of airs, inane blather, witless repartee, or any other content that displays the cowardice and/or dementia of demander when considered in whole with said demand". It's called the "IssyKitty Clause", and has been in effect since 2009. I think @lucky760 is still working on a IKC2009 FAQ, but you can trust me for now.

Now that you know the law, and your improper demand notwithstanding, I would be happy to stop posting to your profile. However, I would still like to invite you to post to my profile whenever you please. You are always good for a chuckle. Just keep in mind that any comment WILL be answered unless it contains ONLY the following (IAW IKC2009)... "Stop commenting on my fucking profile!".

Fletch (Member Profile)

Fletch says...

>> ^UsesProzac:

There's no evidence for your accusations, @Fletch, whereas evidence of your asshattery is available for all to see. Don't be a douche. I consider that to be way more pitiable than sifting videos.
Don't contact me on my profile again.
In reply to this comment by Fletch:
In reply to this comment by UsesProzac:
Wow, you are a complete ass. Noted.
>> ^Fletch:
>> ^pumkinandstorm:
I use reddit as well as probably 50 other sources to look for videos. I go through all these sites every day and spend hours looking for suitable videos.

Sorry, but that's just fucking sad.

Wow, you are a complete ADD-addled, shallow ignoramous. Noted.

I'm sorry, but demands for cessation of profile comments "must NOT include provocative comments, insults, name-calling, the putting on of airs, inane blather, witless repartee, or any other content that displays the cowardice and/or dementia of demander when considered in whole with said demand". It's called the "IssyKitty Clause", and has been in effect since 2009. I think @lucky760 is still working on a IKC2009 FAQ, but you can trust me for now.

Now that you know the law, and your improper demand notwithstanding, I would be happy to stop posting to your profile. However, I would still like to invite you to post to my profile whenever you please. You are always good for a chuckle. Just keep in mind that any comment WILL be answered unless it contains ONLY the following (IAW IKC2009)... "Stop commenting on my fucking profile!".

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