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The Ad Trump has Threatened TV Stations Over

StukaFox says...

Aww! Is Donald J. Hoover, the guy who's killed more Americans than al Qaeda and ISIS combined, going to soil his ruffled panties because the painful truth of his statements is being thrown back in his puffy, orange face?

That shit ain't nothing compared to what's coming if he decides to murder millions of Americans to save his Wall St. buddies come Easter.

How Ancient Palestinian Soap Is Made

WmGn says...

nice, but also somewhat painful to see them using manual labour: how much better could they do, using more modern techniques to make the same soap?

Dave Chappelle on Fear Factor

Stay In School, Kids...

newtboy says...

Only delusional cultists would say they failed to prove his motive was personal and against the national interest. Deal with it.
His "transcript", a heavily edited summary that put the best possible spin on his call proved it handily by itself, and not one word, action, or piece of evidence contradicts that conclusion.
His defence was "as president, I'm essentially king and can do no wrong, and everything is permitted. My party is in control and are too scared of me to convict." So much for faithfully preserving, protecting and defending the constitution, he can't even read one sentence from it, said it was a foreign language. (That's fact, not opinion, btw) It's obvious he has no idea whatever it says.
There was no amount of indisputable proof that would have convinced the cowardly sycophantic"republicans" to turn on Trump, they ignored all evidence provided and refused to look at any, much less investigate because they know he now owns what's left of their party and therefore their futures, and they also know the slightest step out of line makes them his target, which means losing their job, power, and family's safety because his cultists include thousands of potential domestic terrorists just itching for him to set their target.
Edit:"The strength and power of despotism consists wholly in the fear of resistance." Thomas Paine

Edit: my theory is they reserved the dozen indisputable criminal acts they can prove until the Democrats run the Senate next year just in case he wins by hook or crook, knowing there is nothing, including cold blooded public murder, that the Republicans would convict him of.

Jesusismypilot said:

That's a lot of TDS in one post. I wish there was video to go with the frothy typing.

It was a big show that hinged on one exceptionally weak plank... motive. Dems failed to prove the motive of President Trump's quid pro quo was to meddle with the 2020 election. The Dem running of the impeachment was as poor as their running of the Iowa caucus. Deal with it.

Please Don't Watch The Goop Lab

God damnit Chug.

newtboy says...

Just pointing out that your stated plan, abandoning all dairy for stuff like almond milk, leads to a water shortage disaster without halting cattle death one whit. It would actually cause exponentially more animal deaths, most by thirst, a far more brutal and painful death than veal get....but you didn't think it through, did you?

There's no question that I enjoy eating meats of many kinds, I've never once hidden or denied that...I would eat long pig if people didn't spoil that meat. That said, I don't eat veal.

....and you say I make everything an argument?! You're style is why people hate vegans. You personally insult them, then whine and get pissy if they contradict your falsehoods and poorly thought out "solutions".

Besides...I thought you quit me. What gives? Enthralled by my swinging cod? Sorry, it's spoken for, and it's too beefy for your taste. ;-)

Edit : btw, the meat industry "hiding" it's methods isn't about the horrific violence at all, it's about hiding the violations of regulations that delineate how they are to be raised, killed, and which can't be used at all. Many smaller producers don't agree with that, they want to be seen doing it right, it's industrial meat production you're complaining about, not all production as you want to claim.

HerbWatson said:

Killing baby cows and pretending like your doing for the good of saving water LOL

At least the other guy has the balls to admit he likes eating them.


BSR says...

A restraint technique used by special forces in WWII.

“After a while in this position, 10 to 15 minutes, you start getting cramps in your legs, which becomes unbearable. The natural reaction is to let go of your hands to relieve the pain, which forces you to fall backwards. This unnatural position places pressure on your rib-cage, and your breathing is restricted. Eventually, you pass out, and your lungs may collapse if you are not pulled out…

Caution. - To release your prisoner: Two persons are necessary, one on either side. Take hold of his legs and lift him up the tree; then unlock his legs.”

Countertop cat defense done right

BSR says...

How were they able to lay the sticky side of the tape upwards on the counter? Oil on a fingertip or something? Seems it could be painful removing the tape from the cat, especially the whiskers.

What role did the foil play? So many questions.

High school teen's elaborate prom proposal

Cecil the sheep is quite the jerk

moonsammy says...

Well, to be faaaair, the cameraman also seemed a bit amused about it, in spite of the pain.

bremnet said:

And there it is, the undying stereotype - for decades, perhaps centuries, even in these modern times of equality and respect for all, when a fella takes one in the junk, girls giggle while he collapses to the ground.

Uma Thurman's Car Crash on set of "Kill Bill"

eric3579 says...

From NYT article

In the famous scene where she’s driving the blue convertible to kill Bill — the same one she put on Instagram on Thanksgiving — she was asked to do the driving herself.

But she had been led to believe by a teamster, she says, that the car, which had been reconfigured from a stick shift to an automatic, might not be working that well.

She says she insisted that she didn’t feel comfortable operating the car and would prefer a stunt person to do it. Producers say they do not recall her objecting.

“Quentin came in my trailer and didn’t like to hear no, like any director,” she says. “He was furious because I’d cost them a lot of time. But I was scared. He said: ‘I promise you the car is fine. It’s a straight piece of road.’” He persuaded her to do it, and instructed: “ ‘Hit 40 miles per hour or your hair won’t blow the right way and I’ll make you do it again.’ But that was a deathbox that I was in. The seat wasn’t screwed down properly. It was a sand road and it was not a straight road.” (Tarantino did not respond to requests for comment.)

Thurman then shows me the footage that she says has taken her 15 years to get. “Solving my own Nancy Drew mystery,” she says.

It’s from the point of view of a camera mounted to the back of the Karmann Ghia. It’s frightening to watch Thurman wrestle with the car, as it drifts off the road and smashes into a palm tree, her contorted torso heaving helplessly until crew members appear in the frame to pull her out of the wreckage. Tarantino leans in and Thurman flashes a relieved smile when she realizes that she can briefly stand.

Uma Thurman said she didn't want to drive this car. She said she had been warned that there were issues with it. She felt she had to do it anyway. It took her some 15 years to get footage of the crash. (Note: There is no audio.)
“The steering wheel was at my belly and my legs were jammed under me,” she says. “I felt this searing pain and thought, ‘Oh my God, I’m never going to walk again,’” she says. “When I came back from the hospital in a neck brace with my knees damaged and a large massive egg on my head and a concussion, I wanted to see the car and I was very upset. Quentin and I had an enormous fight, and I accused him of trying to kill me. And he was very angry at that, I guess understandably, because he didn’t feel he had tried to kill me.”

Even though their marriage was spiraling apart, Hawke immediately left the Abbey of Gethsemani in Kentucky to fly to his wife’s side.

“I approached Quentin in very serious terms and told him that he had let Uma down as a director and as a friend,” he told me. He said he told Tarantino, “Hey, man, she is a great actress, not a stunt driver, and you know that.” Hawke added that the director “was very upset with himself and asked for my forgiveness.”

Two weeks after the crash, after trying to see the car and footage of the incident, she had her lawyer send a letter to Miramax, summarizing the event and reserving the right to sue.

Miramax offered to show her the footage if she signed a document “releasing them of any consequences of my future pain and suffering,” she says. She didn’t.

Antifa Surrounds Man & Daughter During Portland

newtboy says...

Oh. I see now. This is Andy Gno trying the same thing he couldn't sell on his own, but this time putting "children" in danger to try to sell his lies.
Footage of Gno planning the violence to provoke a response they could film at the rally where he claimed to have been attacked has surfaced, so he had to produce another video to sell his fake narrative....this time the morons brought their kids (edit: turns out she's 24 and a well known provocateur, not a little girl, just a small woman they tried to play off as a young girl) to their attempted riot and armed them with pepper spray, only to abandon them when the inevitable shit hit the fan.

Andy Gno is not one bit credible, he's been repeatedly caught making up his stories and lying about facts, @bobknight33, just like 99.9% of your sources of misinformation.

Also note, your heroes here, Bianca and John Turano (alt right violent activists who posted their hope Bianca would be beaten before the event), are trying (and weakly failing) to smash random business windows as they who are the thugs?

Funny enough, video of the pair angrily accusing 5 year old girls of being terrorists because they're Muslims has surfaced, so in reality they , two adults, are the ones who attacked children that day.

Not worth channel reassignment, but this isn't news, education, or learning. It's debunked propaganda from a disgraced fraudster, miseducation, and as usual you bought it hook line and sinker and tried to resell it.

Sad you feel compelled to continuously spread obvious lies. Reality must be incredibly painful and frightening for you.

Ayden loves flags

BSR says...

If people didn't project their pain onto others, how could you ever hear their cry for help?

A baby can't tell you what is wrong. It can only cry. But you can make some good guesses as to what the problem may be. Grown ups just cry differently.


BTW, if you want to calm a crying baby, try a gun.

bareboards2 said:

At some point, though, it is up to us to work through our pain and stop projecting it out onto others.

Isn't it? Our personal responsibility? That is a core moral value of mine. Personal responsibility.

Ayden loves flags

bareboards2 says...

We all have wounds. I was certainly pissed off about mine for a very long time. Took me decades to process. I do have sympathy and empathy.

At some point, though, it is up to us to work through our pain and stop projecting it out onto others.

Isn't it? Our personal responsibility? That is a core moral value of mine. Personal responsibility.

BSR said:

Sounds like resentment to me. Dad was probably unemployed for whatever reason and now he has to make him responsible for not getting Legos for his birthday. It colors his whole world. Makes him the man he is now.

Never tell a rich plane buyer that the plane can't stall

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